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How To Use 13th In A Sentence

  • And in almost all of the lusterware there's the constant reminder of the debt owed to the 12th - and 13th-century Persian ceramic tradition. Upper Broadway's Buried Treasures
  • Canada, ranked 13th in the world, could only manage a penalty in each half by full-back Derek Daypuck.
  • In Ireland the justiciar was the king's chief representative in the 13th cent. until superseded by the king's lieutenant, the lord deputy, and the lord-lieutenant.
  • The victory lifts him from 13th to ninth in the world. The Sun
  • Would you mind telling me what you were doing on the afternoon of Friday the 13th of March?
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  • September 13th, 2009 MICHAEL CAINE is calling on the U. K.'s leaders to reinstate national service in an effort to clean up the streets After shooting his new movie, Harry Brown, in London's most troubled neighbourhoods, Caine fears crime and drug use is out of control in his native Britain - and the government needs to do something drastic to stop youngsters from killing one another. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • For the 13th consecutive year. Times, Sunday Times
  • September 13th, 2009 at 5: 05 am computerist: This irrelevance blows UCD through the roof simply from the fact that these organisms are each carriers of prescribed "blueprint" information slowly but surely waiting for their next "release" state. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • Eastern senators extolled the peace while Senor Villa descended on the tents & adobes of the 13th Cavalry, Columbus, New Mexico
  • The 13th CGPM (1967) adopted the name kelvin (symbol K) instead of "degree Kelvin" (symbol °K) and defined the unit of thermodynamic temperature as follows: Kelvin
  • On September 13th 2008, sam wrote: im not a fan of miley but i totally think shes is ugly but also she has a bad voice. who would be a fan of hers. Miley Cyrus at Hannah Montana Premiere
  • And her life has been enhanced through her study of 13th century Jewish mysticism called Kabbalah.
  • in the 13th century Ferrara was a center of Renaissance learning and the arts
  • Standing proudly on an isolated promontory, this 13th century stronghold once commanded the whole upper part of the Great Glen.
  • The Empire began to crumble during the 13th century.
  • For long periods between the 13th and 17th centuries, the borders were practically lawless, as the "border reiver" families of Scotland and England raided each other and the two countries 'armies battled for dominance. English Border Town Yearns to Return to Scotland
  • November 13th, 2009 4: 55 pm ET behind close doors of the military we will never find out the truth only those who have somethink to hide would be agaist an open trial new york is where the crmminals should stand trial McCain blasts decision on terror suspects
  • The first use of spectacles for correcting long-sightedness has been traced to Italy, towards the end of the 13th century.
  • On the leftis Dan Diffendale, research assistant, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, in the ash altar of Zeus trench, at the discovery of a group of Mycenaean kylikes, circa 13th century BCE. Signs of the Times
  • Psion says it's only going after those "profiting" from the term netbook RIAA finds its soul, will stop suing individuals downloading music Jan 13th 2009 2: 15PM Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • Update: Paul sez, "Old Norse and Old English poetry (written down in the 13th and 8th-11th centuries respectively, but often of earlier oral origins) know the tradition of" flyting, "insulting speech esp. before battle. Boing Boing: January 29, 2006 - February 4, 2006 Archives
  • The 13th CGPM changed the name to simply "kelvin" symbol K. Cool – Literally – Extrasolar Planet Imaged | Universe Today
  • November 13th, 2007 at 3: 43 pm chodin says: will and jada are like donny and marie osmond … only a lot more mormon-y. I HATE WILL AND JADA PINKETT SMITH
  • In the 13th century, an alliance of Northern European towns called the Hanseatic League created what historian Fernand Braudel called a "common civilization created by trading. The New World Order
  • April 13th, 2006 at 3: 44 pm cousin benny says: you can honor the families of the dead and still question the official story. in fact the greatest way to honor the victims of 911 is to find out what really happened. true patriots constantly and vigorously question their government, especially when the media refuses to. Think Progress » Flight 93 remembered.
  • Built in the 13th century, the chapels are contemporaneous with many of the great Gothic cathedrals.
  • But after birdies at the 13th, 15th and 16th drew him level, Kennedy bunkered his approach to the 18th and missed his par putt from six feet.
