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How To Use Abdominal wall In A Sentence

  • The absolute contraindications for laparoscopic surgery include uncorrectable coagulopathy, intestinal obstruction, abdominal wall infection, and suspected malignant ascites. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Urologic Conditions in Children
  • The pain can also result from structural conditions, such as localized endometriosis or rectus sheath hematoma, or from incisional or other abdominal wall hernias.
  • Anatomic defects of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor: Abdominal and inguinal hernias, cystocele, urethrocele, enterocele, rectocele, uterine and vaginal prolapse, and rectal incontinence: Diagnosis and management. All Topics
  • The fluid is taken out with a needle inserted in the abdominal wall under local anaesthetic. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • The best known members of this small group are the openings through the abdominal wall, which, originally placed at the strongest and safest position in the quadrupedal attitude, are now, in the erect attitude, at the weakest and most dangerous, and furnish opportunity for those serious and sometimes fatal escapes of portions of the intestines which we call hernia; the tonsils; and our friend the _appendix vermiformis_. Preventable Diseases
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  • A hernia means protrusion of the content of the abdomen, through a weak defect in the abdominal wall.
  • Fusion of dorsal mesogastrium to the posterior abdominal wall and left kidney forms the lienorenal ligament containing tail of pancreas and splenic artery.
  • The fluid is taken out with a needle inserted in the abdominal wall under local anaesthetic. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • In 2007 she needed another operation to remove the mesh that had been inserted to replace her damaged abdominal wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • A white arrowhead pointed to tiny tadpole-shapes clinging to the abdominal wall. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • The fluid is taken out with a needle inserted in the abdominal wall under local anaesthetic. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • Thus, for example, a liver that is palpable may not be detected by percussion, if, as occasionally happens, a segment of colon is interposed between the liver and the abdominal wall.
  • On the posterior abdominal wall, the left renal pelvis and kidney are seen.
  • Objective To explore a way of mini-abdominoplasty for the patients with midline scar in lower abdominal wall.
  • A piece of mesh is inserted to cover the area of the abdominal wall defect.
  • An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weakness in the abdominal wall at the navel.
  • Announcing the publication of the new version, she said: Many people are not aware that in order for a late abortion to take place for social reasons, foeticide must first take place; this process can take up to two days and involves a lethal injection being administered into the foetal heart via a cannular through the mother's abdominal wall. UK MP tries again to lower abortion limit
  • During laparoscopy, an incision is made in your abdominal wall and the laparoscope - an instrument similar to an endoscope - is inserted to look for cancer.
  • The abdomen was left open to allow for additional debridements and washouts of necrotizing fasciitis of the abdominal wall.
  • Kimura, 2.25 quoted by Whitney, speaks of a case of extrauterine pregnancy in a Japanese woman of forty-one similar to the foregoing, in which an arm protruded through the abdominal wall above the umbilicus and the remains of a fetus were removed through the aperture. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • An ileostomy is a surgically formed opening into the lower part of the small intestine (the ileum), which is then brought out through the abdominal wall creating a mouth or opening known as a stoma.
  • Objective: To discuss the application of balloon irrigator scientifically through abdominal wall.
  • The mesh is held in place by the abdominal wall itself without stitching. Times, Sunday Times
  • They hypothesized that the vasoactive properties of these medications had a role in the pathogenesis of abdominal wall defects.
  • The normal umbilicus is symmetrically indented into the abdominal wall, though it may be nearly flat in very slender people.
  • Anatomic defects of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor: Abdominal and inguinal hernias, cystocele, urethrocele, enterocele, rectocele, uterine and vaginal prolapse, and rectal incontinence: Diagnosis and management. All Topics
  • Omphalocele differs from gastroschisis, a similar abdominal wall disorder, in that the protruding organ is covered by a clear sac or membrane. Omphalocele
  • The fluid is taken out with a needle inserted in the abdominal wall under local anaesthetic. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • An area of necrotic fatty tissue was found in the abdominal wall.
  • Superficial tenderness can arise from the skin, the subcutaneous tissues, the muscle or fascia of the abdominal wall, the anterior parietal peritoneum, or a very tender organ that lies next to the anterior abdominal wall.
  • The proximal portion of the large intestine, as far as the left part of the transverse colon, may remain attached, along with the jejunoileum, to the posterior abdominal wall by a common mesentery.
