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How To Use 6th In A Sentence

  • the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C.
  • Until his death, on November 16th, 1272, the King continued to rule and to conduct his customary religious devotions.
  • My guess would be that her headmaster born in the late 16th century, no doubt, when men were men and rules were rules rapped her on her noggin for inelegance at some crucial point in her development, and voilà! Author! Author! » 2010 » March
  • The Archaic period (c. early 6th century - 480 BC) saw a great flowering of Etruscan art with the production of fine tomb paintings, funerary sculptures, and architectural terracottas.
  • In the 16th century, English mastiffs were famous for their courage and ferocity as war dogs, and were used in Spanish armies both in Europe and America.
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  • The 16th century palace in south-west London is well known for alleged supernatural activity, but nothing suspicious has been caught on film before.
  • June 26th, 2009 6: 31 am csis violate canadians individuals civils rights. my civils rights was violated 21 years ago. nothing was done about this. csis believe that l am God. lt will take years to explain. this has been top secret for decades. l would like an investigation and compensation outside csis. CSIS Doesn’t Protect Canadians : Law is Cool
  • The ornamentation of such objects was similar to that of the nielloed gold and silver ladles and cups produced at the Kremlin Armoury in the 16th to early 17th centuries.
  • Jake's birthday is on December 6th.
  • The full force of the chromatic harmony was thrilling, as in such details as the cellos' dissonant flattened 6th just before the final cadence.
  • Somehow we got our wires crossed because I'd got the 23rd written down in my diary and Jen had the 16th.
  • I met Tony and Janina Wasilewski on the worst day of their lives -- June 6th 2007. Ruth Leitman: Tony & Janina, Chasing the American Dream... Again
  • One day, a 6th dan Karate teacher came to the dojo with an introduction from an acquaintance and challenged me to a match.
  • In others, such as Alessandro Allori's image of a magnificently dressed and bejeweled, strong-minded young woman c. 1580s, the name of the subject is unknown, while in still others, such as Jusepe de Ribera's imaginary portrait of an ancient philosopher or Lucas Cranach the Elder's modishly attired 16th-century Saxon charmer, we are given an ideal or a general type, rather than a specific individual. See Their Worlds in Their Faces
  • The history of lexicography in England can be traced back to the 16th Century or even earlier.
  • On February 26th 2009, tenecia wrote: yall need 2 chill out wit da death threats cause yall niggas dont know wat went on wit them Chris Brown Death Threats Linked To Women’s Rights Group
  • The vase is characteristic of 16th century Chinese art.
  • The sacristy is also worth visiting: it was built in the 16th century and has some interesting grisailles from that period.
  • Grammy Award Winner Rob Thomas, VH1 and Rhapsody Partner on Multi-Platform Campaign to Bring Thomas 'New Album' cradlesong 'to Fans Everywhere advertising campaign featuring Thomas to debut on June 16th - VH1 and Rhapsody streaming new - Articles related to 'Mum, can't we have a happy meal instead?' Victoria Beckham drags her boys to Nobu ...
  • Others in slalom: Lindsey Kildow ninth, Sarah Schleper tied for 14th, Julia Mancuso 16th, Lauren Ross 24th, Resi Stiegler 27th. - Athlete of the Week Rahlves sits atop ski world
  • The stellar EGGS are found in the "Eagle Nebula" (also called M16 -- the 16th object in Charles Messier's 18th century catalog of "fuzzy" permanent objects in the sky) in this hubble photo.
  • The 6th Guards Army alone lost up to 30 thous of killed and wounded at Kursk.
  • After a few years she enlarged her establishment into a small hotel in the 16th arrondissement. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 16th and 17th centuries, the cries turned still more colourful and clamorous, as a kind of auditory arms race developed between the vendors.
  • PRIESSNITZ, the celebrated founder of hydropathy, died at Graefenberg on the 26th of November, at the age of fifty-two. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
  • Subscribe to this post comment rss or trackback url omphalos said in March 6th, 2009 at 3:32 pm » Post Topic » Little Lost Robot by Paul McAuley
  • Of Oaxaca's twenty-seven churches, by far the most opulent is the Santo Domingo de Guzmán, built by Indian artisans in the 16th and 17th centuries and displaying much gold leaf. Oaxaca: a festive city
  • Spain was an important military power in the 16th century.
