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How To Use Abatement In A Sentence

  • This sort of saving can be made whenever marginal abatement costs are not equal.
  • He said the federal government targets only about $150 million a year for lead abatement.
  • Lead abatement has been subject to stringent laws for many years throughout the country.
  • Musicians cynically note the gigantic tax abatements the city offers to high tech firms, as compared with the piddling sums it is willing to invest in its pool of thousands of young artists.
  • With taxes, you know what carbon abatement is going to cost (which industry usually likes, see comment #2 above), but the actual amount of carbon abatement is uncertain (which environmentalists don’t like). Matthew Yglesias » The Strange Persistence of Carbon Tax Advocates
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  • My advice would be to hold out for a rent abatement of some sort.
  • It gives people like him a duty to investigate a noise nuisance, and if he finds sufficient evidence, he's obliged to serve a noise abatement notice on the loudmouths responsible, requiring them to belt up.
  • There is no way to "vanquish" them except by means of temporary abatement. The Hurting
  • It is expected to be anchored there for a number of days to await the abatement of unusual southerly headwinds.
  • To a certain extent the seat in the saddle was unfirm, and the strength and poise of the body showed signs of abatement.
  • In the enthroned Christ every question about sin is answered, and every claim of a violated law is absolutely met; and though there is no abatement in the demands of the decalogue, yet because "Christ has become the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth," now "_grace reigns through righteousness_ unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. The Ministry of the Spirit
  • Heraldry — abatement, cadency, clarion, escutcheon, jessant-de-lys, rampant, talbot (I could go on for close to a thousand words as classical heraldry uses Norman French) The Logophile « Write Anything
  • The stench of regimented, major chord blokedom, the cacophony of lad rock, shows no signs of abatement. The Music Fix
  • Most of the reductions of particulates came from the energy supply sector and industry, and emissions are expected to decrease further as cleaner vehicle engine technologies are adopted, and stationary fuel combustion emissions are controlled through abatement or use of low-sulphur fuels, such as natural gas or unleaded gasoline (see Box 6.17). Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • For this particular story, we'll say the abatement is contained within the community (rather than a new, out-of-state biz, which is good locally and bad elsewhere). Archive 2005-08-01
  • By the rude poets of the age, John of Brienne is compared to Hector, Roland, and Judas Machabaeus: 43 but their credit, and his glory, receive some abatement from the silence of the Greeks. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Bevel's attorney is seeking what's known as an abatement. Front Page
  • The results of model integration and optimization also show that the optimal abatement of nutrient release in sediments is about 1/2 to achieve maximum PHYT reduction with minimum control cost.
  • That path, that we have tended to follow in the past as in the present, has led us no closer to an abatement of the widespread savagery of criminals.
  • Monday's ruling from the state tax commission has extended the tax abatement until 2010.
  • Colchester Council slapped a noise abatement notice on the site.
  • Heraldry — abatement, cadency, clarion, escutcheon, jessant-de-lys, rampant, talbot (I could go on for close to a thousand words as classical heraldry uses Norman French) The Logophile « Write Anything
  • Despite the obstacles early weed abatement programs faced, weed control efforts proliferated.
  • However, a $ 500 inspection revealed the building needed extensive asbestos abatement and repairs.
  • Council leader Smith has promised an abatement of problems in the Purfleet area caused by hundreds of heavy lorries.
  • Surface Spherical, and that the flatting of the Surface in the middle is from the abatement of the waters pressure outwards, by the contrary indeavour of its gravity; it follows that the pressure in the middle must be less then on the sides; and therefore the consecution will be the same as in the former. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • He was informed by the seller that it required as much as $400,000 worth of asbestos abatement.
  • Preventive Maintenance ( PM ) on Waste gas abatements ( wet scrubber , incineration scrubbers, dry scrubbers ).
  • From there, you can try to develop carbon abatement schemes (like planting trees and using biochar).
  • This is not to over-simplify the crime wave that's sweeping through the country with no apparent abatement.
  • I have been very idle lately; both from the overpowering idea of our dead poets and from abatement of my love of fame.
  • However, a $ 500 inspection revealed the building needed extensive asbestos abatement and repairs.
  • Artical expressly pointed out the fishery is environmental Pollution of casualty , at the time, fishery is environmental Pollution of fabricant and abatement.
  • Incineration of waste fuel oils without abatement leads to a massive increase in the emissions of heavy metals, especially nickel and vanadium.
  • A distinction is drawn between Abatement Notices which require works to be done and those which merely require the recipient to abate the identified nuisance.
  • It is therefore imperative that the procedures for the abatement of malodours are very effective.
  • This is one of those passages for which the editor of that review has merited an abatement in heraldry, no such writing ever having been written; and indeed, by other like assertions of equal veracity, the gentleman has richly entitled himself to bear a gore sinister tenne in his escutcheon. Historical Documentation Concerning the Radical Piracy of _Wat Tyler_
  • None of them mentioned that there had been a noise abatement notice served on those premises in June 2000 or that the landlady had been cautioned for breach of it on 17.1.01.
