How To Use 54 In A Sentence

  • Saint – Germain, the king accorded letters-patent; and all the rest, abbatial charter, and royal letters, was confirmed in 1654 by the Chamber of Accounts and the Parliament. Les Miserables
  • When he discovered, in 1954, that dimethylnitrosamine was hepatotoxic he noticed that the poisoned livers contained enlarged cells similar to those seen in veno-occlusive disease.
  • Casey James Confectionery Store has sold sweets and candies on St Mary's Street, off the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, since 1954.
  • The extracts obtained were prefiltered through glass wool and sodium sulfate anhydride and filtered by column chromatography (clean-up performed using sodium sulfate anhydride and Celite 545).
  • Sublingual gland, inflammation of, 548 ranula of, 549 surgical anatomy of, 543 tumours of, 552 Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
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  • The crab nebula is the remnant from a supernova explosion 1054. High Energy Neutrinos from Cosmos
  • He showed his athletism by becoming the Bearkats 'all-time leader in total offense with 6,159 yards and finished second in the nation in the Football Championship Subdivision with 354.2 total yards per game as a senior. Undefined
  • Except for two telecasts by Ed Murrow on his `See It Now "series, back in 1954. I still wonder how those two got through. LASTING TREASURES
  • BBC | Solar plane flies into the night O Zephyr, protótipo de UAV da Quinetiq a versão britânica da DARPA, bateu um recorde aeronáutico, não oficialmente, ao voar mais de 54 horas continuamente. Leituras
  • Actual Hebrew letters in original. mem and tet are transposed, kaph and vav look just like resh. * = final forms.p. 52, note "54". Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • President Kaczynski rang his brother Jaroslaw from the cabin of his official Tupolev 154 jet. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: April 13, 2010
  • On oxygen 24-hours-a-day, the 54-year-old suffers from cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis.
  • The most common, with 54 per cent of us suffering, is the fear of spiders — arachnophobia. The Sun
  • More alarming -- not to mention revolting -- than any revelation, which has come out thus far about Bachmann, Kennedy once commented to Democratic political adviser Bobby Baker, "You know, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day" see endnote 54. Lara M. Brown, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann and Migraines: Presidential Disqualifier or Sexism?
  • In 1154, Henry II became King of England.
  • Mathieson's legacy to folklore included not only his own extensive oral repertoire of folksong but a manuscript collection of 545 songs written down in 3 huge ledgers as he heard them through the years, beginning as a schoolboy and continuing in the bothies, chaulmers and farm kitchens where he feed as a farm servant. Noo I'm a Young Man Cut Down in My Prime
  • Byzance ne s'en remettra jamais complètement et cet évènement dramatique marqua la vraie rupture entre catholiques latins et orthodoxes grecs, beaucoup plus que le schisme de 1054 ! Archive 2007-03-01
  • Winnett, 54, of Cheam Road in Ewell, manages a rugby team in which Alcindor plays.
  • Like the trial court, we, too, find the case of California Medical, supra, 79 Cal.App.4th 542 applicable and dispositive to the issue raised on appeal.
  • Hence, "the horror of the taille depopulates the rural districts, concentrating in the towns all the talents and all the capital [5254]. The Ancient Regime
  • The idea is perhaps extrapolated - wrongly - from his famous Interpretation of music of 1954.
  • When in 1254 he created an apanage for his eldest son, Edward, two of its principal components were the lordship of Ireland and the earldom of Chester, within which was comprised several Welsh lordships.
  • After 1054, the Church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  • In 1540 he had licence to impark the Lyveden estate in Aldwinkle St. Peter's parish, where the "New The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • In the recent retrospective of Nan Kempner’s wardrobe at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, the late socialite’s closet was re-created in breathtaking detail — all 354 jackets and 362 sweaters — but her surprisingly undistinguished collection of handbags was relegated to a high shelf and mostly hidden. Carried Away
  • Victoria's population had increased sevenfold from 76000 to 540000, 45 per cent of the Australian population of 1200000 in 1861.
  • As a boy chorister in his Czech-Moravian homeland, Janácek 1854-1928 learned early the potential of choral writing. Janácek: Choral Works – review
  • The sultana's power came from the Bahri Mamluks, whom Aybek took great pains to disband between 1251 and l254.
