How To Use Abiding In A Sentence
The deep grief and guilt of the mother as well as the hatred and home-sickness of the daughter permeate the story and eventually melt away due to the abiding family love.
The fact is, these very welcome props to Mildred Loving and her husband Richard are deeply, abidingly, and intrinsically progressive values.
Evan Derkacz: Historical Revisionism Jujitsu: Religious Right Celebrates End of Interracial Marriage Ban
This abiding relationship extended to all aspects of life, including daily existence.
Our problem is we are the most law-abiding community, the pensioners - we weren't brought up to go mob-handed anywhere.
Our already overcrowded court rooms could be swamped with such otherwise upright and law abiding citizens.
Satisfied that no other bravos were abiding beyond it, he dragged the dead man by his sandaled feet into the room.
His stories of past friends were always endearing but told with a dignified but abiding relish.
Times, Sunday Times
The problem may be abidingly poor translation and localization of documents.
The abiding, bred-in-the-bone ignorance of posh people about ordinary people – how we live, think, feel.
How to learn to live with Tories
So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Why should the law abiding working person pay for these scum to be locked up in cosy cells with all the amenities that they can’t afford for themselves, if you are sending people to prison it should be hell on earth for them.
Another Form Of Relief « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The career of Bernardo Bellotto argues for a more cosmopolitan image and the abiding strength of Italian centres of culture.
Was he genuinely not aware of the sort of law-abiding person you are?
Times, Sunday Times
Why not empty prisons of all criminals and fill them with law abiding people?
The Sun
There was a rapturous ring of silence abiding perfectly.
My abiding memory is of him watering his plants in the garden on sunny afternoons.
What about law-abiding citizens' human rights to be safe?
The Sun
It is an abiding reality, beyond time and eternal.
Times, Sunday Times
Then all these scruffy layabouts who had nothing better to do with their time than try to prevent law-abiding country folk from tearing foxes apart could be arrested and prosecuted.
Now, here is a lady whose charms are abounding and abiding.
Forgetting the levels of firepower loosed in Vietnam, the image itself is abidingly odd.
Tom Engelhardt: Going for Broke
Cyclists behaving like law-abiding citizens?
Times, Sunday Times
'The first instance I shall give of the abiding influence of strong impressions received in infancy, is in the character of a lady who is now no more; and who was too eminent for piety and virtue, to leave any doubt of her being now exalted to the enjoyment of that felicity which her enfeebled mind, during its abode on earth, never dared to contemplate.
The Mother's Book
I've never been one for abiding by rules that don't interest me.
Asia has been an abiding love.
Times, Sunday Times
Vis-a-vis entitlement: my main objection to Sen. Clinton's candidacy is my abiding belief that political dynasties are antithetic to democracy.
Richardson Defends Bill Clinton From McCarthyism Charge ��� But Blasts Carville
Love, sex, duplicity, betrayal - the abiding themes of literature are all there, along with the fascinating twist that it's all going on under the watchful eye of the public.
All the defeat of this bill does is prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves and others while traveling from state to state, unless they file the proper paper work with the states they are traveling too. inat
Senate rejects concealed weapons bill
I am a law-abiding person.
The Sun
This must be the only case in history of the usual suspects being the most law-abiding citizens.
But what it is doing is totally alienating otherwise law-abiding citizens and turning them into criminals.
In addition, efforts were made to inculcate law-abiding attitudes and strengthen the unity of command principle.
Cicero, on the other hand, it seems to me, after the manner of a widespread conflagration, rolls on with all-devouring flames, having within him an ample and abiding store of fire, distributed now at this point now at that, and fed by an unceasing succession.
Archive 2010-03-01
So the introduction of random breath tests should not be a problem for the law-abiding majority.
The Sun
Throughout all of this, his abiding interest was in music.
Times, Sunday Times
It leaves you with an abiding sense of insecurity.
Times, Sunday Times
It expects two things of adolescents: that they achieve academically and are law-abiding.
