How To Use Aboriginal In A Sentence

  • The witchetty grub, for the aboriginal people that depended on them, was a very important thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditional value of the blades was clearly recognized by their Aboriginal ‘collectors’, who sought to exploit it by hafting a resin handle in the traditional way.
  • In recent decades, Taiwan's aboriginals have endured neglect and discrimination.
  • I mean, here's a skull that shows the Ainu, the Japanese aboriginal race, were in America nine thousand years ago. AMERICAN GODS
  • Fairweather painted mainly in earth colours used by the artists of South-East Asia and the Pacific and he was one of the first artists to assimilate aboriginal art into his own work.
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  • The other illuminati are equally insignificant from a social point of view: Mary Hare, an elderly spinster; Ruth Godbold, a poor and hard-working housewife; and Alf Dubbo, a part-Aboriginal painter. Patrick White - Existential Explorer
  • Have Aboriginal people changed, or is the problem systemic?
  • Aboriginal society had mechanisms, even though unformulated and largely unconscious to its practitioners, of dealing with religious flexibility.
  • Practical reconciliation has become the accepted Aboriginal policy.
  • There is no use in seeing the parlous situation of the Aboriginal community as requiring increased funding. We first have to unshackle ourselves from much of the confusion that prevails.
  • Scientists testing old occupation sites by thermoluminescence have suggested an Aboriginal presence of up to 60000 years.
  • The aboriginal legend is that a brolga had been promised in marriage by her parents to a pelican. JOURNAL 22 AUGUST 1998
  • The Wardandi Dreaming Dancers are bringing back traditional dance culture and inviting other Aboriginal dance groups to join them in corroborees in their tribal lands, which take place in the Margaret River Region in WA's south-west.
  • With expertise in anthropology and Aboriginal arts, Chen's specialties and dedication in these fields have gained him numerous honors and awards.
  • It has been eradicated in most parts of the world, but is still occurring in Australian Aboriginal communities.
  • Most properties are eligible, including Aboriginal town camps, schools, local parks, roadsides, cemeteries, defence properties and golf links.
  • The last Aboriginal painting that I scanned is by Fred Nganganharrilil. March 2008
  • A map assists visitors to find their own "path of rediscovery" by discovering the Aboriginal land on which they live.
  • Language CD-ROMs, which combine photographs, sounds, literal definitions and phonetic explanations, can contribute to restoring, sustaining and promoting of Aboriginal languages.
  • In what follows, I explore the ambivalent nature of cannibalistic images in the Pitjantjatjara and other Australian Aboriginal life-worlds in light of its significance for the psychogenesis of the self.
  • A great stride forward was made in recognising Aboriginal dreaming tracks, marking the journey of spiritual ancestors in central Australia.
  • In a historiographical context, the emphasis on Aboriginal agency has been critical to establishing a post-colonial conception of Australian history.
  • The Aboriginal rebellion is as tragic as life aboard the Sincerity is hilarious.
  • Sher raised the example of some Aboriginal communities in the Maritimes who have a high rate of depression and a dependancy on solvents, but nobody would advocate euthanasia, nor should they. 2009 January : Law is Cool
  • Their names are engraved in plaques on this monument, as are the names of our Aboriginal men who paid the supreme sacrifice during the Second World War.
  • And the following day Cobblers Cove is filled from end to end with tanned Sydneysiders, wearing as few clothes as the Aboriginals when Captain Cook first sailed in.
  • Elsewhere in his oeuvre, Aboriginal dot patterns, Islamic arabesques and Chinese fire motifs lend a mystical, ancient aspect to his art.
  • Before the wolves can get him, however, he is rescued by a wise old shepherd and brought up as a helot, one of the aboriginal population the Spartans have enslaved.
  • On the way, they are helped by an aboriginal boy on his walkabout.
  • The federal government spent $356,741 to host a one-day aboriginal summit that was dismissed by some critics as a redundant gabfest.
  • While some said Aboriginal youth were greatly over-represented considering the percentage of Aboriginal people in the general population, they found it hard to believe their involvement could be anywhere near 90 per cent.
  • Neither of the political parties contending for office at the forthcoming election has made the changes in thinking that are necessary for Aboriginal people to turn around our social disaster.
  • On the Black Snake trail, there were eucalyptus trees everywhere, but also a couple of famous trees, called bunya pines, that drop cones every three years, something that used to be the occasion for celebrations by Aboriginal peoples.
  • In North America alone, there are many aboriginal cultures that no longer know a word of their original languages.
