How To Use Abolition In A Sentence
Retirement is likely to move from an abrupt halt at a fixed age to a more gradual withdrawal, with the abolition of compulsory retirement ages.
Times, Sunday Times
Having savored victory, the ruffians moved on to attack the homes of well-known abolitionists in the neighborhood.
The trade-off for drivers would be the abolition of road tax and fuel duty, and more spending on the road network.
Times, Sunday Times
Unless they get something in return - like the abolition of car tax - road pricing could turn into road rage.
The Sun
Immediate pressure on peasant living standards was relieved by the abolition of redemption dues and restraint of the tax burden.

However, there are 120 moneybags written to oppose the abolition of estate duty.
How willing were abolitionists to challenge both the accepted ways of acting publicly and by whom the action should be undertaken?
As for primogeniture, the leading modern authority on the subject, Professor Stanley Katz of the Chicago Law School, has given no weight at all to gerontophobia in causing its abolition.
Growing Old: An Exchange
The pressure group was commenting on suggestions that the Government is considering the abolition of pensioners' prescription exemptions.
It consisted of six points: universal male suffrage, vote by ballot, equal representation, abolition of the property qualification to sit in Parliament and payment of Members of Parliament.
With the cant of abolitionism well amplified, Missourians took up the cognomen of Southerners more widely, yet still largely as a defense of the peculiar institution.
Many Russian radicals were anarchists who sought the abolition of all formal government.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
We are campaigning for the abolition of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction.
Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1.
UH Watch
Yet the abolition of discriminatory migration proceeded apace.
Times, Sunday Times
It is indeed possible that his story, and others like it, were instrumental in the foundation of the abolitionist movement.
They preach the abolition of established systems but propose nothing to replace them.
Abolitionists didn’t suddenly figure out scientifically that Africans were as intelligent as whites, and then fight against slavery; they fought against slavery and, AGAINST science as it then stood on the grounds of anideal.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
He knew an abolitionist was a person who wanted to end slavery.
The headline grabber will be the abolition of stamp duty for first homebuyers for properties valued up to $500 000.
Taxing capital gains on home sales - partially offset by the abolition of stamp duty - would break this cycle of irrationalism.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1847, he began clerking in the law office of Boston abolitionist Ellis Gray Loring.
Most notorious were the Diggers, who advocated the abolition of private property and an end to government.
The last time a referendum was held in Greece was in 1974 to confirm the setting up of the republic and abolition of the monarchy.
Times, Sunday Times
It was unable to insert a clause in the Imperial Abolition Act allowing nonconformist ministers to solemnize marriages, as it was custom for colonial laws to follow rather than precede those in the metropolitan society.
Small peasants, engaged in rice, vegetable and banana cultivation, are unable to find a way out of growing indebtedness, due to the abolition of subsidies on fertilisers, agrochemicals and seeds.
The party has also argued for abolition of the House of Lords and refused to take seats in it.
He also announced liberal reforms including greater press freedom and the abolition of laws governing subversion.
In the abolition of such Biblical ordinances he laid down the principle of Abrogation which forms the basis of Islamic theology.
The public wanted to retain the death penalty; parliament decreed its abolition.
I believe that the abolition of £5 notes from Britain's cash machines has contributed to our tendency to overspend.
They preach the abolition of established systems but propose nothing to replace them.
The book was influential in the abolition of the tied cottage in the years following the war.
In the aftermath of defeat in the Seven Years War, Louis XV went as far as to commission projects for the abolition of the corvée and the re-establishment of provincial estates in a bid to restore public support.
Nevertheless, the global trend, promoted by the United Nations, is towards abolition in all countries.
The third subsidy to owner occupation comes from the abolition of the Schedule A tax.
Why is the fugitive slave, the fiery orator, the political activist, the abolitionist always represented as a black man?
Ipswich abolitionists in 1828 circulated bound copies of the Reporter.
England about the abolition of the Briton's old favourite sports, it was conceded by all but a few, that from the custom of boxing, singlestick and backsword playing, wrestling, &c. arose the good temper which distinguishes that people -- Englishmen being less subject to violent fits of anger than the people of any other nation in the world.
