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How To Use 2d In A Sentence

  • Textured areas, 512 x 512 (trilinear 15 megatexels/second interpolated, mip-mapped) 2D graphics performance* FAQ: The PC 3D Graphics Accelerators FAQ v0.6 (Part II)
  • Our results suggest that low CYP 2C isozyme activity is a common property of drugs, whereas other isozymes, such as CYP 2D6, show little discrimination between drugs and unoptimized compounds found in screening libraries. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • During their game against the San Diego Chargers at Cowboys Stadium, the Cowboys will use the giant (160 by 72-foot) video wall that hangs 90 feet above the field to show 3D "anaglyph" images that will be created using HDLogix's 2D to 3D conversion system, ImageIQ3D. B&C - Advertising News
  • For the 2D analysis the samples were desalted by diluting the concentrated proteins to 0.5 ml with 10% PBS and re-concentrating them as above. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Sail-trimmer, and Pumpman; a primed candle for each battle-lantern; a thumbstall and vent-guard for the 1st and 2d Captains of each gun. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
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  • Kathleen, a silversmith, has used silver and other metals to create everything from vases to 2D images and sculpture.
  • Working Model Working Model is award-winning desktop based software for analysing and solving engineering problems involving 2D and 3D motion and mechanisms.
  • J2D - a 'stateful' renderer with optimizations for update rate, good for interactive client-side displays. Dashboard RSS Feed
  • But according to Prassides, the superconductivity comes as a surprise because picene molecules arrange themselves in 2D planes much like graphite. all content
  • Iz hom 2day- I hadz choicz- goez ta skool n da kinder zoo trip or takez da poweful pain medicn darvocet n watch da wurld go bai….. 1 out of every 9 ducklings - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Move the Fanatic 2D6 inches in the direction indicated by the arrow on the scatter dice.
  • An autostereogram is a 2d image that when looked at properly, shows a 3d image. Daily DIY
  • Middle pleural area: in Hymenoptera; the median of the three areas between lateral and pleural carinae: = 2d pleural area. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • With conversions, 2D films -- whether newly produced movies or classic titles slotted for release, such as the first two "Toy Story" pics -- are run through a process that turns 2D images into 3D. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • In the 2d clone, the six latest-born nuclei form a unique pattern consisting of three laeotropically skewed columns; as development proceeds, the lower-left nucleus in this array (2d The third quartet micromeres are formed by the dexiotropic division of the 2 M macromeres. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • December 2d I substituted for the ointment a twenty per cent solution of the oleate of mercury, of which he used a drachm morning and evening. The Electric Bath
  • GPU acceleration into the latest Chromium builds to "speed up its entire drawing model, including many common 2D operations such as compositing and image scaling. [H]ardOCP News/Article Feed
  • The last time I checked 2D screens out number 3D screens in America by more then a few thousand. lude All Warner Bros Tentpole Movies Will Be Released in 3D | /Film
  • Belyeu v. Coosa County Board of Education, 998 F. 2d 925 (11th Cir. 1993); see also New York Times v. Sullivan, 364 U.S. 254, 270 (1964) (“profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open”). The Volokh Conspiracy » “Free Speech Has Been a Powerful Force for the Spread of Equality Under the Law”;
  • 2D is all that is needed because a barograph is also required, but not needed to be integrated.
  • D-Day + 2, 22 Dec 89 - 2d Bde, 7th Inf Div (L), deploys to Rio Apologies and Clarifications 2
  • Once you have these coordinates you can overlay textual and visual data on 2D maps and the 3D globe as creatively as your imagination allows.