  • He was adjudged the winner by 54 votes to 3.
  • Subsequently, Liu Kui-54-type pistol carrying, Zhou carrying fruit knife to pre-selected sites waiting for.
  • The Germans were lucky to beat Hungary in 1954, lucky to beat the Dutch in 1974 and fluked their way to the final in 2002. Truth takes a battering in the great World Cup cliche game
  • Based on phytogeography, the Hengchun Peninsula can be separated from the rest of Taiwan by drawing a line through Fengliao, Pingtung County (22°21'39 N, 120°35'16 E) and Tawu, Taitung County (22°21'41 N, 120°54'02 E).
  • Chap. 425. 545 after the word "chiropody" in the jfirst and second Hnes the word: — (podiatry), — and by inserting after the word Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Back into the overcast, 54 F and calm with a dewpoint of 50. Jhetley: More gray
  • September 10, 2009 at 11:54 am ai spended sume tiem an phew weeksweeks agoe surchin furr mai songlasez. tuk bout 1/2 our tu find thems wen ai leened forwurd an noeticed dems hangin frum teh eyeglasz nekless ai bawt tu keap frum loosin da glasez. This ain’t fun no more. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A philhellene, he obtained appointments in the Ionian Islands, including, in 1854, secretary to the Lord High Commissioner.
  • Darren would have played 54 holes while he did the greenkeeping. Clarke Lights Up Sandwich
  • The Bloc Quebecois got the nod as official opposition with 54 seats, and Reform followed closely with 52.
  • The upper wall 56 of the bin 54 for the unweighed feed f includes a flange 62 receiving the lower end of an upstanding conveyor generally designated 64.
  • The commentary on verse 1 of Romans just cited from folio 8 of the Soane manuscript reappears with minor changes in the printed edition of 1542.
  • These stones include a 52.40 carat clean light fancy yellow diamond from Holpan; a 60.52 carat light yellow octahedral diamond from Saxendrift; a 74.99 carat clean white irregular blocky stone from Saxendrift; a 54.23 carat light yellow broken macle stone with inclusions from Saxendrift; and a 60.51 light yellow rounded flat stone with oxide coating and minor inclusions from Saxendrift. News24 Top Stories
  • Pg 354: arbalaster is probably a variation of arbalester or arbalister: a cross-bowman. The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Vol. 1 With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by George Gilfillan
  • Meanwhile, to hold you for a while, here's the latest wonder painted for me by Jen Haley: a crossbowman's pavise in 54mm scale. Four More Miniatures
  • The galaxy cluster, known as SPT-CL J0546-5345, is so far away that its glow takes 7 billion light-years to reach us.
  • Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War.
  • In 1947 the last wheat crop was sown and five years later the last farmer left followed by the last resident in 1954.
  • She told him that while cleaning out an attic she had found an old box which, among other things, contained one of Osmond's scrap books of his cuttings from 1950 to 1954 and several sketches.
  • Louisiana's congressional delegation larded the bill with $540,580,200 worth of earmarks, one-fifth the price of a capable levee.
  • The new push is reflected in the doubling of budget requests-to $ 254m-to combat Aids overseas.
  • The Assembly approved the bill, AB 1542, on a 64-11 vote.
  • Bhandarkar, _Vaishṇ. and Śaivism_, pp. 67-73.] [Footnote 653: The name Kabir seems to me decisive.] [Footnote 654: Dadu who died about 1603 is said to have been fifth in spiritual descent from Kabir.] [Footnote 655: From a hymn in which the spiritual life is represented as a ride. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • Contributions to the Anatomy of the Brachiopoda" "Proceedings of the Royal Society" 7 (1854-55) 106-117; 241, 242. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • The sting from one of these daft-looking things will killyou in less than three minutes andthey have been responsible for almost six thousand human fatalities since 1954. Britney Spears Saves Couple From Death Or Discomfort
  • Commend an ambitious man, some proud prince or potentate, si plus aequo laudetur (saith [1954] Erasmus) cristas erigit, exuit hominem, Deum se putat, he sets up his crest, and will be no longer a man but a God. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The Council of Trent was the 18th oecumenical council of the Church, assembled at Trent, a town in the Austrian Tyrol, and sat, with certain interruptions, from December 13, 1545, until December 4, The Philippine Islands
  • Denver took over at its 44 and Plummer lofted a jump ball to Javon Walker, who outleaped cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha and came down at the Raiders 2 for a 54-yard gain. - Football - Oakland vs. Denver
  • Maskelyne entered Cambridge in 1749 where he studied mathematics and graduated seventh wrangler in mathematics in 1754.