  • I can begin to engage with this metaphysics most efficiently through a consideration of Australian Aboriginal totemism.
  • In the worst cases, it left legacies of personal pain and distress that continue to reverberate in Aboriginal communities to this day.
  • Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in this country, particularly among the Aboriginal population.
  • Many narratives have also been written in more conventional language and forms by Aboriginal authors.
  • The feats of the Aboriginal trackers are the stuff of legend here in the Territory with numerous tales of wrong-doers being collared after being trailed through miles of featureless country.
  • This destabilises the popular notion that the Aboriginal relation to place through totemism and myth is timeless, and it is probably the case that a historicised Aboriginality is harder to negotiate through the land claim process.
  • The film approaches the Aboriginal experience in the same way that American 'hood movies approach the marginalization of black youth.
  • The main exception to this has been the relationship between the dominant French-English state and aboriginal peoples.
  • Acknowledging prior custodianship of the land is important to Aboriginal people because it tells the truth about our history and allows future initiatives to develop based on truth.
  • When it comes to finding such Australian sweetmeats as witchetty grubs and honey pot ants, Aboriginal women are masters at divining underground hideouts.
  • To be regarded by the dominant society of Australia 1965 as being a "boong", "coon" or "Abo" was a passport to discrimination, prejudice and poverty, and many light-skinned Aboriginal people opted to assume a non-Aboriginal identity Indian, afghan, Maori, etc to escape the extreme difficulty of life as an Aboriginal person. Archive 2005-04-01
  • America had become an English-speaking colony, settled by emigrants from the Old Country who had largely supplanted its aboriginal population.
  • There are indeed cases of leaders of aboriginal groups offering to pay yasak.
  • However, I believe what this government is attempting to do is get a political mandate to further marginalise our aboriginal interests.
  • The total approximate "Amerindian" or aboriginal population of the New World at the present day is 16,000,000, of whom about Pioneers in Canada
  • The detailed recounting of the outrageous cultural and physical destruction of Aboriginal societies in the process of white settlement disturbs a good many Australians.
  • Some linguists predict that if nothing is done, almost all Aboriginal languages will be dead within the next decade.
  • Peter Pond, in 1778, the first western visitor to spot the junction of the Clearwater and Athabasca Rivers, noted deposits of heavy tar used by aboriginals for waterproofing their canoes.
  • At nightfall they got to within forty yards of the Aboriginal camp before the dogs detected them.
  • Aboriginal trackers lead the police to the boy, who had stayed behind in town despite the departure of the funfair.
  • Aboriginal cultures also valued fine oratory and the languages were, and are, often poetic, inventive and witty.
  • One of the key attractions for many international visitors is the romance and mystique attached to Aboriginal culture, dreamtimes and walkabouts, learning a little more about the oldest civilization in the world.
  • There are seven distinct aboriginal languages, which are grouped into three language families.
  • There is a heavy use of earthly colours of tree-bark brown and earth red in Aboriginal art as the Aborigines are deeply influenced by nature.
  • The horns are akin to the didgeridoos of the Australian aboriginals and are referred to generically in the Central African Republic as ongo.
  • Another proud first for Lismore this year was the raising of the Aboriginal flag beside the Australian flag
  • Aboriginal people were emancipated in the 1960s.
  • Traditionally, Aboriginal women carried and cared for their babies in a Coolamon.
  • Her paintings and drawings offer a glimpse into the world view of an Aboriginal Australian who has emerged with a positive vision of the future for all people.
  • Learning to speak an extinct indigenous language should be an enormous benefit to Aboriginal kids in getting a job in twenty-first century Australia.
  • No one ever said that coming to terms with what white Australia did to Aboriginals would be easy.
  • There is nothing to warrant the supposition that the Bahamas ever had more than a very sparse aboriginal population.
  • Yet even as aboriginal prosperity decreased over the 1640s, the company managed to retain aborigines 'cooperation. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • [126] It was formerly suggested that the fact of the Mahars being the chief worshippers at the shrines of Sheikh Farid indicated that the places themselves had been previously held sacred, and had been annexed by the Muhammadan priests; and the legend of the giant, who might represent the demonolatry of the aboriginal faith, being slain by the saint might be a parable, so to say, expressing this process. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • The amount of money being quibbled over is not nearly enough to launch a serious effort to save our Aboriginal languages.
  • We could then be clear whether the ‘aboriginal’ British are the Picts, Scots and Welsh, or whether such recent immigrants as Angles, Saxons, Danes and suchlike also qualify.