  • the doctrine of the divine right of kings was enunciated by the Stuarts in Britain in the 16th century
  • February 26th, 2009 at 3: 14 pm till bridge loans in anchorage ak says: till bridge loans in anchorage ak … tag antisocial torus temporary thrashes? Think Progress » Iraqi Leaders Call On U.S. To Set Timetable
  • PeaceBang's much-beloved and trusted hairdressed decided to "try something new" the other day and committed upon PeaceBang's head what we used to refer to in the 6th grade as a "butch," as in, "You got totally butched. You Do What You Can
  • Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or "capital vices" laid down in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno.
  • Maces of the late 15th and 16th century often had multi-flanged heads shaped in the Gothic style.
  • In celebration of the special occasion the couple departed for a two week holiday in California on Monday last 26th July.
  • The church tower, which has Saxon stone carvings inlaid in the walls, is 16th century and the rest was rebuilt in 1904.
  • The first half of the concert moved from 16th century recorder music, through Mozart, vocal chamber music, on to rumbustious wind sea shanties and then a lively string quintet.
  • The handbill with a simple McDonald's logo at the top recommended votes for Republicans John Kasich for governor, Rob Portman for U.S. Senate, and Jim Renacci for Ohio's 16th congressional district. Ohio McDonald's Employees Get A Message With Their Paychecks: Vote For GOP Candidates
  • One of the most effective homeopathic remedies is gelsemium 6th, which conforms to the classic picture of most flu symptoms, including tiredness, weakness, heavy and sick feelings. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • In the 6th century BCE the Greek author Aesop wrote his timeless fables - short narratives in which animals are the central characters and the aim is to convey a moral message.
  • GRADY, CHAS I, editor and propr of The Post, r 6th, cor Ann. See advs. Haddock's Wilmington, N.C., Directory, and General Advertiser, Containing a General and Business Directory of the City, Historical Sketch, State, County, City Government, &c., &c.:
  • Mercury in Sagittarius in the 6th square Mars is not a signature for tact and diplomacy.
  • Public dissections were popular in the 16th century, with anatomical theatres open to audiences all over Europe.
  • scheduled for the 6th prox
  • Barely one in three will bother to cast a ballot on February 26th.
  • It became a centre of the slave trade from the 16th century onwards.
  • August 6th, 2008 at 6: 19 am i’m so interested to know about antilia tower … can i know the estimate cost antilia tower and material constuction used …. can reply me .. slumdweller Says: Perkins + Will’s Antilla “Green” Tower in Mumbai | Inhabitat
  • But by gum, I just can't bear the notion of some Joe Lunchpail and his slovenly wife trundling clumsily through my private slaughterhouse, or trying on my world-renowned collection of 16th century undergarments.
  • In the end it was the narrowest of victories as Harrington's game fell apart on the 16th.
  • On the 6th week, he had a check-up and the doctor said it was unbelievable, but the cancer had shrunken, and was now operable, and that they would take out one lung.
  • By default, CCNet will tolerate 5 consecutive errors but will stop the project on a 6th error.
  • On the 6th May he dined with Her Majesty at Marlborough House; on the 7th he received a deputation from the inhabitants of his native town of Whittlesey, who were desirous of making him a presentation. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • After reaching its zenith in the mid-16th century, the Fugger banking empire was undermined by wars and the repeated bankruptcies of the Spanish state. In This Picturesque Village, the Rent Hasn't Been Raised Since 1520
  • If diving for wrecks turns you on, Bermuda is a veritable treasure trove of maritime disaster, with a wreck collection including 16th century Spanish galleons, warships and a luxury transatlantic liner.
  • The Appellant was tried by His Honour Judge Cavell and a jury between 15th and 26th November 1999.
  • The earliest mention of the village is in a 16th-century manuscript.
  • Just customers in a stream of customers, nothing out of the ordinary and when the business is transacted and complete both forget each other. sexworkeradvocate, on February 6th, 2009 at 11: 46 am Said: Thoughts on rescues, rescuers and realities « Bound, Not Gagged
  • During the 16th century the area was occupied by the Portuguese, the British, and the Dutch.
  • The custom has continued from the 16th century downward.