  • During an MIS procedure, such as laparoscopy, multiple small incisions are made in the abdominal wall for various devices (light, camera, surgical instruments), the most important of which is the camera, the "eyes" of the surgeon. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Be sure to place your back against the rest and engage the abdominal wall. The Sun
  • He had subsequent radical excision of the recurrent nodule, including surrounding abdominal wall, costal cartilages, and ribs.
  • Computed tomography showed a large anterior abdominal wall hernia containing distended bowel loops.
  • An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weakness in the abdominal wall at the navel.
  • A stoma is an artificial opening to or from the intestine (which is also known as the gut or bowel) on the abdominal wall usually created by a surgeon.
  • The bowel is returned to the abdominal cavity, and the abdominal wall is closed during one procedure. Gastroschisis
  • We would be looking for hydrocephalus, an endocardial cushion defect or abdominal wall defect, nuchal fold thickening, a short or absent nasal bone, hydronephrosis, echogenic bowel, shortened humeri or femurs—all markers used in the ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome. Handle with Care
  • During laparoscopy, insufflation of the abdomen moves the abdominal wall away from the intra-abdominal contents.
  • He had subsequent radical excision of the recurrent nodule, including surrounding abdominal wall, costal cartilages, and ribs.
  • Laxity of the skin after distention is often seen in multipara, both in the breasts and in the abdominal walls, and also from obesity, but in all such cases the skin falls in folds, and does not have a normal appearance like that of the true "elastic-skin man. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The fluid is taken out with a needle inserted in the abdominal wall under local anaesthetic. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • Part of the intestinal wall bulges through the abdominal wall into the navel.
  • An intact, though distorted gastral array is visible on the medial surface of the ventral abdominal wall ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Congenital extroversion or eventration is the result of some congenital deficiency in the abdominal wall; instances are not uncommon, and some patients live as long as do cases of umbilical hernia proper. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • An instrument called a trocar makes a puncture in the abdominal wall.
  • The patient has a tube inserted through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal cavity, and this remains in place on a semi-permanent basis.
  • Laxity of the skin after distention is often seen in multipara, both in the breasts and in the abdominal walls, and also from obesity, but in all such cases the skin falls in folds, and does not have a normal appearance like that of the true ` ` elastic-skin man. '' Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • An umbilical hernia occurs when a baby's abdominal wall doesn't completely close before birth, causing a small piece of bowel or fat under the skin, often referred to as the sac, to stick out. Pediatric surgery: Umbilical Hernia
  • The cremaster muscle links the lowest part of the abdominal wall above the groin to these coverings of the testis, and can retract it upwards: this occurs reflexly when the inner thigh is stroked.
  • There was no umbilical hernia which is a defect the abdominal wall around the belly button.
  • Engage and keep the abdominal wall tight and the back flat. The Sun
  • The lesser omentum is formed, as indicated above, by a thinning of the mesoderm or ventral mesogastrium, which attaches the stomach and duodenum to the anterior abdominal wall. XI. Splanchnology. 2. The Digestive Apparatus
  • These sounds are most likely the bursting of the abdominal wall distended by gas.
  • It is very important for you to decide if superficial tenderness has its origin in the abdominal wall or in the intra-abdominal viscera.
  • Local excision, which is surgery to remove the colon cancer without cutting through the abdominal wall condividi - cerca i tuoi siti preferiti - Ultimi bookmark postati su Segnalo
  • The nurse gives dietary advice to minimise bowel problems and looks after the care of the colostomy opening on the abdominal wall, together with the health of the surrounding skin to which the colostomy bag is attached.
  • Visualized with normal appearance: head, brain, face, spine, heart, abdominal wall, kidneys, bladder, extremities.
  • On physical examination, the thickened bowel loops are often visible and palpable through the abdominal wall.
  • Although parts of the dorsal mesogastrium adhere to the posterior abdominal wall, the spleen remains an intraperitoneal organ.
  • This was a patient with complete Cantrell's syndrome, i.e. multiple ventricular septal defect, left ventricular diverticulum, dextrorotation of the heart, an anterior diaphragmatic defect, and a midline supraumbilical abdominal wall defect with tetralogy of Fallot.
  • The patient should be supine with some flexion of the dorsal spine to relax the tension of the anterior abdominal wall.

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