  • He discusses the replacement of gentle landscape fires ignited by Aboriginal clans during tropical Australia's cool months with more intense and destructive summer conflagrations.
  • The shockwaves of that first gunfire are still being felt in aboriginal communities today throughout the country.
  • The World Heritage area includes Aboriginal middens and sacred sites as well as historical shipwrecks and ruins of early European settlement.
  • Japan according to ‘The Book of Ani’ one of hte most ancient African religious books dating to traditions that go to about 15,000 BC state that in North Africa particularly the region between Dafur and Egypt, a Black race similar to Aboriginals and Africans called the Anu lived in the region. Jared Diamond on “The Japanese Race”
  • (who set out on his voyages to the colony at St. Thomas, in the Gulf of Guinea) speaks of this plant, and states that it is called "batata" by the aboriginals of St. Domingo. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • * 'Oriental' sighthound breeds, like aboriginal Afghans, salukis, and my tazis, have the whole primitive suite of behaviors including single estrous. Archive 2006-10-01
  • In some of these, for instance California and Wyoming, the material was apparently ignored by the aboriginal inhabitants.
  • It saluted Aboriginal culture, the Australian landscape and the country's rural traditions.
  • Australia remains the only Commonwealth country not to have a treaty with its original owners, and although a treaty may have made little difference to the lives of aboriginal Australians, the celebration of Australia Day on unceded land makes many non-aboriginal Australians, myself included, feel highly uncomfortable. Aboriginal Australians are part of the country's present – not just its past | Sarah Keenan
  • * 'Gin, 'or' lubra '-- the female Australian aboriginal. Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
  • From my own experience of reading parties, I should select as their peculiar characteristics, a tendency to hats and caps of such remarkable shapes, as, if once sported in the college quadrangle, would be the subject of a common-room _instanter_; and, among some individuals (whom we may call the peripatetic philosophers of the party) a predilection for seedy shooting-coats and short pipes, with which they perambulate the neighbourhood to the marvel of the aboriginal inhabitants; while those whom we may class with the stoics, display a preference for dressing-gowns and meerschaums, and confine themselves principally to the doorways and open windows of their respective lodgings. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • She refers here to the aboriginals who are Argentinean but who are marginalized out of mainstream Argentinean culture to the point that many Argentineans are not even aware of their presence.
  • We must remove our blinkers to allow a fuller account of Aboriginal history to unfold.
  • If you only visit one museum in Perth make sure this is it, because it boasts the best collection of Aboriginal art in Australia.
  • Once upon a time, repelled (rightly) by Canada's treatment of First Nations people, and in particular the Ontario government's collaboration with Big Mining to despoil Indian lands and jail their leaders, she preached aboriginal revolution: Archive 2009-11-01
  • However, I note that a leading Canadian authority on aboriginal title stated that one dimension of it is its inalienability.
  • Aboriginal people were emancipated in the 1960s.
  • Before the wolves can get him, however, he is rescued by a wise old shepherd and brought up as a helot, one of the aboriginal population the Spartans have enslaved.
  • Fabrication shows that Tasmanian pastoral lands at the time were unfenced and that, as the Aboriginal population declined from disease in the 1820s, the quantity of native game rapidly increased.
  • The parkies had painted a huge Aboriginal flag on the side of the toilet block and word got around the pub that they had put a Mabo style land claim on the site, citing over forty years continuous occupation of the site.
  • Then, I realised the guests were not Indians, but rather Aboriginal Australians.
  • Alice Moyle was present at the births of the new discipline of ethnomusicology and the new field of Australian Aboriginal music.
  • In 1996 Archibald and Matthiessen traveled to the Gulf of Carpentaria to observe Australia's only two crane species, the sarus and the brolga, or "native companion," so called because of its close association with Australia's Aboriginal people. Birds Out of Time
  • So we don't, for example, put a lot of effort into finding a way to control the alcoholism of aboriginals, or trying to stop domestic violence and gangs in the Sikh community, or put a lid on fraud in the Chinese community* because we don't want to admit out loud that these problems exist. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • In our endeavors to produce the achievement awards, it is our intention each year to create the best event in the Aboriginal community.
  • In this scenario, Aboriginal diversity is erased, with linguistic, cultural, and ceremonial differences homogenized within the one stereotypical image.
  • The festival will last until June 6 and feature activities such as an Aboriginal wedding, athletics competitions, exhibitions of Aboriginal handcrafts and food and a conference on Aboriginal poetry and song.
  • Long ago, in a time the Aboriginals of Australia called Dreamtime, many things were waiting to be born.