  • February 6th, 2009 at 2: 26 pm ohh hell .. i thought that was why we used read headlines like: recently released terrorism suspect killed in hit-and-run accident in buenos aires … namby-pambies would never unnerstand .. eh?? Edge Of Forever | ATTACKERMAN
  • Cathleen Cline of Los Angeles holds her vizsla, Marlo Classic That Girl, while watching competition at the 136th annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012, in New York. Front Page
  • I never expected that to happen because I'm not a big cramper, said McCargo, selected 26th overall out of North Carolina State. - Notes: Falcons' Finneran out for year; Titans lose Long; Nall out a while
  • Concerning pregnant women, according to the authors, 50-90% of primiparae will develop stretch marks as of the 6th month of pregnancy on the stomach, the breasts, or hips. Medindia Health News
  • From the late 14th century until the early 16th century woolmen based in Northleach collected the wool from Turkdean for sale to London merchants and the agents of European wool buyers whose appreciation of the quality of Cotswold wool percolated into significantly increased prosperity for the Northleach merchants and the sheep-based farmers of the surrounding parishes.
  • He is currently 16th in the world rankings.
  • March 26th, 2010 at 12: 21 am tombaker says: cg is funny. Think Progress » GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’
  • Similarly, the yoke of a 16th-century Russian Orthodox vestment incorporates 14th-century silver plaques from the Golden Horde. Glories of Gift-Giving Diplomacy
  • The pressure appears to be getting to him after he follows a great recovery shot to the 16th green with three putts from 18 feet.
  • She invited him to her 26th birthday party in New Jersey.
  • Free Wifi and Maps worked fine allnight on the Virgin American SF to Dullas red eye 26th - 27th. Do new post-pantsbomber TSA security directives kill inflight WiFi? (UPDATED) Boing Boing
  • The lazaret was opened during the plague outbreaks that decimated Venice, as well as much of Europe, throughout the 15th and 16th centuries A.D. Low Water Again Plagues Venice: Acqua Bassa Redux
  • Others, such as Shakespeare's inchmeal, still occasionally used, seem to have come into use in the 16th century: "unciatim inche by inche, inchemeale" (Cooper, 1573). Laudator Temporis Acti
  • England shifted officially from a Catholic to a Protestant faith in the 16th century.
  • We shot an old pallah on the 16th, and found that the poor animal had been visited with more than the usual share of animal afflictions. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • Posted September 9, 2009 at 3: 58 am | Permalink yes the exterior is a little overdone but the 6th shot of the interior is look nice Energy Conscious House Design by Simon Winstanley Architects
  • Thespis, of Athens (6th BC) was the first person to speak lines as an individual actor on stage, thus the term “Thespian” to refer to a theatrical performer was born.
  • Only one of these battalions, the 36th battalion of the Civil Defence Corps, has been in action.
  • Wire strings not only were used on guitars, mandoras, and bass lutes, but gave rise to a whole new family of string instruments, which included zithers, citterns, the Irish harp, psaltery, clavichord and others during the 15th and 16th centuries.
  • The list actually sounds a lot more like a 6th Form English project than a beard-stroking look at the future, but, in fairness, who would have thought Google Search Engineer or Social Networking Consultant/Snake Oil Salesman would be titles 20 years ago? RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • Their list of what judges do is something I wouldn't accept from a 6th grader. Exclusive: Tea Party Federation draft 'guide' on Kagan nomination
  • In 1991, the Canadian government proclaimed December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
  • An old photo of the pub shows 16th century brickwork beneath the stucco.
  • The 16th century house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.
  • In 1909 Ehrlich and Hata finally achieved success with the 606th experimental compound, patented under the name "Salvarsan" and later known as arsphenamine; in modified form, the drug remained the mainstay of syphilis treatment until the discovery of penicillin. ArchivesBlogs
  • Thirteen nervous minutes into the contest Doran converted a free from 38 metres but Mulligan squared the match in the 16th minute after interplay between Smith and McGoldrick.
  • This weekend, Liberia observes its 156th independence anniversary, but there is little to celebrate.
  • In the 16th Century, Raja Wadiyar defeated the viceroy of the Vijayanagar empire, wrested the famed golden throne from him and established the sovereignty of the Mysore kings with Srirangapatna as the capital.