  • Richard Abruzzo and Carol Rymer Davis were participating in the 54th Gordon Bennett Gas Balloon Race, an annual race in which teams of balloonists try to see who can fly the farthest from a set point on a maximum of about 1,000 cubic meters (35,300 cubic feet) of gas. Richard Abruzzo And Carol Rymer Davis Missing In European Balloon Race
  • Despite all these, Jim gained 541 first-preference votes and reached the quota when his running mate, Roberts, dropped out of contention.
  • As she was trying parishilton and britney spears regain her composure he pulled her up on her knees and pressed his semi-hard cock to her serrate lips. on January 29, 2007 at 6: 54 pm | Reply Demi Moore desnuda gratis With Friends Like These….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • bushwhack" by rabblerowzer on Thursday, Jul 26, 2007 at 10: 00: 54 AM 30 days to absolute tyranny
  • [and] brūnecg, _her broad sword with gleaming blade_, 1547. brūn-fāg, adj., _gleaming like metal_: brūnfāgne helm, 2616. bryne-lēoma, w. m., _light of a conflagration, gleam of fire _: nom. sg., Beowulf
  • During the Second World War, the Royal Navy lost 254 major warships due to enemy action, in addition to 1,035 minor war vessels and auxiliaries.
  • - L'viv, 2001), 654 pp. [16] Explaining that he was combining "the ancient Greek word" genos "(race, tribe) and the Latin" cide "(killing)," he added in a footnote, "Another term could be used for the same idea, namely," ethnocide, "consisting of the Greek word 'ethnos'-nation-and the Latin word ACTION UKRAINE REPORT (Archive)
  • In general, historians tend to portray Somerset's rise to power as logically inevitable and to cast Mary as a marginalized from the jockeying for political position that took place amongst the executor-councilors during the first two months of Edward VI's reign. 11 Hindsight makes it easy to forget that the political situation taking shape after Henry's death in late January 1547 initially appeared unstable. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Kevin Gosztola (374 articles, 154 quicklinks, 81 diaries, 1167 comments [107 recommended, 0 rejected]) on Friday, Sep 5, 2008 at 1: 22: 13 AM barb bolin So...That's What Police Repression Looks Like
  • The first students were admitted to only a preuniversity course in 1954. D. West Central Africa
  • Penalties Back to top Period Team Time Player Type Level 1st period CAL: 15 Robyn Regehr hooking minor 2nd period NYR 1: 38 Aaron Voros tripping minor NYR 5: 54 Scott Gomez holding minor CAL 13: 05 Rene Bourque hooking minor CAL 18: 27 Dion Phaneuf elbowing minor 3rd period CAL 16: 17 Adrian Aucoin hooking minor
  • Over the first 36 weeks of 2009, U.S. railroads reported cumulative volume of 9,549,297 carloads, which is down 18.4 percent year-over-year. Logistics Management Logistics - Best Practices News
  • Cf. Spectator, No. 454: "I went afterwards to Robin's, and saw people who had dined with me at the fivepenny ordinary just before, give bills for the value of large estates. The Journal to Stella
  • On the other hand his risky and ill-judged decision to appear before the Petrov Royal Commission in 1954 was a significant blunder.
  • The train eventually trundled in at 7.54.
  • Restaurants serving conch and goat meat and record shops blaring Haitian meringue music sprang up on 54th Street and Northeast Second Avenue.
