How To Use A level In A Sentence
While maintaining a level of accessibility and providing information are important, this must not dumb the work down, compromise the artists' intentions, or remove the challenge aspect of art that many people thrive on.
If she levels a levelheaded, legitimate accusation, delegitimize it by feigning astonishment and outrage.
Neither do I think moraines of this kind would be formed by a glacier emerging from a steep narrow canyon and running out on a level plain; for in such cases, as soon as the confinement of the bounding walls is removed, the ice stream spreads out into an _ice lake_.
The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
Assemble the table on a level surface, turn the top wheel upside down and place the seat wheel on top of it.

In her acceptance speech, the winner thanked the almighty and promised to do even better at the all-India level.
On land, giant reservoirs holding saline water could be built to offset the rise in sea levels caused by the melting of the polar ice-caps.
Added to which there is a large increase in the fees receivable in 1994 to a level of almost £123,000 which accounts for the large increase in the gross profit over the previous and subsequent years.
Mass culture is supposedly a leveler and globalizer - by definition, we all share mass cultural references.
The formation of coral terraces is interpreted as the product of approximately uniform long-term uplift superimposed on eustatic changes in sea level.
Such a level of monitoring is not only impracticable; it is incompatible with intellectual freedom.
According to the EPA, fish at the top of the aquatic food chain bioaccumulate methylmercury to a level approximately 1 million to 10 million times greater than dissolved concentrations found in surrounding waters.
Field and Stream Report: The Truth about Mercury and the Fish You Eat
In most island arcs only a relatively small proportion of the individual volcanoes actually rise above sea level.
In the receding angle below the chin is the hyoid bone, and the finger can be carried along the bone to the tip of the greater cornu, which is on a level with the angle of the mandible: the greater cornu is most readily appreciated by making pressure on one side, when the cornu of the opposite side will be rendered prominent and can be felt distinctly beneath the skin.
XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
Also the competition (as it's not all that hard to play)'s prodigious, even at youth orchestra level, so, in addition to playing something which almost often simply sounds flutey, it's very hard to get anywhere.
These provisions, although expressed at a level of great generality, have often been invoked by those who posit the existence of a broad international duty to cooperate or a right to solidarity.
Gemma had studied for her A levels, whilst performing on tour.
I felt we could do better and more anaerobic workouts at sea level.
The plateau is 1300 meters above sea level and attracts people for its natural beauties, clean weather, and cold spring water.
Archive 2009-05-01
The air in this bulge then slides over the unexpanded air over the sea resulting in a pressure difference at sea level between the landward and seaward sides of the coast.
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.
Let the term geoid apply to the natural irregular surface of the earth and the term spheroid to the ideal regular sur - face of the geodesist which coincides nearly with sealevel and is necessarily a level surface.
Transactions - American Philosophical Society
The study also examined blood plasma levels of atazanavir, residual (low-level) viraemia, and drug resistance mutations.
There has to be a standard, a level where the candidacy is based on merit rather than on luck.
Recent studies have revealed a correlation between prognosis in heart failure and plasma levels of such neurohormones as endothelin, norepinephrine and renin, among others.
As the increase of THC is pumped into the bloodstream, there are no measurable tools to indicate the level of what might be considered an intoxicated level for marijuana, and any classification of such a level [one toke] could be considered illegal and on par with alcohol?
2008 June 28 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
One is a practical optimist, the other a level-headed pragmatist.
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.
Begin by placing the cordial container on a level surface to allow the sediment to settle.
But freshman composition, like the writing test, assumed a level of competency that few of these students had attained.
The geoid is defined as a gravitational equipotential surface that coincides with mean sea level.
The US had once looked upon Japanese ambitions with a level of sympathy, even indulgence.
Parmentier offers us a level of detail and balance of voices not found on any other recordings.
Gervinho might prove to be another classic Arsène Wenger bargain, an athletic and pacy ball player raring to step up a level, spirited over from France for a fee that doesn't make a certain manager with a well-documented devotion to cautious housekeeping choke as if he was asked to fix the Greek economy before breakfast.
