
How To Use Aboral In A Sentence

  • In contrast, the ‘primary circlet’ of centrodorsal and primary interradials form more aborally, close to, or embedded in the non-rudiment part of the body wall.
  • However, the expression of these four Hox genes along the oral-aboral axis shows no evidence of cis-collinearity, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Both of these monocyclic crinoids have very few plates in the aboral cup.
  • Members of the phylum Ctenophora bear some general similarities to cnidarian medusae including a gelatinous mesenchymal layer and a symmetrical organization around an aboral / oral axis.
  • The position of these plates on the non-rudiment side of the larva suggests that ossicles occurring on the aboral surface are extraxial.
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  • Plate homologies between the two basic types of aboral cup construction, monocyclic and dicyclic, were not always as had traditionally been assumed.
  • PcaCnox1 has an expression in the larva localised at the aboral pole in both the endoderm and the ectoderm PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • When placed on their aboral side in a finger bowl of fresh, ambient temperature sea water, the tube-feet of the sea star are readily accessible.
  • the aboral surface of a starfish
  • Transcripts are firstly detected in the unfertilised eggs in the whole cytoplasm but they are absent from the area surrounding the nucleus, corresponding to the animal pole and to the future aboral end of the polyp (figure 2A). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The base of the polyp becomes fixed to the substrate and stolons emanate from the aboral pole of the primary polyp.
  • Because a key species diagnostic character is the nature of aboral cup plate sculpturing, this specimen cannot be identified.
  • They share a unique body plan with a single polarity axis (the oral-aboral axis) but exhibit various life cycles, comprising a pelagic (polyp) or a benthic form (medusa) or both alternating. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Alignment of individual elements shows that plates proximal to the stem attachment have c axes inclined aborally, but more distal plates have more adorai inclinations.
  • Fraction A contained the mesocolic or perirectal tissues around the tumor and 1 cm away in both oral and aboral directions.
  • In contrast, expression of "anterior" vs. "posterior" genes in different domains along the oral-aboral axis, potentially evoking trans-collinearity, has been reported in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is equally clear that the region aboral to the marginal frame is a part of the perforate extraxial body wall (with the possible exception of the centrodorsal, which is likely imperforate extraxial).
  • Among the 7 examined genes, only those belonging to the HOX9-14 and the CDX groups exhibit a restricted expression along the oral-aboral axis during development and in the planula larva, while the others are expressed in very specialised areas at the medusa stage. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • When comparing c axis orientations relative to the whole organism, c axes are plotted on stereograms that represent an oral view of the specimen, such that the oral-aboral axis plots vertically, at the center of the stereogram.
  • The mouth leads to the intestine and anus, which is located in the center of the aboral surface in regular echinoids.
  • It also differs by having fewer and smaller primary tubercles aborally, especially in the anterior interambulacra, and more widely diverging anterior petals.
  • This stalked crinoid lacks arms, has a disc-shaped aboral cup that is at least five times wider than high, and has the anal opening in the aboral cup.
  • The pattern of proximal axes being more aborally inclined than are distal axes is similar to that in C axes of crinoid calyx plates.
  • Cross species comparison reveals a strong variability of gene expression along the oral-aboral axis and during the life cycle among cnidarian lineages. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, in urchins the ambulacra parallel the oral / aboral axis, making it difficult confirm or refute a relationship between any of these axial structures and HOX genes.
  • The interambulacrum of Meekechinus contains only three columns of plates, which is more similar than the aboral side of Pronechinus to the interpretation of the interambulacrum of the Brownwood echinocystitid.
  • The mouth leads to the intestine and anus, which is located in the center of the aboral surface in regular echinoids.
  • The mouth leads to the intestine and anus, which is located in the center of the aboral surface in regular echinoids.
  • Do you leads equivocally and nonsynchronous hirudinean that you see aboral anointing convivially, and can hyalospongiae, from the zoanthropy phylliform, a awake bromeliaceae? Rational Review
  • The position of these plates on the non-rudiment side of the larva suggests that ossicles occurring on the aboral surface are extraxial.
  • Plates in equatorial positions on the theca are perpendicular to plate surfaces whereas plates near the stem attachment are inclined aborally and plates near the oral surface are inclined adorally.
  • The elongate lepidocentrids typically are preserved on their sides with the small spines pointing radially, with nearly as many aborally compressed.
  • Clytia HOX9-14 group C gene CheHox9-14C, expressed at the aboral pole of the planula, is orthologous to PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Duboc V, Rottinger E, Besnardeau L, Lepage T (2004) Nodal and BMP2 / 4 signaling organizes the oral-aboral axis of the sea urchin embryo. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The Clytia HOX1 gene is not expressed along the oral-aboral axis but specifically in medusa sensory organs PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In this case the direction both of the "shock" and of the "release" runs aborally; but it can run the other way, as in the influence that the hind-limb centres have on the fore-limb. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • If the oral / aboral axis of hydra is assumed to be similar to the anterior/posterior axis of bilaterians, then Cnox - 3 is expressed near the anterior end as are labial and its homologues in bilaterians.
  • A distinguishing feature of the echinoids is that the ossicles imbricate and are fused into a globular or discoidal test; its flattened or concave oral side faces the substratum and the aboral side is arched in most species.
  • It is composed of only four plate circlets (three infrabasals, five basals, five radiais, and five orals), it lacks anal plates, it has radials without radial facets or arms, and the anus is along the side of the aboral cup.

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