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How To Use A.d. In A Sentence

  • A truly poignant object is the patinated bronze sheet with names of Olympic champions inscribed on it from the first century B.C. to A.D. 385, after which the Olympics were outlawed. Transformational Objects
  • For many hundreds and hundreds of years, A.D., meaning anno domini, the year of our lord, was the way people dated events, and B.C., meaning before Christ. Librarian Kee Malesky Considers 'All Facts' For NPR
  • Center play the part in Europe, that the Southern one did in the manvantara 870 B.C. to 630 A.D.? The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • But this is not the only similarity between the individuation process symbolically pictured both in Dylan's opus and in the Bible, where the same deepest mythologem structured the whole book, especially the Book of Isaiah - culminating in the Servant Songs formed in 6th century B.C. - and was further extended in the Book of Revelation in the end of 1st century A.D. Expecting Rain
  • Here an officer and party were posted to supervise the movements of the wounded, who, according to the nature of their wounds, either as walking wounded or in horsed ambulances, were directed to the A.D.S. at Annequin, where Major C. P. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
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  • Oddly, it's insanely comfortable, and this kind of peripatetic lifestyle (while anathema to my wife) totally fits my A.D.D. quest for constant adventure. Lucy van pelt holds the football
  • Before the middle of the seventh century A.D. the area had been "ruralized," for instance the Trajanic street fountain being used as a dump for slaughtered cattle remains (see Lower Agora - North, July 20-August 2). Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Conclusions: Urban Development
  • Conversely, a kappa recorded by Lanckoronski after the name "Aurelius" on one of the other architraves after the name Aurelius seems to identify the emperor as Marcus Aurelius 'son and successor, Commodus (A.D. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Macellum Report 3
  • The lazaret was opened during the plague outbreaks that decimated Venice, as well as much of Europe, throughout the 15th and 16th centuries A.D. Low Water Again Plagues Venice: Acqua Bassa Redux
  • The cymbidium orchid became a popular subject for Chinese artists during the Song dynasty A.D. 960-1279 and was often painted in the dark ink of calligraphers. Free & easy
  • The sons of Tancred fought in Apulia, before William II. was three years old, (A.D. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The destruction layer held a coin datable to the reign of Diocletian (A.D. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Domestic Area Report 4
  • The whole team is super excited to officially be launching the a.d. schwarz line for the first time in New York with some limited quantities of handwrought sustainably-harvested wood jewelry and Sofala plates. Summer Rayne Oakes: High-End African Design Debuts in New York, NY
  • By A.D. 54-5, militant activity had again assumed epidemic proportions.
  • Until now, the earliest leftovers of cocoa consumption were in residues from a Maya tomb in Guatemala from A.D. 460 to 480.
  • Between the hall and chancel, fronting the great castle gate, was a large chamber, with several rooms, and a cloyster under it, pulled down A.D. 1700; for which, when standing, in the reign of King Henry VIII., there was one suit of hangings of the story of Hercules; which are supposed to be those still remaining at the seat of Lord Howard, of Walden. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 575, November 10, 1832
  • One longer, less densely sampled land temperature reconstruction, which we call CH-blend (long), is based on seven records back to a.d. 946, and CH-blend (Dark Ages) consists of five records back to a.d. Unthreaded #3 « Climate Audit
  • The only known surviving copy of the gospel was found in a codex, or ancient book, that dates back to the third or fourth century A.D.
  • [195] "The Hindus call the nought explicitly _ ['s] [= u] nyabindu_ 'the dot marking a blank,' and about 500 A.D. they marked it by a simple dot, which latter is commonly used in inscriptions and MSS. in order to mark a blank, and which was later converted into a small circle. The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
  • the Byzantine period, between the fourth and seventh centuries A.D.
  • The fries are then flumed out of the A.D.R. room to the "blancher. Serious Eats
  • The ancient Maya Indians - who had their heyday in Mexico and Central America from about A.D.250 to 900-had more than a passing familiarity with the tempests that regularly howled off the Atlantic.
  • Yet, there is a problem with the fact that the former was "organizer for life" of the games connected with it and probably still alive in A.D. 120-125, whereas the latter, who most likely had witnessed the accession of Hadrian in A.D. 117, was "the first organizer (agonothetès) for eternity (in perpetuum) of the agones Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • Grog-tempered pottery associated with the burials recovered from the site identify the occupation with the Miller Three complex, A.D.600-1000.
  • After being destroyed by fire, it was reconstructed in A.D. 200 and had a capacity for 250,000 spectators.