  • The Magnificat antiphon for 2d Vespers from the Discalced Carmelite usage: 23 January -- Festa in Desponsatione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis
  • _corps d'armée_ staff, the _Head-Quarters of_ [1st or 2d, &c.] _corps d'armée_; that of a division, the _Head-Quarters of_ [1st or 2d, &c.] _division_, [1st or 2d, &c.] _corps d'armée_. Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
  • The sets also have 2D-to-3D conversion which will work with photos and videos as well as movies, plus a new louvre filter that the company says helps them do better in brighter environments. Panasonic's 2011 TV lineup: First 3D LCD series, new entry-level 3D plasmas
  • He had leaned across the double bed and reached for his bag, remembering even as he thrust his hand inside that the book he was half-way through was now probably some - where above the Atlantic, jammed firmly into seat-pocket 22D, between the lifejacket instructions and the boak-poke. Not the End of the World
  • On the European lignivorous insects, see Siemoni, Manuale d'Arte Forestale, 2d edizione, pp. 369-379. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • IN anfwcr to the note delivered yefterday, November 26, by Lord Malmeftury, the underfigned miniftef for foreign affairs is inftrufted by the Direftory to obferve, that the anfwers made 'on the 5th and 22d of lail Brumaire contained an acknow-i ledgement of the principle of compenfation, and that, in order to remove every pretext for farther difcuflion on that point, the underfigned, in the name of the Executive Dire6lory, now makes. A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ...
  • You can argue about whether this is a particularly good way of determining what tools people use, but given what they compiled, you can't conclude 2D is more prevalent than 3D.
  • (If the images are recti fi ed, 1D search can interre fl ections in the scene and "fogging" inside the pro - be performed, else 2D search is required.) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • All the dad-blasted whippersnappers will be effortlessly streaming multisense through their inter-cranial brain-to-cloud hookups, while you try desperately to find some information formatted for your treasured, antique 2D touchscreen. here. The Register
  • Working on a theme of deception and constraints mandating that we must include “a sink, a wink or a rink”, we built the 2d side-scroller “Panda Dragoon: Bees on Ice” with the aid of the Unity engine. Global Game Jam 2010 : KillerCodingNinjaBunny
  • And also the one from the Green Cross Code adverts that looked suspiciously like R2D2 although admittedly he's perhaps not quirte so internationally recognised
  • Discovery into the shallop about 20 leagues from the place where they wintered, about 22d of June shall be 6 years in June next, as he heard from the rest of the company, for this examinate had his nails frozen off, and was very sick at the time. Henry Hudson A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements
  • General average: 1st, 12.64 sec.: 2d, 36.45 sec. What is here called ideated movement -- by which is understood the idea of a change in spatial relations which accompanies a shifting of the attention or a change in the mental attitude, as distinguished from the sense of movements actually executed -- was recognized as such by one of the subjects, who says: "When the two objects are before me I am conscious of what seem to be images of movement, or ideated movements, not actual movements. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Nascent 2D crystallites try to minimize their surface energy and inevitably morph into one of the rich variety of stable 3D structures that occur in soot. Haddock Links
  • The characters are flat 2D and well-animated as are the spell effects and whatnot, but time has passed unkindly, and the graphics lack any real zing.
  • Pleasant, thinks I. 'Here, boy, let's have a look at this precious little account -- hum! ha! hunting-saddle, gag-bit for Lamplighter, head-piece and reins to ditto, ~317~~" racing-saddle for chestnut mare, 'etc., etc., etc.; a horrid affair as long as my arm -- total £96 18s. 2d. Frank Fairlegh Scenes From The Life Of A Private Pupil
  • Sandwiched in the middle of the semiconductor are two layers of quantum wells in which the electrons and holes are created and confined to a 2D world.
  • Add to that the already taxing process of producing the film in differing formats (i.e. 2D film, 2D digital, 3D, IMAX, etc.), plus the burden of an international day-and-date release, and you have a logistical nightmare. Fox Created 18 Different Versions of Avatar for the U.S., Over 100 Versions Worldwide | /Film
  • Side below which a rugid black rock about 20 feet biter than the Common high fluds of the river with Several dry Chapels which appeared to Choke the river up quite across; this I took to be the 2d falls or the place the nativs above call timm, The nativs of this village reived me verry kindly, one of whome envited me into his house, which I found to be large and comodious, and the first wooden houses in which Indians have lived Since we left those in the vicinty of the The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Through parameters definition and function modularization design, one set of control software was programmed based on S7-200PLC, which was tested in CNC machine constructing with Siemens 802D.
