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How To Use Abasic In A Sentence

  • Jansen also describes gabbro, diabase, ultrabasic rocks and Permian limestones in a comparable section on Naxos.
  • On the other hand, the Kudi gneisses are imbricated with an ophiolitic slice south to Kudi, and overthrust by the Buziwan ultrabasic rocks.
  • The property also hosts the former S.E.S. uranium Delphine showing that returned 1000 to 5000 cps over a minimum strike of 150 meters associated with a coarse-grained (INCO-Apple-type conglomeratic) quartzite unit (GM 34117), adjacent to ultrabasic rocks. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite, and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks.
  • Major shear zones containing basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks are interpreted as suture zones.
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  • There is a slightly developed diabasic structure and the rock is much altered by weathering; the resultant product being chlorite. The Long Labrador Trail
  • Similarly, we may have tribasic and tetrabasic acids. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The studied platinum - gold placer occurs in Quaternary alluvial - diluvial a piedmont valley of ultrabasic rocks, Northwest China.
  • The higher elevations of the Nicobars often contain serpentine and gabbro formations, whereas at lower elevations Eocene sediments (sandstones, shales, and siltstones) with ultrabasic igneous intrusions predominate. Nicobar Islands rain forests
  • Some ore deposits occur in alkalic ultrabasic rocks derived from the Earth's mantle.
  • As we have already pointed out in the chapter on Basic Slag, phosphoric acid occurs in the slag in the form of tetrabasic phosphate of lime, although it is invariably stated in analysis as so much tricalcic phosphate. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • This may be owing to the fact that, in the tetrabasic phosphate, there is more lime present than that which the phosphoric acid can retain with strong chemical affinity. [ Manures and the principles of manuring
  • It has been suggested that the ultrabasic rocks, containing olivine, magnesium-rich pyroxenes, and amphiboles are first altered by hydrothermal processes to form the serpentine minerals; in a later metamorphic event, the serpentines are partially redissolved and crystallized as chrysotile fibers. Geology of asbestos
  • These crystals, by careful analysis, were shown, first by Hilgenstock, to consist of a form of phosphate of lime hitherto unknown, in which four equivalents of lime were combined with one equivalent of phosphoric acid, and which was therefore called "tetrabasic phosphate. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Similarly, we may have tribasic and tetrabasic acids. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • This convergence gave rise to southward thrusting of the Yixieke forearc in Ordovician-Early Silurian time, which then led to obduction of the Buziwan ultrabasic rocks southward over the Kudi terrane.
  • Establish abasic medical and health care system and improve the heath of the whale nation.
  • The discovery that its phosphoric acid existed, as has been already explained, as a tetrabasic phosphate of lime, has strengthened the opinion that this is the best method of application. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • The _terra roxa_ is an argillaceous, ferruginous earth of diabasic origin, occasionally mixed with sand. Across Unknown South America
  • Jansen also describes gabbro, diabase, ultrabasic rocks and Permian limestones in a comparable section on Naxos.
  • The occurrence of low-volatile coal in certain coalfields in India is attributed to the carbonization of coal seams by the intrusion of mica lamprophyre which is a mica-rich ultrabasic rock containing altered olivine, calcite (or dolomite), bronze-coloured mica and apatite. 4.1 Geological investigations
  • Lastly, there is a fourth compound of lime and phosphoric acid, which only occurs in one phosphatic manure -- viz., phosphatic slag, in which indeed it was first discovered -- which consists of four equivalents of lime to one of phosphoric acid, to which the name tetrabasic phosphate of lime or tetracalcic phosphate has been given. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Their southward imbrication within the Kudi gneisses, the similar lithology and occurrence close to the Buziwan ultrabasic rocks near Kudi village may indicate they could have been part of Buziwan ophiolite.
  • Enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite, and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks.
  • Metabasic rocks throughout the Moine outcrop display a tholeiitic chemistry comparable with modern mid-ocean basalts.
  • The geological constitution consists mainly of quartzite schists, gneisses, limestones, and isolated granitic and diabasic intrusions. Venezuelan Andes montane forests

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