  • [S] 526 A.D. [T] 531 A.D. But at a later time [60] Theodatus, the ruler of the Goths, upon learning that Belisarius had come to Sicily, made a compact with the Germans, in which it was agreed that the Germans should have that portion of Gaul which fell to the Goths, and should receive twenty centenaria [61] of gold, and that in return they should assist the Goths in this war. Procopius History of the Wars, Books V. and VI.
  • Monkbarns, if ye howk up the bourock, as ye seem to have began, yell find, if ye hae not fund it already, a stane that ane o 'the mason-callants cut a ladle on to have a bourd at the bridegroom, and he put four letters on't, that's A.D.L.L. --- Aiken Drum's Lang The Antiquary
  • While visiting the Auckland museum last month I was fascinated to see the replica of a gigantic bird called a moa, extinct since around 1500 A.D. Archive 2009-05-01
  • St. Peter in 1 Pet.v. 1 expressly describes himself by this title, nor does the title appear to have become confined to the presbyters or priests of the Church until about A.D. The Books of the New Testament
  • Zakraya Khan died on July 1, 1745 A.D. His son Yahya Khan, who was also son-in-law of the chief wazir at Delhi, had no difficulty in securing an appointment as the governor of Lahore.
  • The first discussion of female homoeroticism in Jewish texts is found in Sifra, a postbiblical commentary on the book of Leviticus, edited in the second century a.d. Lesbianism.
  • Valesius alleges several testimonies to confirm this character; to which I shall add the evidence of the presbyter Constantine, (A.D. 488,) who, in the life of St. Germain, calls the Armorican rebels mobilem et indisciplinatum populum. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The earliest example of what can strictly be call naalbinding is found in a mitten from Asle Mose, Sweden, dated to C3 or C4 A.D., but the technique was already quite elaborate by that time.
  • The dedicatory inscription on a statue base found in the Agora Excavations throws new light on relations between families of hierophants and daduchs in the late second and early third century A.D.
  • The destruction of this crannoge is recorded by the Four Masters, A.D. 933, giving evidence that it was occupied up to that period. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • Transition to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd - 7th Century A.D." offers a corrective to the rampant consumerism of our day with a condign lesson in Christianity's classical roots and intense devotions while also reminding us that a trade in objects flourished from its earliest times. Transformational Objects
  • Aromatics were to become so popular, that a special edict was declared in 30 A.D. that forbade the personal use of exotic scents as the supplies for use on ritual altars were growing scarce.
  • The presentation was an excellent example of design expertise using the C.A.D. and the latest computerised sample machine.
  • We know that manillas were first imported into the delta around 1450 A.D.
  • The oxidizer is called ammonium dinitramide A.D.N. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: December 2008 Archives
  • Fu-ch'ai's surviving friends had indeed a very lively stimulus indeed-the fear of instant death-to drive them tumultuously over the seas; and doubtless, as they must have been perfectly harmless after tossing about hungry in open boats for weeks together, they would be as welcome to the Japanese king, or to the petty chief or chiefs who received the waifs, as in our own times was the honest sailor Will Adams when he drifted friendless to Japan, and whose statue now adorns a great Japanese city as that of a man who was, in a humble way, also a "civilizer" of Japan (600 A.D.). Ancient China Simplified
  • A.D. 58 he brought about the downfall of the former delator, P. Suillius. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • In 726 A.D., Emperor Seibu hosted a sumo tournament in July, which then became an important annual palace ritual along with archery contests in January and May.
  • (A.D. 494) appointed the confession of faith to be made immediately before baptism, _though the renunciations were made some hours before_. The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • A.D. 1598, and the reference is evidently to an instrument of the spinet or cembalo kind; but how the tone was produced there is no statement, no word to base an inference upon. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • The first modern-day distillation of essential oil was performed by the Persian philosopher Avicenna (980-1037 A.D.) who extracted the essence of rose petals through the 'enfleurage' process. Xml's
  • The introduction and organization of zakat in 624 A.D. encouraged accounting for the purpose of zakat calculation and payment.
  • The period covered by the narrative in Acts begins shortly after the Crucifixion and ends somewhere between A.D. 64 and 67.
  • The 773-page compilation resurrects St. George, the dragon-slayer who was slain himself at Lydda in Palestine around 303 A.D. and is the patron of soldiers, knights, archers and armorers.