  • To architects who typically work in 2D to design buildings with square corners and vertical walls, such modeling may seem overly complicated.
  • In this paper, base-band signal is returned by 2DPSK modulation signal. The algorithms of receiving and sending carrier frequency synchronization in digital communication receiver are suggested.
  • In respect of state and condition, Jesus Christ stands in a fivefold relation to this house, -- viz., 1st, As the owner; 2dly, The builder; 3dly, The watchman or keeper; 4thly, The inhabiter; 5thly, The avenger: each of which I shall unfold in order. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Rafal Kozik, £1.49 Although something of an acquired taste, the board game's winning mix of strategy and competition seems to translate unerringly to iPad, as does building colourful networks of railways across North America against the computer, friends or strangers online.iPad only, Days Of Wonder, £4.99 With side-on 2D courses that defy both conventional architecture and the laws of physics, Super Stickman Golf is a beautifully made game of risk and reward. IPod, iPhone & iPad games round-up
  • The power amp section contains a large, very heavy, power transformer and uses 15,000 microfarad capacitors which give the SX-880 about 2db of dynamic headroom. More of Mephistopheles - novel gans title, loses some cohesion and some other stuff like Utah Saints
  • These ocular spectra are of four kinds: 1st, Such as are owing to a less sensibility of a defined part of the retina; or _spectra from defect of sensibility. _ 2d, Such as are owing to a greater sensibility of a defined part of the retina; or _spectra from excess of sensibility_. 3d, Such as resemble their object in its colour as well as form; which may be termed Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Waol, I nawt can haz enny kaffeen 2dai, sew haow bowt rum n coak 4 evvyboddee? Stop watchin me, is tryin - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The law of 2D scanning beam-pointing drift wideband working plane phased array is revealed in this paper.
  • In the meantime, the 2d Battalion of the 271 Regiment, moving forward in a column, engaged the northernmost company.
  • As it is doubtful that the dimensionalisation was done by anybody working on the film and instead probably knocked out by a promotions or design company purists might want to just filter this down to clean 2D by looking at it through anaglyphic specs with one eye closed. Alice in Wonderland 3D Concept Art | /Film
  • It will be sufficient to explain my reason for having assigned it to them, by the avowal, that I regard them in a twofold point of view: 1st, as the residue and product of vegetable and animal life; 2d, as manifesting the tendencies of the Life of Nature to vegetation or animalization. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • In State v. McCarty 434 N. W.2d 67 (S.D. 1988), the court ruled that a statutory declaration that the partition ratio is 2100: 1 did not create an unconstitutional irrebuttable presumption. Problems with New Impaired Driving Legislation : Law is Cool
  • Peter got on Jaguar 5.12d (21 bolts), a long route with a crux jump from tufa to tufa, kinda what the route's first ascensionist envisioned a jaguar might do if he was crazy enough to be hanging around in this cave! Undefined
  • And provided above can connect to below, and left to right, we can wire up a list of lists of processes (i.e. a 2D grid in waiting) into a torus, that is a grid where the top edge connects to the bottom edge and the left edge to the right edge (as is often the case in old arcade games): wrappedGrid:: (Connectable above below, Connectable left right) = > Planet Haskell
  • This paper illustrates good prospective to seek gas hydrate in the Continental Slope and Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea, according to the research of 2D seismic profiles surveyed by our bureau.
  • Thz, Jimmba, Its hot heer 2dai, soe sumfing looooong an cooool plsthx! Ceiling cat luvs meh, dis i know! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Evidence from the solubility, 2D-NOESY results and ITC analysis suggest that encapsulation and electrostatic interaction together caused the solubility enhancement of phenylbutazone.
  • You don't need to do this to label contours, this function only extracts the 2d polylines from the surface to Say: use in a surface definition, or for hatching etc. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • At last convert the cutter location data into NC code which can be used on the Siemens 802D NC system through post processing.