Premier League preview No1: Arsenal | Amy Lawrence
Low blood sugar - a level below about 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) - results from too much insulin and not enough sugar in your blood.
Oh, it's fine for her to waste food on a level I can only describe as sinful but God forbid we should be wasting light bulbs or toilet paper.
Studying this region will help researchers understand how much and in what ways Arctic glaciers and ice caps are contributing to sea level rise.
At atmospheric temperatures, ozone is a colorless gas with an odor similar to chlorine that can usually be detected at a level of about 0.01 parts per million.
The Eurasian and Laurentide Ice Sheets were responsible for most of the glacio-eustatic decrease in sea level (about 120 m) during the LGM. The pattern of postglacial isostatic rebound suggests that the ice was thickest over Hudson Bay.
Arctic climate variability prior to 100 years BP
Elevated PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer or a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis, or an enlarged prostate.
The Doctor is In
Both AS and A Level are assessed through coursework as well as examination.
There is still a level of abstraction (you're manipulating something removed from the screen) but it's more concretized now.
MIND MELD: The Apple iPad: Sizzle or Fizzle?
This site offers many resources for students revising for their A level exams, including revision notes and questions, help and advice.
As sea levels rose and the northern Channel Islands separated, each fox population became genetically distinct.
But a surge in thefts of treasured relics from ancient temples and monuments has reached such a level that an agonised debate has begun over bringing back the death penalty.
If a person drank water contaminated to a level of 75,000 picocuries per liter for an entire year, they would receive an internal radiation dose of about 16 mrem, which is far below the natural variations in the average annual dose of 360 mrem in the US.
Atomic Insights Blog
Following that, you will need a level 3 (‘A’ level equivalent) in numeracy & literacy. and go on to achieve a level 4 teaching qualification.
How To Get Into Teaching Literacy And Numeracy.? « Teaching Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
There was no crust of stalagmite overlying the mud in which the human skeleton was found, and no bones of other animals in the mud with the skeleton; but just before our visit in 1860 the tusk of a bear had been met with in some mud in a lateral embranchment of the cave, in a situation precisely similar to b, Figure 1, and on a level corresponding with that of the human skeleton.
The Antiquity of Man
On the wider political stage, doctors should demand a level playing field.
Their feud dates back almost two centuries with a level of enmity that has only gathered strength over the passing years.
Through the logging practice streams silted up, and the waters were warmed to a level unsuitable for the survival of fry.
The investigation revealed that it was likely that the airplane gradually accumulated a thin, rough glaze/mixed ice coverage on the leading edge deicing boot surfaces, possibly with ice ridge formation on the leading edge upper surface, as the airplane descended from 7000 feet mean sea level (msl) to 4000 feet msl in icing conditions, which may have been imperceptible to the pilots. - Business News
All you need to provide is a level surface, a power supply and about £7,000.
Tian Hengshan 72 meters above sea level, Southeast and Dans associative, rock was also red ocher, belongs to the Sinian ferruginous quartzite.
But freshman composition, like the writing test, assumed a level of competency that few of these students had attained.
These sometimes spectacular occurrences, called calving events, are a key step in the process by which climate change drives sea level rise.
EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
The climate is changing, the sea levels are rising, the weather is getting stormier.
Times, Sunday Times
You usually need three A levels to get into university.
There are possibles, sure, but it will need athletes to perform at a level well above what they have achieved so far this season.
Linn are specialists in producing top quality audio and those listening to this hybrid CD will find a level of definition and clarity close to that of expensive vinyl.
Push the panel into the glued surface and use a level to make certain it is plumb before you tack it into position and glue it down permanently.
The country's capital stock ballooned to reach a level that the economy could not support.
The mahoe grows from sea level to 500 m elevation.
Chapter 5
First, from 2004 to the present, steric contributions to sea level rise appear to have been negligible.
