How To Use Abdicate In A Sentence
Last summer, when I was asked to join a "Kalachakra" -- a circle-of-life pilgrimage, this one actually where Prince Siddhartha discovered the realities of the world under the Bodhi Tree and abdicated his throne to try to show people a way to deal with life's painfulness, disease and death among them -- I jumped at the chance.
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The accession of the Dutch prince to the throne had agonized the Tories because it set aside both the reigning (or "abdicated") king and the Prince of Wales.
When reason is abdicated and replaced by the bellicose creeds of opposing religions, peace is impossible.
The king abdicated his throne, and the country became a republic.
Opponents also cite the city government as an example of where elected officials have abdicated their power to the appointed staff.

Rome was still the lawful mistress of the world: the pope and the emperor, the bishop and general, had abdicated their station by an inglorious retreat to the Rhone and the Danube; but if she could resume her virtue, the republic might again vindicate her liberty and dominion.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
His message was to strike, disrupt, riot, and create chaos until the Shah was forced to abdicate.
The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate.
If we abdicate our roles as adults, it will be media and peers that educate our kids.
Here we have a woman who is apparently content to abdicate her parental responsibilities and -- `
If the King does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned
The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.
The soul abdicates quickly and the flesh abandons itself to shudders.
His message was to strike, disrupt, riot,[Sentencedict] and create chaos until the Shah was forced to abdicate.
This is not a reason why district ethics committees should yield to pressure to abdicate their responsibilities to local citizens.
Congress abdicated its primary responsibilities in giving complete autarkical control over foreign and a large portion of domestic affairs.
Council Passes Anti-PATRIOT Bill at
King Edward Ⅷ abdicated in 1936 to marry a commoner.
Yet is it really fair to assume that parents have abdicated their responsibilities?
Here we have a woman who is apparently content to abdicate her parental responsibilities and -- `
Whether forced or voluntary, Roman emperors, kings and queens, hereditary princes and grand dukes and, yes, even popes have abdicated.
In Egypt the aged Ptolemy had abdicated in 285 in favour of his son by Berenice afterwards known as Ptolemy Philadelphus, and to the exclusion of his eldest son, Ptolemy Ceraunus, by his wife
A Smaller history of Greece From the earliest times to the Roman conquest
The King abdicated when he married a divorcee
King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.
When King Edward VIII abdicated in December 1936 it was a shock to the nation.
The king abdicated his throne, and the country became a republic.
If the Tsar had abdicated, what would happen to us?
When Pedro I abdicated in April 1831 in favour of the boy, Pedro II, Andrada was confirmed as tutor by the council of regency.
Bradford licensing justices said that he had abdicated his duties as licensee to his brother Michael and his partner Claire.
President Kennedy assured Wallace that federal troops would be used only if the state abdicated its responsibilities.
King Sihamoni, 51, a former ballet dancer, ascended the throne Friday, succeeding his father who suddenly abdicated earlier this month.
King Alfonso XIII abdicated in favour of his eldest son.
Palin abdicated her responsibilities in Alaska and has consequently left no doubt in my mind she serves herself.
Start spreading the news: Palin in New York
In 1931 Spain's king abdicated, and a new republic was ushered in promising social change and progress.
Would he have to abdicate his precentorship, as he had his wardenship, and to give up chanting, as he had given up his twelve old bedesmen?
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Well, I guess if I want to abdicate my position as a father figure to some bigmouthed ex-jock with a whistle around his neck play-acting Vince Lombardi to a bunch of impressionable little boys, then by the fu#@ed up parameters of modern parenting I'm doing my son a huge disservice.
Youth Sports
The King was going to abdicate to marry an American divorcee.
New Agers claim that Christians have abdicated from ruling the planet in a life-sustaining way.
He abdicated all responsibility for the care of the child.
The Duke of Windsor - for years held up as a romantic figure who abdicated for love - shared those sympathies.
Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.
The government has largely abdicated its responsibility in dealing with housing needs.
The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.
The ruinous effects of World War I, combined with internal pressures, sparked the March 1917 uprising that led Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
Which king abdicated from the British throne in 1936?
The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.
The King was going to abdicate to marry an American divorcee.