  • QUEENS, N.Y. - A Queens, N.Y., man has won $1,500 in the lottery, thanks to Bernie Madoff's prison number -- 61727-054. KXAN TV
  • Cellini worked in France for a period in the early 1540's, during which time he fashioned his famous saltcellar. Archive 2008-03-01
  • His executive perks grew by 52% to $548,821, mostly because of $319,878 in postretirement benefits to cover the cost of home security and five years of technology support and the services of an administrative assistant. Compensation for Caterpillar Executives Jumped in 2010
  • Every area of the sanctuary is full, with 54 cats and kittens, 35 dogs and more than 50 rabbits and small rodents all looking for loving homes.
  • King of France under the name of Charles X; Spifame (1548-58) who became a Calvinist in 1559, and was afterwards accused of forgery and beheaded at Geneva in 1556; the polemist Sorbin de Ste-Foi The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Her 54-year-old husband had hypertension treated with sustained-release verapamil.
  • Their estimated dropout rate for the class of 2002 was 54 percent, compared with 36 percent for the class of 2003.
  • For the semimonthly reporting period ended April 30, the number of short-selling positions not yet closed out at Nasdaq -- so-called short interest -- edged down to 9,590,569,984 shares from 9,591,454,368 shares in mid-April. Bearish Bets Are Steady on Nasdaq
  • It has 354.8 billion steres in surface water resources, 13.5 percent of the nation's total, and 330 billion steres in glacial water resources.
  • Exchange rates: ngultrum per US dollar - 46.540 (January 2001), The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • Cantico espiritual; IDEM, Llama de amor viva; SCARAMELLI, Direttorio mistico (Venice, 1754); RIBET, La mystique divine (Paris, 1895); The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • However, since 1954, when this suggestion was first made, all attempts to locate adrenochrome or other abnormal metabolites of adrenalin in mental patients have failed. The Human Brain
  • Macedonians, [352] 278; apparent discrepance of the two Epistles explained, [353] 288; the second, gentler, [354] 295; loved by Paul more than other churches, [355] 296; estranged from the incestuous person, NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • 1: 54 PM big thanks to @bottletreecafe who did handled catering for @citystages better than I have ever seen before - you guys were excellent! by trsims3 (Todd Sims) on Tuesday June 23, 2009, 12: 32 PM big thanks to @bottletree who did handled catering for @citystages better than I have ever seen before - you guys were excellent! by trsims3 (Todd Sims) on Tuesday June 23, 2009, 12: 31 PM Undefined
  • In that time we have planted more than 54,000 native trees and shrubs and reintroduced 88,000 herbaceous plants citywide.
  • There are 54 to 58 species of Motacillidae, some of which interbreed.
  • RAPD analysis was used in the study of 54 commercial strains of oyster mushroom.
  • February 12th, 2009 at 9: 54 pm dunkin kindler – because the Putins of the world didn’t already conclude George W. Bush was a patsy. Matthew Yglesias » Judd Gregg Fail
  • Sample outputs: qdisc netem 8001: root limit 1000 delay 200. 0ms Sent 175545 bytes 540 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0) rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0 NixCraft Linux Sys Admin Blog
  • Re #54, the upper atmosphere tends to fractionate according to molecular mass. Water Vapor and Cloud Feedbacks « Climate Audit
  • A 740-foot cargo ship was disabled and floating adrift in high winds about 540 miles southwest of Adak on Sunday. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 21, 2009
  • By Wednesday morning all the properties had been visited again, and all but 54 premises, where householders were not home, were reconnected.
  • As a result, Calle 54 is a procession of performances by different musicians, staged especially for Trueba's camera.
  • Subjects - Of 542 women attending the clinic for artificial insemination for the first time, 500 women were eligible for study.
  • ● The term relative compilation to relative productivity metrics C. Kaewkasi 54 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • P54M 'pilferage' in piers probed Customs says samples taken in bulk - Articles related to Data Show Economic Rebound in Euro Area
  • (tom. [email protected]; +44 (0) 207 542 4036; Reuters Messaging: tom. [email protected]) News
  • In 1541, William Levett was the royal" gunstone maker ", that is, he made cast iron cannon-balls at a foundry in the Weald built by his elder brother in 1534. Barista
  • January 17, 2008 at 5:54 am goggie came 2 us as a puppee, an we luffed him an he fit rite in wit our fambly. we luffs our goggie. Meow meow - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Employees including porters, cleaners, security guards and others voted by 254 to 152 to take industrial action.