The Prime Minister said: "I am anxious that the law should protect decent law-abiding citizens and their property
Like the black woman in a slave narrative, the Chicana remains here an abiding if sometimes invisible medium of exchange.
The Reasoned Amendment claims the Bill fails to tackle the ‘inadequacies’ of animal welfare legislation, but would criminalise the activities of tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens.
We are very grateful for the response of the law-abiding majority.
The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.
He possessed a fine tenor voice and had an abiding love of church music.
Times, Sunday Times
After the expulsion of the master, the Twentieth School fell upon evil days, for the trustees decided that it would be better to try "gurl" teachers, as Hughie contemptuously called them; and this policy prevailed for two or three years, with the result that the big boys left the school, and with their departure the old heroic age passed away, to be succeeded by an age soft, law-abiding, and distinctly commercial.
Glengarry School Days: a story of early days in Glengarry
And the abiding memory of the eighties must be of the greatest achievement, the enormous increase in passenger traffic.
The sport of golf is a stickler for abiding by the rules.
Politics was an abiding passion and he retained a constant devotion to his father's Liberal Party.
This is a matter of more than sheer law-abidingness with him.
Conservatives: The Tanenhaus Taxonomy
Herzog & de Meuron's abiding interest in building skins is aggressively advanced at the Walker.
Anyway, it's not a bad abiding image to have of her.
Times, Sunday Times
My abiding image of the two bruising encounters is that tidal wave of blue from our fans in the Stretford End.
The Sun
Problem is, short of erecting a magic barrier that vaporizes all guns upon entering the city limits, how do you propose to enforce such a ban, in such a way that denies *all* people access to guns, not just the law-abiding?
A New Concept for Gun Control
But it was equally unpleasant to drift aimlessly through the blackness of space, all the while abiding either the fortuity of happening upon errant matter or the slow, foreordained approach of death.
I don't think that a society can be encultured to the point where they are willing to law-abidingly starve to death or die of exposure.
Nasty, Brutish Looting, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
When will the powers that be realise we need a deterrent sufficient to stamp out these evil, heinous crimes to protect law-abiding citizens?
The Sun
This perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art; since the author of it was not misled by any thing short-lived or local, but abode by real and abiding traits.
Representative Men
If a majority of Euro-MPs were to decide that a party was not abiding by their definition of human rights and democratic values, it would be debarred.
“Thou keenest a cure right well; the remedy of his sickness is the Queen of the Serpents, and thou knowest her abiding-place and hast been with her.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
To a lot of good law-abiding citizens like myself it is their job.
The Sun
The abiding feeling of all these players as they ran out at Wembley that hot July day was exhaustion.
The Sun
To a lot of good law-abiding citizens like myself it is their job.
The Sun
But the abiding memory is of disappointment.
Times, Sunday Times
Japan should seek to "instil in China a sense of abiding trust in us".
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
But a childhood spent dwelling on the nuances of chess has left its mark and it remains an abiding passion.
Almighty God is the education and training of children, young plants of the Abhá Paradise, so that these children, fostered by grace in the way of salvation, growing like pearls of divine bounty in the shell of education, will one day bejewel the crown of abiding glory.
A Compilation on Bahá’í Education
We welcome anyone to Bolton if their intention is to lead a responsible law-abiding life.
Kunis, gorgeous as she is, embodies a new generation of women stars, as she features in a beloved raunchy cartoon in "Family Guy" and boasts of her massive geek chicness, including an abiding love of Star Trek.
'Friends With Benefits': The Anti-Romantic Comedy
HOWEVER, the second you begin darting in and out of traffic like a gang of overmedicated pinheads and interfering with its normal flow, you not only break traffic laws but you also create a considerable amount of danger to other pedestrians, to law-abiding drivers who may or may not support the war and are otherwise minding their own business, and to medical and law enforcement personnel.
Protesters Snarl Downtown Traffic at
The true and abiding interest of the battle is derived from is moral effect, from its influence on the people of the Netherlands.