  • The 76th amino acid may contribute to the PfCRT's function as a CQR determinant in P. falciparum by virtue of its effect on the CQ transport activity across the food vacuole membrane. Behe Responds
  • British soldiers campaigning in the Low Countries in the 16th century were so impressed by the effects of a nip of genever as to coin the expression ‘Dutch courage’.
  • The 16th century house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.
  • Change is the talk of the 16th arrondissement this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • While awaiting the widening of 16th Avenue N.W., you can broaden your acquaintance with poetry at Annie's Book Co.
  • I read, this morning, the 46th chapter of Isaiah, and, from the fact of this being new year’s day, my mind has been carried to the goodness of God to usward, in granting all the blessings we enjoy: -- His infinite greatness, wisdom and mercy. A Biographical Sketch of the Life and Character of Joseph Charless In a Series of Letters to his Grandchildren
  • Many of the cast-iron firedogs are reproduced from the original 16th to 18th Century patterns.
  • He insisted on the scenes of the 5th and 6th of October, and on the dinners of the Life Guards, alleging that she had at that period framed a plot, which obliged the people to go to Versailles to frustrate it. Archive 2008-10-12
  • January 6th, 2009 at 1: 05 pm okay, awesome. this makes sense. the pin is the type that is supposed to be removed, but apparently I have really dense bone and the first attempt broke off and will be permanent. Mri | clusterflock
  • Luke's hobbies include karate, in which he has a yellow belt, motorcycling - his parents bought him a motorbike for his 16th birthday - and drumming.
  • A month later they were in that bit of hell known as the Argonne Forest, where on September 26th, they covered themselves with glory. History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
  • Minaya argued that the 16th day, cabán, gave rise to the word cabañuelas, presumably because it had some additional significance, perhaps in terms of some other calendric calculation, or time-marker. Did You Know? January's weather in Mexico forecasts the rest of the year
  • It'd need to go all the way to 32nd to reach the locks, and you'd have to remove all of the on-street parking on one side of the road and you'd have to re-pave Leary in that section because it is so unmaintained that it is a hazard in the current condition, and you'd still be left with turning conflict points at Dock, Lone, 20th, 24th, 26th, and 28th. SDOT Won’t Appeal Judge’s Missing Link Ruling « PubliCola
  • Finally, homeopathic thuja yellow cedar 6th to 30th potency taken three times a day for a week to one month is one of the most effective remedies for warts. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • The machine has 720 processors and is currently ranked as the 16th most powerful computer in the world.
  • European explorers - first the Portuguese in search of the Spice Islands (Indonesia) and then the Spanish - reached the Carolines in the 16th century, with the Spanish establishing sovereignty.
  • It has a processional and stately character, having originated in courtly 16th-century ceremonies.
  • This is how we imagine objects.6The spirit cannot be reduced to biological components, be they bioplasm, microvita or even etheric energy--which is not to say that spirit cannot manifest in forms perceived in this way. Right brain thinking.
  • The property belongs to The National Trust and the event takes place on the 26th June.
  • February 26th, 2008 at 1: 50 pm PST the market didnt overact, they underacted. Did the Market Overreact To Google’s Click-Through Woes?
  • He holed a bunker shot to pick up a birdie on the 16th. The Sun
  • From the acropolis we have a sanctuary of Demeter and Kore while from the North Harbour area we have rich levels from the 6th century.
  • The local favourite aggravated an injury to his troublesome right arm after catching his hand in a latch while taking a toilet break on the 16th fairway.
  • The young 5th and 6th dans for fun prepared themselves to fight.
  • Look for its reddish light in line with Castor and Pollux on the 16th, above-left of the waning Moon on the 23rd and with binoculars only 0.7° above-right of the Praesepe star cluster on the 30th. Starwatch: the September night sky
  • North of the 16th parallel, Chinese forces under Chiang Kai-shek would assume control from the Japanese. A Covert Affair
  • During the second half of the 6th century, an enormous Etruscan-style temple (with three rooms or cellae) was built on the Capitoline hill; in the Forum Boarium remains of a large temple have been found with an Etruscan inscription nearby. D. The Regal Period
  • The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation.
