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[ US /ˌæbdɪˈkeɪʃən/ ]
[ UK /ˌæbdɪkˈe‍ɪʃən/ ]
  1. the act of abdicating
  2. a formal resignation and renunciation of powers

How To Use abdication In A Sentence

  • Attempting to apprise the mob of Louis-Philippe's abdication, an elderly marshal on a white horse preceded by a trumpeter went unheard.
  • The first abdication of Napoleon in 1814 had again allowed British tourists into Rome.
  • King Hussein took the throne in 1952 following the abdication of his ailing father.
  • Somers vindicated the use of the word abdication by quotations from Grotius and Brissonius, Spigelius and Bartolus. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 2
  • I think the war in Iraq has more to do with the media's abdication of its responsibilities than the deficiencies of our president.
  • But unfortunately the expulsion of James II, which he called his "abdication," compelled him to use all reserve, to shuffle and to tergiversate, in order to avoid making William out a usurper. The Social Contract
  • He became King George VI upon the abdication of his brother, King Edward VIII, later duke of Windsor.
  • His death was followed 11 months later by King Edward VIII's abdication.
  • What else but a commitment to the long-term abdication of critical thinking could explain why millions of whites take so quickly to Rush Limbaugh: a guy whose motto for years was that he would "tell you what to think" and whose fans call themselves "ditto" heads (as in, "same as above," which is nearly the perfect metaphor for people who follow someone else like sheep). Clipmarks | Live Clips
  • It is also part of an ever-growing abdication of responsibility on the part of our political leaders.
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