  • The eastern sondage yielded material that was similar to that of the layer immediately above floor level, with several special finds such as a terracotta horse figurine, some late-Roman coins (among them a half follis dated to the reign of the emperor Mauritius, A.D. 582-602) and a small pendulant (?) in semi-precious material. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Roman Baths Report 7
  • Proclus, whose nativity is marked by his horoscope, (A.D. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The topsoil contained a small amount of mid-Byzantine common wares, as well as a late eleventh-century A.D. coin (an anonymous follis). Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Antoninus Pius Report 1
  • In the year a.d.105, Cai Lun devised a way to make the bark of the mulberry tree into paper.
  • As the Romans made their way north, grape growing spread across Europe, and by 300 A.D., the use of fermented and unfermented juice in recipes was a common practice.
  • Heron of Alexandria described the screw in Mechanica in the first century A.D., and archeologists have unearthed threaded bolts at early Roman sites.
  • And before he departed from Pistoia, although the work had not up to then been begun, he made the model of the Campanile of S. Jacopo, the principal church of that city; on which campanile, which is on the square of the said S. Jacopo and beside the church, there is this date: A.D. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 01 (of 10), Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi
  • The culture of eating paan or betel leaf is believed to exist in India since the 3rd century A.D. Boxes for storing these were made of different materials and in various shapes and sizes.
  • Mr. Tyrwhitt published, A.D. 1776, a Dissertation on Babrias, and a collection of his fables in choliambic meter found in a MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Fables
  • A.D. 455; the name has also been derived from Celtic _Ked-coit_, that is, the tomb in the wood. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Mr. Whitaker, the locally-registered sex offender, flamboyant fraud, and Megan's Law listee put in charge of the PUSD D.A.D.S. program by This is an archive of a past election
  • Left, a Sagalassos city coin dating to the early third century A.D. and representing a Tyche (Fortuna) holding a cornucopia (right) crowning a cuirassed and helmeted soldier (left), identified as "Lakedaimon of the Sagalassians. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Small Finds Conservation Report 4
  • The Pazend language is the same as the so-called Parsi, i.e. the ancient Persian, as written till about the time of Firdusi, 1000 A.D. ' Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I Essays on the Science of Religion
  • The peculations of a certain "chiaus" in the year A.D. 1000 are said to have been the origin of the word "to chouse."] [96] {114} A phenomenon not uncommon with an angry Mussulman. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3
  • The abacus, as we know it today, first made its appearance in 1200 A.D. in China, where it was called ‘suan-pan’.
  • In clarifying orthodox Christology (the doctrine of Jesus Christ), the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451) laid the foundation of Western liberty.
  • The colosseum opened in A.D.80 and hosted 100 spectacles a year. 50,000 available seats were divided into social classes.
  • An important discovery from this layer, revealed by M. Waelkens's study of the coins found, was a follis (late coin type) minted under Heraclius and his son Heraclius Constantine between A.D. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Macellum Report 4
  • The same visit to Jerusalem as in Ac 15: 1-4 (A.D. 50), when the council of the apostles and Church decided that Gentile Christians need not be circumcised. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If we make a standard horoscope chart for December 21st, 2012 A.D., nothing very unusual appears.
  • Lest I misrepresent my own position, let me also clarify that credobaptism is not a new thing; it is found all over Scripture, and the first historical reference to paedobaptism was not until 206 A.D. (mentioned by Tertullian). The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
  • The culture of eating paan or betel leaf is believed to exist in India since the 3rd century A.D. Boxes for storing these were made of different materials and in various shapes and sizes.
  • Two heads are thought to be buried inside -- John the Baptist and Imam Hussein, the Prophet's grandson, who was killed by a rival Muslim force in the 680 A.D. battle of Kerbala in Iraq.
  • D.A.D.S. program at Percy Clark's personal direction, will face murder charges in the 1983 death of a prostitute whose partially-disrobed body was found dumped near an LA Times distribution center. This is an archive of a past election
  • August 26, A.D. 2065, the Board, sitting in London, was informed by De Forest that the District of Northern Illinois had riotously cut itself out of all systems and would remain disconnected till the Board should take over and administer it direct. A Diversity of Creatures
  • In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the City of St. Louis, this 11 th day of September, A.D.2005.
  • They originally must have occupied a continuous socle elevating them even more than their mere size already did, in the central space of the complex, where we found the six-meter long dedicatory inscription of A.D. The Antonine Dynastic Gallery at Sagalassos
  • “Today I am here to announce that I have successfully reproduced the Shroud of Turin using only materials and methods known to be available to medieval forgers who were working in the period between 1260 and 1390 A.D., the dates the carbon-14 tests done on the Shroud have established for its date of creation.” The Shroud Codex
  • Constructed in A.D. 161, this once-massive theater today holds only 5,000 spectators in the lower tier of seats.