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 1
Jesse was an Abolitionist and a-- a-- a buttinsky in his son's life, always looking to -- for the main chance, and created a lot of tension between father and son.
Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph Over Adversity
Indeed I think the complexity of the system alone is reason for its abolition.
The age discrimination law will mean the total abolition of the retirement age.
Instead of opening up new possibilities for rich and multi-faceted interaction with events once distant from the purview of most individuals, the abolition of distance tended to generate a “uniform distanceless” in which fundamentally distinct objects became part of a bland homogeneous experiential mass (Heidegger, 1971 [1950]:
Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.
The Law Commission has recommended the partial abolition of these rules.
He travestied Virgil, remaking the original Trojans into Ukrainian kozaks and the destruction of Troy into the abolition of the hetmanate.
But the political price was always judged too high by ministers, despite the logic of the abolitionist cause.
In 1961, the New Abolitionists focused their attention on segregation in interstate transportation, particularly on passenger buses.
DAVID W. BLIGHT is the director of Yale University's Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and a professor of American history.
For the attending audience, the term "abolition" was not a novel concept.
Marcia G. Yerman: A Different Kind of March Madness
The abolition of unpaid internships really does seem minor.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor did President Bush announce that he had suddenly become a convert to the belief that the death penality violates both human dignity and the sanctity of life and seek its gradual abolition.
For the new abolitionists, it is not that composition is too elementary a subject for higher education.
Sakow, who definitively identifies herself as an "abolitionist," was in New York City on January 7th, the day before she was scheduled to leave for Israel.
Marcia G. Yerman: Sexual Trafficking in Israel
He did not shrink from openly intervening in Irish, Filipino and other national politics to push for an abolition of the death penalty.
The end of the cold war has not resulted in the abolition of nuclear weapons.
He went into that Alliance and there denounced the only true friends of emancipation - the abolitionists.
That the abolition of slavery is within the sphere of legislation, I argue, _secondly_, from the fact, that _slavery as a legal system, is the creature of legislation_.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
This has, indeed, long since been insufferable; although it ought chiefly to be imputed to the imprudent penuriousness of our own merchants and inhabitants, who, it is to be hoped, shall, through the abolition of this seawant, become wiser and more prudent.
Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
It also sought abolition of the roster system for the appointment of Urdu teachers.
Sleiman took a risk in mentioning the abolition of political confessionalism, which is unpopular among Christians, and no doubt in the coming days his critics, many of whom would otherwise advocate setting up a system of thirds, will bellow that the president is selling the Christians out.
The Daily Star > News Feed
The process of building up a truly democratic society has two parts: first, the organization and union in a single movement of all classes that stand for the abolition of classes, and class rule; and second, the overthrow of those social elements that stand in the way of this natural evolution, their destruction and dissolution _as classes_, and the absorption of their members by the new society as individuals.
Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
To the delight of abolitionist groups, Robertson went even further this past April when he voiced his support for a general moratorium on the death penalty.
The last successful American third party, the Republicans, had a noble cause in abolition and the dominant political imperative in American history: Union, and they elected several candidates to statewide office before Lincoln (their second Presidential nominee) won the White House.
Matthew Yglesias » Why Two Parties?
In July 1834, rioting against abolitionists in New York City resulted in mass destruction of the black section.
He dismisses what in his own view is the most fundamental retrenchment of government power in our time—the abolition of the draft in 1973.
In the first place, the revolution, the abolition of the feudalistic system of exploiting land, the abolition of the latifundium and something else, the abolition of the minifundium, the establishment of adequate agricultural structures, the application of technology and scientific methodology in agriculture -- In two words, we can state that here in
And here, perhaps, we may be pardoned for the digression necessary to show the exact definition of the terms abolish, abolition and abolitionist.
The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
The final blow for many firms was the government's abolition of import duties.
Another of his principles was cleanliness; “the speedy abolition of all abolishable filth is the first process of education.”