For why, the soothfastness of this thing is only in God, and in thee is but a blind abiding of His will, without certainty of one moment, the which is as little or less than a twinkling of an eye.
The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
He explained the true nature of man: a composition of elements which arise and then fall away immediately and which are devoid of an abiding substance, of a self.
But the abiding memory is of disappointment.
Times, Sunday Times
Good behaviour is abiding by the law in the first place.
The Sun
Like the black woman in a slave narrative, the Chicana remains here an abiding if sometimes invisible medium of exchange.
The young man who drafted the Declaration of Independence and who later became President Jefferson was a Deist, as were several of the other founding fathers of that abidingly important institution, the United States.
The insincerity of Richard Dawkins « Anglican Samizdat
His beautiful garden provided another abiding interest.
Times, Sunday Times
An abiding memory of Andalucia is of bright potted geraniums brimming over dazzling white walls under a deep blue sky.
And from thence to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
Children will profit from drill in and out of school in the science of avoiding offense and of giving happiness, but unless the categories -- _acts that give offense_ and _acts that give happiness_ -- are wide enough to include the main acts committed in the normal relations of son, companion, employer, husband, father, and citizen, those who set out to avoid alcohol and tobacco find themselves ill equipped to carry the obligations of a temperate, law-abiding citizen.
Civics and Health
What marks all of it, without exception, is intelligence and rigour, thoroughness and care, and an abiding dedication to the importance of the role architecture plays in an ever more complicated world.
My abiding memory of their performances of these two great works is the Quartet's total dedication to the task of recreating the sublime ideas of both composers.
That planted the seed of my abiding love of Westerns which is still one of my passions.
It also devalues the achievement of the majority of poor minority kids, who struggle to live decent, law-abiding lives.
Those of us who live with a deep and abiding love of Hong Kong fear that these protests could have a bad ending.
The Sun
His one redeemable virtue, however, is a deep, abiding love of cinema.
The abiding memory of so many who worked on the shows is the rehearsal of his solo spot.
Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
They are all law-abiding citizens and actively wish to contribute to society.
a god-fearing and law-abiding people
He acted honourably and, in the gentlemanly world of golf, with the intention of abiding by the rules.
For many Republicans, the abiding feeling of the last generation has been that this unique pattern of party competitiveness was an aberration.
My son attends that college five days a week, works hard and is very polite and law abiding.
The Sun
I've always believed in abiding by Caucus decisions.
Kekana suggested that Westbury take the Soweto option - inspanning law abiding youths in the area at act as the "eyes and ears" of the community in rooting out and identifying criminals.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This Week in DVD, Black Dynamite, Cabin Fever 2, coco before chanel, Good Hair, halo legends, Hunger, Law-Abiding-Citizen, revanche, spring fever kingdarius black dynamite is no less than a buy because it was hilarious! and basically tha funniest movie i've seen since 40yr old virgin and saying its a rent is just plain disrespectful
This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: Law Abiding Citizen, Black Dynamite, Cabin Fever 2, and More | /Film
I'm not sure where law-abidingness fits among the virtues.
Arizona's Immigration Reform
So that part of her closing statements reveals her abiding stupidity and ignorance.
This "law abiding majority" are nothing of the sort and the kind of people that quite happily download music and films from the internet, park on double yellows and buy cheap "baccy" from a man in a pub and then whinge about "why don't you go after the 'real' criminals".
The stupidest idea in British policing?
They just catch mainly honest and law-abiding citizens who, for the most part, are driving at appropriate speeds.
He may as well have clapped me in irons and commenced flogging in front of the herds of law-abiding legal visitors.
And then these Daarians come, and take over, and now you see normally law-abiding citizens revolting left and right!
Its other inhabitants are old and staid and utterly law abiding with a conscience over helping with the housework.
Sand In My Shoes: Wartime Diaries of a WAAF
There are many thousands of good, decent, honest, unemployed people who are law-abiding and that never ever broke the law in their lives.
