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How To Use Ablution In A Sentence

  • A pair of suitcases filled with special shower heads for Islamic ablutions , and monumental razors and clippers, poke fun at the needs of the Muslim traveler.
  • Part of the Islamic tradition is to set strict rules for ablutions, washing hands, arms, face and feet with running water before praying.
  • The course will present an in-depth study of the general precepts for menstruation and lochia and the precepts specific to lochia, as well as a detailed study of the chronic annulment of ablution.
  • Scurfiness, or excessive scurfiness, is the result of morbid action, and may be treated by the frequent use of the fleshbrush or hairbrush, ablution with soap and water, and the use of mild stimulating, astringent, or detergent lotions. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • Damascus and was performing his purificatory ablution on the edge of a tank when his feet slipped and he fell into the reservoir but saved himself with great trouble. The Gulistan of Sa'di
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  • When the old woman had made an end of her ablution, she came up to where he sat, and prayed a two bow prayer; after which she blessed my brother with a godly benediction, and he while thanking her put his hand to the dinars and gave her two, saying to himself “These are my voluntaries.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As with all my ablutions, the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern.
  • Old habits persisted, nonetheless: the would-be virtuous made their ablutions and sloped off to Friday prayers.
  • The singers are miked only for the dialogue, but their excellent diction makes the supertitles unnecessary, bringing out mad rhymes like "You very imperfect ablutioner" for "The Lord High Executioner. Taking Gilbert
  • The prince and he then performed the ablution, and the prayer enjoined, which is called Farz; and that done, they set out. The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Complete
  • Familiar river scenes are shown as the boat ride progresses, such as a cow carcass floating in the river, the renowned cremation ghats and locals, as well as pilgrims, performing ritual ablutions.
  • The ablutions, cookhouse and accommodation are checked for cleanliness, these jobs being a major headache in a platoon location.
  • I devoured tapes and books on how to perform wudu (ablution before prayers).
  • My ablutions are esteemed the most complete of any man’s in the capital, and the mode of my abstersion the most in use. The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • He may practice Divine knowledge, meditation, pilgrimages, and ablutions.
  • We are ordered to make ablution before prayer, and also to make sure that our places of prayer are free of contamination and filth.
  • Hygiene: There is a hutment for toilet purposes, with taps and showers, which allows the prisoners hot and cold water for their daily ablutions. Work Camp 10030 GW, Lavamund
  • At last he went to the palace one day, and, being informed that the Caliph was making his ablutions prior to his prayers, sat down in an antechamber.
  • I woke up this morning with a strange feeling of premonition; I pondered over it for a while and then carried on with the usual morning ablutions.
  • Most of us give little thought to what we're washing down the drain and flushing down the toilet as we go about our daily ablutions.
  • So you need not panic if you ingest a little during your morning ablutions.
  • At lunchtime, bearded students perform their ablutions along a long row of taps before going off to pray.
  • He was not, indeed, so luxuriously attended upon this occasion as the heroic travellers in the Odyssey; the task of ablution and abstersion being performed, not by a beautiful damsel, trained Waverley
  • ablutionary rituals
  • Prayers are to be made in the direction of Mecca and must be carried out in a state of ritual purity, achieved by either ritual ablutions or a bath.
  • Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.
  • Along one wall men sat on marble blocks in front of taps for people to perform their ablutions - washing feet, arms up to the elbow, rinsing nose and eyes - in preparation for prayer.
  • David wandered into the bathroom to perform his morning ablutions and all I heard was ‘Oh my God'. I went dashing in and saw what his oh my godding was about.
  • Tragic" than the Palestinians have been in the ablution.
  • After a complete ablution and assuming the ihram, we performed two prayer-flections, and recited the meritorious sentences beginning with the words “Labbaik Allah huma labbaik!” Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • She has all her life been opposed to human interference where her ablutions are concerned and age has not dimmed her memory of the purpose of brush and comb.
  • Rehabilitation would include bringing to working order the ablution which is in a bad state as most of the toilet pans and cisterns are broken.
  • Abdel-Wahed was in the yard doing his ablutions before prayers when a sniper bullet hit him.
  • At six o'clock he took towel and ablution bag into the bathroom, sleep like a blanket still muffling the ward. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Familiar river scenes are shown as the boat ride progresses, such as a cow carcass floating in the river, the renowned cremation ghats and locals, as well as pilgrims, performing ritual ablutions.