  • It is expected to be anchored there for a number of days to await the abatement of unusual southerly headwinds.
  • But victims complain that it takes a long time to obtain a noise abatement notice requiring their neighbours to turn down the volume.
  • The goal of this abatement crew near Chicago is to prevent larvae from growing into adult mosquitoes, specifically the culex pipians, the common carrier of West Nile virus that infected more than 4,000 people in the U.S. last year. CNN Transcript Jul 8, 2003
  • Third, devising project of organ setting and personnel outfitting to village - town fiscal abatement of agricultural tax.
  • While that failure doesn't represent a major blow to the aim of seeking a moderation of greenhouse gas abatements strategy, it does represent a serious problem for Australian consumers.
  • This decision of the Supreme Court on the plea in abatement that the plaintiff (a Negro, Dred Scott) was not a citizen in the sense of the word in Article iii, Sec. 2 of the Constitution, was based upon an erroneous idea respecting the location of the word _citizen_ in the instrument. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • Since January 2002 this trend has continued and shows no signs of abatement.
  • A single case of noise-induced hearing loss might be the trigger for intensified noise abatement.
  • MSgt Samson's discovery set in motion the permanent abatement of this hazard.
  • The centers are a lost cause, and pre-fire prevention and abatement is obviously the most bang for the buck. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Genocide Prevention
  • Chrysler has also put a significant amount of unit-cost into soundproofing, with acoustic windshield and front-window glass and other noise abatements. Chrysler's Global Melange Yields True Luxury
  • It is therefore imperative that the procedures for the abatement of malodours are very effective.
  • However since the houses are already going to go in part of any sales contract the developer writes should stipulate that “the purchaser is aware that they are purchasing property near an airport and might be subject to associated noise, and purchaser agrees not to hold the developer or county responsible for noise abatement resulting from flight traffic.” Waldo Jaquith - Wealthy Alexandrians vs. manufacturer.
  • Either way, the result -- in theory -- will be cost-effective pollution abatement, that is, overall abatement achieved at minimum aggregate cost. Robert Stavins: Environmental Problems and the Myth of Simple Market Solutions
  • This unknown, untried dealmaker applied for and received a 40 - year tax abatement from the City.
  • This defendant was required to abate the nuisance by noise identified in the abatement notice.
  • The South African Act provides for a further abatement of R 1,5 million, to be deducted from the net value of the estate.
  • A portmanteau word combining smoke and fog, the term was popularized by H. A. Des Voeux in his report to the Manchester Conference of the Smoke Abatement League of Great Britain in 1911.
  • The springiness might have gone out of his step, and to a certain extent the seat in the saddle was unfirm, and the strength and poise of the body showed signs of abatement, but the fire in the eyes was undimmed and every line of the features was instinct to a wonderful degree with life and vitality. The Boy With the U. S. Foresters
  • A noise abatement order issued in November last year failed to stop the music.
  • This is one of those passages for which the editor of that review has merited an abatement in heraldry, no such writing ever having been written; and indeed, by other like assertions of equal veracity, the gentleman has richly entitled himself to bear a gore sinister tenne in his escutcheon. Historical Documentation Concerning the Radical Piracy of _Wat Tyler_
  • Mr. DePaola's attorney said his client was a union worker hired to be an abatement supervisor who was fired three months before the fire broke out – but not before being rewarded for managing the clean up of the tower's building where the breach in the standpipe was located. Contractors Claim 'Scapegoating'
  • The pub was served with the noise abatement order after a resident of a neighbouring housing development complained to the council.
  • The abatement was a big part of the appeal -- he pays about $125 in annual property taxes for a condo he bought for $490,000. Philadelphia Tax Breaks Draw Ire
  • As there was no abatement of the blows of the boat against the embankment, no reply nor explanation, a shot from the gun of one of the levee-watch came skipping lightsomely over the water as The Crucial Moment 1911
  • The fact that there is no abatement also differentiates the student allowance from all other government support.
  • A third alternative is a plea of abatement, which is a plea praying that the indictment may be quashed, for some defect which the plea points out. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 339, January, 1844
  • The main obstacle to the widespread use of abatement techniques is the significant and variable national costs which are incurred.
  • Things heated up as the TA started negotiating rent abatement for tenants who were without gas for months on end.
  • laws enforcing noise abatement
  • The results of model integration and optimization also show that the optimal abatement of nutrient release in sediments is about 1/2 to achieve maximum PHYT reduction with minimum control cost.
  • Heraldry — abatement, cadency, clarion, escutcheon, jessant-de-lys, rampant, talbot (I could go on for close to a thousand words as classical heraldry uses Norman French) The Logophile « Write Anything

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