  • March 26th, 2010 at 10: 37 am muzz (brought to you by Screaming Yellow Zonkers) says: jmunny – are you really that stupid? Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • April 16th, 2010 4: 45 pm ET awww, poor wittle demmies. they're just upset that no one wants to endorse their candidate. boohoo. Romney backs Rubio in Florida primary battle
  • April 26th, 2010 at 10: 57 pm tombaker says: cascabel, baby!! Think Progress » Only One Republican Federal Lawmaker Has Spoken Out Against Arizona’s Draconian Immigration Law
  • The 6th day is another non-fly day, because of a strong south-east wind.
  • A conservative figures out waterboarding is torture23rd02: 06 pm: Feeling Calm25th02: 20 pm: I need more short fiction26th07: 24 pm: Story A Day: Elvis in the Attic by Catherine M Morrison31st04: 40 pm: Dr. George Tiller — 4 comments May 2009
  • As I completed my 26th lap the Porsche puffed blue smoke.
  • May 26th, 2006 at 11:45 pm yeah, well, if I try really hard, I can remember what JCL and TSO mean… Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Ready When You Are
  • He was still taking this circuitous route to the top of the leaderboard on the 16th with another poor tee shot well to the right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peasant rebellions occurred throughout the 16th century.
  • This article describes two cases of myelopathy admitted to our burn center after a high-voltage electrical burn incurred in the workplace, with symptoms onset around 16th and 4th day, respectively.
  • June 16th, 2010 at 12: 20 pm of course, it kept sain error that my message was too short, but it posted. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » ‘Grease’ Is The Word
  • He was not happy with the strange inflections of the melodies, with their flattened 7ths and sharpened 6ths, and he was even more perplexed by the words: he had little English to begin with and the rustic archaisms only added to the problem.
  • The city's housing costs were enough to earn it a ranking of 66th nationally.
  • This Dobson critter is a religious determinist, specifically, a variant of a Calvinist predestinarian (John Calvin, 16th Century Protestant theologian; a Protestant when being a Protestant could get you burned at the stake). Think Progress » James Dobson to start new nonprofit and radio show, giving him ‘greater leeway to hold forth on politics.’
  • Dildo is first attested at the end of the 16th century in English, dibble about 150 years earlier. Laudator Temporis Acti
  • The concept of space sails dates back the 16th century, when German astronomer Johannes Kepler first came up with the idea of using the sun's energy to propel objects through space.
  • Michelle Wie is expected to make it official today, a week shy of her 16th birthday.
  • Bengal was absorbed into the Mughul Empire in the 16th century, and Dhaka, the seat of a nawab (the representative of the emperor), gained some importance as a provincial center.
  • On April 16th he scored a total of 61 points against the Atlanta Hawks setting a new NBA record.
  • Coming back from lunch on 56th street I suddenly encountered a four-foot-tall animatronic snowman singing ‘Jingle Bells’ over and over.
  • January 6th, 2006 at 8: 40 pm click says: contriver: anatomically devise tributes: fertilized Lowell. speedups Think Progress » EU wants answers on secret prisons.
  • Vendemiaire and the 16th Brumaire, and repair to that little house in the Rue de la Victoire rendered historically famous by the conspiracy of the 18th Brumaire, which issued from it fully armed. The Companions of Jehu
  • People have been playing the instrument, formally known as the violoncello, since the mid-16th century. Reflector - Latest Headlines from The Daily Reflector
  • Congress made up its mind for good on the 16th of July, 1790, and decided that the President should be intrusted with the care of choosing “on the river Potomac” a territory, ten miles square, which should become the “Federal territory” and the permanent seat of the Government of the United States. Major L'Enfant and the Federal City. II. I
  • But after birdies at the 13th, 15th and 16th drew him level, Kennedy bunkered his approach to the 18th and missed his par putt from six feet.
  • April 26th, 2010 at 12: 53 pm tombaker says: if the pentagon is that concerned about oil supplies, is it really very likely they’ll irradiate vast reserves of it? Think Progress » Rendell: Fox News Hosts ‘Deserve More Credit’ Than Tea Party Movement For Marshaling Anger
  • June 6th, 2009 BRISBANE - Cricketer Andrew Symonds returned to Brisbane on Saturday and admitted he needed time to consider what he was going to do about his playing future. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Is there some faded parchment in an archive somewhere which says that courtiers in the 16th Century only discussed important matters while pacing swiftly? The Sun
  • May 6th, 2008 10: 43 am ET barack is just what america needs for change – real issues, intelligence, smartness, focus Polls: Clinton and Obama each in store for a win?