  • Gohst Rider: I am agree too that the 3D fire was a big mistake and it didn't look good but believe me there is no film that they made a 3D realistic fire … it is impossible for now … even weta and ILM use real scan fire and mixed in 2D …. Check This Out: Hancock TV Spot «
  • 2D: Have a break at 4: 00, say (take tea) - when I first learned what "zeugma" was, this was the example: Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle
  • The page is no longer 2d as things are emerging from front to back, buttons are depressible etc. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • To architects who typically work in 2D to design buildings with square corners and vertical walls, such modeling may seem overly complicated.
  • After working primarily with smalti on 2D projects, I decided it was time to try something different - just for fun. Mosaic Art Source
  • The chip's software utilises these pipelines for 3D graphics acceleration and to provide video manipulation in 2D mode.
  • The Army's transition places a medium cavalry unit, the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment, at Fort Polk.
  • In the preferred embodiment, the air outlet 16 is comprised of a louvered vent 16a integrally molded into at least one side surface 12c, 12d of the housing 12.
  • The dongle is a HUAWEI Technology usb modem, Vendor number 12d1, product id 1520. Fedora People
  • Blach says the firm began generating 2D plans, elevations, and section drawings very early in the design process.
  • There is absolutely no rule saying that I am bound to the 2d map, or even to think in squares, but nearly everyone seems to be locked into that mindset already. D&D 4e’s Out… And It’s Awful. Here’s Why « Geek Related
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  • Vitamin D then undergoes hydroxylation to calcidiol (25-OHD3) in the liver and becomes the major circulating form, and then to calcitriol (vitamin D3 hormone; 1alpha 25 - (OH) 2D3) in the kidney. 1alpha, 25 - (OH) 2D3 is carried systemically to distal target organs where it binds to a vast array of nuclear receptors to generate its appropriate biological response. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • - VM states can now be restored from arbitrary snapshots instead of only the last one, and new snapshots can be taken from other snapshots as well (aka branched snapshots) - 2D video acceleration for Windows guests; use the host video hardware for overlay stretching and colour conversion Fileforum
  • In the meantime, the 2d Battalion of the 271 Regiment, moving forward in a column, engaged the northernmost company.
  • I gave silver to the Tavern but the E-Z Terrain cliffs are so much neater than both these 2d tiles! 2009 ENnies Winners – Questionable At Best « Geek Related
  • A simplified 2D axial symmetry model was founded against the features of steel stick in flash butt welding. The temperature field was simulated utilizing ANSYS software.
  • Revolutionaay [sic] Tribunal passed on the 22d Prairial (June 10), which he alone devised – and which was badly received. Moniteur/Morning Chronicle
  • Point3d secondPoint, Line2d line): base (arc) {_arc = arc; _dragPoint = dragPoint; _firstPoint = firstPoint; All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • The 2d Rhode Island, which was at the head of the column, was now ordered to send out skirmishers; also the carbineer company, Captain History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • If you change the value of a dimension, the size and shape of the 3D model changes parametrically, and the 2D drafting views update accordingly.
  • On the road, Colin meets various 2D comedy locals who help and hinder him in his travels.
  • On the 22d of January they set out upon this expedition, and early in the afternoon arrived at Port Jackson, which is distant about three leagues. The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay With an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island (1789)
  • The side with the tick boxes also contains an encrypted 2D barcodeunique to that ballot.
  • In 1878 S.r S.afford Northcote's Budget, described as "unambitious", increased the duty on dogs and tobacco and raised income tax by 2d; Mrs Brassey published "The Voyage of the S.nbeam", an account of her round-the-world cruise by yacht; the phonograph ( "an instrument which prints sound for subsequent reproduction by electricity") was a popular novelty; and Gilbert and S.llivan's H.M.S. Pinafore had its first night on May 25 at the Opera Comique. Watershed
  • We regarded the 2D projection plane as an interactive plane to ascertain the area of the cut bone.