Hindenburg also used his huge influence to persuade Kaiser Wilhelm to abdicate and to go to Holland.
The government has largely abdicated its responsibility in dealing with housing needs.
In fact, he abdicated, offered the throne to his brother (who sensibly refused it [I think]) and Lenin seized power.
The King was going to abdicate to marry an American divorcee.
The King was going to abdicate to marry an American divorcee.
However, after compliments, and more protestations from its owner, the Strad was brought into hotchpot, and Lætitia abdicated.
Somehow Good
Wellington was dressing for dinner in Toulouse when he heard that Napoleon had abdicated.
Dilan Esper: What makes Thomas a cretin is that he abdicates his JOB to decide whether punishments are cruel and unusual.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.
The report concluded that Gonzales "abdicated" his role as head of the Department and was "remarkably unengaged.
Rachel Barkow: Electing Administrations, Not Just Presidents
Mr Salmond has also written to the chairman of the trust, Sir Michael Lyons, saying that the BBC, as a national broadcaster for Scotland, had a special responsibility for impartiality and fairness, which it had "abdicated".
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Parliament decided that James II. had "abdicated," when, deserted by
The Rise of the Democracy
The government has largely abdicated its responsibility in dealing with housing needs.
In late autumn Kabul was besieged by rebel forces, and Amanullah was eventually forced to abdicate.
He abdicated his squireship in favour of his son Nathaniel.
From that day the power of the Ulama was gone; they had abdicated their authority to the padishah; they became mere ciphers in Islam.
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 09
When al-Musta'sim, the Abbasid caliph, opposed her reign, the sultana abdicated and married Aybek.
Here we have a woman who is apparently content to abdicate her parental responsibilities and -- `
Weary unto death, listless and depressed, Morvael abdicated by walking into the sacred flame of Asuryan.
No. What makes Thomas a cretin is that he abdicates his JOB to decide whether punishments are cruel and unusual.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
Here we have a woman who is apparently content to abdicate her parental responsibilities and -- `
Whether forced or voluntary, Roman emperors, kings and queens, hereditary princes and grand dukes and, yes, even popes have abdicated.
The King abdicated in Bavaria, and a republican ‘Free State of Bavaria’ was proclaimed.
King Zog abdicated the throne on 2nd January 1949 and died in exile in France in 1961.
The original period of office was only six months (Livius, ix. 34), and many dictators abdicated, that is, voluntarily resigned the dictatorship before the end of the six months.
Plutarch's Lives Volume III.
King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.
There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities.
The problem is that everyone seems to have abdicated their responsibility by saying, we'll let courts decide.
In 1967, Sultan Omar abdicated in favor of his eldest son, Hassanal Bolkiah, who became the 29th ruler.
The Habsburg and Hohenzollern dynasties abdicated, following the Romanovs.
He has abdicated government He has abdicated government here, _withdrawing his here _by declaring us out governors and declaring us of his protection and waging out of his allegiance and war against us_. protection_.
The Life of George Washington, Vol. 2 (of 5) Commander in Chief of the American Forces During the War which Established the Independence of his Country and First President of the United States
King George V had died — the air-minded Prince of Wales became king and a year later was to abdicate.
The HurricaneStory
The King was going to abdicate to marry an American divorcee.
Born in 1922 and crowned in 1941 by French colonisers eager to install a pliable puppet, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in 1955 to contest the country's first elections.
He's abdicated all responsibility in the affair.
But he certainly recognizes the danger to the world if America abdicates its military and economic leadership role, à la the Obama doctrine, as we trundle down the path we helped the European's lay.
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She was ten when her father Albert, Duke of York, became king after Edward VIII abdicated in 1936.
The King was going to abdicate to marry an American divorcee.
He abdicated all responsibility for the care of the child.
Someone (who will remain nameless) thinks Charles should abdicate the British throne and come out here instead.
Eisenhower authorized the CIA to cooperate with the British in an operation that was actually a countercoup because the Mossadegh government had forced the Shah of Iran to abdicate.
Eisenhower 1956
Edward VIII abdicated after a reign of 325 days, in favour of his brother, the Duke of York, who became King George VI.