  • In addition to inventorying ammunition, the members of the 826th also made sure the shells were properly packaged and marked for shipment.
  • B&B) occupies a 16th-century former convent. Times, Sunday Times
  • As food historian Andrew F. Smith shows in "Potato: A Global History" Reaktion, 142 pages, $15.95 , even the lowly spud packs a lot of colorful history, including a fleeting aphrodisiacal reputation: It was described by one 16th-century British writer as a lust-enhancing "venerous root. Single Servings
  • The inscription dates the double tomb to the 6th dynasty, which marked the beginning of the decline of the Old Kingdom, also known as the age of pyramids. 4,300-Year-Old Tombs Unveiled In Egypt
  • March 26th, 2010 at 9: 57 am muzz (brought to you by Screaming Yellow Zonkers) says: Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • Four thousand years ago, Da Yu, the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century B. C. ), established a slave state here. It is said that Mt.
  • The search was again commenced during the early evening of September 6th and continued until the 9th without ever finding Posey again. Posey, George R.
  • Gonzalo Higuain netted the third in the 73rd minute before Brazil's Kaka slotted home a 76th minute penalty with Raul adding the fifth with just a minute left. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • Feb. 26th, 2004: Princess Maha Chakri·Sirindhorn of the Kingdom of Thailand visited PKU. The vice president of PKU Hao Ping met the visitor.
  • Photographs by Pascal Chevallier Sled-riding skeletons, 16th-century portraits and little rice houses live in harmony within Sperone's Swiss retreat. Sperone's One-Man Museum
  • This became the 21st straight tournament without a 16th seed winning a game.
  • February 16th, 2010 at 5: 55 pm lux (brought to you by The Truth (c)) says: oop. sorry – correction Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • First off, I have been participating in a special program offered to 6th graders who can pass an 8th grade test with 90 % or higher at West Highschool.
  • I finished a so-so 6th, but felt good or at least a lot better than I'd felt the week before.
  • This story is about the rise and the fall of the three unifier and pacifier of Japan towards the end of the 16th century after generations of feudal wars of powerful local rulers.
  • As these centres became politically agglomerated in the 16th century, variations on what soon became virtually an artistic canon became more solely individual than regional.
  • Despite attempts at compromise Louis 16th was tried after attempting to flee the country.
  • All it will take is a moving van - he doesn't actually live in the new 6th - and he's a shoo-in.
  • Particularly good value can be found in the 16th arrondissement. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have heard him, upon other occasions, talk with great contempt of people who were anxious to gratify their palates; and the 206th number of his Rambler is a masterly essay against gulosity.
  • Belbo (UID#3882) on November 6th, 2009 at 8: 57 am become an avid amateur birdwatcher real quick. Happy biker | My[confined]Space
  • There's costumes and courtliness, but this 16th-century saga remains unstuffy. This week's new films
  • But back in the 6th century a lot of them were blond and blue-eyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • “We are expecting the brewhouse to come next week, on or after the 16th,” brewer Jeff Hancock e-mailed last week. Festival puts the focus on complex barley wines
  • After the mid-16th century Reformation, when religious guilds were dissolved, it was used as a market cross and as a moot hall.
  • Hipponax (mid-6th century) is said to have invented the choliamb, or ‘limping iamb’.
  • But back in the 6th century a lot of them were blond and blue-eyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • April 26th, 2010 at 12: 53 pm angels81 says: freeman is nothing more then a tool for the right wing. Think Progress » Rendell: Fox News Hosts ‘Deserve More Credit’ Than Tea Party Movement For Marshaling Anger
  • Samuel Pepys, the great diarist, died exactly 300 years ago on May 26th, 1703.
  • He was certainly closely acquainted with her before her marriage and, according to three 16th-cent. accounts, confessed to the king that she had been his mistress and was not fit to be a royal consort.
  • The topical panel show is back for an amazing 36th series! The Sun
  • He arrived in Athens ranked sixth in the world, but only just scraped into the semi-finals after qualifying in 16th place.