  • Where Kumarajîva has 'the other two are not the truth' (Watson, p. 35) the Sanskrit has 'he has but one aim, indeed, no second' (v. 54); ekam hi karyam dvitiyam na vidyate. Joseph S. O'Leary homepage
  • If an exercise machine is being used for 10 hours a day for a year, the gym could save about 547 kWh.
  • Obama's job approval rating has fallen from 61 percent in mid-June to 54 percent now, in part due to his handling of the Gates-Crowley situation, a Pew Research Center poll found.
  • I assume the BC to which you referred was 51/54 bty? Army Rumour Service
  • Since futures prices hit their peak, they have fallen by 54 percent, to around $ 1. 08 a pound.
  • Between the beginning of 2002 and September 2003, Asian foreign currency reserves rose by $ 546 bn.
  • Harvard College, writing a pasquinade to post upon the Ipswich meeting-house, and Nashaway was "suffered to live without the meanes," waiting for him until 1654. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 5, February, 1885
  • The cinema industry has been fighting back since its lowest point in the 1980s when admissions sank to 54 million in 1984 at the height of the home video boom.
  • Paré gives a case of reversion, and of crooked hands and feet; and Barlow 11.54 speaks of a child of two and three-quarter years with kyphosis, but mobility of the lumbar region, which walked on its elbows and knees. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Trenchere lovis, 14/197; p.  84; 154/35; p.  157; loaves of coarse unsifted meal; the panter to bring in three, 200/667. Early English Meals and Manners
  • He not only suffered a spectacular bout of what he called madness but also wrote an extraordinarily vivid account of it in his short novel The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, which he freely admitted was a thinly disguised account of what had happened to him on a 1954 voyage to Ceylon to restore his health. Henry’s Demons
  • I will ensure you get added, providing your intentions are pure of heart. var doubleclick_ad_params = 'wg = 2; wa = 27; wc = FR; wi = amaretto; wi = sours; wi = bonfires.; wi = dalai; wi = lama; wi = dancing; wi = in; wi = the; wi = rain; wi = foreign; jid = 1225451; c = jo; pt = jo'; Skipperjbk8: Explanation
  • Carloads of petroleum products rose 8 percent to 22, 854 carloads in November.
  • In the Treasurer's Accounts, we find 10s. was paid to a messenger, sent on the 3d of December 1547, with "Letters to serche and seik the gudes of Maister Jhonne Gray, persoun of Sanct Nycholace Kirk, beside Cowper, quhilkis pertenis to our Souerane Lady be resoun of eschete, throu the said Maister Jhonnis being fugitive fra the lawes for art and part of the slauchter of the Cardinall. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • She died – probably in childbed – in November of next year (1654), and was buried at Petworth with her infant son. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
  • + NADH + H+ + O2 = 1,2-epoxypropane + NAD+ + H2 O Reaction type epoxidation oxidation redox reaction reduction 543 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
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  • In 1543 he was condemned to be burnt as a heretic for his adherence to Calvinism, but he was reprieved by Henry VIII and on his release from prison returned to St George's.
  • Such was the attempt to control the lives of the working class, that in 1542 even shuffleboard was banned - a game which we now call shove half-penny.
  • Obama's approval rating finally rising, says poll hotel room that could only be described as disheveled - covers tossed across the bed, towels on the floor, half-empty coffee cups on the table - when there was a knock News 215-854-5960 Almost 29 years have passed since an assassin's bullet took John Lennon. - Articles related to Air Canada expected to expand technical services for travelling public
  • In 1954, after the French had failed to reimpose their rule on Vietnam, delegates to the Geneva Conference agreed that elections would be held in all three of the countries of Indochina.
