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How To Use Abide by In A Sentence

  • If you know that, and contract a goblin craftsman, you should probably expect to abide by that concept. A very unsatisfying answer « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • The Supreme Court has directed the State Governments and Union Territories to abide by the norms.
  • It surely cannot happen since our laws specifically forbid it and anyone who chooses to come to live here must abide by our laws. The Sun
  • It surely cannot happen since our laws specifically forbid it and anyone who chooses to come to live here must abide by our laws. The Sun
  • The only people who had to abide by any duty of standing with their lord were the warriors as can be seen by the account of the Battle of Maldon.
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Master English with Ease
  • With hair, you've got to abide by the laws more. Times, Sunday Times
  • When all is said and done, what we are up against is every man's reluctance to do his duty, to abide by the dictates of society.
  • All patients must abide by a vigorous oral care routine including either clotrimazole or nystatin, both of which are anti-fungal agents.
  • It is not acceptable to announce repeatedly to the world that we don't torture, that we abide by all our treaty obligations, and that we treat detainees "humanely" -- only to engage in secret waterboarding and hypothermia, based on equally secret legal determinations that construe the words "torture" and "humane" in an Orwellian fashion, that diminish treaty obligations down to nothing, and that assert a right of the President to ignore all statutory limits. Balkinization
  • Stomach churner: Brussel sprouts thanks to the Mom-imposed Scarsdale diet that the whole family had to abide by. A humble spork, but 'tis mine own
  • Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.
  • Abide by the decision of the authorities and serve your full sentence conscientiously.
  • Officials said that Britain would seek to make clear to the armed rebels that they must abide by international law. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will not abide by any code of conduct and have no incentive to deal fairly with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government is absolutely prepared to make it abide by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cardinals must take an oath when they first enter the conclave that they will abide by all rules set down by the Pope and that they will maintain absolute secrecy about the voting and deliberations.
  • If the jury feels that the law under which the defendant is accused, is unjust, or that exigent circumstances justified the actions of the accused, or for any reason which appeals to their logic of passion, the jury has the power to acquit, and the courts must abide by that decision. Bête Voir
  • It would, of course, be easier for landlords if all letting agents were obliged by law to abide by financial protection arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • But marketization and globalization were not neutral, and as China grew closer to the West economically, it found itself under growing pressure to abide by international political norms.
  • The pope sanctioned it, on condition that the Protestants would abide by its decisions and submit their credenda in concise, intelligible form. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • To qualify as a professional fiduciary, CPAs would have had to pass a test, meet minimum educational requirements and agree to abide by a separate code of ethics.
  • The law has to abide by the wish of the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are all expected to abide by the legal framework within which we all live, which does not countenance going out and destroying all those we suspect to be mortal enemies.
  • His first care was to obtain some refreshment, which was more cheerfully afforded him by a good-natured pantler than by Dryfesdale, who was, on this occasion, much disposed to abide by the fashion of The Abbot
  • Companies wishing to join will have to abide by a code of conduct.
  • They derive their strength from the realization that not to abide by them would make for an unworkable constitution.
  • This is my country and I abide by the laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • What regulations, rules or guidelines do environmental consultants have to abide by?
  • We can't force these volunteers to abide by our code of conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the lesson is, if you are in another country, make sure to abide by its laws. The Sun
  • Greece's lenders say the country must abide by the terms of its rescue package in March or be cut off from future payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Non-government organisations (NGOs) use their ability to sit as observers in conferences of all kinds, around the world, to urge their own agenda on the people who must abide by the rules that are set.
  • Residents must abide by strict planning controls set up to protect these sensitive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • What position are they in to make certain the prisoners abide by the rules of their temporary release?
  • He's a guest of our country: he agrees to abide by our laws and customs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all players in the electoral process, monitors must also abide by the rules and regulations of the game.
  • If that is if that is a Government decision, we will always abide by the Government decision.
  • With hair, you've got to abide by the laws more. Times, Sunday Times
  • The law has to abide by the wish of the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • This language seems to take for granted that the armed forces of the parties to a conflict will abide by the four criteria specifically applicable to irregular troops.
