How To Use Abbreviation In A Sentence
Acronyms or abbreviations can confuse a client who is looking for the business in a resource listing.
Electronic records also contained significantly more words, abbreviations, and symbols.
Nevertheless, abbreviation pays off in having everything fit into a tight volume.
I think it is you who suffers some abbreviation of time on this timetable.
Isn't abbreviation a prelude to obliteration?

They have exploited this radical abbreviation of focal length to develop a prototype of a credit-card-thin camera.
A very useful work for all Latin abbreviations is that of CAPELLI, Dizionario delle abbreviature latine ed italiane (Milan,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
The update for the text abbreviation expansion utility added the ability to customize the application's keyboard shortcuts.
Type in abbreviations, there is a big chance you get them expanded into the corresponding Arabic phrase, "BRB", "JAK", "ISA", "TYT" are few examples.
MSDN Blogs
deadass" tired; those in Los Angeles would be more likely to follow the word tired with the abbreviation "af" - short for "as expletive.
The Seattle Times
Genre" column: the abbreviations should be self-explanatory, with "h" meaning horror genre, though we are more inclined to call it "dark fantasy".
The Ultimate Guide to Modern Writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy
These typically consist of a two-letter state abbreviation, followed by a three-letter locality and a three-digit fire number.
The abbreviation PC stands for "personal computer".
Until British currency was decimalized in 1971, "pence" was represented by "d," an abbreviation for denarius.
Roman Coin Cache Discovered
Their brevity has led to a system of text message abbreviations being devised, mixing numbers, symbols and capital letters.
Doctors and nurses worked rapidly around her speaking in clipped phrases and abbreviations.
Central African Republicconventional long form: Central African Republic conventional short form: none local long form: Republique Centrafricaine local short form: none former: Ubangi-Shari, Central African Empire abbreviation: CAR
Country name
The Greek letters XP combined in a monogram occur on pre-Christian coins (e.g. the Attic tetradrachma and some coins of the Ptolemies), and in some Greek manuscripts of the Christian period they are employed as an abbreviation of such words as (see Greek words 2, 3, 4).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
It was said that they changed the name when they discovered the unfortunately abbreviation of F. urman U. niversity C. hristian K. nights.
New Urban Legends
[1.11] "Imps." is the abbreviation for the Latin word "imprimis" which means "in the first place; first.
Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733]
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
He observes that the twentieth century could be characterized as the century of abbreviation.
Their names were initials until the public knew what the abbreviations stood for.
ABC art scree audiotypist adenosine ABBREVIATIONS (4) bioelectrogenesis 3',5'-monophosphate ADP cryochemistry Age of BAL Aquarius EEC cytoecology air battery IDDD dehydrotestosterone Aquarian ACRONYM Age KWOC geoprobe arcjet UNABBREVIATED heliborne, are-jet engine SHORTENINGS (6) adj.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
The glossary contains explanations of abbreviations and terms used in this pamphlet.
There are also some terrific glossaries of texting abbreviations in other languages.
Times, Sunday Times
Such abbreviations have cropped up in different contexts time and again.
It is technically called "Haukalah" and "Haulakah," words in the third conjugation of increased triliterals, corresponding with the quadriliteral radicals and possessing the peculiar power of Kasr = abbreviation.
Arabian nights. English
Boys who used chatspeak and abbreviations more frequently were poorer spellers, but girls who used more abbreviations were better spellers than their non-abbreviating ohorts.
The benefits of chatspeak
The abbreviation I / Ch stands for immunized / undepleted mice (positive controls).
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The fact sheet, brief history, glossary and list of abbreviations are also invaluable additions.
Abbreviations with periods take ‘s when pluralized, which is probably because they look more awkward without apostrophes:
Preposterous Apostrophes II: Pluralization « Motivated Grammar
Of course this is possible, especially considering that Etruscans did make use of abbreviations normally for the praenomen of the deceased in funerary inscriptions.
Defining valid Etruscan word-initial clusters
Claim: Men's underwear is referred to as 'BVDs' because the term is an abbreviation of the phrase 'Boy's Ventilated Drawers.'