Anthropogenic Climate Change In Serious Doubt « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
On the same day the pound fell four pfennigs to DM2. 8324, as speculators calculated that Gordon Brown was not going to repeat the mistake which John Major made as Chancellor in 1990, by fixing the pound at too high a level against the mark.
Reports of a youth on the line at a level crossing yesterday sparked an alert on the railways.
A mild fit of calenture seizes him, in which he deems that the ground so far below, is on a level with the tower, and would as lief walk off the tower into the air as not.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
As a lawyer who did a lot of conveyancing I have no problems with conveyancers coming in and doing conveyancing, provided it is done on a level playing field, and provided that they are largely separated from lawyers.
There are ways around this, but these involve a level of hackery that will make many uncomfortable.
In 1962, tidal levels reached 3.01m above ordnance data level, the height above sea level.
A project initiator or sponsor external to the project organization, at a level that is appropriate to funding the project, issues the project charter.
T, sea level rise would also contain a term proportional to the time derivative of temperature, dT/dt.
The financial managers and economic wizards are happy that Pakistan has achieved a level of macro-economic stabilization, which is spectacular and unprecedented.
Each is a large openwork steel construction with a two-part structure consisting of a hefty table-height base supporting a second, somewhat larger element, which rises to a level slightly above our heads.
Sea levels were low because water was frozen in ice sheets in Antartica.
The green line shows global mean sea level observed from satellite altimetry.
Climate change FAQs
The result of this inversion is for Chayes a new transcendentalism, one in which "the man raises himself to a level above both the human and the mundane natural" (Shelley 624).
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
Postpartum depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , and low IQs are all linked to low DHA levels.
Add a level tablespoon of flour .
The realization of Putonghua Level Test is done by the interaction between the testee's vocal information and psychological factors as well as the tester's psychological rules and appraisals.
This was followed by a level stretch of grassy scree which leads to the crux, a steep shallow chimney, well marked by crampon scratches.
As the round draws to a close, so the course meanders its way down from the hillside and back to sea level.
Unless the damaged areas are quickly revegetated, the eroded soils sink below sea level and the area becomes open water.
The area had been hit by heavy rainstorms with wind speeds of about 10 knots per hour, which had caused the sea level to rise by about 1.5 meters.
The congress believes that the excavation of an interoceanic canal at sea level, so desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation, is feasible; and that, in order to take advantage of the indispensable facilities for access and operation which a channel of this kind must offer above all, this canal should extend from the Gulf of Limon to the Bay of Panama.
The Path Between the Seas
The volcanic pile built up above sea level so that lavas began to be erupted subaerially.
Because the joint ventures pay very low wages, and do not have to pay GST and local taxes, they are able to pay for quota at a level that is unsustainable or uneconomic for our local fishermen.
It may be that the industry has reached a leveling-off point at which improvements in garments are so incremental that they're not worth the added cost, unless one is willing to drift into the realm of couture or the world of Chado Ralph Rucci where even a cotton poplin dress can set one back several thousand dollars -- but looks like it's worth a million bucks.
Olivier Theyskens's Theory of relativity: High standards at a lower price
While we are unable to offer a professorial chair we cannot compete on a level playing field with the Universities.
From where I am, c'est-à-dire, * sea level, in the belly of the crowd, I see a lot of bare midriffs, cleavage and pouty lips.
Mosely constructed a level three Menger sponge—in other words, a sponge after three iterations of cube removal figure F.
It warns of adverse consequences such as the melting of glaciers and polar icecaps, leading to rising sea levels.
This done the tournette is set into motion, and when the film is equalized, which is done in a moment, the plate is detached, placed on a leveled stand and slowly dried with the spirit lamp.
Photographic Reproduction Processes
Philip kept a level gaze on him.
When you have all your wood cut and nailed together, use a level to make sure everything is even.
The tables are not on a level .
Just a half-hour drive from here, Kufri, located 2,510 metres above sea level, is known as a honeymooner's paradise.
India eNews
Since ice is less dense than dissolved ice (water), any increase in submerged sea ice will result in an increase of sea levels of greater proportion than mere melting.