  • No matter how hard you adhere to them, you're probably breaking the law - so if you're in making anime music videos (videos for pop music made by cleverly splicing together clips of anime movies - google for "amv" to see examples), you can abide by all the rules of your group about not showing them to outsiders and only using certain sources for music and video, but you're still committing millions of dollars 'worth of infringement every time you sit down to your keyboard. Locus Online News
  • The department is preparing to name firms that fail to abide by the code. Times, Sunday Times
  • Residents must abide by strict planning controls set up to protect these sensitive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they fail to abide by it, officers can increase the punishment aspects, such as making the night-time curfew longer.
  • I know that a lot of Neo-Pagans abide by some kind of creed or rede.
  • The department is preparing to name firms that fail to abide by the code. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will not abide by any code of conduct and have no incentive to deal fairly with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both lord and vassal were bound by honor to abide by the oath of loyalty.
  • As duke, Theseus might easily hasten on the day of marriage if he wished, and indeed he chafes at the waning 'old moon 'that' lingers my desires/Like to a stepdame or a dowager/Long withering out a young man's revenue ', and yet he chooses to abide by the self-imposed delay. Shakespeare
  • Above all, dons represent the university and must abide by its regulations.
  • The government is absolutely prepared to make it abide by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • My emphatic counsel to the armed forces is to observe and abide by the military rule of noninvolvement in politics. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • The test will be whether it is prepared to abide by international safeguards. Times, Sunday Times
  • What position are they in to make certain the prisoners abide by the rules of their temporary release?
  • He said he would abide by the decision of the ANC with regard to whether he was allowed to retire or not.
  • The department is preparing to name firms that fail to abide by the code. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies wishing to join will have to abide by a code of conduct.
  • Residents must abide by strict planning controls set up to protect these sensitive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, despite all outward appearances of accepting the need for change, the woman's anger is such that she has yet to abide by any of the agreements.
  • This is my country and I abide by the laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The department is preparing to name firms that fail to abide by the code. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's a guest of our country: he agrees to abide by our laws and customs. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they fail to abide by it, officers can increase the punishment aspects, such as making the night-time curfew longer.
  • Contempt proceedings were dismissed after the men gave assurances that they would abide by the court ruling.
  • By entering, all eligible entrants agree to abide by each and all of these terms and conditions.
  • The British Medical Association recommends that no one should use a sunbed for cosmetic purposes, although the Sunbed Association says its members abide by a code of practice which minimises risk.
  • He's a guest of our country: he agrees to abide by our laws and customs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials said that Britain would seek to make clear to the armed rebels that they must abide by international law. Times, Sunday Times
  • I shall tot up the votes on Monday evening, and will abide by the majority decision.
  • They will not abide by any code of conduct and have no incentive to deal fairly with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Contract was simple, clear, and its signatories promised to abide by its terms regardless of who controlled Congress.
  • An essential characteristic of a profession is the need for its members to abide by a code of ethics.
  • abide by the rules
  • It added: 'The onus is on the drivers to abide by the speed limit. The Sun
  • I'm sure your loyalty is appreciated by the Clintons, and if so, you'll abide by her wishes in supporting the Democratic candidate that wins the nomination. Bill Clinton says race card allegation 'revolting strategy'
  • So even if I were inclined to reveal the names of anyone who writes under the name of "revere" (and "the reveres" have made a decision about this which I will abide by), it wouldn't mean anything of substance. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • This is my country and I abide by the laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want to strengthen a Palestinian partner willing to accept the conditions outlined by the Quartet and the Arab summit; in other words, a renouncement of violence, a recognition of Israel, and a commitment to abide by the previous agreements entered in by the Palestinian Authority. Undefined
  • What could the Supreme Court do if these politicians refused to abide by its decisions?
  • Athletes who abide by the rules are up against cheats with a distinct advantage.
  • Greece's lenders say the country must abide by the terms of its rescue package in March or be cut off from future payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you don't find any other documentation on the title relating to the right of way, your only option will be to find out what the courts in your state have decided are the rights that go with a right of way and what duties and obligations the person that benefits has to abide by in order to continue to use the right of way. Refinancing (again) can boost your savings
  • One that routinely engages in perfidy, intentionally targets civilians, uses hospitals, schools and mosques to hide and fire rockets, transports its soldiers and material using ambulances marked with the red crescent, refuses to abide by a unified command structure, refuses to wear distinctive insignia, .... is not comparable to a “freedom fighter” in any respect except the trivial. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • If Henry failed to abide by these terms his barons were to transfer their allegiance to Philip and Richard.