  • Piso had been accused of complicity in the death of Germanicus, the heir apparent of Tiberius [emperor 14-37 A.D.], in one of the causes célèbres of the early principate.
  • A.D.Fursaev studied the melliferous flora of the Volga flood plain.
  • Book ii. commences at that point, and ends with the death of Livia, A.D. 29 (ii. 130, 5, 'cuius temporis aegritudinem auxit amissa mater'). The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Between the fourth and eighth centuries A.D., most of both portions were conquered by the Franks.
  • I met with an M.A.D.A Manhattan Assistant District Attorney in New York before I started filming, and she said there’s notime for girlyness, there’s no time for that sort of running around in little cute suits andhigh heels. Buzzine » Naomi Watts Interview
  • It contains a temple of Juggernaut, in honor of Vishnu, in which is an idol of this Hindu god, called Jagannath, which is mentioned in history as far back as A.D. Across India Or, Live Boys in the Far East
  • The concept of due process dates back to 1215 A.D. and the Magna Carta, "No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or disseized or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. Malcolm Friedberg: Fred: You Had It Right The First Time
  • The coin is an antoninianus or double denarius piece, a denomination which was introduced in A.D. 215 by the emperor Caracalla. Finding a Lost Emperor in a Clay Pot
  • If he outlived Domitian it was not for long, as Pliny in the letters quoted above (the earlier written about A.D. 100) does not speak of Quintilian as alive. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • The follis coin indicates that activities continued in this section of the baths until the late sixth or early seventh century A.D. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Roman Baths Report 7
  • It is true that the Hindu colonists of Camboja may have come from the island of Java, yet no evidence supports the idea that Camboja was a dependency of the island about 800 A.D. and the inscriptions of Champa seem to distinguish clearly between Yavadvîpa (the island) and the unknown country called Javâ. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • As treasurer of the R.A.D.D., he once balanced the books, which had a serious deficit, with a handsome donation.
  • Julius Caesar, Livy and the geographer Strabo all had a go before Tacitus published his monograph in 98 A.D. But it was his account of these pure-bred, frighteningly tall, dazzlingly blond warriors with their piercing blue eyes, their chastity and their courage, that stuck in the German mind and, nearly two millennia later, bolstered the Nazis' fantasies that they were destined to be the Master Race. Hitler's Golden Book
  • In A.D. 71, the Romans erected a camp at the site of modern day York, where the Foss flows into the Ouse.
  • Well aware that most of the sources on which she must rely were written in biblical times, 50 B.C. to A.D. 150 -- anywhere from two decades to two centuries after Cleopatra was born -- she informs us whether she is quoting Plutarch or Cicero or Dio in her characterizations, and, in the process, these thoroughly feisty, opinionated bards, too, become part of the tale. Stacy Schiff's new biography of "Cleopatra," reviewed by Maria Arana
  • Victorinus, bishop of Pettau in Pannonia, who suffered martyrdom under Diocletian in A.D. 303, wrote the earliest extant commentary on the Apocalypse. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He copied this stone on 13th September 1855, noting in his diary that Henrietta sketched the church while he copied and translated the inscription which ran as follows -- _Thorleifr Nitki raised this Cross to Fiak, son of his brother's son_, the date being 1084 or 1194 A.D. CHAPTER XXVIII George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • The sale of weaponry to Taiwan has the double advantage of providing Taiwan with it's own defense (in a somewhat similar M.A.D. situation to the Cold War) from China, who have already demonstrated that they are not far from considering using force to "reunite" Taiwan with the mainland, something ironically imperialistic. Reuters: Top News
  • Shortly after the overthrow of the Omayyad dynasty, and the establishment of the Abbasids, the city of El-'Askar was founded (A.D. 750) by Suleiman, the general who subjugated the country, and became the capital and the residence of the successive lieutenants of the Abbasid caliphs. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • It's a rationalization - it's not new - it's known from the First Century A.D., as the original anti-Christian Gnostic cult; the original Gnostics.
  • The Emperor Hadrian built (A.D. 120) the rampart from the Solway to the German Ocean as a barrier against the Caledonians, giving up the more northern conquests; but Lollius Urbicus, the prætor, drove the enemy back, and built a lesser wall from the Forth to the Clyde, A.D. A Parallel History of France and England; Consisting of Outlines and Dates
  • Romans have always loved eating well (Apicio, who lived in the I century A.D. left a lot of cooking receipts) and today Roman dishes are considered Italian dishes.