  • There has been no… maintenance done to any of the ablutions.
  • crimping" - pins, the cold wait on the landing, the reluctant descent into a blotchy tin bath, and the effort to identify one's soap and nail-brush among the promiscuous implements of ablution. Tales of Men and Ghosts
  • The hour of ablution had passed, and most of the pilgrims had departed. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Lessons about the Arabic alphabet, examples of Islamic art, and depictions of basic Muslim acts of worship, such as ablutions for prayer, are featured throughout.
  • Start the download of morning news while I perform morning ablutions.
  • Our daily lives are being planned around when we can perform our ablutions and eat; an army-style shower is now becoming our treat du jour.
  • Once, while demonstrating how it worked, the bath was wheeled in complete with his wife at her ablutions.
  • Jew would rather die than labor on the sabbath; the Persian would endure suffocation, before he would blow the fire with his breath; the Indian places supreme perfection in besmearing himself with cow-dung, and pronouncing mysteriously the word Aum; * the Mussulman believes he has expiated everything in washing his head and arms; and disputes, sword in hand, whether the ablution should commence at the elbow, or finger ends; ** the Christian would think himself damned, if he ate flesh instead of milk or butter. The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature
  • It was on that fatal spot that he conferred on his son the honor of knighthood: and the ceremony was accomplished by a slight blow from each of the horsemen of the guard, and by a ridiculous and inhuman ablution from a pool of water, which was yet polluted with patrician blood. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Although the process is going well, it is a matter of concern that some houses are not built according to the set building norms and standards of the Department of Housing, which stipulate that all houses should be built with facilities such as ablution and sinks inside," committee chairwoman Zoliswa Fredericks-Kota wrote in a statement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He applied sandal paste on his forehead and wore the sacred thread across his body and was rigorous in the ablutions before prayers.
  • The act of ablution is sympathetic magic, based as it is on the "like produces like" principle, the principle that action on the signifier (physical dirt) is, or results in, parallel action on the signified (spiritual sin). The Stain of Sin
  • Thorough ablution might truly be said both to renovate and to rejuvenise! Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • When the morning morrowed in sheen and shone, Nur al-Din awoke from deep sleep and found that she had brought water: 484 so they made the Ghusl-ablution, he and she, and he performed that which behoved him of prayer to his Lord, after which she set before him meat and drink, and he ate and drank. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When the morning morrowed in sheen and shone, Nur al-Din awoke from deep sleep and found that she had brought water: 484 so they made the Ghusl-ablution, he and she, and he performed that which behoved him of prayer to his Lord, after which she set before him meat and drink, and he ate and drank. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • While Abas was putting on his shirt after performing the ablutions for the afternoon prayer, he was surprised to see a new prayer mat spread neatly on his bed.
  • The three Tibetan Buddhist lineages of the New Translation Period - Sakya, Kagyu, and Gelug - divide tantra into four classes: kriya (ritual Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes external ritual practices such as ablution, diet, and fasting; charya (behavioral Buddha-figure practice), which equally emphasizes external behavior and internal methods; yoga (integrated Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes internal methods of yoga; anuttarayoga (peerlessly integrated Buddha-figure practice), which teaches special, more advanced methods of internal practice. Basic Features of Tantra
  • During the lunch break I went to the bathroom to perform an ablution for the Zuhar prayers but in the Western style bathroom it was not a very feasible idea.
  • Dominic whistled cheerfully as he strode along his worn path to the stream where he performed his daily ablutions.
  • Baptism is the initial sacrament of the New Testament, by which the covenant people of God are sprinkled with water, by a minister of the church, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost -- to signify and to testify the spiritual ablution which is effected by the blood and Spirit of Christ. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Moreover, the several marble basins that were found in the building, and that might have formed part of its furnishings in the last phase and perhaps even in previous phases, could have held water for ritual ablutions.
  • 308 Complete ablution is rendered necessary chiefly by the emission of semen either in copulation or in nocturnal pollution. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She would have been down there taking a ceremonial ablution and praying to the river god Hapi, who was also the god of fertility.
  • Adam and Zelikov crawled on their bellies through the scrub towards the brick wall of the ablutions block. KARA KUSH
  • Most religions practice ritual ablution, or bathing - though only Hinduism by the millions at once.
