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How To Use 1840s In A Sentence

  • In the 1840s the term communism came into use to denote loosely a militant leftist form of socialism; it was associated with the writings of Étienne Cabet and his theories of common ownership. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It was the advent of telegraphy that started the most important shift towards full blown globalisation in the 1840s, and in the process invented news and hence the mass media.
  • In the 1840s an astronomer called Urbain Le Verrier noticed there was something wrong with the orbit of Mercury. The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time it goes round the sun.
  • He will market his A-listed town house - which is in Kirklee Terrace and dates from the 1840s - in the new year at offers over £750,000.
  • Nothing remains of the old Holy Trinity burial ground, which dates back to the 1840s - it was deconsecrated in the 1970s - apart from the old wall and three gravestones.
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  • The city of Boerne was established by German settlers in the 1840s.
  • Since the 1840s there has been an unbroken link between horses and Victoria's Bogong High Plains.
  • Some conclude that by the 1840s pickpockets and shoplifters alike tended to be adults and professional thieves.
  • Although Philadelphians were intrigued by the invention of the daguerreotype, photographic portraits did not fully meet their needs during the 1840s and 1850s.
  • By the end of the 1840s over one million Irish had perished from hunger and associated disease and another two million had emigrated to escape the misery.
  • The word "khaki," derived from the Hindi word for dust, traditionally refers to a specific color -- a shade of tan or beige -- and the term was used as far back as the 1840s to refer to the cotton twill uniforms worn by British colonial forces in India. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • From the 1840s to the Civil War, Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing from famine spurred the growth of cities and provided the labor for canal building and railroad construction.
  • When the arches were built in the 1840s, the stonework was rusticated patterned by hand to create a dimpled effect on the surface.
  • The collapse of the potato culture by the 1840s and 1850s led to a decimation of the cottier and laborer class that had relied so heavily on female productive work. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Even Horace Mann, the best known of the education reformers in the 1840s, lamented the slow progress of his efforts, labeling his opponents as "an extensive conspiracy" of "political madmen.
  • Indeed, blaming bad local governance and the existence of corrupt middlemen is like concluding that our sleeveens and gombeen-men of the 1840s were responsible for the Famine.
  • In fact, a real network culture developed only in the 1840s and this is studied by Caron in the second part of his book.
  • But in the prudish 1840s, women were expected to know their place - and it did not involve depicting headstrong, passionate women who became enamoured with married men.
  • This fetishism about scenic detail develops in the 1830s and 1840s.
  • From the 1840s to the Civil War, Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing from famine spurred the growth of cities and provided the labor for canal building and railroad construction.
  • During the 1840s and 1850s, the abolitionist movement–a social movement organized in the North to abolish the institution of slavery–gained support.
  • (McDonald was referring to the politics of the 1830s and 1840s, when "good issues ... included protective tariffs and the recharter of the Bank of the United States; emphatically not good issues, because they were genuinely moral and potentially explosive, were slavery and Indian policy.") Close Up: The Mind of George W. Bush
  • I learned that the cakewalk, a highstepping dance, began on Southern plantations in the 1840s.
  • Under his leadership in the 1840s, the Swazis expanded their territory to the Northwest and stabilized the southern frontier with the Zulus.
  • From the 1840s, railways revolutionised the speed of communication and the transport of passengers and, more gradually, freight.
  • Professor Bell pointed out that Delany, like H.nry H. Garnet, had been anti-colonizationist in the 1840s. An Exchange on Black History
  • One house is as it was in the 1840s, when owned by Jewish watchmakers; another as in the 1870s, and another now appears as it did in the 1930s.
  • Meanwhile burgeoning transoceanic commerce, resulting in regular and improved shipping (steamships were introduced by the 1840s), facilitated the migration process.
  • Within Soyer's career there were also suggestive parallels with that of another ambitious Frenchman living in London in the 1840s: Louis-Napoléon Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • But in the prudish 1840s, women were expected to know their place - and it did not involve depicting headstrong, passionate women who became enamoured with married men.
  • A trickle of visitors soon turned to a flood and the Silesian peasant was, by the beginning of the 1840s, personally ministering to hundreds of valetudinarians a year.
  • This was an extremely rich cliff-edge mine that was worked for a few years in the 1840s, and I was able to use the cobble to show why the mine was abandoned.
  • By the 1840s, the clamor for intelligence by brokers and other investors had already resulted in a telegraph operating between New York and Philadelphia.