New Urban Legends
Find out what those pesky acronyms and abbreviations stand for.
The abbreviations are explained in the inset legend to Figure 3.
Is that abbreviation a true synopsis of the intent of the Amendment?
MBM " is the innovation is unprecedented, the fervor concentrates on English of abbreviation three dimensional quality development training.
He has never got round to cutting the umbilical link with his home city, here represented by the slurred abbreviation in the title.
Textspeak abbreviations can, as the prime minister discovered, be ambiguous.
Times, Sunday Times
There were many abbreviations, which were initially difficult to remember.
BBC is an abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation.
It's generally accepted that you can use acronyms and abbreviations without explanation, where the term is well known by the audience.
They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
An abbreviation for ibidem, a Latin word meaning in the same place.
Abbreviations for restriction enzyme sites: H, Hin dIII.
The BBC have announced (in 'Removing Microformats from bbc.') that they'll stop using the hCalendar microformat because of concerns about accessibility, specifically the use of the HTML abbreviation element (the abbr tag):
Archive 2008-06-01
Perhaps such abbreviations of thought are inevitable in the limited space available for text on a display label.
Ann - you have something against the word videlicet, or just its abbreviation?
In which I say who won last night's debate and almost abandon my cruel neutrality pose.
The abbreviation PC stands for "personal computer".
“Avoid descent rates of 800 fpm feet per minute or greater at airspeeds less than 40 KCAS,” it said, “KCAS” being the abbreviation for “knots-calibrated air speed.”
The Dream Machine
N.B. An abbreviation for the Latin phrase nota bene, meaning note well.
On the basis of state-specific standards, the authors analyze a few confusable problems such as modification of computer simulation charts, expression of diameter and use of abbreviations.
Then use the abbreviation throughout the document.
But the abbreviation for Commander is actualy Cdr, while the abbreviation for Commodore is Cmdre - Cmdr is a completely fabricated short form.
Archive 2007-06-01
The band's first album was entitled CVA, the medical abbreviation for cerebrovascular accident.
Mind Hacks: Paint It Black
The three-letter abbreviations for the 659 amino acids encoded in the open reading frame beginning at nucleotide position 133 are also shown.
I'm not allowed to refer to things by convenient abbreviations such as dichloromethane, DCM, nor am I allowed to refer to things as the malonato ligand, or the diaminocyclohexyl group.
Lecturer Notes
initialism," the difference being it is an abbreviation using only first letters of words; an acronym being a new word created by the first letters, syllables or even arbitrary parts of the original words. - News
Quantifier in numeral abbreviation breaks the restriction of grammar rules, and modifies noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral, empty word and affix.
Abbreviations and acronyms should be employed in a variety of forms.
The abbreviation for computer display is surely wrong.
many words have abbreviations
This basic search will allow wildcards for single or multiple characters; also synonyms and abbreviations so that if you provide a full forename the system will return matching synonyms and abbreviations.
The glossary contains explanations of abbreviations and terms used in this pamphlet.
Where destruction pure and simple is desired, the shell is charged with a high explosive such as picric acid or T.N.T., the colloquial abbreviation for the devastating agent scientifically known as "Trinitrotoluene," the base of which, in common with all the high explosives used by the different powers and variously known as lyddite, melinite, cheddite, and so forth, is picric acid.
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
Hypo: Abbreviation for sodium hyposulphite, a chemical used to fix photographic images after development.
Normally I hated using abbreviations like “2nite,” but the slang increased my typing speed.
Chocolate & Vicodin
Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 51% male: 63.3% female: 39.9% (2003 est.) GovernmentCountry name: conventional long form: Central African Republic conventional short form: none local long form: Republique Centrafricaine local short form: none former: Ubangi-Shari, Central African Empire abbreviation: CAR
Central African Republic
My biggest beef, though, is with the erroneous use of apostrophes to pluralize acronyms and abbreviations like CEOs, GIs, and CDs.
It states that the term cooperative, or any abbreviation, cannot be used in a name "except by a corporation defined in this chapter.