The Life of John Ruskin
They have written to New Forest District Council and demanded the immediate abolition of the fees.
Imagined revenge for the Clearances and the totem abolition of private lairdship is the prevailing fantasy on The Mound.
Their three books together make a powerful and eloquent case for the abolition of the death penalty.
This does sound very similar to what Brown's close ally Ed Balls in August 2006 described as "short-term sectional gestures on taxation" after Blairite Stephen Byers called for the abolition of inheritance tax.
A cross-dressing Darling or goodbye to social democracy
The imminent abolition of the current transfer system will only increase a worrying trend.
North is divided into two sections, of which one may be called abolitionist, and the other non-abolitionist.
North America
His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.
The abolition of apartheid restored the legitimacy of the South African state.
Hers was the record of, at best, a foot soldier in the feminist and abolitionist struggles of her day.
It was adopted by those abolitionists who in a growing mood of frustration had also developed the agency system.
The Portent, in 1859, a poem in which he calls the abolitionist John Brown hanging in a tree
The abolition of rates fulfils an ambition of Mrs Thatcher's dating back to 1974.
The politics of early abolition of the tax are awful.
Times, Sunday Times
For pre-abolitionist periods historians must ask why a slave system would tend to disintegrate in the absence of strong political or cultural forces aligned against the institution.
The northern counties had at once become strongly Anti-Nebraska; the conservative Whig counties of the center inclined to the Know-Nothings; while the Kentuckians and Carolinians, who had settled the southern end, had strong antipathies to what they called abolitionism, and applauded Douglas and repeal.
A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
What began as pro-democracy demonstrations have become an angry uprising the aim of which is the abdication of the King and the abolition of the monarchy.
Times, Sunday Times
He affects to hate the abolitionist, which is odd, considering that he helps him in his dirty work of Disunion.
Shadow of the Sentinel
This double signification is possible because of Las Casas's contested status in Britain as an icon for abolitionists.
London-Kingston-Caracas: The Transatlantic
What began as pro-democracy demonstrations have become an angry uprising the aim of which is the abdication of the King and the abolition of the monarchy.
Times, Sunday Times
Our struggle, like those of suffragists, abolitionists, and human rights activists will continue until we obtain our goal.
It was true for the abolition movement, the efforts to put women on an equal legal footing with men, guaranteeing religious liberties, and so many more.
It adopted a liberal programme, demanding a Bill of Rights, a qualified (but not universal) franchise, and the abolition of racial discrimination.
The resulting verdicts amounted, once again, to a demand for the abolition of the Forest jurisdiction outside the king's demesnes.
Lincoln was not an abolitionist, advocating instead that slavery be allowed no further advances.
Nevertheless, the global trend, promoted by the United Nations, is towards abolition in all countries.
As to reform, the Parliament was naturally slow (did any political assembly in the world ever divest itself of its own privileges without pressure from without?); but as to the abolition of the Penal Laws there was a cordiality which is remarkable, and which is seldom referred to by the Nationalist writers of the present day when they discourse about the Penal Laws.
Is Ulster Right?
However, the abolition of unfree labour can not be analysed simply in terms of economic calculation.
Disgust at this treatment of Africans led to demands for emancipation of the slaves and the abolition of the slave trade in the 19th century.
Following the abolition of slavery in 1835, Indian indentured labourers were introduced to work the sugar plantations.
In the reign of William IV. the Crown claimed and received a compensation of 300,000 pounds for giving up the passing tolls, and the Corporation itself was awarded upwards of 160,000 pounds on the abolition of the "package and scavage" dues.
The Corporation of London, Its Rights and Privileges
We will be asking for an end to detentions and deportation, the abolition of security certificates and the regularization of all non-status migrants.
They also agitated for free speech and assembly, the liberation of political prisoners and for the abolition of grain requisitioning.
We intend to show, as in the clear light of noonday, that it is the conduct of Mr. Sumner and other abolitionists, and not that of the slaveholder, which is rebuked by the life and writings of the great apostle.
Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.