Think Progress » Limbaugh Distorts Numbers To Downplay Global Warming Science
The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level.
The Early Devonian saw a decline to 20 genera, with a slow return by the end of the Pragian, a tectonically active phase marked by global sea level drawdowns, and provinciality.
Before leaving, the scientists decided to test the equipment they would use to detect airborne nitryl chloride on the cruise by sampling the air in Boulder, a mile above sea level.
Young keeps a level tone throughout, tempering the tale of depredation with a dry wit.
Areas prone to flooding will suffer terribly as sea levels rise over the next century.
In coastal regions sea level rise will lead to more coastal inundation.
Sea level rises will follow, catastrophically for many low-lying countries.
The utility model discloses a level indicator support of a spreading machine, which is composed of a mounting rack and a connecting rack.
This beautiful stone built agrotourism hotel is situated 47 kms north west of Limasol at the village of Lemithou, at an altitude of 1200 metres above sea level. TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
I did all right in my mock A levels and then failed the real exams.
Plasma levels of GH increase following seawater exposure of coho, chum and Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.
Neither dose nor plasma levels were significantly correlated with either akathisia or parkinsonian side effects.
She achieves a level of authenticity many self-proclaimed life coaches and motivators fail to deliver.
Perpendicular window, to support which the low circular arch in the centre had been constructed; on either side of this window were now to be seen the mouldings and featherings of the original early decorated lights, on a level with the lateral clerestory range; below these the Norman arcade, based upon a string course of nebule ornaments.
Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
Tuvalu is one of dozens of low-lying islands threatened with rising sea levels.
We could have stalled the ruination of thousands of small production units if we had paid heed to the plea of a level-playing field.
Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.
Built on the inside of a bend in the river most of the city was below sea level.
The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL).
It is usually placed on a level above and behind the condyloid origin of flexor carpi ulnaris.
`'The peak of Cerro el Capirote is only five hundred meters above sea level.
Tuvelu is one of the smallest countries on earth, a chain of nine coral atolls whose highest point is just a few meters above sea level.
For example, farmers finishing cattle over the winter will need a level of advance guarantee on spring beef prices.
Even the global sea level is now half a millimeter higher than it was before the temblor.
But it must be open to question whether such a level of support can be sustained if there are serious military reverses and a consequent daily diet of harrowing television pictures.
The door opens onto a stunning, high ceilinged, light-filled apartment, its 17-foot-tall Austrian windows framed by the aforementioned black cast-iron arches, its finishes bespeaking a level of sumptuousness uncommon in the more cookie-cutter condos of the moderately rich.
Opulently Hidden, In Plain Sight
If you fail a level, you can retake the exam.
Almost all the land is mountainous and high above sea level.
In the curtain-raiser Federals put in a spirited performance against South in a match which didn't reach any dizzy heights in terms of skill, but held a level of entertainment value.
The chief natural phenomena that have driven fragmentation are glacial advances, volcanic activity, geologic faulting, tectonic movement, mass land slumping, serpentinization, major sea level rise and climate oscillation.
Habitat fragmentation
There's a level of debt in proportion to income that the world will accept as manageable, and there's a level of short-term nett borrowing that will be acceptable through a temporary period of difficulty.
Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
The rise of sea levels with the release of glacial waters at the end of the last ice age flooded the plain between what is now the UK and Europe.
You usually need three A levels to get into university.
One might think that having a baseline regulated industry (cable TV or telephone service) over which the wire base has been amortized and out of which the cost of upkeep are paid, that a government-regulated monopoly might be put in the position of offering wholesale access to competitors on a level playing field.
National Broadband Plan Is Cash for Clunking Carriers « PubliCola
The initiative involves tackling alcohol-fuelled violence in town centres involving extra levels of policing at peak times.
However, the interrelationship between tectonic activity, global sea level change, and the change of paleogeography played a significant role.
Below the promontory was a level area, perfect for a trading settlement.
