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  1. a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States

How To Use AAVE In A Sentence

  • The wheat's kernin 'somethin' cruel fine -- I awnly wish theer was more of it -- an 'the sheep an' cattle's in braave kelter likewise. Lying Prophets
  • Not to mention the curious story about Galen and the patient ill from an overdose of theriacum, who was cured by another dose of the same substance, nor the ridicule of the doctrine of contraries by Paracelsus and Van Helmont, nor the fact that the _contraries_ of Boerhaave, by his own explanation, merely signify whatever substances prove their contrariety to the disease by curing it -- to pass by these, we find one of the main objects of homoeopathy, the discovery of specifics, insisted upon by Lord Bacon in his words already quoted. A Dish of Orts : Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare
  • For just a moment there, tournament golf had taken its toll: Saavedra had lost the head.
  • Although the _Braave_ had vanished, she had left behind her a small legacy of annoyance for me; for while I was still searching the horizon for some sign of her continued existence I became aware of certain raucous sounds issuing from the forecastle, which I was quickly able to identify as the maudlin singing which seamen are so prone to indulge in when they are the worse for liquor. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • This straightforward account of matters inside the bagnio is the more valuable and interesting if we recollect that Cervantes 'great-grandmother was a Saavedra, and that the soldier alluded to in the text was really himself. The True Story Book
  • This issue is particularly important in the case of vernacular dialects such as AAVE or Caribbean Creoles.
  • Q buena entrevista y que gusto que el lado grandioso y fascinante que tiene tijuana tambien se de a conocer, asi como las personas que promueven la cultura y el arte, como Rafa Saavedra, un imparable al escribir sobre todo lo relacionado con la ciudad y su transformación a travez de las ultimas dos décadas. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Telling Secrets on Twitter
  • As though AAVE is an arbitrary system of made-up words, rather than something real people use every day? I don’t care if you don’t like it, it’s a fact « Motivated Grammar
  • Now, you might say that AAVE is merely a dialect of English, and that therefore any native speaker of English will do, but it’s not so easy. I don’t care if you don’t like it, it’s a fact « Motivated Grammar
  • “What th 'divil's the use whin I haave a praycher t' m'silf.” From the Bottom Up
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