Originally religion constituted an abiding relationship not only with deity, but even more with place.
These early experiences left him with an abiding love of nature.
Times, Sunday Times
When an American-flag-waving delegation of their Alexandria hosts, Tenants and Workers United, briefly marches in a lane of traffic, blocking cars, the trekkers stick law-abidingly to the sidewalk.
Trail of Dream students walk 1,500 miles to bring immigration message to Washington
In one respect it is a tribute to the deep and abiding Australian love of cricket.
Times, Sunday Times
In one respect it is a tribute to the deep and abiding Australian love of cricket.
Times, Sunday Times
Its other inhabitants are old and staid and utterly law abiding with a conscience over helping with the housework.
Sand In My Shoes: Wartime Diaries of a WAAF
The law-abiding people of this country seek proper justice.
The Sun
Let's hope that means an end to the most badly abused aspect of existing law: It forces the discharge of otherwise law-abiding service members whose sexual orientation is revealed by third parties such as jilted partners or spurned would-be lovers of the opposite sex.
Local News from The Gainesville Sun
It is another to argue for obedience to a specific set of laws on consequentialist grounds that have nothing to do with law-abidingness in general.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Law and Economics Training for Religious Leaders:
He discredits the idea that the innocent and law-abiding have nothing to worry about, arguing that privacy isn't simply an individual ‘quality of life’ issue.
My son attends that college five days a week, works hard and is very polite and law abiding.
The Sun
Try as they might to update their image, it seems we in the press are incapable of reporting on those abiding British institutions without cracking mean-minded jokes about woggles and campfire ditties.
He clearly was neither a law-abiding person nor an upstanding member of the local community.
All thoroughly unlawful but there is a limit to public patience when the law- abiding feel they are not protected by officialdom.
And that will be her abiding memory.
The Sun
Crew's tradition-abiding MacAlister boot ($135), H&M's imitation-suede desert boot ($50), Rockport's dressy Tetlin Lane ($100) and Topman's multiple takes (from $75) including a fleece-lined, beige ankle-hugger.
Get Your Kicks
No wonder decent law-abiding people despair.
The Sun
More likely the product of those years, in the main, turned into decent law-abiding members of society.
The law-abiding majority will rightly worry about the ease with which the police can access confidential data.
Times, Sunday Times
He is an artist with an abiding concern for humanity.
I am the bread of life -- Henceforth the discourse is all in the first person, "I," "Me," which occur in one form or other, as Stier reckons, thirty-five times. he that cometh to me -- to obtain what the soul craves, and as the only all-sufficient and ordained source of supply. hunger ... thirst -- shall have conscious and abiding satisfaction.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
This terrible crime has shocked all law-abiding citizens.
There's no abiding success without commitment. Tony Robbins
You let criminals into the country, but keep out law-abiding people.
The Sun
You cannot just strut your junk in your trunk and funk in your fishburger in front of decent, law-abiding citizens and think that it is okay. : Spoof News : Front Page
He had spent a political lifetime trying to instil the habits of democracy in his people - a disdain for dictators, an abiding faith in the constitutional system.
An abiding memory of a great Test match?
Times, Sunday Times
Q “And who is he that preferreth his future to his present welfare?” — “He who knoweth that he dwelleth in a perishing house, that he was created but to vade away and that, after vading away, he will be called to account and indeed, were there in this world one living and abiding for ever, he would not prefer it to the next world.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Why not empty prisons of all criminals and fill them with law abiding people?
The Sun
Nevertheless, few literary movements have exhibited such an abiding preoccupation with establishing antecedents in order to defend and define their textual practices.
The abiding problem is to do this but still to show that our often counter-intuitive beliefs are needed to provide the full picture.
My abiding memory of our first meeting is of a girl too shy to talk.
It would also hugely benefit the vast majority of law-abiding refugees.
The Sun
Only 60% said they were abiding by the law.
Times, Sunday Times
Our moral sense dictates a clear-cut preference for these societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights.