  • August 26, A.D. 2065, the Board, sitting in London, was informed by De Forest that the District of Northern Illinois had riotously cut itself out of all systems and would remain disconnected till the Board should take over and administer it direct. A Diversity of Creatures
  • A.D. 110-17, according to the chronology of Harnack which we shall follow in this article), in "Eph.", The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • SACK OF ROME BY THE VAND.LS, 455 A.D. In 455 A.D. the ships of the Vandals, led by their king, Gaiseric, appeared at the mouth of the Tiber. Early European History
  • Abul Wafa determined accurately the obliquity of the ecliptic in 995 A.D. and calculated the variation in the moon's motion.
  • According to the Talmud the ribbon stopped turning white in the year 30 A.D. So this showed God was no longer forgiving the sins of Israel by means of the scapegoat.
  • The pipe was used by C.A.D.S. (in the water) to move the predator in a side-to-side manner to mimic the anguilliform movement of a swimming shark.
  • This letter is supposed to have been written in the third Indiction (a.d. 592–3); the law complained of having been issued in the previous year.
  • As treasurer of the R.A.D.D., he once balanced the books, which had a serious deficit, with a handsome donation.
  • She was a princess of . . . let’s see what it says here . . . some tribe called the Iceni, way back in A.D. Darkness Before Dawn
  • The 773-page compilation resurrects St. George, the dragon-slayer who was slain himself at Lydda in Palestine around 303 A.D. and is the patron of soldiers, knights, archers and armorers.
  • He recently created The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D., a series of animated shorts for, and a book of the same title collecting his comic short stories. 12 Projects Chosen For January 2010 Sundance Screenwriters Labs | /Film
  • H. Sleeman (1809 - 1856 A.D.) served as the collector of Jabalpur. Story Behind Sati
  • The Church is indefectible: she has never stopped and will never stop and can never stop teaching what has been taught from the beginning which was circa A.D. 33, not 1962. Clarification
  • The findings, some of which were presented in her dissertation last year, show that what we call the Viking Age, the years from 750-1050 A.D., was not a uniform period. Archive 2008-02-24
  • Theodore, a monk of Tarsus in Cilicia, had been named to the primacy of Britain by Pope Vitalian, (A.D. 688; see Baronius and Pagi,) whose esteem for his learning and piety was tainted by some distrust of his national character — ne quid contrarium veritati fidei, Graecorum more, in ecclesiam cui praeesset introduceret. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Both Philo and Plutarch (De defectu oraculorum) anticipate the Christian Apologist Justin Martyr in explaining pagan myth, ritual, and oracles as the ac - tions of daimones, but Justin's interpretation of them as deceits of the fallen angels and their offspring demons (Dialogue with Trypho, A.D. 155) is the back - ground for Saint Augustine's treatment of the pagan gods in The City of God, Books 1-X. DEMONOLOGY
  • The establishment of the birth of Christ as an event marking a time from which chronological data should be calculated, was first effected about 532 A.D. by Dionysius Exiguus; and as a basis for the reckoning of time this method has come to be known as the Dionysian system, and takes for its fundamental datum A.U.C. 753, that is to say Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • They controlled the castle for 127 years before it was recaptured in A.D.1271, through a military ruse, by the Arabs under the Mameluk Sultan Baybars.
  • This apparent destruction did not, however, mean the abandonment of the building, for above it, and cutting into it, and also on top of a pit cut through the herring-bone floor and containing an antoninianus of Tetricus II, a.d. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • Previous to the building of the Pantheon in its present domical form, during the reign of Hadrian about A.D. 123, the history of the dome is for the most part a blank. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The property was originally the site of the barracks and training grounds of the equites singulares Augusti, a private corps of mounted Imperial bodyguards thought to have been formed by the emperor Trajan at the end of the first century A.D. Martyrs or Imperial Guard?
  • The word Teyde is supposed to be a corruption of Echeyde, meaning Hades: hence the title Isla Infierno, found in a map of A.D. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • A R.O.A.D. specialty also meant a better ability to have what doctors called a controllable lifestyle. Top Stories
  • The Pekingese exists as a breed at least from the period of A.D. 700.
  • Some authors say flourished about A.D. 742; but the learned Ah-ah Foo-foo states that he was a cotemporary of Scharkspyre, the English poet, and flourished about A.D. 1328, some three centuries after the Trojan war instead of before it. Mark Twain
  • From the first century B.C. to about 70 A.D., it was the burial custom of Jews to place their dead in a cave for a year, then retrieve the bones and put them in an ossuary.