In my view the civil servoce is now so vast and unweildy that it may well be irreformable and the best option may well be almost full abolition
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
But higher interest rates and the abolition of mortgage interest tax relief in April could dampen demand and reduce house price inflation.
One of the proposals in the original draft dropped by the government was the abolition of the president's office.
the abolition of capital punishment
The ` Six-Point Formula 'included (1) the abolition of Mulki rules and the Telangana Regional Committee and
Elections - fresh news by
If there is any argument for the abolition of capital punishment then it is this.
Times, Sunday Times
It demanded the abolition of the Family Code.
But in a move seen as an attempt to quell this dissent from the back benches, Mr Cullen announced the abolition of plans for the direct election of mayors.
If this is what you call abolitionism, I am not an abolitionist.
History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Later, in the 1830s, abolitionists adopted the cracked bell as the symbol of the fight against slavery.
His support for abolitionism late in life created controversy, and at times he was subject to abuse from crowds while speaking on the topic, however this was not always the case.
The Genies are long out of the bottle as the Scots and the Welsh assemblies would now have to make a serious mess of it to earn sufficient enmity, nay the deep hatred of their electorates that their abolition is demanded.
Archive 2007-08-05
He was also resolved to impose a number of reforms, including the abolition of slavery.
Now, hanging a few traitors will not kill slavery; and our danger is that slavery itself will slip through the noose, and that when it shall begin to revive from the shock, many who are now shouting "Hang the traitors," will take up the old familiar cry, "Hang the abolitionists.
Abraham Lincoln; His Life and Its Lessons
A counter balance to these playbills is one for a production of Uncle Tom's Cabin at the Theatre Royal in Dunlop Street in 1853, during the time of the abolitionist movement.
With the abolition of the feudal system, the superior's right to enforce these restrictions will disappear.
It was adopted by those abolitionists who in a growing mood of frustration had also developed the agency system.
Truth, also born into slavery, was an abolitionist and the first Black female orator to speak out against slavery.
He began his own abolitionist newspaper, The North Star.
Abolitionists thus aspired to make their actual metropolitan and colonial societies conform more closely to these underlying ideas of order.
From the beginning, they campaigned for the abolition of the old laws on relations between master and servant.
The third was the abolition of capital gains tax on unit trust portfolios in 1980.
Among the major parties abolition of faith schools is inconceivable because they are too popular.
One would think that with the abolition of property requirements and poll taxes, the enfranchisement of people of color, women, and 18-year-olds, the battle for the right to vote had been won.
As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy, the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy.
In a society stratified by economic classes, economic slavery will continue to exist even if the conditions for its abolition are possible.
The final blow for many firms was the government's abolition of import duties which resulted in a flood of cheap imports.
Europe is the Holocaust, but it is also the destruction of Nazism; it is the Gulag, but also the fall of the Wall; imperialism, but also decolonization; slavery, but also abolition.
• Perhaps not the best week for bloviators on Fox News to call for the abolition of the US's national weather service just because it's government-funded, but what are we to make of Republican God-botherer and would-be presidential candidate Michele Bachmann's suggestion that the east coast's hurricane was God's way of sending a message to America?
Stephen Bates's diary
The opening chapter illuminates the processes by which the women became leaders and lecturers in the abolitionist movement.
The abolition of most grammar schools kicked away the ladder for children from poorer backgrounds.
In slave lands, the word abolition was about as polite as some of the more colorful expletives of a river rat.
The merchants were adopting the only practical approach when they insisted that abolition of the Company 's monopoly must precede any further discovery voyages.
VOYAGES OF DELUSION: The Search for the North West Passage in the Age of Reason
RAND PAUL DELIVERS MAIDEN SENATE SPEECH, COMPARES TEA PARTY TO ABOLITIONISTS - Despite the well-established fact that John Brown spent his years dressing up like a minuteman, proudly not voting for his senator and bringing his own collapsible lawn furniture to political rallies, Senator Rand Paul felt the need to reiterate his movement's similarity's to America's anti-slavery activists today.