Following this the proud king abdicated his throne to his son Anandapala and committed suicide by climbing onto his own funeral pyre.
I have heard him called inconstant of purpose — when he deserted, for the sake of love, the hope of sovereignty, and when he abdicated the protectorship of England, men blamed his infirmity of purpose.
The Last Man
But on the eve of the new millennium, Boris Yeltsin abdicated, leaving him in charge.
Parsing Putin
King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson,[Sentence dictionary] a divorced woman.
In 1520 he was crowned Holy Roman emperor, and until he abdicated in 1556 his reign was troubled by religious disputes and wars.
The lords proceeded to take into consideration the word abdicated; and it was carried that deserted was more proper.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. From Charles II. to James II.
This is the day that I officially abdicate from my throne and pass the kingship on to my successor.
King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.
Here we have a woman who is apparently content to abdicate her parental responsibilities and -- `
In 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated as French Emperor and was banished to Elba.
Most of the rumors have old roots, going back to before King Edward VIII even abdicated his throne for Wallis Simpson.
Opponents also cite the city government as an example of where elected officials have abdicated their power to the appointed staff.
And Kings that earn their crown rarely abdicate, they leave the building via mortal battle.
In September he abdicated and Bolingbroke ascended the throne as King Henry IV.
Here we have a woman who is apparently content to abdicate her parental responsibilities and -- `
Such is the influential power of the New York Times and such is the dimension of its failure when the paper's editors abdicated their core responsibility in neglecting to rein in an "intrepid" reporter with an already questionable reputation.
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Romero reportedly has abdicated his throne, which could give Johnson his opportunity at last.
Democrats abdicated on one of their basic congressional responsibilities -- there is no easy way to sugar-coat this reality.
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Why might not the author be of Syrian extraction?] [Footnote 50: From the conclusion of the history, I should fix the date to the year 1444, four years after the synod, when great ecclesiarch had abdicated his office, (section xii.p. 330 -- 350.)
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
The Duke of Windsor, briefly King Edward VIII before he abdicated to marry Mrs Simpson, also owned a Stannard watercolour.
King Edward Ⅷ abdicated in 1936 to marry a commoner.
Parliament could abdicate or divest itself of power to another body.
He took aim at the antiwar movement, whose members, he claimed, had abdicated their historic responsibilities.
This is not a reason why district ethics committees should yield to pressure to abdicate their responsibilities to local citizens.
The king abdicated his throne, and the country became a republic.
But when Uzziah died, or rather abdicated, it was told with joy in Gath and published in the streets of Ashkelon.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936.
When he abdicated in 1917, Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, rather hoped he might have been allowed to live out the rest of his days in peace with his family in the Crimea.
On 1 May 305 the elderly and physically ailing Diocletian persuaded his reluctant co-Augustus Maximian to abdicate with him, and Constantius and Galerius were jointly elevated to senior honors.
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He abdicated his role of objective journalist by repeatedly asking the envoy leading questions, loaded with venomous descriptions of the prime minister.
Notoriously ill-informed over policy detail and often content to abdicate control, he nonetheless maintained presidential dominance.
The golden throne had become a "siege perilous," and she abdicated in favor of the grasshopper and his black and horrent visitor.
Queen Hildegarde
King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.
This is not a reason why district ethics committees should yield to pressure to abdicate their responsibilities to local citizens.
When he abdicated his throne, the Princes were each given their own fiefdoms.
Be that as it may, if Parliament and the Commonwealth had agreed to a morganatic marriage or if Edward VIII had not abdicated but given up Wallis instead, how would history be today?
Such legislative delegations will be upheld unless Congress abdicates one of its powers to the executive agency or fails to give legislative definition of the scope of the agency's power.
Yet in other cases he almost abdicated his leadership role -- as during the last couple of years, while the Bundestag languished in deadlock over tax reform and other moves to revamp the welfare state.
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But in 1947 the National Peasant Party was banned, the social democrats were pressured into merging with the communists, and King Michael was forced to abdicate.
The Habsburg and Hohenzollern dynasties abdicated, following the Romanovs.
Just as James II had "abdicated" in the Glorious Revolution of 1689, now George un-kinged himself.
Thomas Jefferson, Federalist. Peter S. Onuf