  • Median nervules: in Lepidoptera (Holland) 1st = cubitus 2 (Comst.): 2d cubitus 1 (Comst.); 3d = media 3 (Comst.). Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • On the 2d of February, while passing through a narrow lane inclosed on both sides with hedges, we were assaulted by above 300 rajputs, where we could not hurt them, as they did our caffila or caravan by their arrows and shot. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The traditional 2D animated film started dying out right around the time that opening weekend numbers exploded (summer 2001), so there's only so much fair comparison to be made between this 2009 film and the films from the lower opening but leggier 1990s. Scott Mendelson: HuffPost Weekend Box Office Review: Princess and the Frog Puts Disney 2D Animation on Top
  • Elsewhere, 09/09/09 was a double-header day in games: less celebrated for the 10th anniversary of the cut-down-in-its-prime Dreamcast, which Sega celebrated by announcing a return to Sonic the Hedgehog's roots with a new hi-def 2D game due in 2010, while a group of indies announced Rush Rush Rally Racing, the first new Western-made game for the console in many years. Boing Boing
  • Should Spain pretend, as has been intimated, that there was a secret article of treaty between the United States and Great Britain, agreeing, if at the close of the war the latter should retain the Floridas, that then the southern boundary of Georgia should be the completion of the 32d degree of latitude, the commissioners may safely deny all knowledge of the fact, and refuse conference on any such postulatum. Reports and Opinions While Secretary of State
  • The URSEIS seismic profile images the 2D crustal profile from the surface outcrop of the Dzhabyk batholith to the upper mantle.
  • Additional seismic profiles have been used to build a grid of 2D models, which tie at line intersections to ensure consistency between the profiles illustrated here.
  • DNS computations for the 2D, viscous, incompressible NS equations in a doubly periodic domain have been carried out for kinematic viscosities down to sizes typically considered reasonable for real fluids. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
  • Whether the 2d Amend's introductory phrase is precatory or limiting, the amendment says that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. What effect will the Supreme Court's gun case have on the '08 election?
  • When running in 2D mode, the graphics has a memory footprint as small as 1MB.
  • Instead of being a straightforward 2D side scroller, the player must utilize all directions in order to be successful.
  • We haz dailite sabin tiem frum lass Sundai in March 2 last Sundai in Oct. Sunset juss affer 8pm 2dai. ICat may not be compatible with other Apple products. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • New integers acquired ensure that the information loss would not happen while doing derivation with 2D-experimental data array.
  • Oh, and since I always get called a pothead for saying things like that, so I'll go ahead and mention I've never smoked pot in my life. ne2d: Can someone explain to me again how the government is different from the mafia? Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Median area: of wings in Orthoptera, lies between the radial and ulnar veins, radius and media (Comst.): of meta-thorax of Hymenoptera, is the middle of the dorsum, divided into three spaces or cells; 1st or basal area, 2d or Lipper median or areola; 3d or apical or petiolar area. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • _The History of Tammany Hall. _ 2d ed.rev. and enl. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • Manipulating it is simple enough thanks to an orb capable of 2D movement, zooming and rotation on both axes.
  • For similar reasons, 2D sheets only display nicely if their codomain is 8 bits deep.
  • At the Court 31st March, 23 Eliz., he incurred a penalty of 4d. for not having and exercising bows; for not wearing cappes 4d.; for leaving his swine unringed in the fields 12d. Shakespeare's Family
  • European lignivorous insects, see Siemoni, Manuale d'Arte Forestale, 2d edizione, pp. 369-379.] The Earth as Modified by Human Action
  • In the absence of a reasonable or founded suspicion that a person in custody is concealing weapons or contraband, a person in custody on a misdemeanor or other minor offense has a constitutional right to be free from warrantless strip searches (see People v Kelley, 306 AD2d 699, 700 [2003], lv denied 1 NY3d 598 [2004]; People v Jennings, 297 AD2d 644 [2002]). First Department
  • The torpedo is evidently a CHT-02D, with a diameter of 21 inches and weight of 1.7 tons, and a payload of 250 kg - which s consistent with the size of the explosion. Cards of Wu
  • On the 2d of October Mr. McPherson arrived from Canada, and I forthwith demitted the charge. Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory Volume II. (of 2)
  • She had reduced her joke-provoking bustline from 42D to 34B and instead of squeezing herself into ill-fitting size 20 tops and elasticated skirts, she could take her pick from the high street size 12 rails.