  • Those who deem conventional values and institutions as important are likely to abide by conventional social norms.
  • Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.
  • Mr Trevelyan said he was ‘disappointed’ but would abide by the club's decision and had no plans to reapply for a licence on the disputed site or any other land.
  • We felt that we were asking them to abide by their standards, which were being executed capriciously.
  • Sometimes Javanese and Madurese come to hunt for aquarium fish in this area, and they are welcome as long as they abide by the local rules and do not use potassium or other harmful substances in this efforts. Coral Reef in Bali
  • That this House expresses deep concern over the numerous independent toxicological studies and thousands of subjective reports attesting to the toxic effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame on human health; notes that aspartame, once patented as a biochemical warfare agent, is the synthetically produced methyl ester of a dipeptide which is readily broken down in the gut to release methanol; further notes that in naturally occurring foodstuff methanol is either not released into the body or present together with natural defence mechanisms that mitigate its toxic effects; recognises that methanol is a well known poison and is further converted into formaldehyde, a class A carcinogen according to the World Health Organisation's International Agency for Research on Cancer; accepts that severe health concerns occur from the gradual accumulation of formaldehyde in the body which cannot be excreted and that further research has shown that long term low level exposure to formaldehyde induces leukaemia and nasopharyngeal cancer in humans; acknowledges that of the 166 studies conducted on aspartame's safety deemed relevant to humans, 92 per cent. of independently sponsored studies identified one or more problems with aspartame's safety whereas industry-sponsored studies found unanimously in favour of aspartame's safety; and urges the Government to abide by the precautionary principle and make use of Statutes 13 and 16 of the 1990 Food Safety Act to remove aspartame from the permitted list of additives on the UK market. Roger Williams, UK Parliament Member, Applauds Reinvestigation of Aspartame's Neurotoxicity
  • The Board had always been maintaining that it would abide by the court verdict, whatever it might be.
  • The government is absolutely prepared to make it abide by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the lesson is, if you are in another country, make sure to abide by its laws. The Sun
  • The police are law enforcers, they abide by the laws they must enforce.
  • There appears to be a routine failure to abide by disability discrimination law. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the signatory countries will have to abide by the rules.
  • We hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above and to perform in accordance therewith.
  • We can't force these volunteers to abide by our code of conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is my country and I abide by the laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the lesson is, if you are in another country, make sure to abide by its laws. The Sun
  • It gives the Liberal Democrats a referendum on electoral reform, and compensates dubious Conservatives by redrawing the political map in a manner which happens to benefit them, providing both coalitional wings with reason to abide by their deal. Constitutional reforms in a fix | Editorial
  • If one fails to abide by this rule on written information, no construction legal hypothec can be placed against the property.
  • These are the international legal structures in place and we are pledged to abide by them.
  • If they conclude that they are not, you are expected to abide by their decision and comply with their instructions.
  • He's a guest of our country: he agrees to abide by our laws and customs. Times, Sunday Times
  • In forwarding this despatch Lord Milner made the apposite comment that the propriety of employing the term suzerainty to express the rights possessed by Great Britain is an "etymological question," and Mr. Chamberlain, replying on December 15th, accepts President Krüger's declaration that he is willing to abide by the articles of the Convention, reasserts the claim of suzerainty, declines to allow foreign arbitration, and demands the immediate fulfilment of Article IV. Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • Officials said that Britain would seek to make clear to the armed rebels that they must abide by international law. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firms may be able to cooperate by agreeing to abide by the decisions of an external regulator who can be appointed by the firms.
  • In September, members of Women's Action for Development in Rehoboth petitioned local authorities to force shebeens and liquor stores to abide by the liquor laws.
  • Officials said that Britain would seek to make clear to the armed rebels that they must abide by international law. Times, Sunday Times
  • An interesting sub-plot to the self-loathing, lonely hero main plot, is a moral question of why Hancock should abide by regular human morality, given that he is, in ways, more than human. Movie Review: Hancock | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The government is absolutely prepared to make it abide by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • ` ` We are in concurrence with whatever the league has offered us, and whatever the commissioner said we support and will abide by, '' Thomas said. - Basketball - Denver vs. New York
  • The schoolboy was bailed to live where directed by social services and he must abide by any rules.
