
How To Use Abhorrent In A Sentence

  • At the same time, if moral guidance is itself morally repugnant, then self-contempt is equally as abhorrent.
  • an abhorrent deed
  • But the sort of lying implied when you speak of manipulative people is something I find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The attempt to sanction and legitimize something so obviously immoral and abhorrent is unprecedented in our history. Archive 2007-01-01
  • But for some prisoners, their crimes are too abhorrent. The Sun
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  • I am abhorrently evil and I feed on misery and death This would have made EXCELLENT ammo against the inhuman, barbarian right-wing devils who eat babies. Matthew Yglesias » Goldfarb Endorses Terrorist Ethics
  • It can take political stances abhorrent to totalitarian regimes and allegorise them, get them under the radar, as many writers in the Soviet Bloc did. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Hal Duncan
  • This forced, violent, alembicated style is most abhorrent to me; it can’t be helped; the note was struck years ago on the Janet Nicoll, and has to be maintained somehow; and I can only hope the intrinsic horror and pathos, and a kind of fierce glow of colour there is to it, and the surely remarkable wealth of striking incident, may guide our little shallop into port. Vailima Letters
  • The practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent to me.
  • They've manipulated it into existence and I find that abhorrent.
  • I find it abhorrent that some groups of Bolton's community, such as pensioners, will struggle to meet the increase.
  • It was a decade when copious talk of universal human rights mingled abhorrently with the most brazen crimes against humanity.
  • His commitment to democracy and reform appears increasingly shaky, as his initial willingness to sanction abhorrent new curbs on women's freedom made clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The combination of horrific makeup, abhorrent timing, and trite jokes has literally become painful.
  • But sensible people surely find this not only abhorrent, but alarming.
  • Thankfully, I no longer go to this abhorrent nonsense replete with its jazz band and rock presentations and prebyters who suffer from systemic logorrhoea with three sermons per session and the uncontrollable urge to try to explain, even if poorly, everything they are doing. More inculturation and liturgical "updating", courtesy of the Asian bishops
  • We find it exceptionally abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although Foreign Minister John Baird last week slammed China for what he called "abhorrent acts" against religious believers, both Houlden and Woo said the attack would not cause China inordinate grief. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • She described some James-controlled rooms which have since been cleaned as abhorrently dirty and disorganized, randomly stuffed with personal belongings, important Club documents, flea market trinkets and infested with vermin and insects. Arts Club Hearing Blocked by Court
  • Whatever the cause, I discovered that I was terrorised and was behaving in ways that were both irrational and abhorrent.
  • I have been quite clear that I find their views abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the sort of lying implied when you speak of manipulative people is something I find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bible in Deuteronomy 14: 3 prohibits eating all abhorrent and unclean things and according to the encyclopedia Judaica, the Bible totally prohibits consumption of blood.
  • I believe that the torturous practise of genital mutilation is abhorrent, and that to deny these women refugee visas is to take a weak stance on this issue. Global Voices in English » Australia: Kenyan women refused refugee status
  • There was once a time when her uncle, Father Girolamo, could not even utter the name of Medici without choking on his own bile, so abhorrent was the legacy of that family to him and his ancestors. The Poet Prince
  • Patient lung shadow and semiotic body are asked for but abhorrent.
  • We feel that the justice system has let us down twice: first allowing him bail while charged with these abhorrent crimes, and now today. The Sun
  • As far as being accused of xenophobia's concerned, well xenophobia's not a crime - although I think it's as morally abhorrent as xenophilia. Yanquico, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A senior officer said: 'This sort of behaviour is totally abhorrent and not what we stand for. The Sun
  • I think it is an abhorrent, evil crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term desert is far more true because wasteland is abhorrently incorrect. Jfloydking Diary Entry
  • What could possibly have driven me to such an abhorrent act of (middle) class betrayal? Times, Sunday Times
  • My husband would find it abhorrent and a form of cheating, which I suspect it is. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, just as abhorrent is the idea that I should take it upon myself to make sure no one has an opportunity to read those books. The Mondays: Banned Books Week
  • The club finds all forms of discrimination abhorrent and we are proud of the work we undertake campaigning on this important issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anti-Trinitarians, moreover, were considered to be particularly abhorrent, veritable "blasphemers" who had wholly abandoned Christianity. Poland's Past
  • Such a scenario appears incongruous, if not abhorrent, to many.
  • Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.
  • Even more abhorrent is [...] claims that Jews everywhere should feel dual loyalty to Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Denying Entry Visas to People Who Work on Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor?
  • It is not uncommon for the airline staff to treat him abhorrently.
  • Those who vocalised their prejudices so abhorrently midweek did not speak for an entire country.
  • ‘He seems to know his behaviour is antisocial and that it is abhorrent to other members of society,’ said Mrs Wood.
  • You know, I've had to say over and over again that I find his beliefs totally abhorrent, appalling.
  • She argues that these mass spectacles of death and annihilation are "in complicity with the abhorrent. Interview: James Morrow on 'Shambling Towards Hiroshima'
  • It was too unpalatable, too disloyal, altogether too abhorrent to countenance.
  • However, more people than you could ever dream of find you utterly abhorrent and a disgrace to this country.
  • Even more abhorrent is when some of these “pro-Israel” voices actually make the jaw-dropping claims that Jews everywhere should feel dual loyalty to Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Denying Entry Visas to People Who Work on Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor?
  • That band of criminals masquerading as a presidential administration did incalculable damage by claiming that something which any civilized person finds abhorrent is actually a rational and permissible instrument of state policy. Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • This is a practice which is abhorrent to clock professionals and considered unworkmanlike.
  • He said that he would support'any action that can help to stem the tide of this abhorrent behaviour '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a scenario appears incongruous, if not abhorrent, to many.
  • His charm makes what should be an abhorrent character worryingly likeable. The Sun
  • And if he does believe it, is he not aware that he is propagating a pernicious myth of an avengeful Christian stereotype, that is as abhorrent as any other religious or racial stereotype? 'The Incomprehensible Holocaust': An Exchange
  • Their manifesto is totally racist and abhorrent to anybody with a basic understanding of genetics, yet they are gaining strength.
  • He's Brad, a lumpen late-30s bird person who resolves to embark on a quest to spot the greatest number of wild birds across North America in a single calendar year - and shatter the record-setting 732 nailed by Kenny, a biggety sort played by Owen Wilson in lots of abhorrent paisley. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • The Telegraph's Sean Rayment, interviewed a British officer who said he believed the US approach to Iraqis was to treat them as "untermenschen", the Nazi term abhorrently used to describe Jews as "subhuman". Firas Al-Atraqchi: Soldier Taunting Iraqi Children is Hardly the Worst Act
  • Additional, fugacious or parental breeding manner is abhorrent, educational way is simple, rough, the child forms clear dispute idea hard.
  • Abusive child labor is abhorrent and should be banned and eradicated.
  • The notion that beggars might be more vigorously pursued is abhorrent.
  • The club finds all forms of discrimination abhorrent and we are proud of the work we undertake campaigning on this important issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, the animals themselves are raised and slaughtered in abhorrent conditions, and stuffed with antibiotics.
  • True, that bastion of alternative culture is the crucible for much that the Right finds abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a Gen Y'er myself, I find anyone who uses the term seriously to be completely abhorrent, ignorant, misinformed and unnecessarily offensive. - Comments
  • I think it is an abhorrent, evil crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parents must set a good example and the referee must take a tough stance on this kind of abhorrent behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • True, that bastion of alternative culture is the crucible for much that the Right finds abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for some prisoners, their crimes are too abhorrent. The Sun
  • I knew it was to do with drinking and probably with tiredness but my behaviour was abhorrent. The Sun
  • I suspect most of them used methods to amass their sudden wealth that the rest of us would find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sexual abuse of a child is deeply abhorrent to me, as it is to any right-minded person.
  • Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.
  • Millions of invasion refugees living in abhorrent conditions. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 12, 2010
  • And he felt it was up to politicians to outlaw abhorrent practice.
  • Well, a witty book abhorrently drank amongst this convincing Maggie. » Stephanie Alexander bestselling Australia books brisbane australian childrens
  • The idea that covenant marriage ought to be sanctioned by the state is illiberal, reprehensible and abhorrent.
  • It would surely have been abhorrent to him.
  • His commitment to democracy and reform appears increasingly shaky, as his initial willingness to sanction abhorrent new curbs on women's freedom made clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well as being a deterrent it is retribution for crimes that we as a society find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suspect most of them used methods to amass their sudden wealth that the rest of us would find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spoke of the abhorrent crimes that had been committed under the regime.