The Good Fight
The public and principle breaking of the law by otherwise law-abiding persons is meant to call attention to the unjustness of that law.
Tax amnesties inevitably give rise to resentment on the part of most law-abiding citizens.
My son attends that college five days a week, works hard and is very polite and law abiding.
The Sun
‘The refugees and asylum seekers are generally law-abiding and educated and have no inclination towards crime,’ he said.
The majority like the Swindon Muslim community are law abiding and peaceful.
As if to bring competing energies under control, Blue Blood 's abiding tone is almost compulsively apothegmatic.
A Quietly Remarkable Memoir Walks a Beat From H.U. to NYPD
When read literally, the Hebrew Bible is an abidingly strange and powerful text.
The 1,000-page morality tale
Law Abiding Citizen is a violent neo-noir by director F. Gary Gray that begs to be more than just your run-of-the-mill thrill ride but falls victim to overthinking the motives of its own characters that it tries to craft, leaving a film that has a lot of anger and bloodshed, but not much more.
LAW ABIDING CITIZEN Extended Director’s Cut Blu-ray Review –
A real and abiding concern for the dignity of human life postulates resistance to taking life through law's instrumentality.
He can never hope for lasting human contacts: abiding love, enduring friendship.
Unlike our usual mental cognition, which arises from the dominating condition (bdag-rkyen) of our mental sensors (yid-kyi dbang-po), yogic cognition arises from a state of combined shamatha (zhi-gnas; calm abiding, mental quiescence) and vipashyana (lhag-mthong, special insight) as its dominating condition.
6 Gelug Presentation of Tantra in General
All that stayed with me after Keane was an unhappy impression of all-abiding tonal uniformity in the hush-tone vespers of dialogues, unhandsome, shallow mise-en-scène, and rigidly adhered-to aesthetic tenets.
One view of the Revolution has abiding power in popular memory and public culture.
The Prime Minister said: "I am anxious that the law should protect decent law-abiding citizens and their property
Meanwhile, law-abiding, undemanding, polite and hard-working genuine victims will undoubtably be lost in the white noise of the dependency class, as they fight each other over all the usual issues; child custody, ownership of scrap vehicles, theft of tobacco and pre-pay mobile phones etc.
National Victim Agency – Deckchairs, Titanic. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
You will be reminded that firefighters deserve your deep and abiding appreciation and respect for their service.
But we also want the rights of all law-abiding citizens to be respected and protected as well.
Add a crusty engineer and his manic assistant, and you have the makings of a team any law-abiding citizen should think twice before calling in to stop trouble.
The news has been condemned by civil liberties groups that claim that the plans would mean excessive delving into the lives of law-abiding citizens.
Times, Sunday Times
He said the girls' parents were appalled to think that ordinary law abiding members of the public could be subjected to such unprovoked violence, especially when with a group.
On his death in 1941 a Senate eulogist said the end of Prohibition had been “the one great disappointment and abiding sorrow” of his life.
That must always leave us with a sense of bitter regret and abiding sorrow.
This shows how the police can use the law-abiding majority to be its eyes and ears on the streets.
Times, Sunday Times
The letter was not acknowledged by Mr Griffiths and so Mr Stott wrote two further letters on February 12 and 24 confirming the firm was abiding by the guidelines.
I guess they don't believe in abiding by the rules, Mrs Clinton would not be pushing the issue if the shoe was on the other foot.
Obama supporters planning DNC counter-protest
But law-abiding taxpayers would be right to resent the apparent leniency being shown to tax dodgers.
Times, Sunday Times
You let criminals into the country, but keep out law-abiding people.
The Sun
The common thread that connected them was their abiding belief that peace and non-violence were the only forces that could save humanity.
The single abiding ambition of my life was to be as good a father as I could.
At the end of the hyper-relgious Victorian era, the British working class was famous for its law-abidingness and lack of illegitimacy.