  • Classics, the label dedicated to the heritage of Broadway and American popular song, recorded the original Broadway cast album of SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM on June 6th and 7th. Featured Content
  • Jay Hakkinen, the most accomplished U.S. biathlete until Burke's emergence, missed seven and finished 76th. Biathlete Tim Burke, U.S. team perplexed by performance
  • In the 16th century, the first known figurative use of "enthrall" appeared in the following advice, translated from a Latin text by Thomas Newton: "A man should not ... enthrall his credit and honour to Harlots. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • July 16th, 2008 at 6: 27 pm oxazepam valium says: valium valium and pregnancy Think Progress » Following Michelle Malkin’s lead, Rep. Tom Tancredo
  • Yet even with the arrival in the city of outsiders such as Donatello, Raphael and Signorelli, Trecento mysticism lingered well into the 16th century in the strange, boneless figures, extravagant gestures and intense colours of Domenico Beccafumi. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Only the brilliance of the Northern Irishman, who holed a stunning birdie putt on the 16th green to extend his lead in the match, and the nervousness of Mahan, who duffed a chip shot on the par-three 17th that sealed his defeat, finally turned back an American tide that had threatened to deny Montgomerie a captain's victory to add to the many he has won as a player in this event. Ryder Cup 2010: Graeme McDowell the perfect hero for Europe
  • Claims for jobless benefits were below 300,000 for the 16th week. Times, Sunday Times
  • October 16th, 2007 at 2: 43 pm chodin says: true story: i get in to work last week and i sit down at my desk. i open up my internet and i go type in the address to a website, andà ‚ Âinstinctively i type in oh man, i had a good laugh with myself that day. and by "good laugh", i mean "nice time masturbating". ‘UNTRACEABLE’: EVEN MORE COLIN HANKS!
  • 16th and 15th Streets are main thoroughfares, with little commercial activity - be cautious at night.
  • November 16th, 2005 at 9: 25 pm grandpa says: this true American dope is a microcephalic idiot, NO? Think Progress » “Bush Was Right!” — The New Hit Single Ready to Rock a Generation
  • March 26th, 2009 at 2: 12 pm. you sld not be puttin urself out there like that. .since you been on a show you bout to take it to the nxt level … Vh1 Blog
  • As a rule it is sufficient to give per day three doses of 5 drops of the 6th centesimal potency.
  • The choir's repertoire includes sacred and secular music ranging from the 16th century to the present day and in a wide range of musical styles and languages.
  • Later in the period, Whitney stretched the lead to two on a set play in which he took a pass from Cullen in open ice and deked Lehtonen before sliding the puck through his legs for his 16th goal.
  • And the grand marshal, the base's 366th Fighter Wing commander, got out at the reviewing stand.
  • January 26th, 2010 SHIMLA - Call it the effect of global warming, deforestation or rise in pollution, the Queen of Hills, as Shimla was fondly called by the British, is totally devoid of snow cover in this peak winter month of January. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • February 26th, 2009 6: 37pm stanley Jerusalem-I have not forgotten where I came from, if some of these posters have, I was dangled over a shmaltz herring barrel every sunday and was used for fishing them out - you do not forget that even if mr galileo has forgotten - I am waiting for his report on the play where he will attend with a placard "I am A jew" on his back and clutching a lokshen pudding to his breast. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Contrast and compare the tone and opinions expressed in posts # 47 and 61 (heimish in bp) with the one made by Trumpeldor on December 16th, 2009 9: 34pm. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • By the late 16th century, most fashionable patrons favoured fantastical Mannerist pieces for their displays.
  • Apparently, there were rumors that the two of them got engaged in the presence of a maulvi on February 6th at Saif's residence and that he's also gifted a car to Kareena. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The earliest mention of the village is in a 16th-century manuscript.
  • Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • Since the 16th century the Perrots had lorded it over Pembrokeshire, the grandest of them the giant Sir John, the viceroy of Ireland, said to have been the illegitimate son of Henry VIII.
  • They went on to win by four wickets when the winning runs were scored in the 16th over.
  • The question was posed in the latter half of the 16th century, when Sir Walter Raleigh asked the English mathematician Thomas Harriot for a quick way to estimate the number of cannonballs that could be stacked on the deck of a ship.

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