How To Use Abnegate In A Sentence
Whatever life and value this town ever possessed have now been abnegated.
When an undomesticated woman refuses to hide her sexuality, abnegates her maternity, she creates a force field of extraordinary energy.
He abnegated his right to speak for Terri when he entered a common law relationship with another woman, with whom he's fathered two children.
Out, out, brief candle
The King abnegated his power to the ministers
In it, he informed me that George Grey had accepted my proposal of a once-off payment of $25,200 – on the condition that I would abnegate his word any further claims to alimony and/or other forms of financial maintenance.
The Pursuit of Happiness

He was instead enthusiastic about the opportunity to obey and self-abnegate by using it.
Vatican names chosen?
The Church was no doubt mortally offended by the way in which the Grail stories ignored or abnegated its authority and that of the apostolic succession.
The Templar Revelation
With this state of mind, we abnegate ourselves and worship the contents of our experience, adding title after title to his or her name.
The Gelug-Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra ��� 2 The Preliminary Practices
They have abnegated all morality and all fellow feeling for the rest of mankind.
You are the whited sepulchres of our society, for you have abnegated your responsibility to the public every bit as much as have the police.
With No One as Witness
When the United States allowed the President to make himself a dictator, Cubans promulgated a new constitution that abnegated the hated Platt Amendment.
Those who wish to exalt or abnegate Sullivan can do so by linking to his website, discussing his work in their blogs, or can visit the beta version of the Ego Machine online and click on either the "plus" or "minus" sign to add or deduct from Sullivan's store of (after) life points.
Immortality Through Google
Greeks like Aristotle, who opposed atomism, equated it with a blind desire to abnegate the governance of Nature in favour of pure chance.
They abnegated their gods
Feed no more blossoms to the wind, abnegate the constellations, negate the sea and what is left of your world?
Over the years the Black Church has abnegated its responsibility as the custodian of Black spirituality.
Blacks Killing Blacks
Mr. Alcott , a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute?
I don't really think political blogging should be about the posters although I regret to say that this assertion is abnegated by the kind of exercises in self indulgence your are currently reading.
The Adventues of Rocky and Gatewinkel (or When Gatemouth Met Hackshaw)
It is the Romantic-humanist heresy which holds that we should nurture our egos rather than abnegate them.
The visible developments of their hidden existence do seem, in their results, like egotism; but who shall dare to say that the man who has abnegated self to give pleasure, instruction, or grandeur to his epoch, is an egoist?
Modeste Mignon
Young's art simultaneously unfolds, extends, abnegates, and defies authorship and receivership - all in one fell swoop.
As we call on science to explain, elaborate, and justify issues in civil and personal life, we need to be careful that we don't abnegate our responsibility to monitor the effects of this intervention.
Lennard Davis: Long Live Science! Now Let's Be Careful!
Mrs. Shem abnegates her part in the cursing and places the blame on the patriarch.
It abnegated the right to ask for official compensation, in the hope of opening a bright new chapter with this neighbouring country and walking out from the shadow of hostility and hatred.
To say the Church was "forced" into these decisions is to abnegate the importance of free will, which is an essential element of Catholic dogma.
Is That Legal?: Feel-Good History for the Paranoid Catholic: A Review of Thomas Woods' "How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization"
As Marx said, faith in God too often becomes a way for people to abnegate our responsibility, deny our power and become passive in the face of a sacrosanct status quo.
Philocrites: Back to the reverence debate!
McCain's "preparation" is the pathetic track record of a moral coward, who will abnegate even the defense of his own dignity to achieve power.
McCain "More Prepared;" All Preperation Gained in Reviled Congress
Meanwhile, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which is charged with protecting reliability, abnegated its statutory responsibilities as the rule was being written.
Lisa Jackson's Power Play
The legislatures of most of our states have abnegated their authority over the operational guidelines of their courts to committees under their Supreme Courts.
How the Failure of Welfare Reform Created Our Lawless Courts
I don't really think political blogging should be about the posters (although I regret to say that this assertion is abnegated by the kind of exercises in self indulgence your are currently reading).
The Adventues of Rocky and Gatewinkel (or When Gatemouth Met Hackshaw)
‘Distant’ is the sort of spare, demanding work whose pared-down aesthetic requires a viewer who's prepared to abnegate movie-going's instant gratifications.