  • Indeed, during the 1830s and 1840s, the terms stagecoach and mail coach were interchangeable.
  • Before the great auk became extinct in the 1840s, you could have been pardoned for making the classic mistake and supposing there were penguins in the Arctic as well as the Antarctic, the cold north as well as the cold south.
  • In the 1840s, the Irish mathematician William Hamilton found that multiplication was not commutative in all number systems.
  • Coffee was introduced into the central highlands in the 1840s, and quickly became the most important cash crop.
  • Hand-loom weaving survived much longer, but growing immiseration was the lot of its practitioners by the 1840s.
  • The sly hint is that this belongs - like so many 1960s attitudes - back in the romantic 1840s of an idealistic, bygone century.
  • It's possible that Congress could retrocede all or most of the District to Maryland, just as it retroceded the Virginia part of the District (which originally included a chunk of Virginia) in the 1840s to Virginia.
  • This building dates back to the 1840s and was the Governor House for the mid 19th century prison.
  • The so-called defense of Angus McMillan’s Bushy Park, and innumerable one-sided skirmishes elsewhere in Gippsland during the 1840s, for which the squatters’ justification was usually some form of legitimate reprisal for thefts of cattle, or fictitious attacks on white settlers (even a few real ones), effectively combined to wipe out most of the Aborigines of East Gippsland within a span of ten years, roughly extending from 1840 to 1850. Archive 2009-03-01
  • From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
  • The society embraced peace advocates of every persuasion, although in the 1840s it found the attraction of absolute pacifism very strong.
  • The calicoes in no.789 can be dated to the 1840s and 1850s based on motif and color.
  • Increased travel by pugilists, pedestrians, rowers, and wrestlers from the 1840s had a direct link with the railways.
  • The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.
  • Taney's citizenship ruling continued a practice to which a majority of the Court had been committed since slavery cases began making regular appearances on the docket in the early 1840s.
  • The city of Boerne was established by German settlers in the 1840s.
  • Cranford" (PBS), a three-part "Masterpiece Classic" on life in an 1840s English village, addressed poverty, education, class, the role of women, child labor and more -- all in a work profoundly romantic and plentifully endowed with heartbreak, misprized love, matches made in heaven and the other sort. Live From New York, a Miracle
  • His arias became more expressive in the 1840s, but he also continued to use popular song types such as barcarolles, ballades, and chansons.
  • Even in the 1840s the pond was visited frequently by fishermen and woodcutters, and Thoreau could hear the rumble of the Boston-to-Fitchburg railroad as it passed along the western shore.
  • Until the 1840s, screws had a flat or blunt tip, which necessitated drilling a lead hole first in order to start the screw.
  • The association with back-breaking labor in ungodly heat and humidity for meager wages or bare-existence trade is how field workers from 1840s to 1970s felt. High Cotton (copy)
  • The table indicates that significant recruitment of marriage partners from Ireland continued up to the 1840s; within this group, the pattern of southern Avalon women marrying Irish men was two to three times more common than the reverse, once again emphasizing the importance of matrilocality in initially establishing an Irish population in the area. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • The next step was the glasshouses built by Joseph Paxton at Chatsworth in the 1830s and developed in the 1840s by Richard Turner for the botanical gardens at Kew, Dublin, and Belfast.
  • The demand for self-government in New South Wales in the 1840s came from the rich squatters who objected to Governor Gipps attempting to make them pay more for their land.
  • Antebellum nationalism, as it surfaced in Jacksonian rhetoric of the 1830s and early 1840s, acknowledged the aesthetic problem of originality and dependency, but it also turned to a separate, though related, critical concern: the popularity of British books and its effect on 'An Anti-Democratic Habit of Feeling': Nationalism and the Rhetoric of Toryism in O'Sullivan's Democratic Review
  • The conditions in the sweatshops of south east Asia are reminiscent of the way in which Engels described conditions in the north of England in the 1840s.
  • The Tea Party candidate represents the worst species of brazenness, brainlessness, knavery, and hypocrisy since the Know-Nothings of the 1840s and 1850s, a party driven by popular fears that the country would be taken over by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, hostile to Anglo-Saxon values. Robert Brustein: Reviling Obama
  • Virchow entered medicine in the early 1840s, when nearly every disease was attributed to the workings of some invisible force: miasmas, neuroses, bad humors, and hysterias. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The revisionist view of Cromwell as a liberator rather than a regicide was the work of Thomas Carlyle in the 1840s, and a result of Carlyle's friendship with Emerson. The Man Who Ended Slavery
  • By the 1840s, however, there was growing interest in antiques, and this bowl may well have been given to the church as a historical relic.
