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  1. the decade from 1860 to 1869

How To Use 1860s In A Sentence

  • During the New Zealand Land Wars of the 1860s land scrip was issued to soldiers in recognition of their service and to assist their rehabilitation.
  • Going back to France in the 1860s, the word "academy" has connoted everything avant-garde artists have clamored to escape: It meant state control of their careers and it forced them to work in a realistic style and within approved genres, such as history and mythology, instead of developing new kinds of art. The Academic Dilemma
  • In the mid-1860s, he succeeded in mixing it with an inert absorbent material.
  • On Hampstead Heath the Corporation of London is considering the closure of the open-air bathing ponds which have succoured swimmers, amputees and mild exhibitionists since the 1860s.
  • In the 1860s they had brought Indian indentured labourers to work in the sugarcane plantations of Natal.
  • Before the 1860s, Pimas had maintained their agricultural fields and irrigation canals based on knowledge from a long history of agricultural subsistence.
  • Not only does he appropriate the customary male garb of the early 1860s, but additionally appropriates the gendered-male, socially transgressive act of gambling.
  • In the 1860s, there was widespread concern that, by the turn of the century, there would be an insufficient number of people to go round picking up all the horse dung from the carriages. Look How Clever We Are !
  • Since the 1860s the Norway spruce has been the traditional tree, but now firs, less prone to needle-drop, have become fashionable.
  • Americans had demonstrated in the years leading up to the 1770s and 1860s that they were a ‘nation of joiners.’
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