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  1. discrimination in favor of the able-bodied

How To Use ableism In A Sentence

  • As a speccy lankey streak of p*ss is it ok for other speccy lankey streaks of p*ss to call me that or should I be offended as it is both disableism inverted obesityism? on January 30, 2009 at 9: 05 am | Reply R/T If It Looks Crazy And It Sounds Crazy………….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The noble motive of Elliott and Vasquez is to end racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, and heterosexism… just about every type of nonPC ‘ism’ in existence.
  • Either the reader must identify with the narrator and share her/his view that ableism and sexism are hurting people who need health care, or she/he must find a way to dismiss the story.
  • It is important to realize that women with disabilities often don't conform to the stereotypes of a ‘good’ woman, wife, and/or mother and so experience both ableism and sexism simultaneously.
  • Some of these issues include infanticide, child abuse, incest, forced marriage, marital rape, classism, ableism, and sexism.
  • Their issues-which still are all women's issues-are very much entrenched in institutional oppression feeding off racism, sexism, classism, ageism and ableism.
  • Please try not to promote ableism within the pages of your ‘progressive’ newsjournal, especially after you have shown that you know better.
  • Under these circumstances, it would be incredible if he hadn't experienced ableism and discrimination.
  • I find it very disturbing that a pregnant woman's wish for a healthy child is being redefined as being an expression of ableism.
  • Organizers have dedicated Friday to this year's symposium, which will link sexual diversity with other forms of multicultural diversity and will address homophobia, racism, discrimination and ableism.
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