Abbreviation hyponyms that have a plural form ending with ‘s’ can all be put into a single list.
I am of course referring to the recent 'Blackberry' crises that swept the world, which all started when two Middle Eastern countries: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates announced they will block residents from using the ever-so-popular messenger function (commonly known as 'BBM' - an abbreviation for Blackberry Messenger), an 'instant-messaging' feature which allows owners of the device to exchange messages for free.
Faisal J. Abbas: Shooting the Messenger: Why BBM Shouldn't Be Banned!
Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.
A list of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that should not be used also should be available.
I was trying to find out the rule about using apostrophes with acronyms or abbreviations.
There is a useful and concise introduction to the area, its bird habitats and avifauna, and a list of abbreviations and symbols used in the text.
There's an abbreviation of the name, a checkbox for genders, another one for classes, and information about how the lexical type inflects.
This overloading of the abbreviation tag also has implications for people using abbr correctly.
BBC on microformats, abbr (and why the machine-readable web is good)
Perhaps such abbreviations of thought are inevitable in the limited space available for text on a display label.
A list of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that should not be used also should be available.
In many instances, there are abbreviations for the hyponym, but no abbreviation for the more general term.
Just as cello is short for violoncello and kaz (pronounced ‘cuz ‘) is the rarely used symbol for kazoo, piano is actually an abbreviation of pianoforte.’
Third, an 11 page section of endnotes is included to explain abbreviations or items in the text that require further clarification.
The only one of his senior officials who I have actually met is the incoming National Security Adviser, Jim Jones, who I went to see once at SHAPE in Mons when he was SACEUR (sorry for the mystifying abbreviations but spelling them out in full is tedious).
Last night's events
Countries around the world limit the liability of investors and signal this special favor with certain abbreviations and designations.
What are the consequences of that abbreviation of this story on the democratic process?
Perhaps such abbreviations of thought are inevitable in the limited space available for text on a display label.
Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge
Veterans Today
And the abbreviation "DNF" --runner-speak for "did not finish"-- seemed increasingly apt year after year.
Duke Nukem Forever ships May 3
In fact I did not condemn abbreviation, I condemned the near-total exclusion of ideas.
Indeed, with the stressed last syllable of its voice, the bird might well have been termed the coo-bird to begin with, which eliminates the need for the postulated abbreviation, even for any association with the Old World bird.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 3
Well I guess they do have some shorthand or abbreviations but then, how do they remember them all?
We are no doubt in presence of an abbreviation of the name Mál'akhîyah, that is "Messenger of Yah".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
In the next century the "sigla" (chi-rho) occurs not only as an abbreviation but also as a symbol.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
As for hoopoe, I will quote The Century Dictionary, definition and all, with its abbreviations expanded: "The form hoopoe was doubtless originally pronounced like hoopoo, which, with hoophoop, first appears about 1667-78; an imitative variant or clipped reduplication of the earlier hoop, apparently after Latin upaupa ….
Abbreviations: TCNDSFB, longest tooth length, condylobasal cranium length, narial position, dentary length, symphysis position, mandibular foramen height; and bulla length, respectively;
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Tanacetum vulgare, a herb whose name is supposedly derived by abbreviation from ‘athanasia’, the draught which gave Ganymede immortality.
Postmodern designs have hints of pilasters, friezes and capitals, but only in lego-like abbreviation.
The layout is tabular in format but the abbreviations are complex and time-consuming to understand.
Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.
Where destruction pure and simple is desired, the shell is charged with a high explosive such as picric acid or T.N.T., the colloquial abbreviation for the devastating agent scientifically known as "Trinitrotoluene," the base of which, in common with all the high explosives used by the different powers and variously known as lyddite, melinite, cheddite, and so forth, is picric acid.
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
Sex is described in Latin abbreviation: sup. lect. (on the bed); illa habet menses (she is menstruating).
