How To Use Abominably In A Sentence

  • Thabo Mbeki, had behaved "abominably", Ellis said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Andre Joseph Leonard, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel, criticised the church for often worrying more about the reputation of priests and "abominably" exploiting the abused children, according to a copy of his Easter homily released on Saturday. The Times of India
  • Germany have played abominably, and Ribbeck seems to change his mind for every game.
  • The way in which Longus excites the sensual desires of the lovers by means of licentious experiments going always only to the verge of gratification, betrays an abominably hypocritical _raffinement_ [331] which reveals in the most disagreeable manner that the naïveté of this idyllist is a premeditated artifice and he himself nothing but a sophist. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • In words that I can only describe as abominably ignorant, a number of state legislators and others have said the following regarding President Obama's planned address to school children regarding education and achievement via the Internet Tuesday: Jim Lichtman: Uncommon Sense
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  • As long as it's in abominably bad taste, go for it!
  • The doctor in the base camp knows that he will be abominably "strafed" if he sends "crocks" to the front. A Padre in France
  • She had been abominably uncivil to him, and she would not be surprised if he took umbrage.
  • All these are microeconomic areas over which the government still has direct control - and has failed abominably.
  • I suppose we have both been abominably rude to each other by eavesdropping.
  • Both were outsiders, both were fundamentally insecure, and both could be abominably rude - especially to one other.
  • My profoundest apologies for not updating for such an abominably long time.
  • Across the board, scientific knowledge in America is at an abominably low level.
  • (He was getting more abominably conceited every minute.) ‘Get away, Sackville,’ says she, quite delighted, and threw a glance over her shoulder, and spread out the wings of the red tabinet, and took a good look at herself; so did The Book of Snobs
  • 'You pronounce my name abominably,' said the captain, dropping his sword's point. Vittoria — Volume 5
  • The place is excessively filthy, and abominably dirty.
  • I reserve the right to behave abominably on occasion.
  • I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably
  • His socialist proclivities are getting in the way of what he should be doing as CEO of the city," said Levitt, adding the mayor has behaved "abominably" so far during the strike. Toronto Sun
  • "I must beg your pardon most sincerely for the abominably rude manner of my leaving Somerset," she said.
  • ” I think it was the third day that we found the body of a Christian, scalped and most abominably mangled, and lying in a pudder of his blood; the birds of the desert screaming over him, as thick as flies. The Master’s Wanderings
  • He said: ‘It was a very regrettable and something for which he wishes to apologise to the court and to the security staff who were treated abominably by him.’
  • Well, it was quiet when Liv was writing or reading, otherwise it was abominably noisy.
  • Ambrose, thought I to myself, my devout Ambrose is either at church, or abominably lazy this morning.
  • The press has behaved so abominably towards Michael.
  • From her own point of view Barbara had behaved abominably.
  • Many people might find this magistrate's sentence abominably scandalous.
  • I was abominably ill-mannered, and I apologize.
  • It's not fun, it does hurt, abominably, and I do feel like a lumbering bear, huffing and puffing like Pooh on a bad day.
  • The shuttles were abominably slow, taxis couldn't be found anywhere.
  • His arm ached abominably where Lee had stabbed it.
  • This abominably weak link renders all passport security checks laughable.
  • He was to live, it appeared, abominably worried, he was to live consciously rueful, he was to live perhaps even what a scoffing world would call abjectly exposed; but at least he was to live saved. The Finer Grain
  • It has an abominably disgusting odour, and is therefore named the "lattice stinkhorn. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The roof had not been freshly thatched for years and the whole thing leaked abominably.
  • She said: ‘We have a rail station at Malton that fails abominably.’
  • Andre Joseph Leonard, archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel, criticised the Church for often worrying more about the reputation of priests and "abominably" exploiting the abused children, according to a copy of his Easter homily. The Times of India
  • She is unpolished, unsophisticated, and abominably rude.
  • You are a magician, and your book is a marvel, a real wonder in the history of philosophy, making, if I mistake not, an entirely new era in respect of matter, but unlike the works of genius of the 'transcendentalist' movement (which are so obscurely and abominably and inaccessibly written), a pure classic in point of form. Familiar Letters of William James III
  • (all that was objectionable was attributed to this poor lady) had been so abominably clear-sighted, so odiously presuming as to have suspected this, his sudden blaze of anger was _foudroyant_. The Marriage of Elinor
  • He always woke up abominably early and never failed to take a shower before going back to bed.
  • During the Zulu campaign I was abominably served by a lazy Africander and a lazier St. Helena boy. The Idler Magazine, Vol III. May 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • This was shown by their not disliking rhubarb mixed with a little sugar and milk, which is to us abominably nauseous; and in their strong taste for the sourest and most austere fruits, such as unripe gooseberries and crabapples. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • He appeared in Green Bay, smelling so abominably of singed hair and scorched skin that he entered the local Presteign shop (jewels, perfumes, cosmetics, ionics & surrogates) to buy a deodorant. The Stars My Destination
  • Usually it has to do with our abominably bad way of simply not finding a place for people to attach socially.
  • My muscles bunched up and my whole left arm ached abominably for a while, but it went no further than that.

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