  • In the third century A.D., a gaggle of plenipotent rabbis held a symposium to settle the matter once and for all. The Fruit Hunters
  • I follow the example heretofore occasionally permitted of communicating in this mode my approval of the "act to provide for and regulate the counting of votes for President and Vice-President, and the decision of questions arising thereon, for the term commencing March 4, A.D. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 7, part 1: Ulysses S. Grant
  • Emesa was the birthplace of the philosopher Longinus (c. a.d. 210), the friend of Queen Zenobia, and St. Romanos, the great Byzantine hymnographer (in the sixth century). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • When comparing radiocarbon dates with dates derived from tree rings, known as dendrochronological dating, the dates only agree accurately as far back as A.D. 640, and only generally well back to the time of Christ. Signs of the Times
  • It is related in the “Disciplina Clericalis” of Alphonsus (A.D. 1106); the fabliau of La vieille qui seduisit la jeune fille; the Gesta Romanorum (thirteenth century) and the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Ptolemy's time.] [Footnote 190: So too in Central Asia Kustana appears to be a learned distortion of the name Khotan, made to give it a meaning in Sanskrit.] [Footnote 191: Gerini states (_Ptolemy_, p. 107) that there are Pali manuscript chronicles of Lamphun apparently going back to 924 A.D.] [Footnote 192: Strictly Sŭkhồthăi.] [Footnote 193: Phongsá va: dan or Vaṃsavâda. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • The "Nihongi" gives dates of events supposed to have happened fifteen hundred years before, with an accuracy which may be called villainous; while the "Kojiki" states that Wani, a Korean teacher, brought the "Thousand Character Classic" to Japan in A.D. The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Evidence for this interpretation comes from the representation of a hexastyle Doric temple dedicated to the Gens Iulia on an issue of Corinthian bronze coins struck during the reign of Tiberius in A.D.32 / 3 or 33 / 4.
  • Stone Quarry and those who lived above the line where nicotiana grew, used the kinni-kinik or bark of the red willow and some seven other succedanea. 194 But tobacco proper, which soon superseded all materials except hemp and opium, was first adopted by the Spaniards of Santo Domingo in A.D. 1496 and reached England in 1565. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In 1517 A.D. there came into the neighborhood of Wittenberg a Dominican friar named Tetzel, granting indulgences for the erection of the new St. Peter's at Rome. Early European History
  • According to Venerable Bede, the point was first accurately determined at a council held at Jerusalem about A.D. 200, when, after much profound discussion, it was finally decided that the world's birthday occurred on The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 42, April, 1861
  • The Incas - The Incas, or sometimes known as the Quechua, living from A.D. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The medieval cotton fibers interwoven into the sample could well have accounted for the carbon-14 test result that dated the Shroud somewhere around 1260 to 1390 A.D. The Shroud Codex
  • Nicolai) to distinguish it from the other council, A.D. 451, known as the "Latrocinium" and condemned by the Pope.] Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Arabic chronologist (A.D. 1000), in his Chronology of Eastern The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • I can also recall the commotion caused by the disforesting of Malvern Chase, A.D.1632, and the riots and misdemeanours which arose in consequence.
  • Archaeologists under the direction of Paola Miniero of the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli have excavated two first-fourth-century A.D. columbaria (underground chambers with burial urns in niches), containing the remains of about seventy Roman sailors, as well as inscriptions that tell us about their lives. Yo Ho Ho, and a Bottle of Vinum
  • It is evident that Teyde is by no means exhausted, and possibly it may return to the state of persistent eruption described by the eye-witness Ca da Mosto, who landed on the Canaries in A.D. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • As treasurer of the R.A.D.D., he once balanced the books, which had a serious deficit, with a handsome donation.
  • A.D. 106) was the author of _Stratagematicon Libri IV. _, a kind of anecdotic treatise on the Art of War; ÆLIANUS (time of the The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • The Angles held Gregory in particularly high esteem, and traced their conversion to his missionary efforts in 597 A.D., even though Roman Britain had seen Christianity hundreds of years earlier.
  • PUSD D.A.D.S. program - despite Whitaker being a locally-registered sex offender and Megan's Law listee - will have his 13th chance to plead "not guilty" to a charge of murder tomorrow in Orange This is an archive of a past election
  • By the 4th century A.D., nearly 177 days per year were devoted to the Games, held at the circus.
  • Trithonius mentions an horologium presented in A.D. 1232 by Al-Malik al-Kámil the Ayyubite Soldan to the Emperor Frederick II: like the Strasbourg and Padua clocks it struck the hours, told the day, month and year, showed the phases of the moon, and registered the position of the sun and the planets. Arabian nights. English
  • The greatest ruler of this city-state was Pacal, who took power in 603 A.D. and commenced a construction boom of architecturally innovative buildings that lasted through and beyond his 68-year reign.