  • The festival takes place biennially at the site that is sacred to the aboriginal community in Cape York peninsula, which is surrounded by some of the oldest rock art in the world. Asia in Pictures
  • While the study of Aboriginal art and culture is now regarded as important, this was not always the case.
  • It includes remains such as Aboriginal bones, regarded as stolen goods by Aborigine communities in Australia today.
  • Each agency of the Uniting Church is going to give proper recognition to local Aboriginal people.
  • Its goals are chiefly maintenance and preservation of Aboriginal cultures for future generations.
  • Thus the fateful clash between settlers from the culture of Aristotle, St. Paul, Da Vinci, Luther, and Newton and aboriginal horsemen from the buffalo plains happened as though in a time warp—as though the former were looking backward thousands of years at premoral, pre-Christian, low-barbarian versions of themselves. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Usage Many Aborigines understandably dislike the use of 'Aborigine' or 'Aboriginal' since these terms have been foisted on them and can carry pejorative overtones: they prefer to use the word for 'person' from a local language. ABORIGINES.
  • While the Xinxiang choir artificially oversold the Aboriginal aspect of some of its songs and there were one or two sour notes, the children's choir really was moving.
  • We were in Adelaide, Australia, and Aboriginals wanted Victoria Square to be dual-named.
  • It seems likely that either the cessation of Aboriginal burning - done to attract game species and clear the land - or the arrival of cats caused the extinction of the broad-faced potoroo.
  • The plight of Aboriginal people today has just as much to do with the past as with the present.
  • I refer, of course, to the place of the Aboriginal population in Australian national identity.
  • Booker was recognized for her work as honorary consul and her efforts at promoting Australian Aboriginal art.
  • They say there's no evidence that native reserves were revoked to achieve such a purpose, and no evidence of suppressing or curtailing Aboriginal customs and rites.
  • Unlike most explorers, these two leaders had no Aboriginal guides to help them, no skill in geography, cartography, or living off the land.
  • He felt that this would be a sensible preliminary to trying to negotiate with the aboriginal community.
  • That pattern suggests that an object may have struck from the northwest - a path that would have taken the blazing bolide over southeastern Australia, where aboriginal legends mention just such a fireball.
  • An Aboriginal high school girl from a desert tribe had chanced to see this picture - and all hell had broken loose.
  • They haven't got a drop of Aboriginal blood in their veins.
  • Professor Macalister draws our attention to the fact that Mr. Darwin uses the term panniculus in the generalised sense of any sheet of muscle acting on the skin.) (to put the question under another point of view, is it the primary or aboriginal function of the panniculus to move the dermal appendages or the skin itself?); but both are superficial, and would perhaps together become rudimentary. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • He spent 18 months living in the Central Desert with an Aboriginal tribe, where he studied the architecture of the traditional wiltja.
  • However, the concern of aboriginal peoples is precipitated by the asserted right of Quebec to unilateral secession.
  • To raise the enrollment quota of aboriginal students, the new system will add 20 percent instead.
  • There were many among the white settlers who had high respect for the Aboriginal skin system.
  • His body has never been found, despite months of searching that involved police agents, Aboriginal trackers and helicopters.
  • Aboriginal sovereignty and self-determination are key ideas for you.
  • But what I have already said will perhaps suffice to show to genuine philological students that a language which, preserving so many of the roots in the aboriginal form, and clearing from the immediate, but transitory, polysynthetical stage so many rude incumbrances, s from popular ignorance into that popular passion or ferocity which precedes its decease, as (to cite illustrations from the upper world) during the The Coming Race
  • A more exciting way to experience Aboriginal culture is to take a trip on the Tribal Warrior, a respected old pearling lugger. Now it is being used as a tourist ship offering tours of Sydney Harbor.
  • Mr. Wellheiser was adopted by a native Canadian family and has been extensively involved in aboriginal activities.
  • He has lived among the aboriginal inhabitants for a few years.
  • When they finally parted 10 years later she was dressed in ‘military fatigues and working as an anthropologist on an Aboriginal island’.
  • In recent decades the elegant, abstracted paintings of the Aboriginal people have become famous around the world.
  • But when the inflectional form of language became so far advanced as to have its scholars and grammarians, they seem to have united in extirpating all such polysynthetical or polysyllabic monsters, as devouring invaders of the aboriginal forms. The Coming Race
  • Hui-Wen Jin criticized that the regulation had given the governments with unlimited power and excluded the aboriginal people from decision making process. gaea reported that before the Post-Disaster Recovery Statue was passed Global Voices in English » Taiwan: The future for the aboriginal people after Typhoon Morakot
  • It's unedited, gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources.
