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  1. being eight more than sixty

How To Use 68 In A Sentence

  • Among the 68 trees to be cut are American elms, sycamores, tulip poplars, a couple of Yoshino cherries, a dogwood, and one cucumber magnolia.
  • An element discovered in 1982 has been named meitnerium to honor Lise Meitner (1878-1968), the Austrian-Swedish physicist and mathematician who discovered the element protactinium and made major contributions to the understanding of nuclear fission. Elements
  • Shares are currently trading at $0.68, so this is an excellent time to get into the market.
  • “Hooray” can be dated back to 1686 and possibly comes from the German word “hurra,” thebattle-cry of Prussian soldiers during the War of Liberation (1812-13). Blog – syllable studio
  • He came to Egypt in 1168 as an assistant to his uncle, who was a general and then became the vizier of the last Fatimid caliph.
  • Thomas Cowell of York County in 1680, and Patrick Napier twice phlebotomized 'Allen Jarves, deceased, in the cure of a cancer of his mouth.' Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699
  • One drawing, dated 1768, shows a short-legged lidless partitioned square box, and another, dated 1769, shows an octagonal lidded container on short legs partitioned to hold eight bottles.
  • In November 1875, Sir Frederick Evans, newly appointed hydrographer of the British Navy, ordered 123 doubtful islands banished from Admiralty Chart 2683 of the Pacific Ocean. A Furnace Afloat
  • * [6824] Sensus est de angelis, qui si cum Deo confederantur, aut si eos secum Deus conferat, non habens rationem eorum quæ in illis posuit, et dotium ac donorum quæ in illos contulit, et quibus eos exornavit et illustravit, inveniat eos stolidos. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • A 34-mile drive up the A68 road to Edinburgh does make this commutable.
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