How To Use 67 In A Sentence
- He moved to Paris in 1767, and after a couple of years had become so popular that he received regular commissions to write two or three operas a year for various theatres.
- Second, if a Palestinian state is recognized along the 1967 lines in point of fact, nothing more than the 1949 armistice lines, this undermines UN Security Council Resolution 242 and 338 and the Camp David Accords, which call for a negotiated outcome and do not predetermine final boundaries. David Harris: Support Peace: Oppose Palestinian UN Gambit
- Some might say the club have taken refuge in recent years in the rosy glow of their triumph of 1967 so they might be as well moving permanently to the Portuguese capital.
- In 1672, when Mars was in the vicinity of the three Psi stars of Aquarius, the time was ripe for obtaining the first reliable parallax of Mars.
- Swedish bibliognost on Rudbeck's Campi Elysii, 167. Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
- But it was the introduction of the breathalyser in 1967 that really thrust her into the public's consciousness, especially as she herself was a non-driver.
- 3 _Petro snaps_. 4to 1679 'and Petro snaps'.p. 320, l. i _remember a fart these_. 1724 'remember these'.p. 320, l. The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume II
- In 1867 he patented this material under the name dynamite.
- But Frye's dreams of systematizing and co-ordinating a literary universe also rose to meet counterparts in Frances Yates's 1967 account of the zodiacs and theatres of the encyclopaedic memory systems of Bruno and Camillo.
- The bodies or severed heads of 67 "patients" lie in cryogenic storage at the site.