  • Once one of the provinces is run by aboriginals, what is to stop an aboriginal man or woman from holding the highest offices in the land?
  • A proposal in 1978 to erect a statue in Perth to honour the Aboriginal leader Yagan polarised local historical opinion.
  • They had heard about aboriginal writers slaving away somewhere out there on new scripts for theatre, but where were they all hiding?
  • It recognised that Aboriginal people had lived in Australia for thousands of years and had been dispossessed of their lands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you say you can proceed against Aboriginal native title claimants for trespass if they happen to wander across any part of your tenement?
  • Australian aboriginals threw a hardwood spear 110 meters or more (the current world javelin record is 98.48) Anthropologist Argues that Modern Humans Are Wimps » E-Mail
  • AND they are thrilled to have the most politically correct Games in history, with all four local 'First Nation' tribes elevated to host nation status and a £2. 2m Aboriginal Pavilion Home | Mail Online
  • A rich macadamia oil was rubbed all over my body, and the full-body massage began while the haunting strains of Aboriginal music plays softly in the background.
  • The launch of this radio network in October 2001 was an historic event for Aboriginal people living in the north-west region of Central Australia.
  • Indeed this social breakdown afflicts with equal vehemence those Aboriginal peoples who have never been dispossessed of their lands and who retain their classical traditions, cultures and languages.
  • Look, if I can spell 'Australian Aboriginal Hebephile', I can spell 'telluric' easily, OK? Army Rumour Service
  • The transformation of ritual into commerce represents a movement of Aboriginal ''business'' into something else.
  • The ethnobotanical research I draw on was developed in consultation with Aboriginal people in the settlements of Timber Creek, Yarralin, Lingara, Pigeon Hole and Daguragu.
  • On the one hand, there is the jural discourse in terms of which Aboriginal citizens of the Northern Territory may enter claims to be recognised as traditional owners of estates in tracts of previously unalienated Crown land.
  • The International Whaling Commission has granted the whalers of the island of Bequia with Aboriginal Whaling Status.
  • As schooling became somewhat more standardized over time, these prescriptivist grammarians became almost Biblical in proportion, even to the point that during the Colonial period the aboriginals were discouraged from speaking their own language because it was uncouth, uncivilized, imperfect, and perhaps most importantly, non-Christian.
  • My fourth-graders started by studying the work of the Australian Aboriginal artists.
  • There are chilling accounts of dawn raids on sleeping Aboriginal camps.
  • With expertise in anthropology and Aboriginal arts, Chen's specialties and dedication in these fields have gained him numerous honors and awards.
  • Hidden deep within this region's rocky chasms and valleys lie overhangs and stone shelters containing vast galleries of ancient Aboriginal rock paintings.
  • When asking us to consider our perceptions, De Heer is most effective with his use of cutaways to aboriginal paintings to depict scenes of violence.
  • Aboriginal women have proved with their crochet hooks that beanie making is an emerging cottage industry.
  • Indigenous "exogamy", Aboriginal people marrying outside their race, had increased since Undefined
  • As far as we could determine, there is only one aboriginal culture left that does any dyeing at all with soil.
  • They are joined by residents in Caledonia, who are concerned that Aboriginal land claims will make their property value plummet. Firing Up Might Not Get You Hired : Law is Cool
  • She presents a wide variety of descriptive material concerning Aboriginal life, dating from the earliest years of European settlement.
  • It is the story of an Aboriginal tracker who guides three police troopers in search of an accused Aboriginal man.
  • Once, when eating breakfast at a small outdoor aboriginal restaurant in the mountains of Taiwan, the owner, a motherly woman, asked me if I wanted to try some, "san bei guan niu". Matt Gibson: Finding Serendipity: How to Make Your Travels More Exciting
  • I doubt my Aboriginal coworker is okay with hearing the word "niggaz" being spouted, as well as the remark made the other day whilst we were listening to hip hop that he "feels so black". Archive 2008-11-01
  • These narrow- skulled people have more in common with southern Asians, Aboriginal Australians and people of the South Pacific Rim .
  • He felt that this would be a sensible preliminary to trying to negotiate with the aboriginal community.
  • When it comes to finding such Australian sweetmeats as witchetty grubs and honey pot ants, Aboriginal women are masters at divining underground hideouts.
  • They have had no trouble recently filling eight apprenticeships with local recruits, including some who are Aboriginal.
