[ US /əˈbɔɹt/ ]
[ UK /ɐbˈɔːt/ ]
  1. terminate before completion
    abort the mission
    abort the process running on my computer
  2. terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion
  3. cease development, die, and be aborted
    an aborting fetus
  1. the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed
    he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area
    I wasted a year of my life working on an abort

How To Use abort In A Sentence

  • If the mother is allowed to refuse a kidney donation that would keep her child alive once the child is born, why should she be preluded from having an abortion if she wants one in order to save one of her kidneys? The Volokh Conspiracy » “Should a Parent Be Required To Donate a Kidney to a Child Who Needs a Life-Saving Transplant?”
  • Recently the firm has been connected with more abortive bids than successes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
  • What is called effluxion is a destruction of the embryo within the first week, while abortion occurs up to the fortieth day; and the greater number of such embryos as perish do so within the space of these forty days. The History of Animals
  • This bill targets the very same services that are working to reduce abortion and unplanned pregnancy rates.
  • Risky - and often fatal - backstreet abortions continue to be the only alternative for some.
  • When they start in on showing you a parade of verses so vague that they could mean anything, point out that the word "abortion" does not occur anywhere in that verse and ask them to show you something clearer, a specific reference to abortion or a single use of the word anyplace in the book. Main RSS Feed
  • Threatened abortion The term threatened abortion is used  when a pregnancy is complicated by vaginal bleeding before the 20th week. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I was addressing the issue of whether his deathbed activities that I read about could meaningfully be described as signs of repentance for his proabortion rights stance. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • A poll of 700 female registered voters found that 56% favor full abortion rights.
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