  • We can't force these volunteers to abide by our code of conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the oh "cubaya u are really a cubaya ` s mind. birtukan is under the law of the country and belongs to the constitution of the country so america couldn ` t any influence over ethiopia to release birtuka or other criminal agent. change your dream if you have another ok Permalink 02 / 27 / 09 @ 02: 00 Undefined
  • With hair, you've got to abide by the laws more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Party members should strengthen their Party spirit and always abide by Party Constitution and Party discipline.
  • Residents must abide by strict planning controls set up to protect these sensitive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will not abide by any code of conduct and have no incentive to deal fairly with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • All proprietors and editors would be asked to publish the code and abide by it.
  • Fisher, who used to abide by the philosophy of using the run to set up the pass, found his playbook flip-flopped.
  • It would, of course, be easier for landlords if all letting agents were obliged by law to abide by financial protection arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cheap foreign imports not only undercut British firms who have to abide by rigorous safety standards, but they can be very dangerous. The Sun
  • So, we have adequate reason to interpret a person's continued voluntary residence as a form of consenting to abide by the laws of the state.
  • Majority voting is a key instrument of supranationalism because member states on the losing side agree to abide by the majority's decision.
  • Thus, it is a moot question whether a child who learns all about traffic rules and signs through textbooks and in such parks, will abide by them, or instead imitate their elders.
  • Cheap foreign imports not only undercut British firms who have to abide by rigorous safety standards, but they can be very dangerous. The Sun
  • Pursue me, persecute me no longer, but suffer me to abide by myself, till my fortitude is better strengthened to meet my destiny! ' Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • It would, of course, be easier for landlords if all letting agents were obliged by law to abide by financial protection arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The law has to abide by the wish of the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now when the Commander of the Faithful heard this verse, he was moved to great delight and his sister said to him, “O my brother, whoso decideth in aught against himself, him it behoveth to abide by it and do according to his word; and thou hast judged against thyself by this judgement.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the Extraterrestrial [Visitor] i am with you all the way. alienating the ruling party is not the way when it comes to dealing with eritrea. after all, that is exactly what the Eritrea want. but rather making the government part of the solution is the only way forward. you said it well, what's taken by gun can only be returned with gun. Undefined
  • He has put a mortal slight upon me, by bumping me in the solemn service of Hele-an-to; apologizing with an insult; and then refusing to abide by the duello.
  • Islamists in Eritrea but the National Somali insurgence, which is a most rightful act that perfectly abide by the Principle and Ideals of America's Founding Fathers". ..... Signs of the Times
  • It surely cannot happen since our laws specifically forbid it and anyone who chooses to come to live here must abide by our laws. The Sun
  • We have been mindful of the need to balance business diversification opportunities with the necessity to abide by the rules of the scheme.
  • Central to its operation is an agreed code of conduct, which, together with other by-laws, all members agree to abide by.
  • We can't force these volunteers to abide by our code of conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a globate economic activity, globate integration of economics must be supported by economic ethics and demands every state would abide by economic ethical standards.
  • He had expected everybody to abide by the rules he had applied to his own life.
  • He hates the 30 pages of documentation he has to keep to abide by the state regulations, but he doesn't mind the manure injection itself.
  • The Sceptic, I look again for collaboration to Barbara Taylor, whose close readings abide by the "particularities" of a Marilyn 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
  • Why not adopt and abide by the simplicity of the calotype process as given in a late Number? Notes and Queries A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc
  • I learned fun things like carving and the rules you must abide by when using a knife, how to lash things together with twine, and how to fish with nothing but a stick, a hook, some line, and an earthworm.
  • All proprietors and editors would be asked to publish the code and abide by it.
  • It would, of course, be easier for landlords if all letting agents were obliged by law to abide by financial protection arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Article 4While carrying out special audit investigations according to the audit jurisdiction of their competent dispatching audit institutions, auditors shall abide by relevant laws and regulations.
  • The department is preparing to name firms that fail to abide by the code. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a majority votes for the strike, they rightly expect the minority to abide by the decision.
  • Zia's death did not necessarily mean Islamabad would abide by the American-Soviet / Russian concord to leave Afghanistan neutral and prostrate.
  • After all, if the wealthiest, advanced industrial nation can commit crimes, why should the rest of the world have to abide by human rights conventions?
  • But the lesson is, if you are in another country, make sure to abide by its laws. The Sun
  • But the EPA would have to abide by the Clean Air Act, which led to all of these different blends of gas in the first place.