  • Cherry savarin with honey-vanilla ice-cream posted by Steve @ 1:51:00 AM get_comment_link110767328430541867 THE NEWS BLOG
  • Swayze II, VW: Frontal leukotomy and related psychosurgical procedures in the era before antipsychotics (1935-1954): A historical overview. Controversial Psychosurgery Resulted in a Nobel Prize
  • But now that he had left the service, this objection was removed, and in June 1854 the sum of 300 pounds sterling was assigned for this purpose, while the remainder of the expense was borne by the Ray Society, which undertook the publication under the title of "Oceanic Hydrozoa. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • Average gas prices were $3.92 per thousand cubic feet ( "mcf") for the third quarter of fiscal 2010, a decrease from $4.54 per mcf for the same period of fiscal 2009. GuruFocus Updates -
  • Simply removing either the last two groups or the four datapoints with the highest acceptor levels results in a reduced value of p = 0.2454, indicating a lack of evidence of dependence.
  • April 23rd, 2008 1: 54 am ET don't forget that there was a gap of nearly 20% and now it shrinked to 8.6% (regarding to the PA Department of State) NY Times slams Clinton's 'negativity'
  • 9: 54 AM melissa said ... oh yes, I'll have to think of where to send you for your eggplant fix ... normally i just buy them at Tesco but without a kitchen involved they might not be quite as appetizing. haggis, on the other hand, is quite another story - just pack a can opener and a spoon and I guarantee you'll be in gastronomic heaven all week! Keep eating eggplant Butch, that's what you're good at..
  • [FN#548] Burton's book, Etruscan Bologna, has a chapter on the contadinesca favella Bolognese, pp. 242-262. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • In 1854 he was transferred to the Ordnance Corps and was made assistant at the Watervliet Arsenal, Troy, New York. Military reminiscences of Gen. Wm. R. Boggs, C.S.A.,
  • The description of the nameoquassa was published in 1854 for the blueback trout of Lake Oquassa, one of the Rangeley Lakes of Maine. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • An antitrust judgment in 1954 forced the firm to release stranglehold on the shoe machinery market.
  • I matriculated from the school in 1954, gaining a Commonwealth scholarship. J. Robin Warren - Autobiography
  • By A.D. 54-5, militant activity had again assumed epidemic proportions.
  • I get 54mpg from my 1.5-litre diesel, which is bangin'. The Sun
  • In September, 54 conscripts were arrested after abandoning their barracks in southern Russia and tramped nearly 35 miles to the city of Volgograd to protest at beatings by their superiors.
  • The most fatal and wide-spread disease, and one which since 1854 has threatened the extermination of silk worms in Europe, is the _pebrine_. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Frame 24: The ninth seed from Leeds fires a run of 54 but Doherty spurns a golden opportunity to claim a vital frame when he misses the final yellow.
  • Britain in 1954 was not barbaric towards its prisoners and miscarriages of justice were hardly common.
  • We eventually cruised at 54,000 ft, about 20,000 ft higher than you'd normally achieve on a typical transatlantic crossing.
  • The pay scale for other teachers coming into the Philadelphia district ranges from $32,598 to $54,538.
  • Nicholas IV, himself a Franciscan, sent missionaries of the order to Servia in 1288, and another mission followed (1354) under Friar Bartholomew, Bishop of Trau.
  • This word is used to denote the phylarch or chief of a tribe (Gen. 36: 15-43; Ex. 15: 15; 1 Chr. 1: 51-54). Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Of their children, taking the cohort born before 1968, however, only a third remained in unskilled work, and 54 per cent were in clerical or management posts.
  • IV. vi.169 (454.5) Robes and furr'd gowns hide all] From _hide all_ to Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • An imperial gallon, used in Britain, is equal to 4546 cubic centimetres.
  • The Alcione C, a 54m Italian supply ship torpedoed by the Allies in 1943, stands upright on a 34m seabed.
  • However sales of MG models were up 10% to 9,540 - bucking the market trend which saw overall sales down by more than 7%.
  • Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common monogenic disease and was chosen for gene-targeting studies by Smithies and his co-workers [53, 54]. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • 2 / 5 / 09 3: 52: 59 PM kernel pages 635428, wire 220619, act 232958, inact 31, zf 59, throt 1114, could discard act 55989 inact 111080 purgeable 13578 2 Discussions: Message List - root
  • The great teacher Neville Goddard offered the following process in 1954, in a lecture entitle "The Pruning Shears of revision.