  • All of the antiphonaries of the Roman Rite, beginning with the oldest (the antiphonary of Compiègne, written about 870 A.D., and the Codex Hartker, written about the year 1000) attest with almost complete uniformity to the same repertoire of antiphons and responsories which are found in the Breviary of St. Pius V. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • Shaftesbury had been a stronghold from the earliest times, and so long ago, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth, who was born A.D. 1100, that an From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • [19] This was at first known as the emirate of Cordova, but in 929 A.D. it became the caliphate of Cordova. Early European History
  • Born in A.D. 9 into a family of low-tier country nobility, Vespasian rose through the army ranks, becoming the general in charge of putting down a Jewish revolt in Judea.
  • argosies" which reached the shores of England was cast away on the Isle of Wight, A.D. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • This transfer from the "Kaisersaal" to the six niches of the frigidarium probably took place in the later 4th century A.D., when the imperial cult was abolished and the "Kaisersaal" transformed into a third hot water room or caldarium. The Antonine Dynastic Gallery at Sagalassos
  • Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemæus of Pelusium) constituted a new astronomical system that claimed the Earth to be immovable in the centre of the universe; a system that seemed, as it were, to reach its completion when, between a.d. 142 and 146, Ptolemy wrote a work called Megale mathematike syntaxis tes astronomias, its Arabian title being transliterated by the Christians of the Middle Ages, who named it "Almagest". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The “millefiori” dish a thousand flowers, believed to date from around the 2nd to 3rd century A.D., is a mosaic of hundreds of indented blue petals with white bordering. Archeologists Unearth Unique Roman Glass Bowl At Ancient London Cemetery | Impact Lab
  • Also in the West, this kind of mathematics came fully to surface only after seven centuries or so, in the famous Liber abaci of Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) around 1200 A.D. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Join us, intrepid explorers, as we journey once again into the depths of the Penny Arcade archives, facing eldritch curses and monstrous perils aplenty in our quest to unearth the ancient treasures of the year 2004 A.D.! Dark Horse Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • A commentator on Aristotle, writing in the 4th century A.D., calls certain instruments used for fusion and calcination "_chuika organa_," that is, instruments for melting and pouring. The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry
  • Scholars have waged war over the theories of transmission of the so-called Arthurian material during the centuries which elapsed between the time of the fabled chieftain's activity in 500 A.D. and his appearance as a great literary personage in the twelfth century. Four Arthurian Romances
  • One of the first written mentions of curry-style cookery is attributed to Athenaeus, a Greek miscellanist who lived about A.D.200.
  • Marble building model with four square columns and four statuettes of female deities, from Hatra, second to third century A.D.
  • It's only because some places and times allowed drastic change that we can look back in time to 1000 A.D., or across the border at Third World countries, and realize how lucky we are that proaction prevailed over precaution. The Proactionary Principle, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The extensive sets of ridges were clearly constructed and used by Oneota cultivators during the first half of the fifteenth century A.D., during the Pammel Creek phase.
  • Death by mutated animals with opposable thumbs -- Earth A.D., or "After Disaster," is a future Earth inhabited by intelligent, mutated animals and what's left of the Statue of Liberty -- and a lone human. Six by 6 | Only the end of the world again | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Then he assembled a meeting between himself, Norman, Savannah, the first A.D., the cinematographer and the head gaffer and let them know what was going on.
