
  1. one who helps or encourages or incites another
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How To Use abettor In A Sentence

  • He says a destructively crazy thing, the media abettors publicize it, and here we are.
  • And their biggest aider and abettor is Ottawa itself. The new underclass : Law is Cool
  • Let not, then, the abettors of Slavery, who trample their fellow-creatures beneath their feet, tell us, in their own justification, of the degraded state, the abject minds, and the vices of the Slaves; it is upon the system which thus brutifies a human being that the reproach falls in all its bitterness. Wilson Armistead, 1819?-1868. A Tribute for the Negro: Being a Vindication of the Moral, Intellectual, and Religious Capabilities of the Colored Portion of Mankind; with Particular Reference to the African Race.
  • Shall I welcome this man with open arms and allow myself to become an abettor - an enabler - of the robber, rapist and pillager? Crime, culpability and punishment
  • The government may also prosecute the intermediaries and abettors under relevant sections of the Income-Tax Act.
  • The Department of Justice argued that he was an abettor and co-conspirator in a spy ring.
  • Her aiders and abettors must face similar charges.
  • What this is really about is a Republican effort to gin up sound-bites suitable to the morons watching FauxSnooze about how Obama is “soft on defense” (if not an outright aider and abettor of al Qaeda). Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 12, 2010
  • Their abettors and backers will not be spared.
  • They began a hunt to identify conspirators and abettors of the violence.
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