HUFFPOST HILL - HCR Repeal Measure Fails In Senate
The abolition of tax on savings for millions of savers will also go down well with Conservative voters.
Times, Sunday Times
It was resolved to launch a national campaign for the abolition of both the caste system and dowry because together they tended to reinforce the system of caste endogamy.
Despite the abolition of the zamindari system, this region seems to have stood still in time, at least for some castes.
This abolition of feudalism resulted in a controlled taxation system.
The party was promising a crackdown on crime, a referendum on the Lisbon treaty and the abolition of inheritance tax for all but millionaires.
Times, Sunday Times
They forgot that the charge of "abolitionism," which was incessantly hurled at the Republican party, was thus by no means wanting in essential truth, and that when the slaveholders were vanquished in the election of Mr. Lincoln, their appeal from the ballot to the bullet was the logical result of their insane devotion to slavery, and their conviction that nothing could save it but the dismemberment of the Republic.
Political Recollections 1840 to 1872
Many of the abolitionists and privatisers seem unaware that the BBC broadcasts anything apart from news.
In fact, here's what two African American residents wrote to a Boston abolitionist not long after the day in 1846 when Alexandrians (white, male) voted to approve the return of their city to Virginia, an act called retrocession: "[The] poor colored people of this city ... were standing in rows on either side of the Court House, and, as the votes were announced every quarter of an hour, the suppressed wailings and lamentations of the people of color were constantly ascending to God for help and succor, in this the hour of their need.
The slave trade and Alexandria's withdrawal from D.C.
The minutes continued: The Cabinet then discussed the question of the abolition of capital punishment.
They first insisted that the abolition of the slave-trade would ruin the colonies -- next the _abolition of slavery_ was to be the certain destruction of the islands -- and now the education of children is deprecated as fraught with disastrous consequences.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
This dearth of scientific evidence has done nothing to dampen the abolitionist ardour of the anti-DDT movement.
One of the saddest casualties of that process was the effective abolition of the Church's ancient observances of fasting and abstinence.
Her Uncle Tom's Cabin inspired a generation of abolitionists and set the stage for civil war.
A growing number of abolitionists say it intimidates newcomers to court, gives self-importance to those who officiate there and makes the justice system look fusty, out of touch and just a little ridiculous.
My values are American, representing several generations of indigenous inhabitants, immigrants and their offspring, who fought for abolition of slavery and against fascism and communism, and I do not want book-burners speaking for me, my country or my flag, apart from refusing the so-called right of Terry Jones or any other non-Muslim to determine the nature of Islam.
Stephen Schwartz: Is America A Nation Of Book Burners?
Is it too imaginative to suppose that all these consequences would follow an abolition of the power to dissolve?
Finally we explored the industrial revolution - and how that led to the abolition of domestic servitude for women.
Times, Sunday Times
That case followed the abolition of the requirement of a warning about convicting a person on the uncorroborated evidence of an accomplice or of the victim of an alleged sexual offence.
They preach the abolition of established systems but prose nothing to replace them.
The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
The abolition of all taxes on production and exchange, he held, would result in a tremendous spurt of economic activity.
All these reasons for rivalry crystallized round the two sides' violent disagreement on the abolition of slavery.
In the former princely states, as also in the zamindaries till their abolition soon after independence, concubinage was a recognised custom.
The trade-off for drivers would be the abolition of road tax and fuel duty, and more spending on the road network.
Times, Sunday Times
Both had called for redemption of dues and abolition of serfdom and labour services; but others saw that feudalism did not end there.
The Archbishop of Paris, after a decade of silence towards the abolitionist movement, gave evidence that he too would support public clerical action.
Though the New York Post and Daily News once a year routinely call for the abolition of this 179-year-old office (with periodic name changes) - and mayors, too, have predictably kvetched about an office that's mandated to be the watchdog over City Hall-there's no public support for ending something that keeps the bureaucracy on its toes.
Mark Green: Changing the NYC City Charter. Again?
Well, poor man, he could not help it, if he were coarse, and an Abolitionist, and a Fourierite, and -- -- She was getting a little muddy now, she was conscious, so turned her mind back to the repose of her stocking.
Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day
While in England, he noticed that many of those working for the abolition of slavery drew their inspiration from the Bible.
However, not everyone will be a loser from the abolition of indexation allowance.
Times, Sunday Times
Governor Jeanne Shaheen vetoed the New Hampshire abolition law as soon as it was passed.
If there is any argument for the abolition of capital punishment then it is this.
Times, Sunday Times
It, for example, reintroduced a system of punishment specifically forbidden by the Imperial Abolition Act: the flogging of women.
Hers was the record of, at best, a foot soldier in the feminist and abolitionist struggles of her day.
Thomas Jones Barker's The Secret of England's Greatness was exhibited in 1863 at the height of public support for the abolition of American slavery during the Civil War and proved popular as a mezzotint.
Today it is calling for the abolition of the Budget, dismissing it as an unnecessary annual charade.
Nevertheless, the global trend, promoted by the United Nations, is towards abolition in all countries.
We also welcome the abolition of the binary divide.
Last night campaigners for the abolition of the monarchy slammed the Duchy's deal with the taxman.
The Sun
The word sequin made him open his ears, and without giving me his opinion of the abolition of that tax upon the
The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Following the abolition of exchange control, banks have been able to make provision for deposits denominated in foreign currencies.
Carolinians, who had settled the southern end, had strong antipathies to what they called abolitionism, and applauded Douglas and repeal.
A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln Condensed from Nicolay & Hay's Abraham Lincoln: A History
We can not too strongly condemn such a practice and we recommend its total abolition ....
The charge of "abolitionism" was flung at me everywhere, and it is impossible now to realize the odium then attaching to that term by the general opinion.
Political Recollections 1840 to 1872
After Charles I's execution and the abolition of the monarchy in 1649, the Prince of Wales became - at least to Royalists - the exiled King Charles II.
The politics of early abolition of the tax are awful.
Times, Sunday Times
Abolitionists, freethinkers, and suffragettes found spiritual innovation compatible with their quest for social reform.
We therefore recommend the abolition of this rule.
The Industry Ministry was scheduled for abolition, to be replaced by a State Committee directed towards drafting industrial strategy and privatization.
“In the light of the Abolition of Feudal Tenures Act of 1662, how it can be claimed that feudal titles still exist today in Ireland as hereditaments to be bought and sold?” said Sean J Murphy, a leading genealogist.
Archive 2005-07-01
Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), who escaped from slavery, became an author and publisher and was internationally known for his instrumental role in the abolitionist movement.
Abolitionists thus aspired to make their actual metropolitan and colonial societies conform more closely to these underlying ideas of order.
where people are learning about the African-American leader Frederick Douglass, who was born a slave in 1818, but escaped to become a leading abolitionist.
White men are known to harbor fugitives, in the neighborhood of Christiana, and these white men are known to be abolitionists, known to be opposed to the F.gitive Slave Law, and _known_ to be the warm friends of William F. Johnston,
The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
For campaigners for the abolition of corporal punishment this will have been a setback.
The abolition of free sight tests in 1988 had a profound effect on opticians and led to consolidation in the industry.
These convicts formed the nucleus of a regular native staff for this department of the Government; and, indeed, up to the time of the abolition of the jail they continued to be employed as chainmen and survey assistants.
Prisoners Their Own Warders A Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements Established 1825
In controversy abolitionists found arguments in common whatever their religious affiliations.
Even those actor-managers who made no secret before the Committee of their contempt for the present operation of the censorship, and their indignation at being handed over to a domestic official as casual servants of a specially disorderly kind, demanded, not the abolition of the institution, but such a reform as might make it consistent with their dignity and unobstructive to their higher artistic aims.
The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet
His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.
Virginia in securing step by step the abolition of everything that savoured of religious oppression, involving at last the disestablishment and the disendowment of the Episcopal Church, was due in part to the fact that
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
The next major phase of land degradation came after the abolition of slavery in 1838 and the rise of peasant agriculture.