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  1. of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess

How To Use abbatial In A Sentence

  • Saint – Germain, the king accorded letters-patent; and all the rest, abbatial charter, and royal letters, was confirmed in 1654 by the Chamber of Accounts and the Parliament. Les Miserables
  • That role was amicably filled by Abbot Joseph of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Redwood, California until his abbatial duties, understandably, simply didn't allow for it. Reviving the NLM Eastern Catholic Correspondent: Call for Submissions
  • The wonder-working tour on which the monks sent their new relics certainly helped raise funds for their new abbatial church.
  • ‘You know,’ came a patrician, abbatial voice from the back of the room, ‘I rather think we've got his head’.
  • Above his head, two angels bear the coat of arms of the Cistercian Order, while below, St. Bernard bears his crozier in his right hand, the abbatial veil curling around its shaft. New Illustration: The St. Bernard Triptych, Part II
  • On the middle cornice, again parallel to the altar of St. Benedict, St. Bernard receives the abbatial insignia from Our Lady. Neuzelle Abbey
  • Prussia formed a state domain at Eberbach, from its abbatial estates throughout the Rheingau.
  • When abbatial decisions are made, the monk must ultimately obey; but the context remains one in which we are being urged to think not about an audit, in the sense of an assessment of whether the processes in use are delivering the desired results, but about the degree to which the community is genuinely working with a shared focus and common language, in which both discussion and decision are possible. 'Shaping Holy Lives', a Conference on Benedictine Spirituality
  • They could have him, and welcome; but the prior considered that it was due to his dignity - in this mood fully abbatial - that the senior officer then in charge, sheriff or deputy, should come in person to make amends for the inconvenience to which the abbey had been subjected, and remove the troublesome element. Monk's Hood
  • The boundaries were blurred to the extent that some kings themselves held episcopal or abbatial office.
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