Inamoratas and Other Women
The @ symbol was also used as an abbreviation for "amphora", the unit of measurement used to determine the amount held by the large terra cotta jars that were used to ship grain, spices and wine. discovered this use of the @ symbol in a letter written in 1536 by a Florentine trader named Francesco Lapi.
Her gown of old rose messaline was cut very low in the neck, with mere abbreviations in the way of sleeves.
The Meadow-Brook Girls Under Canvas
Abbreviations: P, the outside opening of the pneumostome (breathing hole); MC, mantle collar (the front edge of the mantle that is fused to the top of the head in a live snail); K, kidney, V, ventricle; A, auricle (the ventricle and the auricle together make up the heart); R, rectum (its opening is within the pneumostome); L, lung.
Archive 2009-01-01
Such a user might find it efficient to be able to refer to formulaic phrases by code or abbreviation without even viewing the display.
It's a subject whose passion for diagrams and abbreviations and formulae can give nuclear physics a run for its money.
PGA – Abbreviation for Professional Golfers Associations. The official and recognized body for golf.
Pharmacists are authorized to withhold dispensing of medications ordered via nonapproved abbreviations.
The abbreviation of would indicate that the stock is a preferred stock.
At the end are bound in 7 smaller leaves of paper on which Kirkpatrick (?) has carefully facsimiled alphabets and abbreviations, and arranged the latter in alphabetical order.
Three Centuries of a City Library an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Norwich Public Library Established in 1608 and the present Public Library opened in 1857
She is surely not alone of her generation in ignorance of such an archaic unit and its Latin abbreviation.
Times, Sunday Times
The format of antiphonaries is large and the text consists of several abbreviations to maximize the size of the script, so that it could be read by the choir, gathered at a tall pulpit during mass.
She resents any abbreviation of her name by people outside her intimate circle.
Countries around the world limit the liability of investors and signal this special favor with certain abbreviations and designations.
Speakers of English read this as “pound,” but the same abbreviation of the Latin lībra, meaning “pound,” is read in French as livre and in German as Pfund.
The English Is Coming!
More than fifty mint centres are known through abbreviations in Middle Persian but not all can be identified with certainty.
Archive 2008-02-01
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
[5] Vizt is the abbreviation for the Latin word "videlicet"; it means "namely.
Letter from Robert Carter to John Pemberton, July 13, 1732
While it is difficult to fault this book, a list of abbreviations would have been a useful addition.
Hyphenated words, symbols, numbers, and abbreviations were counted as one word.
Don't get cute: save emoticons, abbreviations, wild colors, and fonts for your non-professional emails.
We also counted the number of words, abbreviations, symbols, numbers, and values in each record.
Yes, in an area which has prided itself on creating new technospeak terms, the Internet community has really outdone itself this time with the word ‘blog’ (an abbreviation of the term ‘weblog’).
It's a subject whose passion for diagrams and abbreviations and formulae can give nuclear physics a run for its money.
All boats will now carry three-letter designations using standard Olympic abbreviations.
Countries around the world limit the liability of investors and signal this special favor with certain abbreviations and designations.
My biggest beef, though, is with the erroneous use of apostrophes to pluralize acronyms and abbreviations like CEOs, GIs, and CDs.
Arianna Huffington: Arianna's Grammar Pet Peeve: The Apostrophe Crisis
Disk Operating Systems are usually known by the abbreviation DOS.
First of all, he thinks that modernity is a kind of behavioral system and mode, a kind of social life or the mode of organization and the abbreviation of the industrial civilization.
This is not a legally approved abbreviation, and the story has been corrected to reflect that.
BTW “noahp” is an abbreviation for my fictional doctor hero, Dr. Noah Praetorius played by Cary Grant in “People Will Talk”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
Who came up with the hip abbreviation, the slanted letterforms, the marketing strategy?
The abbreviations for chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and their derivation are as described previously.
N.B. An abbreviation for the Latin phrase nota bene, meaning note well.
Her self-loathing stems from her inability to express herself authentically, always falling back on her alternate persona, or 'chara' - and believe me, you will get tired of hearing that abbreviation - to deal with pressure.