Matthew Yglesias » Also: The Sky Is Blue
He has very high morals and is law-abiding and he's never done anything criminally wrong in his life.
Prison corruption can seem a remote concern to the law-abiding majority.
Times, Sunday Times
Obama, Edwards, Richardson and others showed good faith in abiding by the rules of the DNC and petitioned to have their names removed in both MI and FL – they were successful only in MI because FL maintained the names of the candidates on the ballot against their wishes.
Full Michigan delegation with half-vote to be seated by Dems
The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.
No wonder decent law-abiding people despair.
The Sun
His composition is now and then somewhat disconnected; the impressions are vague, almost illusory, and the mirage is a little obscure, but the intense and abiding charm of Nature remains.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
So the introduction of random breath tests should not be a problem for the law-abiding majority.
The Sun
Those abiding by the spending ceiling can accept contributions at the current level of $ 750.
Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said Friday that the department is abiding by its standard practice of defending existing law and that the filing doesn't mean Obama has changed his mind about wanting to see gay couples win federal recognition.
Defending the Indefensible
What is forgotten in most of the talk about litter on our streets and indiscriminate dumping is that it is the law-abiding, honest and upright members of the community that have to pay to have it cleaned up.
My point, distilled, is how do you coppers feel when you see this Goverment making more and more laws that tend to isolate you from your natural alies, the law-abiding public?
Consultation My Arse! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
While HDCP's digital rights management (DRM) is "revocable" -- it allows copyright owners to generate a fresh set of encryption keys for new releases, after which law-abiding owners of Blu-ray players have to wait for firmware updates to watch those titles -- the master key by its nature can't be revoked without making every existing release unplayable on hardware that complied with the old key.
Blu-ray's HDCP security possibly cracked. So what?
The Prime Minister said: "I am anxious that the law should protect decent law-abiding citizens and their property
Israel is seen to be abiding in his tents according to his tribes: "As valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's side, as the trees of the lignaloes which the Lord hath planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters.
My Recollections of African M. E. Ministers, or Forty Years' Experience in the African Methodist Episcopal Church
This car insurance nonsense just adds expense for law-abiding motorists.
The Sun
But physicists are a law-abiding bunch, and detest this idea.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm tired of your abiding complaints.
Minor vandalism is annoying, expensive and distressing to law-abiding citizens.
Japan should seek to "instil in China a sense of abiding trust in us".
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
I am normally a law-abiding citizen but I had not a single scruple.
The news has been condemned by civil liberties groups that claim that the plans would mean excessive delving into the lives of law-abiding citizens.
Times, Sunday Times
Then they ceased not abiding in solace and pleasance and good cheer and abounding prosperity, eating and drinking with mirth and merriment, till there came to them the
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
An abiding memory of Baden is the harmony of the old town.
Any state that abridges the right of a law-abiding citizen to vote is in violation of Section 1.
The Volokh Conspiracy » California’s Woes and Prop 13
And this was the main abiding-place of the Folk that I had chanced upon.
However, there is some wine that does, triggering a deep and abiding feeling of well-being that is more than simple pleasure.
Is the severe contraction of certain major components of the governmental institution abidingly new?
Thereupon I taught her that in every well-constituted city the citizens are not content merely to pass good laws, but they further choose them guardians of the laws,208 whose function as inspectors is to praise the man whose acts are law-abiding, or to mulct some other who offends against the law.
But because a lingering doubt remained, the child's fate is of abiding interest: this is the book's premise.
Peaceable felons will then have, like all other law-abiding citizens, the ability to wear body armor defensively with no risk to society and the violent felons who recidivate will face consequences for wearing body armor in their future crimes.
The Volokh Conspiracy » United States v. Alderman and Felon Possession of Body Armor:
They said the title connects Muslim people with violent extremism in a way that is unjustified, ignoring the fact the majority are law-abiding citizens.
Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
If he had one abiding trait, it was his desire of astonishing people.
His deep and abiding interest in infantry warfare was soon to pay great dividends.