  • The Queen has not publicly stated a preference on the republic issue, saying she would abide by whatever decision Australians made.
  • Though for the most part politically left of center, they refuse to abide by the heavy jargon of correct political thinking.
  • By entering, all eligible entrants agree to abide by each and all these terms and conditions.
  • While I admit it is ironic that Ms. Jackson is talking about leveling the playing field when she serves an administration determined to create an unlevel playing field when it comes to power generation, she is right that coal and all power sources should abide by the same air and water quality standards. Coal Isn't That Competitive, Counting All the Costs
  • Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.
  • Why should there be no tribunal of control over these "vacillating" husbands, who refuse to abide by written pledges, and make promises "for the opportunity of breaking them"? A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cransworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill
  • The law has to abide by the wish of the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had remarked that she was unusual but, as long as things went well, he would abide by her wishes.
  • It would, of course, be easier for landlords if all letting agents were obliged by law to abide by financial protection arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is my country and I abide by the laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the lesson is, if you are in another country, make sure to abide by its laws. The Sun
  • They will not abide by any code of conduct and have no incentive to deal fairly with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can't force these volunteers to abide by our code of conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greece's lenders say the country must abide by the terms of its rescue package in March or be cut off from future payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • As conservative constructionists, they would abide by the law passed by the legislature, allowing for abortion to continue.
  • But there will be cash incentives for those who abide by new 'pay-as-you-throw' schemes. The Sun
  • Greece's lenders say the country must abide by the terms of its rescue package in March or be cut off from future payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greece's lenders say the country must abide by the terms of its rescue package in March or be cut off from future payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cheap foreign imports not only undercut British firms who have to abide by rigorous safety standards, but they can be very dangerous. The Sun
  • Do not destroy the temples and mausoleums of the community and people who abide by the rules and laws of the government.
  • The law has to abide by the wish of the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • With hair, you've got to abide by the laws more. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rebels at Lordstown rejected not only the notion promulgated by New Deal liberals that they should take responsibility for their workplace, they also refused to abide by the cultural obligations of Americans. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Officials said that Britain would seek to make clear to the armed rebels that they must abide by international law. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 12 holdouts are refusing to abide by the new policy, and the union is angry at their treatment.
  • Its decisions are absolute and every member must abide by its rulings.
  • The street sellers are expected to abide by the city's regulations to keep the streets clean and organized.
  • By adding a comment on this post you are agreeing to abide by this set of standards.
  • It is so refreshing to know that there are people who do abide by the codes of human kindness.
  • Richard Wilson said the hunt would continue to meet but abide by the requirements of the Hunting Act.
  • Whatever the reason for a refusal, the church musician has to abide by the publisher's decision.
  • It would, of course, be easier for landlords if all letting agents were obliged by law to abide by financial protection arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, Carter's successor, President Ronald Reagan, continued to abide by the unratified SALT II pledges.
  • The Italian word gioco pronounced jocko means I play, so I thought, maybe, possibly, Domenico was trying to say, I play without limits, which might have meant he didnt abide by the rules of scoring. The Italian Summer
  • At the time of going to print, I haven't received an answer from the Chancellor to my request for Council to abide by the simple rules of natural justice and set fees in term time.
  • With hair, you've got to abide by the laws more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every state was to abide by the determination of Congress on questions delegated to Congress by the Articles, and the Articles were to be inviolably observed by every state.
  • The government is absolutely prepared to make it abide by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's a guest of our country: he agrees to abide by our laws and customs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It surely cannot happen since our laws specifically forbid it and anyone who chooses to come to live here must abide by our laws. The Sun
  • Residents must abide by strict planning controls set up to protect these sensitive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The test will be whether it is prepared to abide by international safeguards. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will abide by their decision.
  • Mr. Wick, a journalist himself, is alert to the dilemma faced by reporters working inside closed countries: Does one tell the story as one sees it and risk ejection, or does one abide by the censorship and hope that the world can exegete the truth from hints and suggestions? A Talent for Being There
  • By this phrase, I mean an environment in which inhabitants had the opportunity to fashion and refashion their identities, along with the choice of whether to transgress or abide by cultural boundaries.
  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the Comment from: real [Visitor] wey gud!!! meles & G20. tsimbelalee meakora zey kedenet nemeret kedenet. (ibehal ela dumo tekua-hila) finjal men-tebelukas men-tibel. Undefined

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