Mania News Feed
That's a particularly dour abbreviation - Normal Operating Procedure - but I don't claim to have invented that one.
The abbreviation D stands for immunized / depleted mice whereas U / D represents immunized / undepleted.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
There are a few abbreviations, things like SMTP and HTTP and such, that are specifically excepted from this rule.
The peso's abbreviation was p, and its plural was sometimes written as ps, and sometimes the P with a superscript s.
The abbreviation for computer display is surely wrong.
So from now on I'll refer to the Texas Air National Guard by it's correct abbreviation, TXANG.
The slang term smishing, sometimes spelled SMiShing, is a combination of the abbreviation for text messages - SMS, or Short Message Service - and phishing.
ABC News: Top Stories
These words are abbreviated as follows: -- _sf_, _fz_, and _sfz_, the abbreviation being placed directly above (sometimes below) the note or chord affected.
Music Notation and Terminology
Some of these nomenclatures are still encountered in the literature, but for simplicity, only the new abbreviations are used.
EKG: sometimes called ECG, the abbreviation for electrocardiogram, a diagnostic test that shows the heart’s electrical activity.
YOU The Smart Patient
The terminating sequence -cv could only be the abbreviation of plural suffix -cva which is a regular allomorph of -xva when following a sibilant.
The "Tlusc Mar" Reading Error on the Piacenza Liver
He also used abbreviations for the unknown, usually the initial letter of a colour was used, and sometimes several different unknowns occur in a single problem.
They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
Perhaps an abbreviation of maconochie.
Times, Sunday Times
Ad lib is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "ad libitum".
Perhaps such abbreviations of thought are inevitable in the limited space available for text on a display label.
I also had some major issues with inappropriate abbreviations and spellings..."abt" for example or "iz" or "seyz" thank god those ended in the 1st week!
Ferule & Fescue
Microsoft's blog abbreviation debacle comes as blogging in general and RSS specifically make inroads into more spheres of business and personal life.
Medical recipes, then and now, can often seem confusing because of their wealth of abbreviations and symbols.
The specification you are looking for is "mAh" which is an abbreviation for milliamp hours.
Shelly Palmer
Below is a master list of the names, acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations associated with the un-manned satellites that are mentioned in this Website.
A new society that turns abbreviations into memorable acronyms has run into trouble.
After March 1 2006, The letters ‘DB’ must be added to the abbreviation of the approved measure included in the mark in order to indicate that the wood has been debarked.
A zine an abbreviation of the word fanzine, or magazine; pronounced /ˈziːn/ "zeen" is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images.
Archive 2009-09-01
In the world of avid e-mail users, a variety of acronyms and abbreviations have developed.
Since the early twenty-first century, lol has been a must-have abbreviation.1 Devised by internet users, it conveys mirth—“laughing out loud”—that is invisible and inaudible in purely onscreen interaction.
The English Is Coming!
The internationally recognized abbreviation of the meter is m. Meters are divided up into smaller units so a decimeter is one tenth of a meter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
The three-letter abbreviations such as “Phe” and “Leu” are types of amino acid molecules.
Biological Information
This has all the technical marks of late Elizabethan dramatic blank verse: "vision" as a trisyllable; the redundant syllable in the middle of the line; the colloquial abbreviation of "in the"; not to mention the fanciful vein of the whole passage, which might lead any one unacquainted with Milton to look for this quotation among the dramas of the prime.
Perhaps it is our acquired behavioural bias towards haste that has caused it, but there is certainly something in the modern mind which is attracted to abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms.
Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.
Let's not forget that it was exactly this kind of abbreviation that caused all the trouble in the first place.
The compound cell is then designated by a combination of the abbreviations applied to the original separate cells.
An Appendix is provided with a summary of terms and abbreviations used throughout the article.
Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge
Veterans Today
The internationally recognized abbreviation of the meter is m. Meters are divided up into smaller units so a decimeter is one tenth of a meter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
In this world, writing with abbreviations and omissions render a "texter" more literate and talented.