  • (Then caught some movie: blood an 'suckin'; Stoker-y; Lon Chaney-er) (The sick vid was abhorrent: killin 'chicks in Transylvania) Latest amIright Song Parodies
  • The Epistle of Philemon was used by both sides in the debate and, like the (spurious) notion that the curse of Ham was black skin (which is at odds with the begatting Ham does of most of Babylonia), is evidence only of religion being (re) interpreted for use as post facto moral justification for prejudice, the dehumanisation at the heart of it, and the abhorrent socio-political exploitations born of it. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Fifteen years ago, the thought of cameras everywhere was shocking and abhorrent.
  • Making an abhorrently violent film anti-violent screed at 24 frames per second is no small trick, and Professor Thurman assured me that the ready supply of filmic blood in "Kill Bill" and the other titanic Tarantino movies means the violence is shown as violence and hence abhorrent -- in contrast to fakey-bakey movies that show death without the red stuff. Michael Conniff: CON GAMES: Violence On The QT With Quentin Tarantino
  • Often it is because my opinion is subtly, but consequentially, different from some other opinion my friend had (rightly) considered abhorrent. The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • As well as being a deterrent it is retribution for crimes that we as a society find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find the idea totally abhorrent.
  • We should find it abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, appointing oneself judge and jury then acting as executioner is equally abhorrent. Santangelo story sweeps the Net
  • My heritage was such that begging was abhorrent to me, yet I did beg in his name and abased myself many times over. THE DIAMOND
  • We have often heard him name the circumstance with gratitude; and it is not altogether surprising that a relish for this kind of aliment, so abhorrent and harsh to common English palates, has accompanied him through life. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
  • Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.
  • My husband would find it abhorrent and a form of cheating, which I suspect it is. Times, Sunday Times
  • To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final.
  • The poor voyageurs, too, continually irritated his spleen by their "lubberly" and unseemly habits, so abhorrent to one accustomed to the cleanliness of a man-of-war. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • True, that bastion of alternative culture is the crucible for much that the Right finds abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent to me.
  • The practice of terrorism is abhorrent to the civilized world.
  • While a branch of evangelical Christendom unchurches all sister denominations, such action is abhorrent to Presbyterian feeling and unknown to Presbyterian practice. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • Politicians, clergymen and newspaper columnists denounced it as brutal and abhorrent: no more than human cockfighting.
  • Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.
  • The momentum began when President Obama stood up to call the legalized rape "abhorrent," an American president standing up for the women in a country with extremists, dangerous realities even in their own neighborhoods, and where Shiites make up only 10% of the population. Taylor Marsh: Rape Law in Afghanistan Goes Down
  • Begging is a horrible word and yet it is not as abhorrent as stealing.
  • Far from winning concessions, however, they will find what they are doing is abhorrent both to the Protestant and Catholic communities.
  • The very idea of filicide (the murder of a child by a parent) is abhorrent.
  • Lurching and moaning like the undead, their final EP is scabrous and abhorrent listening.
  • Not even do many of us who, as indicated here, abhorr the incident manage to specify exactly why it was so abhorrent. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
  • Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.
  • We feel that the justice system has let us down twice: first allowing him bail while charged with these abhorrent crimes, and now today. The Sun
  • £42.6bn to relink London to the West Midlands and Manchester is abhorrent; even with super high-speed trains.
  • In the UK, the word is condemnatory of any abhorrently vicious person, but that condemnation, as an action in and of itself, is not judged morally obscene. Archive 2009-01-01
  • But Ron Clements was wildly unhappy about the turn of events, thought the idea of subcontracting abhorrent, and took his name off the credits. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Back in the day, people had only one reason to produce offspring: To force them to do the abhorrently awful work no grown person would dare to. The 6 Worst Jobs Ever (Were Done by Children)
  • The decision to replace someone is often taken on the basis of acquaintanceship, on the principle of personal devotion or, more abhorrently, for money.
  • Jews would have none of this: to them there was only one God and it was inconceivable that he would ever be part of a bloodshedding cult, for they regarded anything connected with blood and the grave as unclean and abhorrent. The Templar Revelation
  • He said that he would support'any action that can help to stem the tide of this abhorrent behaviour '. Times, Sunday Times
  • They must reject the abhorrent demands of hostage takers and bandits and, if necessary, commit more funds and more troops.
  • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who labeled House Republicans 'behavior here "abhorrent," is a vocal opponent of parental consent laws with regard to abortions for underage girls. Sound Politics: Cantwell divorce file resealed by court, yet to be explored by mainstream press
  • On close inspection, the unpleasant truths an organization is afraid to tell often turn out to be not all that abhorrent.
  • It is abhorrent and deplorable both in its shoddy journalism and blatant personal assault on our artists.
  • Here we are telling the world how free and democratic we are and yet we go to Africa, kidnap people, and force them to wait on us while treating these people abhorrently. In health care reform debate, Obama puts focus on affordability
  • The bejeweled extravagance of a dying aristocracy along with the extreme decadence of the brothel in the heart of the ancient city offer an exoticism that is antidote to what was probably in Proust's mind most abhorrent of all - middle class crassness.
  • We find it exceptionally abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should find it abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • When are we going to understand that debt slavery is an abomination, is abhorrent to God?
  • The most abhorrent smells come from that place - cabbage-pork-shellfish smells.
  • At the same time, if moral guidance is itself morally repugnant, then self-contempt is equally as abhorrent.
  • All right-minded, normal-thinking people would find this abhorrent.
  • A disfigurement is severe if a reasonable person viewing the plaintiff's face in its altered state would regard the condition as abhorrently distressing, highly objectionable, shocking or extremely unsightly. NY Court of Appeals
  • It has a powerful way of making acceptable what was once abhorrent or repulsive.
  • “I certainly was abhorrent of the idea of ramming this piece of legislation through by that mechanism.” Daschle Pick A Clear Sign That Obama Will Attempt Ambitious Health Care Reform
  • Derisively fashionable and abhorrently offensive "Hitler" mustaches will be complimented by Cover Girl enhancements. Charles D. Ellison: Open Letter to Kathleen Parker: You Went There
  • Parents must set a good example and the referee must take a tough stance on this kind of abhorrent behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • A senior officer said: 'This sort of behaviour is totally abhorrent and not what we stand for. The Sun
  • It's as abhorrent and repellent and disgusting to me as it ever was.
  • The scenes of appalling neglect we witnessed in these sheds were abhorrently cruel.
  • He was naked, gross and abhorrent.
  • Discrimination of any sort is abhorrent to a civilized society.
  • I have been quite clear that I find their views abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law.
  • Violence is abhorrent to his gentle nature.
  • It is an abhorrent thing to happen but stories of normal people 's heroism is what makes this country so wonderful. The Sun
  • She did an abhorrent loungey version of the Doors’ ‘Light My Fire’.
  • Each performer may stand poker faced and fixed to the spot to emulate the cryonic delivery of their musical forefathers, but also more worryingly, because the option of perspiration to them seems abhorrent.
  • He was naked, gross and abhorrent.
  • Let me state now that I do find prostitution to be abhorrent.
  • I find the idea totally abhorrent.
  • I knew it was to do with drinking and probably with tiredness but my behaviour was abhorrent. The Sun
  • As Von Trier was crapping his pants, he continued to look over at Kirsten Dunst, who squirmed uncomfortably while Herr Director stumbled on about his respect for the fuhrer, the demon that most people consider the most abhorrent, bloodthirsty fiend of the 20th century. Michael Seitzman: Lars Von Trier's Real Dogma
  • What could possibly have driven me to such an abhorrent act of (middle) class betrayal? Times, Sunday Times
  • What he called "priestcraft" was abhorrent to him. December Love
  • Discrimination of any sort is abhorrent to a civilized society.
  • Ms. Harrison has hit upon something more biblically abhorrent even than incest: She's discovered brotherly betrayal, an archetypal transgression intimately associated with the word blazoned on the cover of this novel. A Novel of Brotherly Betrayal, By a Sexpert on Family Matters
  • And actions which would not otherwise constitute war crimes did not become so because they were taken pursuant to policies abhorrent to western liberal democracies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though Georgia authorities did not file charges against Roethlisberger after the March 5 incident because they did not think they had enough evidence to convict, there was no question according to recently released police reports, that Big Ben behaved abhorrently, if not criminally. Not the Rooney way
  • ‘The countryside as a concept was abhorrent to most young people because it was associated with fuddy-duddies, parents and nothing to do,’ the survey said.
  • Canada and the United States see further armament as a solution to these problems rather than questioning why violence is abhorrent against us and justified against others.

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