  • For example, Australia's Peter Griffen uses complex layering, decorative patterning, primitivism, and vibrant color to evoke Australia's Western Desert and Aboriginal culture.
  • Their success has been a signal for other Aboriginal communities to follow suit.
  • One of the principal reasons for this fragility is the deep sense of alienation and frustration felt by many Aboriginal Canadians. Aboriginal Self-Government and Economic Self-Sufficiency
  • Use the person that represent kind, high, chasteness finally, and original the meaning that it is golden hair, the aboriginal just with deep color of skin, black hair is opposite.
  • This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region.
  • In many Aboriginal societies, certain kinfolk stand in what are called ‘avoidance relationships’ with each other.
  • Wild horses and cattle are also entering the park from the Hermannsburg Aboriginal land.
  • This is a very large boab tree where aboriginal prisoners used to rest while they were being transported to the TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • She is represented here as a sleeping earth goddess, reference to broad ancient principles of respect for the environment and to Aboriginal stories that animates the landscape with the presence and deeds of ancestral figures.
  • Even today the journey across the continent isn't easy, as Alice Thompson found when tracing her ancestors for her book, The Singing Line, the name the Aboriginals gave to the telegraph.
  • My impression is that these terms koori, etc are not very widely known and used in the general population and "aborigine", "aboriginal" or "black people" are the most common. ABORIGINES.
  • The other half of the school week is run by the adult Aboriginal students themselves, teaching the white teachers - and others - Aboriginal skills like language, bushcraft, anthropology, traditional practices.
  • Even more germanely, in his essays, he condemns the appropriation of Native stories by nonAboriginal writers as well as the latter's pretence of going Native.
  • On the cattle stations, an industry vital to Queensland, Aboriginal stockmen outnumbered white stockmen by 5 or 6 to 1.
  • It is said that a fierce battle erupted as the Japanese soldiers hiked along the river toward the precipitous valley where they confronted the enemy, leaving six Japanese and 16 aboriginals dead.
  • Regulations under the Tribal Reserve Act, originally passed in 1956, allow only aboriginals to enter the tribal lands.
  • The course covers everything from modern to hip hop and Aboriginal dance as well as Brazil's capoeira - both a dance and a martial art.
  • There is promise that, as the demology of aboriginal America is pushed forward, the records relating to the Siouan Indians and especially to their structure and institutions will aid in explaining why some stocks are limited and others extensive, why large stocks in general characterize the interior and small stocks the coasts, and why the dominant peoples of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were successful in displacing the preexistent and probably more primitive peoples of the Mississippi valley. The Siouan Indians
  • The doctrine of the origin of domestic races from several aboriginal stocks was once carried to absurd extremes.
  • She puts her support in large part down to her capacity to speak in Aboriginal language.
  • Now growing in popularity is Aboriginal music featuring the didgeridoo, an elongated tube that vibrates when played.
  • He said he'd consult with aboriginals and other stakeholders in the industry before deciding on implementing the report's recommendations.
  • Alice Moyle was present at the births of the new discipline of ethnomusicology and the new field of Australian Aboriginal music.
  • Then, to the beat of Aboriginal dancers and the sound of a didgeridoo, the masses lurched forward and the event began.
  • A new project should help dispel commonly held misbeliefs about Aboriginal Australians.
  • The Maya and Garifuna demonstrate the surviving tribal traits of the aboriginal peoples.
  • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
  • Australian aboriginal art is not only fashionable on the international art scene, it's also fetching huge prices in the salerooms.
  • Australian aboriginal mythology is referred to as ‘The Dreaming’ or ‘Dreamtime’ -- alternative translations of the Aranda word alcheringa. The Vivisection of Bone, Part 2: Mytho-Bone-esis
  • The tourism industry and Aboriginal groups were well represented with both interest groups expressing their concerns over access to pastoral land.
  • My grandfather, a solicitor, was an amateur geologist and anthropologist with a special interest in Aboriginal languages, and a bibliophile who passed on his passion for books and reading to my father.
  • If possible, the lean meat was commonly fed to animals or thrown away according to Stefansson, Samuel Hearne, Cabeza de Vaca, Weston Price, who documented aboriginal diets. More on Tierney, Taubes and saturated fat | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The doctrine of the origin of domestic races from several aboriginal stocks was once carried to absurd extremes.
  • Environmentalists tended to characterise Aboriginal Australians as icons of true belonging, role models, holders of superior spiritual knowledge, the real autochthons.

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