  • The daily routine started early in the morning with ablutions followed by a meagre breakfast at eight o'clock then back in the cell until they were served a plateful of dinner at about four o'clock.
  • But before they do, they pause to wash their hands and feet in a ritual called "wudu," or ablution. -
  • I was ordered to do all my bathing and shaving and other ablutions upstairs in the most distant bathroom.
  • When the minor ablution is ended, the worshipper should say, I testify that there is no god but the God, the One, which for partner hath none, and I testify that Mohammed is His servant and His apostle. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The taurobolium, a disgusting shower-bath of lukewarm blood, had become a means of obtaining a new and eternal life; the ritualistic ablutions were no longer external and material acts, but were supposed to cleanse the soul of its impurities and to restore its original innocence; the sacred repasts The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • He had emerged from his fairly elaborate morning ablutions looking ashen-faced.
  • Ablution is part of some religious ceremonies.
  • Hurriedly she finished her ablutions, pulled on her clothes and went to investigate.
  • Koraichi's installation iconizes al-Rumi's journey across continents through Turkish ceramic ablution basins, Moroccan gold-embroidered silk, and metal.
  • At twelve o'clock the class was dismissed, and there followed a rush for the toilets and ablutions.
  • By means of these simple packs followed by cold ablutions, the temperature of the patient can be kept at any point desired without the use of poisonous antifever medicines, serums and antitoxins which lower the temperature by benumbing and paralyzing heart action, respiration, the red and white blood corpuscles, and thus generally lowering the vital activities of the organism. Nature Cure
  • And on he went with his talk, while Arthur stole timidly from between the beds out to his washhand-stand, and began his ablutions, thereby drawing for a moment on himself the attention of the room. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • The ablutions, cookhouse and accommodation are checked for cleanliness, these jobs being a major headache in a platoon location.
  • It was a big breakfast of bacon, egg and fried bread which faced me when I had finished my ablutions. GOODBYE CURATE
  • None of my companions had till now found out any thing which could have directly inculpated myself; they however kept a strict watch over all my motions: being obliged at night to go aside, two of the travellers last arrived followed me unseen, and pretended afterwards to have observed some irregularities in the ablutions necessary to be performed on such occasions; in consequence of which, I was told that I was Travels in Nubia
  • Islam, Allah is a respected word that you need to have ablutions before saying.
  • Camp beds were also lacking, ablutions were rudimentary and much of the kit was more suitable for a winter campaign in the northern Europe of the cold war.
  • Perform your ablutions, bathe, eat, drink, play dice and other games, sleep - all on the chariot.
  • He had emerged from his fairly elaborate morning ablutions looking ashen-faced.
  • Despite how it sounds, "ablution" is ceremonial washing, not a stomach-flattening exercise. Under the Table: Baby Got Beard
  • Sultan’; and again quoth he, ‘If calamity befal one who is not pure by ablution; verily and assuredly let him blame none but himself.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • 308 Complete ablution is rendered necessary chiefly by the emission of semen either in copulation or in nocturnal pollution. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Alarmingly, I have experienced a number of electrical shocks whilst performing my morning ablutions close by to the tiny bulbs.
  • Every married woman must perform here certain ceremonious ablutions at regular intervals. The Promised Land
  • Interestingly enough, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also encouraged doing ablution before going to bed.
  • But if anything of the sort happen after the consecration, the insect should be caught carefully and washed thoroughly, then burned, and the "ablution," together with the ashes, thrown into the sacrarium. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The camp itself was built on a hillside, with a brick building, probably an ablutions block, to one side. KARA KUSH
  • These upgrading works included the installation of fire alarms, ceiling repairs, electrical rewiring, heating, fire doors, shower, ablutions in the billet block and some tarmacadam.
  • Muslims pray 5 times a day at specific times, and they perform ablutions (wash up) before they pray.
  • When I was done she wrapped my shoulders in a towel, and then performed her own quick ablutions as Alice and I finished drying ourselves.
  • He performed his ablution before the ritual.
  • Yes, it is now time for the Fiver to emerge from its cobwebbed crawl-space and head off for its early-summer "special" at Madame She-She's Kings Cross bathing parlour, there to enjoy its annual intensive ablution regime involving a 20-minute industrial hose-down, the descaling of physical extremities, laundering and re-stitching of Kevlar undergarments and finally an assisted constitutional massage overseen by a group of faceless, asbestos-suited individuals armed with tongs. Football news, match reports and fixtures |
  • These upgrading works included the installation of fire alarms, ceiling repairs, electrical rewiring, heating, fire doors, shower, ablutions in the billet block and some tarmacadam.