  • Colonel Lewis B. " Chesty " Puller, the regimental commander of the 1st Marines, left late that afternoon by rail with the 2d Battalion, 1st Marines, "to clear up the situation.
  • In 2D NMR, the chemical "piano" is hit with pulses of varying lengths and intervals. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1991 - Presentation Speech
  • This new kid-friendly video series combines live action with cutting edge special effects and animatronics, plus 2D and 3D animation.
  • My comments refer to the 2D plus time scenario, which besides being easier to visualize is the one which is usually illustrated in physics books. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • Potassium channel membrane protein will be heterologously expressed, purified, and structurally analyzed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy, or by 2D crystallization and electron crystallography. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Unfortunately there were minor frame rate issues (which in a 2D game is pretty unacceptable, especially on a machine as powerful as N-Gage), and the screen is letterboxed by default, although this can be changed.
  • Remainder of the 2d Bde, 7th Inf Div (L) (3-17th Inf) Deploys and closes in Panama. Apologies and Clarifications 2
  • This paper illustrates good prospective to seek gas hydrate in the Continental Slope and Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea, according to the research of 2D seismic profiles surveyed by our bureau.
  • Standard capabilities, such as contrast stretching and 2D scatter plot.
  • From the 2d nocturn in the old Carmelite breviary: 29 December -- St Thomas of Canterbury
  • Seen here is a 2D stroboscopic history of the collision of four diatomic molecules, a tetratomic molecule, and an atom.
  • Also out of a ducal coronet, Or, a swan rousant Argent, ducally collared and chained of the 1st, holding in its beak Sable, an os - trich feather of the 2dj (which crest was granted to his Lordship, vol. 11. 2 1 Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • The image deformation tools let you drag the corners of a 2D image to deform it, perhaps to change or emphasize perspective effects.
  • Results 2D-US showed differences in Sharp, Diameter, Capsule and Echo between Pleomorphic adenoma and Adenolymphoma .
  • Pennsylvania, and settled _over_ the mountains, -- upon which account, the Six Nations became so irritated, that in the year 1766 they killed several persons, and denounced a general war against the middle colonies; and to appease them, and to avoid such a public calamity, a detachment of the 42d regiment of root was _that year_ sent from the garrison of Fort Pitt, to remove such settlers as were seated at _Red Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the Petition of the Honourable Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent, and Samuel Wharton, Esquires, and their Associates 1772
  • The findings add to an accumulation of evidence suggesting that inhibition of the cytochrome P450 2D6 isozyme (CYP2D6) may adversely affect outcomes in breast cancer patients taking tamoxifen. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • There are simply no bigger names in the robot acting community than C3P0 and R2D2.
  • With Star Wars and Inception returning in stereoscopic vision – and three-dimensional HBO due to launch – is 2D dead? Blurred vision on the 3D bandwagon
  • And what you don't know about the man with the Mario Vine is that the Mario Vine is one of the most elusive and therefore sought-after pieces of vinery in all of 2d-dom. With luck, the last WMAM as a not-doctoral candidate
  • Flavonoid spots were detected by viewing the 2D-PCs in visible and UV light.
  • This paper introduces to use the CL-02DS Chinese designing display cell witch cooperate with the program design to realize the recording function.
  • You can plot 2D graphs and you can work with matrices, do complex integrals, calculate very large factorials, and that's the most simple stuff. try matrices: or differential equations: First Look At Wolfram Alpha’s Impressive Knowledge Computation | Lifehacker Australia
  • However, the 2D8 probe failed to hybridize to the species within the following outgroups: S. pseudocapsicum, S. suaveolens, S. dulcamara, and C. pubescens.
  • · VM states can now be restored from arbitrary snapshots instead of only the last one, and new snapshots can be taken from other snapshots as well (aka branched snapshots) · 2D video acceleration for Windows guests; use the host video hardware for overlay stretching and colour conversion Softpedia - Windows - All
  • For a 2D TV cartoon, like the Simpsons or Kim Possible, a highly skilled commercial artist might be able do 40 or 50 separate drawings a day.
  • New Super Mario Bros. is a terrific 2D side-scroller that makes you think of the old games but never feels like it's just cashing in on past success.