Champlain's Dream
The tides, weather systems and ocean circulation all influence the sea level over days to years.
The top of the wall ran on a level with the field behind it and was covered with flowers and small shrubs.
I'm not sure whether the Tower is actually the city's highest point, but certainly we seemed on a level with the tops of the Suspension Bridge towers.
In my more sardonic moments I add that the problem with England cricket is not the absence of a level playing field but the lack of good players.
The proposed new European league, in which Celtic and Rangers are the prime movers, will not just put the his club on a level commercial footing with the major Italian and English ones, but will also be a major stimulant to the Scottish game.
We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies.
The dominant ones were tree rings, and ice cores, but others like varves, pollen, lichens, historic soil temperatures, sea level (eustasy), land levels (isostasy) require similar audits.
Merry Christmas « Climate Audit
The effect would be a level of military involvement that would serve to collapse the distinction between inspection and invasion/occupation.
Plasma level of carbamazepine upon admission was 29.8 mcg./ml.
Diary Entry by Ross Levin (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Action Alert: Money bomb today to fund a documentary about direct democracy, plus other activism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'There\'s been a lot of talk about \'direct democracy\' since Obama was elected - about how his campaign involved people at a level never before seen in national politics, how his White House has been using online programs to get peoples\ 'input, and so on.
OpEdNews - Diary: Action Alert: Money bomb today to fund a documentary about direct democracy, plus other activism
A repeat methemoglobin determination, thirty minutes later, revealed a level of 22.5 percent, which declined to 13.5 percent 13 hours post admission.
This sort of terminology is on too high a level for the students I have.
Bedford/St. Martin’s ESL Workbook « Books « Literacy News
You automatically add a level of review that elongates the process.
Military Looking To Quickly Move Forward On DADT Rollback, But Discharges Still Possible In Meantime
Farmers are struggling to maintain a level of productivity that generates an acceptable income.
This will enable rival vendors to develop products that can compete on a level playing field in the work group server operating system market.
If you smacked any other person than a child then you would be charged with a level of assault, so why is it legal for a parent to assault a child?
First there are steep stone steps, then a gradual rise, a levelling out, a swoop to the top and a steep drop to the stone steps on the other side.
Their memoirs have supplied a level of authenticity and detail unavailable to previous film-makers.
It was a little like a man declaring to be the world's finest mountaineer while laying on a sunlounger at sea level.
He got back into contention with a level par 71 containing six birdies, four bogeys and one double bogey.
The return to running should be gradual, starting at an easy pace on a level surface.
Thus the sea level record is documented graven in stone as well as in the FIMR database.
This indicates a level of plasma membrane invagination comparable with mammalian skeletal muscle.
Lay the ladder down on its side on a level surface, then park the mower right on top of the ladder legs.
This would see earnings per share fall to a level where the company would have to dip into reserves to pay the dividend at its current level.
Each, in any event, offers explanations at a level deeper than prediction.
The expedition team successfully erected a new research station at Dome Argus (Dome A), the pole's highest icecap, which is 4,093 meters above sea level.
Starting from the cardiac orifice at the incisura cardiaca, it forms an arch backward, upward, and to the left; the highest point of the convexity is on a level with the sixth left costal cartilage.
XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
Oakes was known as a level-headed, reliable reporter throughout his long career, which began at the - Home Page
She intends to do A levels and go to university.
After the wave comes the trough, where the sea level drops below normal and the water dumped on land pours back to the sea.
What happened to her was tragic and awful, but she managed to maintain a level of happiness and refused to be bowed by her illness.
Doug doesn't own a GPS, so using a topo map he found what seemed to be the shortest line up the peak, starting at about 400 feet above sea level, to the summit of POW / MIA at approximately 4400 ft. above sea level.
If you didn't get the A Level / AS Level or Higher Still grades you'd hoped for, and you don't want to go through Clearing to get a new place at university, it may be worth resitting your exams.
