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  1. a line of defense consisting of a barrier of felled or live trees with branches (sharpened or with barbed wire entwined) pointed toward the enemy

How To Use abatis In A Sentence

  • Union soldiers completed digging a series of ditches that zigzagged forward and reached the abatis.
  • It was a combination of towers, palisades, ditches, abatis, and caltrops to slow the attacking Gauls.
  • MODs lay minefields, dig AT ditches, emplace demolitions, and create other obstacles, such as abatis or log cribs to block forest roads. FM 100-61 Chptr 12 Engineer Support
  • It was a combination of towers, palisades, ditches, abatis, and caltrops to slow the attacking Gauls, so that Roman missile engines could more effectively engage them.
  • I mean that the Wilderness woodsmen, without orders from Clay, had converted the entire area that would have to be traversed into a natural death trap, an abatis, a French word my grandfather did not know, nor did I when I first heard it. Mexico
  • High entanglements (known as abatis) may be made by felling trees toward the enemy, and similar entanglements made of brushwood are useful in emergency. Military Instructors Manual
  • They cleared the ground in front of the works, lacing it with abatis. Cavalryman of the Lost Cause
  • You superciliously color print cartridge to canopus, and lent that you can homemaker the abatis and ozonosphere of a legionary blastematic dactyloscopidae dryly spectacled to vantage it there for you. Rational Review
  • They were built as a system of separate fortresses, abatis lines, and on forested terrain, tree blowdowns.
  • Her feet, of a kind that painters call abatis, rose above the varnished leather of the shoes in a swelling that was some inches high. Pierre Grassou
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