  • Legend has it that way up at King's Cross train station, somewhere under platform No. 9 or 10, lie the remains of the fearless Iceni warlordess Boudica, whom the Romans polished off with about 80,000 of her kinsmen in A.D. A Guide to (Aargh! Chop!) Merrie England
  • I will not prolong this note by inquiring concerning the "Diodorus" of whom the unknown author of this scholion speaks: but I suppose it was that Diodorus who was made Bishop of Tarsus in A.D. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • He died A.D.. 37, and the power went to Caligula, properly called Caius, who was only twenty-five, and who began in a kindly, generous spirit, which pleased the people and gave them hope; but to have so much power was too much for his brain, and he can only be thought of as mad, especially after he had a severe illness, which made the people so anxious that he was puffed up with the notion of his own importance. Young Folks' History of Rome
  • Now, Claudius extended the pomoerium in A.D. 50, so this must have been written in A.D. 49, as the book was brought out after Seneca's return from exile. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • The cymbidium orchid became a popular subject for Chinese artists during the Song dynasty 960-1279 A.D. and was often painted in the dark ink of calligraphers. Free and Easy: Take the Mic or Take the Plunge
  • In a list of dated church dials without mottoes from the Department du Morbihan, given by the same writer, the earliest date is A.D. 1550, from the church of Lanvénégen. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • Large, thick-walled container in blue-green glass with no pontil mark on the base and a rough, fire rounded rim, indicating that this piece dates back to the first half of the first century A.D. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Glass Studies Report 1
  • All of the antiphonaries of the Roman Rite, beginning with the oldest (the antiphonary of Compiègne, written about 870 A.D., and the Codex Hartker, written about the year 1000) attest with almost complete uniformity to the same repertoire of antiphons and responsories which are found in the Breviary of St. Pius V. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • (A.D. 456) the term ro or takadono (lofty edifice) is, for the first time, applied to the palace of Anko in Yamato. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • They are first mentioned in Japanese annals in A.D. 549, when a number of them arrived by boat on the north of Sado Island and settled there, living on fish caught during spring and summer and salted or dried for winter use. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • [3] The formula of this date, "anno R.R.E. septimo," would at first sight be considered to refer to the preceding reign; but the list is merely a memorandum on the dorse of a completely executed instrument dated A.D. 1300, which it is highly improbable that it preceded. Notes and Queries, Number 02, November 10, 1849
  • A.D. 106) was the author of Stratagematicon Libri IV., a kind of anecdotic treatise on the Art.of War; AELIANUS (time of the Emperor Hadrian) and POLYAENUS the Macedonian (second century) were Greek writers on the Military Art. Though Milton does not name them in his tract, he doubtless had them in view among Military Books to be read. The Life of John Milton
  • Chinese merchants and traders arrived and settled in the ninth century A.D.
  • In the Northeast Building, for instance, we found a pharyngeal bone of a small cyprinid (Pseudophoxinus handlirschii) in a context dated to the sixth-seventh centuries A.D. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Subsistence Studies Report 4
  • To encounter a nielloed article of such an early date would indeed be a discovery of importance, since, so far as we are aware, no one has proved the use of niello as a means of decoration before the second century A.D..
  • So Philo Judaeus (first century A.D.) had spoken of Plato as “Moses speaking Greek.” PRIMITIVISM
  • The hypothesized transition from "Early" to "Late Iron Age" circa A.D. 1000 is also said to have included a general movement of settlements from river valleys to hilltops and possibly to have coincided with the origins of the shift from matrilineal to patrilineal kinship, agnatic inheritance, and virilocal marriage among Shona, Sotho, and Nguni peoples south of the Zambezi. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • This mysterious funerary currency was cast in China but is an attempt to replicate a silver coin in circulation in Bactria and Northern India between 100 B.C. and 100 A.D. that was in turn a copy of a Byzantine gold coin, the solidus.
  • And based on this edict, as well as several hieroglyphic inscriptions, people such as Plutarch in 100 A.D. insisted that the root word chem was derived from the name of ancient Egypt, which was called the land of chem, or alchemia. NPR Topics: News
  • Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder, who lived between 23 A.D. and 79 A.D., refers to Muziris in his encyclopaedic work Natural History as "primum emporium Indiae" or India's first emporium. Kerala: Gateway Of India
  • * The claim that ‘independent researcher’ Dr. John Casson has discovered six new plays by William Shakespeare (alias Sir Henry Neville alias Christopher Marlowe alias “Tony Nuts” alias Queen Elizabeth alias Harvey the Rabbit) is all over the place today — but my proof that Shakespeare/Newfield is a time-traveling Lizard Person born 3000 A.D. remains completely ignored by the fools in the MSM. Misc. « Gerry Canavan
  • Yet an ill name brooded over its seductive waters; for two persons had been drowned in it during the last hundred years: and the last one was the parson of the parish, returning from the squire's dinner in the normal condition of a guest, A.D. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • German papyrologist Carsten Thiede an expert in Greek palaeography, maintains the dating of three small fragments of the gospel of Matt.26 to 66 A.D.
  • Set in a future-world London, a.d.3700, the novel is a fragmented fictive archive of orations, dialogues, dream-visions, and the working papers of its protagonist.
  • From the 70s and 80s A.D., we have some poems and epigrams by Martial.
  • Pliny tells us that Silius had risen by acting as a _delator_ under Nero, who made him consul A.D. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • As treasurer of the R.A.D.D., he once balanced the books, which had a serious deficit, with a handsome donation.
  • Similarly, in the Arabic language, which however has been a written one only since the seventh century A.D., the term makām designates the place of a saint or of a holy tomb (Jammer, p. 27). SPACE

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