  • It has a fuel consumption of 12.3mpg and produces 545g/km of C02, according to government statistics.
  • Only 54 percent wear some sort of sunscreen during the summer, and 84 percent believe protection is necessary only if they intend to be outside ‘for a long period of time.’
  • April 17, 2009 at 8: 54 AM almost every time i send an email that needs an attachment, I'll type the body text and click send, completely forgetting to attach the file! the new undo feature in google labs (if you use gmail ... which you should) sounds like it would have saved a lot of commenters from a lot of grief! What’s Your Worst Email Gaffe? | Lifehacker Australia
  • Mr. Brenkus also informs us that the coefficient of "restitution," which measures bounce or impact, is a major element in the effort to increase the power of a golf swing by increasing the springiness or "trampoline" quality of the clubface (see the 543-yarder above). Unbreakable Sports Records
  • But donations to help elect or defeat political candidates have been denied such a subsidy since 1954.
  • From 1541 to 1701 the parish registers, with remarkable consistency, show just how important the long-established families were.
  • He was appointed consultant paediatrician at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children in 1954 and during the next 12 years published first descriptions of many metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Tue 11/24/09 3: 54 PM to the contrary, I think the majority of movies have women and girls portrayed in scanty clothes and objectified roles. 'New Moon' polls: Switching teams? Bella really the best role model? |
  • Roma fuit ita desolata, ut nemo ibi hominum, nisi (nulloe?) bestiae morarentur, (Marcellin. in Chron.p. 54.)] The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The island is approximately 54 km long and 1.2 km wide, with vegetated sand dunes along its length and both wide and narrow beaches around its perimeter.
  • The first boat was discovered in 1954 on the southern side of the pyramid; the second is on the western side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between October 1952 and November 1954, 756 rebels were hanged, most for offences less than murder.
  • Dale Hodges topped his colleagues by squirrelling away $54,721 for a future campaign.
  • He published his results on a ‘flexible fibrescope’ in Nature, January 1954.
  • The importance here aligned to Babylon and her fall, the express mention of Elam and Media, _v_. 2, as her assailants, and the description of Jehovah's people as "threshed" point unmistakably to the last years of the exile, after the rise of Cyrus in 549, and before the fall of Babylon in 538, so that the passage cannot be from Isaiah. Introduction to the Old Testament
  • Belyeu v. Coosa County Board of Education, 998 F. 2d 925 (11th Cir. 1993); see also New York Times v. Sullivan, 364 U.S. 254, 270 (1964) (“profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open”). The Volokh Conspiracy » “Free Speech Has Been a Powerful Force for the Spread of Equality Under the Law”;
  • Not bad for a group valued at 1.49 billion, on shares down a smidgeon at 543½p. Times, Sunday Times
  • DE0005493704 Type of transaction: Transfer (addition) Date: 02.01.2009 Price: not numberable Currency: EUR No. of items: 1348500 Total amount traded: n / a Place: over the counter / TICKER
  • Despite suffering two punctures during his first competitive drive in eight years, Malcolm Wilson and seventeen year old son Matthew took the title by 54 seconds from three-time winner Steve Petch.
  • In 1854, Pope Pius the Ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
  • He met with official disfavour after his spectacular military failure at St. Etienne in 1546, a crucial stumble in Henry's campaign to annex the territory.
  • There, as the only female clerk employed, she was paid the full male rate at a time when most women received only 54 per cent of a male wage.
  • Here _were_ six if not eight parish churches: namely, St. John's, (which was a rectory, and seems to have been swallowed up by the sea about the year 1540;) St. Martin's, St. Nicholas's, and St. Peter's, which were likewise rectories; and St. Leonard's and All Saints, which were impropriated. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 492, June 4, 1831
  • He compiled, wrote, updated and annotated the inventory and signed every page relating to Denny's charge in 1542.
  • A staff of about 25 operates out of a squat 54-year-old building made of horizontal stone, which sits at the top of a woodsy hillside on the pastoral campus of St. Olaf College.