  • When he works in Hampshire, he has to get out of bed at 0530, perform the necessary ablutions, down a coffee and leave the house at 0600.
  • But wait: in an act of ablution worthy of the papacy, the writer throws us this pearl.
  • Al – Ahnaf, ‘Part thy hair and trim thy moustachio and pare thy nails and pluck thine armpits and shave thy pubes268 and ever use the toothstick because therein be two and seventy virtues, and make the Ghusl or complete ablution on Friday, as an expiation for all between the Fridays.’ — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For your 500 Euros a night you get, in addition to an extremely cold and uncomfortable bed (albeit with furs), a room in a nearby proper hotel for ablutions.
  • Ritual cleanliness and ablution are required before salat, as are clean clothes and location, and the removal of shoes.
  • He removed his outer robe - a yellow and orange chasuble - and wore his plain white alb to carry out the symbolic ablutions re-enacting Jesus's washing of the disciples' feet at the Last Supper.
  • We can keep repeating those ritual ablutions, over and over and over again, washing away the sin, trying to scrub out that stain, but if we succeed in absolving ourselves of all shame, we are simply ditching the burden of responsibility. Archive 2006-02-01
  • As far as I'm concerned, if a spider is in the bath you must remain absolutely silent when going about your ablutions otherwise it will launch itself into the air and latch onto your head.
  • He went there regularly in the months to come, first doing the ablution known as wudu in a washroom fitted for cleansing hands, face and feet, and then facing toward Mecca to intone the salat prayer. Rising Hegemon
  • The guards now took over, kicking and shoving him in the direction of the ablutions.
  • ‘Many of the older accommodation blocks have shared ablutions, shared laundries, limited or no storage, limited car parking, no telephone or TV jacks in individual rooms and are in urgent need of general maintenance,’ he said.
  • The labrum was a great basin or round vase of white marble, rather more than five feet in diameter, into which the hot water bubbled up through a pipe in its centre, and served for the partial ablutions of those who took the vapor-bath. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • They gave me good food with fruit and water for ablutions and prayer.
  • At the top of the building, the glass roof of the children's shower can be opened at the touch of a switch for open-air ablutions or access to a rooftop terrace.
  • As I was rounding off my weekly ablutions in the bath today, I reached for the pumice stone to scrub my soles.
  • On the wires overhead a cheerful community of young swallows were chattering and performing their evening ablutions, stretching one wing out at a time, as far as it would reach, and preening the feathers.
  • A pair of suitcases filled with special shower heads for Islamic ablutions , and monumental razors and clippers, poke fun at the needs of the Muslim traveler.
  • Taylor sighed, running a hand through her hair before she slipped into some pyjamas and jumped straight into bed, too worn and puzzled and happy and upset to bother with her ablutions.
  • Each person contributes from the leathern bottles and bags at his saddle-bow a portion towards the general mess, which is prepared by a certain number of the party in turn; and while it is being made ready, the others having said their evening prayers and performed their ablutions resign themselves to the soothing influences of the chibouque, if not prohibited, and to the cordial of coffee, if they have any. Life of Schamyl And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia
  • But then a year ago he could still call up the horror of the communal plunge at his earlier lodgings: the listening for other bathers, the dodging of shrouded ladies in "crimping" - pins, the cold wait on the landing, the reluctant descent into a blotchy tin bath, and the effort to identify one's soap and nail-brush among the promiscuous implements of ablution. Full Circle
  • The Bog Standard Campaign was launched to rid schools of rundown ablutions which campaigners say are not just unpleasant, but also affect learning.
  • Hassane and most of the competitors sheepishly made their way over to El Hadji's open-air mosque to perform their ablutions and prayers.
  • Can you imagine the outrage that's going to occur (mark my words) when some guy who's coming off a basketball court sticks his smelly feet in a * not symbolic* footbath where a Moslem is just about to perform ablution? Archive 2007-08-01
  • There are taps for the men's ablutions - and an escape tunnel which opens near a ditch to allow the men a speedy getaway.

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