How To Use Abominator In A Sentence
It must please the Lord to no end to watch one group of abominators take on another group of abominators.
I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the
Old Mortality
The extreme abominator was saying that he had a Lenin beard.
It's just that if there are people willing to pay $400-$600 for abominations that look like they take no time or talent, then let me be that abominator.
What $1,000 Gets You In Texas
The abominator Ziani Vaatzes together with the genius sociopath Daurenja is building siege engines of all kinds.
K.J. Parker - The Escapement (Book Review)

a vegetable dieter, and Mr. Galen Cornaro, an abominator of wine, and a dyspeptic follower of Kitchener and Abernethy -- a trio of singularities that would afford excellent materials for my friend Richard Peake, the dramatist, in mixing up a new _monopolylogue_ for that facetious child of whim and wit, the inimitable Charles Mathews.
The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
Once again we see the disgusting blasphemous heresy that happen when Americans get their hands on the story of Jesus and try to make it into a popular form in order to appeal to the ignorant masses, dumbing it down to the common lowest abominator.
Manuel Stimulation
I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the
Old Mortality
I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the
Old Mortality
In large part they've treated the rebellion as a chaotic overreaction, by rural enthusiasts of drinking and abominators of domestic taxation, to a duty that placed new costs on the consumption of a beloved beverage.
I say, Be gone, you blasphemers; be gone you abominators, be gone you murderers, for I, the Lord God, know you not!
I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Wallace Inn, to furnish me with information corrective of the facts which I learned from others.
Old Mortality, Complete
There had to be a way to allow the two vile abominators and their marvelous cameras onto sacred ground.