  • The works of Martène (1654-1739) on ecclesiastical and monastic rites (1690 and 1700-2) and his collections of anecdota (1700, 1717, and 1724-33) are most voluminous; he was assisted by Durand. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • But he stuck manfully to a number that were quite as revolutionary—for example, aker for acre, cag for keg, grotesk for grotesque, hainous for heinous, porpess for porpoise and tung for tongue—and they did not begin to disappear until the edition of 1854, issued by other hands and eleven years after his death. Chapter 8. American Spelling. 2. The Influence of Webster
  • He was degraded from his orders, and being even in danger of assassination, took refuge with Douglas of Longniddry, and there remained until the end of 1545
  • zone_info": "huffpost. premium/blog; nickname = bill-shireman; entry_id = 387544; climate-change = 1; congress = 1; democrats = 1; freedom = 1; green-politics = 1; health = 1; health-care = 1; health-care-reform = 1; libertarian = 1; republican-party = 1; republicans = 1; ron-paul = 1", Bill Shireman: As Congress Collapses, a Call to Greens and Libertarians: Get Ready to Govern
  • (By comparison, in the latest Newsweek poll, Barack Obama is up six points, to 54% approve, with only 40% unapproving.) Robert J. Elisberg: Welcome Back, George W. Bush!
  • Fair - holt's Dictionary of Terms in Art (London, 1854) char - acterizes Motif as “a term lately introduced into the vocabulary of Art,” whereas it is altogether omitted from James Elmes's earlier Dictionary of the Fine Arts MOTIF
  • His abdominals were ripped to bodybuilding standards and his weight dropped down to around 11 stone (154 pounds).
  • The first recorded execution in the town's register is that of Richard Bentley of Sowerby on 20 March 1541.
  • Archive-name: interleaf-faq Version: $Id: interleaf. faq, v 1.9 1993/09/17 01: 54: 44 todd Exp $ Sex, Lies, and Sociology
  • Opposite to exercise is idleness (the badge of gentry) or want of exercise, the bane of body and mind, the nurse of naughtiness, stepmother of discipline, the chief author of all mischief, one of the seven deadly sins, and a sole cause of this and many other maladies, the devil's cushion, as [1540] Gualter calls it, his pillow and chief reposal. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He was a gentleman-at-arms who attended Henry VIII at The Siege of Boulogne in 1544.
  • If you need to go further, switch to higher-gain antennas or gang two WRT54Gs together.
  • He'd gotten a new reeker in the other day, an Intelli-sense 5400 olfactory presence generator, guaranteed accurate to within 500 PPM, and he wanted to try it out. State Of War
  • Well done boss, you rock! on June 19, 2007 at 4: 54 pm | Reply mousie Teardrop City (you asked, so here it is again) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Conducted over a period of four years, the research involved 600 men aged 23 to 54 who exclusively identify as heterosexual and enjoy penetrative vaginal sex with women.
  • Log in to Reply driver01z (UID#4754) on November 23rd, 2009 at 4: 15 pm cfhfghk 243 rt wfghsdgf adv fvms cjms indeed. Jerk Off Mom | My[confined]Space
  • A preliminary exhibition of one hundred incunabula from the collection was held before World War II, in 1937, and another after it in 1957, as well as a preliminary exhibition of masterpieces from it in 1954.
  • The results show that coil use did not affect the risk of HPV infection, but was linked to a markedly lower risk of cervix cancer for both major types of the disease -- reducing the likelihood of developing squamous-cell carcinoma by 44 percent and adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma by 54 percent. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Cuomo, 554 F.3d 56 (2009), the panel considered (as relevant here) a claim by a New York attorney that a state law prohibiting possession of a chuka stick (also known as nunchaku, a device used in martial arts consisting of two sticks joined by a rope or chain) violated his Second Amendment right to bear arms. Confirmation Hearings Day Two « AAUW Dialog
  • This year, Consumer Reports ordered 80 small bags of Maine coon cat hair from a cattery and then repeatedly spread 15 grams on an 18-inch by 54-inch strip of carpet. Meet the Sticklers
  • According to the Welfare Commissioner, 10, 29,254 claims were adjudicated till 1999 and in 5, 66,786 cases, compensation was given.

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