But because the target was too high a level for the spell, the amount of ectoplasmic energy wasn't sufficient to reach the critical threshold, which essentially means that he starts out with a negative number of hit points.
Some of the dialogues are written in ways that will draw in the unphilosophical, but this is a level at which we are not encouraged to stay.
It turns out that females mated to bad boyfriends had a 3.5 increase in plasma levels of corticosterone -- the major hormone linked to stress in birds.
Carin Bondar: Is Your Crappy Boyfriend Stressing You Out? You Are Not Alone...
One of the biggest fears is that the two different sea waters would not mix, creating a Red Sea level on top of the Dead Sea.
When it comes to gender and unattached singles, is there a level playing field?
This is also equivalent to exposure to a level of one roentgen.
Nay the very mode of riding: for now no man on a level with his age but will trot a l'Anglaise, rising in the stirrups; scornful of the old sitfast method, in which, according to Shakspeare,
The French Revolution
Wrong provides a level of daily-life detail often missing from academic studies.
It is 2,300 metres above sea level, so a given volume of air contains only about one-third as much oxygen as it would at sea level.
First there are steep stone steps, then a gradual rise, a levelling out, a swoop to the top and a steep drop to the stone steps on the other side.
The premiums on the contracts were pitched so low that there was never any realistic hope these policies would grow to such a level that mortgage debts could be met.
The second track is even more severe, beginning with soft and sporadic shards of computer noise, at a level too low to be heard without turning the volume way up.
This curve is an index of global sea levels compiled from oil exploration data by Exxon scientist P. R. Vail.
The issue of rising sea levels, global warming and other natural disasters, such as tsunamis, are issues being faced by all low-lying nations and islands, and aren't specific only to Hulhumale.
We Built It and They Are Coming, If Slowly
What conversation exists is trapped in a level of superficial banality.
Obviously, the reason you keep seeing our four ugly mugs up here night after night is that the ratings are at such a level…
It countermands any specious defences of appropriation when applied to marginal culture that pivot on the double standard, allowing us to point to the precise effects of misrepresentation and discrimination that are resultant from the appropriation, and allows us to challenge the appropriation on a level of legtimacy that is not hamstrung by an implicit privileging.
More on Cultural Appropriation
The limited data available indicate that vitamin A levels considered optimal for other functions such as reproduction and health will support high levels of milk production.
They symbolise a level of integration in British society undreamt of 30 years ago.
The next morning, equipped with ice axes and ice climbing boots, they were tasked with summiting the volcano, more than 9,300 feet above sea level.
On a level of pure friendship, Reggie Manuel, who was the nattiest dresser, and Maeve O'Regan, who brought me a love of books.
Bono On Bono
Old Nick's a toughish customer d'ye see, and a glutton for punishment; wind him, cross-buttock him or floor him wi 'a leveller amidships, but he'll come up smiling next round, ready and willin' for more, an 'fight back at you' ard as ever, alas!
Peregrine's Progress
I did all right in my mock A levels and then failed the real exams.
Hellwig said the reorganization is instead an attempt to add a level of performance accountability he said is mitigated by 'an overly protective bubble or shield around the office of the chief of police' that is regulated by the state Chiefs 'Responsibility Act. A police director, Hellwig said, would report to him, the city administrator and the mayor.
Of Assemblyman Green, Chief Santiago and Thomas à Becket
The city is a height of three hundred feet above sea level.
Those people saved at a level that would have won the admiration of the flintiest resident of Wuhan.
Scott Malcomson: Should Americans Start Saving, or Stop?
In these situations the free face can extend to sea level and talus slopes will be absent.
Never mind that a warlock on a battlefield — even a Level 80 warlock with a dual talent specialization in demonology and destruction — is a bit like a bug on a windshield.
Fear of Bleeding Windows
The other side is a failed third world state with a level of development among the lowest in the world.
Such vertical facies changes indicate that water depth generally shoaled as sediment supply exceeded the formation of accommodation space, probably as global sea level fell.
I live in Jerez at an altitude of just about 6000 feet above sea level.
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