Dr. Galit Dayan: Text like an Egyptian
The drama the network believes is so promising is called "GCB," which originally stood for something more vulgar but now is an abbreviation for "Good Christian Belles.
NYT > Home Page
Matt Lauer and co. have gone through Internet abbreviations and have provided subtitles so that we can all rest easy, remain unalarmed, and not have to stock up on heavy things at the Home Depot in a last-ditch effort to beat away the young. BRB, I'm Throwin' Down: A Survival Guide for Teenage Slang on the Internet
The increasingly specialized worlds of business, medicine, politics and technology are fueling the explosion of abbreviations.
We also need water to survive, let us not forget, and so vital is it that the Latin word aqua is an abbreviation of a phrase that’s something like what we need to draw from in order to live In 1999 on the islands of Japan Masaru Emoto published extraordinary research making the case that “water is a mirror reflecting our mind.”
If searching for a forename below try the abbreviation first, and if not successful use the full forename.
English capitals, their stiff flourishes, their quaint abbreviations, we should scarcely have been startled to see a peruked head bend above them and a hand with noisy quill go tracing along the lines of those long-ago "Whereases" and "Be it knowns.
Virginia: the Old Dominion
Much space is wasted by reports of the readings of several heavily interpolated mediaeval florilegia; more is wasted by an undue attention to mediaeval spellings and attempts to reproduce abbreviations and to show the precise appearance of secondary corrections.
The Last Poems of Ovid
“This one,” he says, reaching into a plastic bin that at elBulli is called a taper an abbreviation and approximate phonetic rendering of Tupperware, “has nothing to do with this one.”
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
The examples are legion: caretaker, steamroller, gag, passing the torch, and domino theory are among them, though whip (abbreviation of the foxhunting term whipper-in) is not metaphorical in the sense often erroneously supposed.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
The word [nazaf (nun-zayin-fey)] "censured," "placed under ban," by a form of Rabbinical interpretation known as _notarikon_ (stenographer's method, abbreviation), is connected with the words of this verse in
Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
This is an abbreviation of contribution towards fixed costs and profit.
Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
Wallace was keenly aware of his narrative flailings, and exploited those insecurities to draw the reader in; he began sentences with informalities like "And so but then," slathered his text in footnotes, fetishized abbreviation.
David Foster Wallace: Reflecting on the late author |
Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work.
Disk Operating Systems are usually known by the abbreviation DOS.
We are more interested in defining ‘acronyms’ for you than we are in trying to properly distinguish between abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms.
The popularity of text messaging, as it became known, took the mobile industry by surprise, and young people even invented their own language of abbreviations and ‘smileys’ to overcome the laboriousness of typing with a ten-key keypad.
The OED lists the earliest citation for ack-ack as a 1939 issue of Collier's magazine, which gives the source as a British abbreviation for Aircraft Attack, employing the British name for the letter A (which appears also in the older ack-emma for
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
Many working geologists are objecting to the proposed abbreviation for annus, which is "a.
NYT > Home Page
Abbreviations: OM = outer membrane, IM = inner membrane, PG = peptidoglycan cell wall
Friday flagellum blogging -- spirochete flagella - The Panda's Thumb
After all, everywhere you look, some pouty intellectual is whining about how we live in a postliterate age, which means that nobody reads anything longer than a text message, and even those are just a few dumb-ass abbreviations strung together -- LOL laugh out loud, LMFAO
ABC News: Top Stories
Dorcia flinched at Dolly's abbreviation of her name.
We still see the remains of this system in abbreviations such as viz. (videlicet, i.e., “namely”) and Rx (recipe), where the “z” and the “x” represent the squiggle showing that the last letters of the word had been dropped.
A Brief History of Shorthand - Paper Cuts Blog -
The peso's abbreviation was p, and its plural was sometimes written as ps, and sometimes the P with a superscript s.
Processes and products, including services: QA auditors must possess a good understanding of Self-reliant, that is acts and functions indepen - all processes in clinical research and drug devel - dently while interacting effectively with opment and be familiar with the terminology others. and abbreviations used related to clinical trials.
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Ad lib is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "ad libitum".