  • The covariant form of the metric tensor is expressed in terms of three parameters, m, e, and a by ds2 = ρ2dθ2 – 2a sin2θdrdφ + 2drdu + … Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
  • The question on this appeal is therefore whether, when viewed in the light most favorable to the People, the evidence adduced at trial showed that Cabrera's conduct constituted "not only a failure to perceive a risk of death, but also some serious blameworthiness in the conduct that caused it" (Boutin, 75 NY2d at 696). NY Court of Appeals
  • Capsized feel very different from your standard 2D platformer, which is kind of the point. Ars Technica
  • One figure, we shall say, was visible in the first plate of characters, bearded, pistol in hand, or drawing to his ear the clothyard arrow; I would spell the name: was it Macaire, or Long Tom Coffin, or Grindoff, 2d dress? Memories and Portraits
  • Both diagrams refer to the same compounds, but the depicted graph representations are not identical. b 2D diagram of ferrocene, which, like all organometallic compounds, is difficult to represent with classical chemoinformatics approaches. Archive 2008-01-01
  • See Williams v. Illinois State Scholarship Comm’n, 139 Ill. 2d 24, 72, 150 Ill.Dec. 578, 563 N. E.2d 465, 487 (1990) “A contract of adhesion is generally found under circumstances in which a party has, in effect, no choice but to accept the contract offered, often where the buyer does not have the opportunity to do comparative shopping or the organization offering the contract has little or no competition.” The Volokh Conspiracy » After Stolt-Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds Int’l Corp.: Deciding When Class Arbitration Is Permissible
  • Then things go over my head, involving a process called Delaunay tetrahedralisation to turn the 2D surfaces into a 3D model. Wired Top Stories
  • But if it were animated in a more traditional 2D style, the soul of each film would remain intact.
  • The graphics in the 2D sections of the game don't look too bad, although some of the animations are pretty stilted.
  • February 13th, 2009 at 5: 38 pm b8110e72d2 oxycontin diazepam liver damage a1817 diazepam overnight 9c337 diazepam Says: Matthew Yglesias » When the CW Is Right
  • Move the Fanatic 2D6 inches in the direction indicated by the arrow on the scatter dice.
  • The over-complete dictionary, which is built on anisotropic refinement and rotation of 2D nonseparable Mexican hat wavelet, can efficiently capture edge characteristics present in natural images.
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  • Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of insulin glargine, acarbose and benazepril in the combined treatment of early-stage diabetic nephropathy(DN) in type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).
  • Batsheba used Wizard's mathematical data for the crystal visualization and explains: "This 3D projection is notable for showing all 240 vertices, arranged in the concentric circles that appear in the common 2D "spirograph" rendering of this polytope. Own the universe - and a piece of Second Life - in Real Life
  • On the 2d we succeeded, after considerable difficulty, in fording it, still deep and rapid, even at its lowest stage, and left it, passing through a large prairie, and finally halted at the entrance of Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • I prototyped the idea in a 2D view of such a wall with this code. Wolfram Blog : Designing the Brick Wall of the Future
  • Berkeley, born January 2d, 1780, M.P. for the county of Anglesea, Major in the Jth Regiment of dragoons; married, No - vember 22d, 1804, Sophia, daughter of the Hon. Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • [...] di esperienza, la co-creazione in termini di brand e mercato che ha portato Dell a rispondere a DellHell con Direct2Dell ed IdeaStorm. Dear Mr. Dell « BuzzMachine
  • The 82d Airborne Division routinely trains to make heavy airdrops, but the Afghanistan fuel drop was the first combat drop in years (perhaps since the Vietnam War).
  • A method that projected 3D space-time signal to 2D space signal to integrate images for detecting dim point moving target from image sequences was suggested.
  • The result shows that the better classify performance of tongue-color is in aesthesia color-space, apperceive color-space and 2D chrominance planes include luminance.
