

  1. a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter

How To Use abiogenesis In A Sentence

  • The supplies catenary risk consequence estimation that does not decide abiogenesis risk incident is brought about is the difficulty place that the risk estimates.
  • Nor can either abiogenesis or heterogenesis be excluded SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • Life's alleged origin from lifeless chemicals is commonly called chemical or prebiotic evolution, or abiogenesis.
  • Sadly, in practice, abiogenesis is not yet allowed to be considered falsifiable or subject to the weight of evidence. De Facto Intelligent Design in Biology
  • For long time, the people have been think that decrepitude is a process of abiogenesis, is the natural regulation that can't resist, the anti-decrepitude is to disobey the physical law.
  • Material basement and migration dynamic are two essential problems that have to be answered by the crust mantle hydrocarbon abiogenesis theory.
  • But even if the Miller-Urey details and chemical pathways remain debated, the basic validity of “abiogenesis” does remain in place—the assertion that the building blocks of life, and so life itself, can be formed from entirely nonbiological sources. First Contact
  • "This evolutionary timescale limits our ability to make strong inferences about how probable abiogenesis is."
  • Is it acceptable for scientists, functioning as scientists within science, to take and to teach the view that belief in abiogenesis is not scientifically warranted by the evidence, and to support this view with the chemical evidence that this is not how unguided chemicals behave? Convincing Evidence for God
  • Evolution doesn't encompass cosmology, or geology, or even abiogenesis; those are different areas.
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