How To Use Aberrance In A Sentence

  • Early conditioning in this household setting will produce later aberrance, guaranteed. "Sperm cells created from female embryo."
  • He said this clinically, casually, as if noting a statistical aberrance he hoped to study in his spare time. Skinned
  • Is it assumed that the south's decision to break away is a mere temporary aberrance?
  • It is a more important effect that the electromagnetic pollution may accelerate germ plasm aberrance. It leads to the confusion of biothythm and illness.
  • For all its over-the-top aberrance and brash transgressiveness, GTA IV doesn't really wrestle with the radiant feverish nightmare labyrinth that post-9/11 America has become. 'Grand,' but No 'Godfather'
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  • Ask Huck at what end of the spectrum of aberrance lies the act of knifing and stoning a stray dog to death as it swings by it's legs hung from a tree. Huckabee Adviser Clarifies Remark About Homosexuality And Necrophilia: They're Both "Aberrant Behavior," But They're At "Opposite Ends Of The Spectrum"
  • Let's hope this represents an aberrance, not a trend.
  • It would be a mistake to dismiss the Satanic panic as a freakish aberrance, however.
  • A lot of people associate a taste for grindhouse movies with the tiresome condescension of the 'so-bad-it's-good' ethos, but Tarantino understands the aesthetics of aberrance that animated the explorations of so-called trash hounds. GreenCine Daily: Grindhouse, 4/4.
  • It would be a mistake to dismiss the Satanic panic as a freakish aberrance, however.
  • Dorothy used the word "irregular" in the titles of three of her poems, but "Irregular Verses" bears the most glaring metrical aberrance of the three: the moment in line 43, the only line of heptameter in the poem: "Though in our riper years we each pursued a different way. 'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
  • Ordinarily, she was by far the more sensitive of them, noticing instantly any behavioral aberrance, making snap judgments based on intuition, which were usually correct. Baby Games
  • He explored a few career choices, including one as a rodeo cowboy, a notable aberrance considering he was raised in Brooklyn.
  • Dorothy used the word "irregular" in the titles of three of her poems, but "Irregular Verses" bears the most glaring metrical aberrance of the three: the moment in line 43, the only line of heptameter in the poem: "Though in our riper years we each pursued a different way. 'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
  • Sandbox games (which is a fancy way of saying a game where you can ignore the game's objectives) shot through with criminal aberrance have always been a weakness of mine. 'Grand,' but No 'Godfather'
  • Obviously, in our submission, it would embrace the notion of something more deep seated than an aberrance.
  • The report, produced by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, argues that the high incidence of sexual abuse by priests reflected the growing aberrance of American society in general during that period, including "drug use and crime, as well as changes in social behavior, such as an increase in premarital sexual behavior and divorce. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Sexual License of the 1960s Does Not Excuse Pedophile Priests

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