  • Note that (2c) & (2d) are both correct because non-pronominal NPs are “zero-marked” in English. 2009 October « Motivated Grammar
  • A description of the medal, beginning with the obverse: 1st, the whole legend; 2d, the description of the emblems and devices; 3d, the legend of the exergue; 4th, the names of the designer and of the engraver. The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • [G] Matthiæ attempts to explain these words as follows: "εμπυροι ακμαι may be put for τα εμπυρα, in which the seers observed (ενωμων) two things, viz. the divisions (‛ ρηξεις) of the flame, which, if it slid round the altars, was of ill omen (hence ‛ υγραι, i.e. gliding gently around the altars with many curves, for which is put ‛ υγροτης εναντια); and 2dly, _the upright shooting of the flame_, ακραν λαμπαδα. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • The failure process of the model was simulated by RFPA2D software. Simulation results show three failure modes of gravity dam, such as surficial slide, deep slide and mixed slide.
  • It's a 2D platformer, which is basically a rehashed Mario game. QJ.NET
  • It is known that due to the bolometric effect dipole excitation of electrons can effectively heat the 2DES and change its resistance.
  • In the mouth medication, we can determine accurate 3D-world coordinate from their 2D image coordinate, and compute the length of tooth root according to a non-contract camera.
  • On each side of every repp stripe two ends of the satin warp must be entered on the 2 binder shafts (2d section), to prevent the ends of the satin to slide over into the repp stripes. Theory of Silk Weaving A Treatise on the Construction and Application of Weaves, and the Decomposition and Calculation of Broad and Narrow, Plain, Novelty and Jacquard Silk Fabrics
  • Microsoft Mathematics Add-in for Word and OneNote makes it easy to plot graphs in 2D and 3D, calculate numerical results, solve equations or inequalities, and simplify algebraic expressions in your Word documents and OneNote notebooks. Site Home
  • Here are the highlights: you can use any 3D GPS for your badge flights, or a 2D GPS accompanied by a barograph, or even an IGC flight recorder.
  • On the 22d of August, 1696, this baby, a puny, fretful boy, was carried down the street of Port Royal, Jamaica, and on board the "barkentine Stories of Childhood
  • (Fig. 2C, light bar) and palmitate (Fig. 2D, light bar), but 150% lower levels of behenic acid ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The separative 2D images of each radical were individually constructed using the spatial function obtained with the two methods.
  • It enables operators to convert new and existing 2D programs to 3D that can be decoded in advanced set-tops and played back in either 2D or 3D, depending on viewer demands.
  • The graphics are 2D sprites and tiled backgrounds instead of a 3D engine that most modern games use.
  • Currently, three types of translators are available: 2D, 3D surfaces and 3D solids.
  • I want to write a program in VB. net that should call cad environment to draw a 2d sketch. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • While, KIR2DL1 exhibits C2 specificity and recognizes HLA-C alleles with Lys 80 (e.g. HLA-Cw4 and HLA-Cw6), KIR2DL2 has C1 specificity and recognizes alleles with Asn 80 (e.g. Cw3). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • August 20, 2008 at 6:36 am sank yoo…ai kina feelz liek ai has teh dumb 2dai. nawt enuff sleepiez, tew menny nitemaers frum wachin peeps plaein Contagion las nite. duz we haz a lil yawny faec? Thank you… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I left home on the 22d day of this month for what I call a northern trip. The Anderson Surpriser. Written after He Was Seventy-Five Years of Age. The Author Was Born in Liberty County, Ga., on the 22d Day of February, in the Year of Our Lord, 1819, and United with the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Year 1839. This Book Conta
  • They game levels up like an RPG but plays like a 2D side-scroller fighter. Think Progress » Yoo: Congress Cannot Stop the President From Using Nukes
  • By the term adaptation, we mean such choice of style, material, size and arrangement as shall fit the structure: 1st, to the site; 2d, to the climate; and 3d, to the uses for which it is built. Woodward's Country Homes
  • By adapting matrix calculation method for using MATLAB drawing graph technology, 2D and 3D function graphs could be drawn, which is widely applied for science research and engineering technology.
  • Rice could be bought at 2d a pound and sago and sugar at 3d a pound.
  • Greek “Asper,” some silver; and representing, when at par, the fortieth of a piastre, the latter = 2d. 2/5ths. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

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