  • The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.
  • While upper-class dueling had become rare by the 1840s, highly ritualized forms of working-class fighting continued throughout the century.
  • In churchmanship he moved in the early 1840s from less than wholehearted defence of civil establishments of religion to vehement voluntaryism and opposition to state aid to all churches.
  • Signs nailed to trees were the principal method of distributing news and information in Gippsland during the 1840s. Ugly Horsewhipping Episode in East Gippsland
  • During the 1840s Melun hoped to resurrect the corporative system in a new form appropriate to nineteenth-century conditions, by bringing together Christian masters and their apprentices in a patronage.
  • Prohibition—the legislated imposition of teetotalism on the unwilling—was an idea that had been lurking beneath the earnest pieties of the temperance movement and was transformed in the late 1840s into a rallying cry. LAST CALL
  • As early as the 1840s, it was suggested that the efficiency of the lens could be counteracted by using faulty ones.
  • In the middle of the studio is an 1840s four-poster bed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have we really moved since the 1840s, when gentrification was seen as the only way to educate the masses?
  • The whole area watered by the West River had by the 1840s become violently unstable.
  • In the latter half of the 1840s, Britain was plunged into deep depression.
  • In the 1840s, the Ardverikie Estate was leased by the Duke of Abercorn, a senior aide to Prince Albert, the queen's husband.
  • From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
  • In the 1840s, Ignaz Semmelweiss's lonely battle to get the medical establishment to accept that doctors were spreading childbed fever from mother to mother cost him his job and his sanity though his prickly personality didn't help. Is That Scientific Heretic a Genius—or a Loon?
  • Psychoanalytic theory was just beginning in the 1840s. Times, Sunday Times
  • The daguerreotype process often led to images of preternatural clarity and precision; they must have seemed miraculous in the 1840s.
  • Until the 1840s, there was a ceiling to growth, which condemned people to the misery of subsisting in crowded, insanitary cities or rural hovels.
  • Which village in Buckinghamshire, England was the site of a chalybeate spa in 1840s, but failed to get recognition because Queen Victoria went to Leamington Spa (later Royal Leamington Spa)?
  • A substantial number of Italians who came to Britain as entertainers in the early part of the nineteenth century, especially the Punch and Judy showmen, organ grinders and pedlars of the 1840s.
  • In the 1840s, St Peter's School was in dire straits and about to close.
  • He was sometimes called upon by other missionaries to travel to distant places during a revival of obeah and myalism during the early 1840s.
  • From the 1840s to the Civil War, Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing from famine spurred the growth of cities and provided the labor for canal building and railroad construction.
  • And, when a hardy variety of yam was introduced experimentally to Europe, to relieve the distress caused by the potato blights of the 1840s, it was grown successfully enough but failed to become popular.
  • This sense of internationalism can be traced right back to when Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1840s.
  • The French physiologist Claude Bernard showed in the 1840s that both pancreatic juice and bile (from the liver) were necessary for the absorption of fat.
  • Beginning in the 1840s, these works entertained the lower and middle classes in Great Britain and the United States by making fun of (or "burlesquing") the operas, plays and social habits of the upper classes. Examiner California Headlines
  • Co-operative societies from the 1840s sought to provide cheap, unadulterated food for their members.
  • The lockets of some of Brown's miniatures from the 1840s retain a space on the verso to hold a lock of hair, as is typical of earlier lockets.
  • Favorite plants such as roses, lilies, poppies, auriculas, and passionflowers are found on examples of penwork datable to the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s.
  • Especially in the 1840s, the Piedmontese left, for its part, distrusted and despised Cavour whom they viewed as an arrogant and abrasive aristocratic conservative.
  • From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
  • The fossils had been collected in the early 1840s in pits dug to provide material for the embankments to carry Brunel's Great Western Railway from London to Bristol.
  • Another of their specialized collections, Parian ware is a marblelike porcelain introduced in England in the 1840s.
  • Darwin's integration of evolutionary and physiological biology had been attempted, in the 1840s, through pangenesis.
  • Samuel Finley Breese Morse invented the Morse system of telegraphy in the 1840s in the United States.

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