  • June 13th, 2008 9: 03 pm ET reast in peace tim, you will be missed from sid in new york. thats for your great light quantummoxie Obama, McCain react to Russert death
  • Since I wrote to you last, I have tried a solution of twelve grains only of nitrate of silver to the ounce of distilled water, for the paper albumenized, as mentioned in my letter of the 13th of February, and have found it to answer perfectly. Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Also Thursday, the International Cycling Union said in a statement that an earpiece ban set for Friday's 13th stage from Vittel to Colmar has been overturned, and riders will be able to race with electronic radio equipment as normal. After flat Stage 12, riders look to stretch their legs in mountains
  • After a pause, he ordered a march for the 13th, then countermanded it, and on the 14th ordered the men to sleep with their arms and await an order to advance.57 George Washington’s First War
  • This page unsportingly suggests that the mound is a 13th-century motte which had nothing to do with Pepin, but I'll take my romance where I can find it, thanks. Dental development
  • In fact, however, things are a bit glummer than they were – I had misremembered and thought I had to do only 12 repeats and then find a good stopping-place in the 13th. Archive 2009-02-01
  • July 13th, 2008 at 1: 51 pm poker d assi says: giochi omaha poker gratis Think Progress » Iraqi Leaders Call On U.S. To Set Timetable
  • After finishing 13th, he left the backstage area favoring his right leg and said, ‘Well, at least I made it.’
  • The case was livened up one day in early July when an elderly spectator inadvertently wandered into the jury box when trying to find his seat, leading one of the prosecuting councils to joke that "The 13th juryman is on the Bench I always understood. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The new prosperity of the cities made the metropolitan bishops significant figures in art patronage in the 13th and 14th centuries.
  • Not cool if you want to pick up Tony Hawkʼs Ride as well since it sees release on October 13th and weighs in at a pricy $120 due to the inclusion of the skateboard peripheral which is, in a word, ridiculous.! » Game News Bytes: May 25th – 29th, 2009! Rounding Up The Week’s Notable Video Game News Items!
  • Mark amusingly creates the first contemporary screenplay, a gallimaufry about the 13th century and the Great Ninja War. Erica Abeel: TIFF's Guilty Pleasures
  • After finishing 13th, he left the backstage area favoring his right leg and said, ‘Well, at least I made it.’
  • The tees on a couple of holes, the sixth and the 13th, may be moved up to create drivable par 4s. At PGA, It's How You Finish
  • This 13th century German monk was the author of a poem called Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Luck, Empress of the World) in the collection of mediaeval underground verses now known as the Carmina Burana. The Mandelbrot Monk
  • Despite dismissing its leading scorer from the team a day earlier for undisclosed reasons, West Aurora's victory puts them in the lead 127-86 in their basketball rivalry with the 213th game. Archive 2010-01-01
  • One site draws them: a 13th-century mansion linked, a bit spuriously, to "Romeo and Juliet".
  • Lui Siu Wai/Xinhua/Zuma Press A cosplayer performed at the 13th comic book and game fair in Hong Kong Friday. Asia in Pictures
  • [Jul. 13th, 2008 | 01: 25 pm] [Tags | burt reyonolds, sharky's machine] Oldie Book Review: "Liege-Killer" by Christopher Hinz
  • Declarer won in hand and saw no alternative for his 13th trick to the heart finesse. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only remake I am interested in seeing is Friday the 13th, i love the series and bought all of them on DVD but after watching them i realize that they really suck. Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Muary To Helm Halloween 2? «
  • Its clauses provided the framework of forest law throughout the 13th cent., but only in the 14th cent., when large areas were disafforested, did the political issue subside.
  • I mucked up at the 13th hole and told myself that this was getting stupid.
  • On 13th July, the Endeavour left Tahiti and headed south-westerly, charting New Zealand.
  • The main terrain of Manitoba is plains, with the lakes of various size totaling 38,500, among which Lake Winnipeg is the largest one and ranks 13th largest in the world.
  • November 13th, 2007 at 4: 49 pm stunney: Calling you clownish is called "descending to your opponent's level". Carry-Over Thread
  • Upon Tuesday, November 13th, 1666, Corporal George Deanes and three other soldiers set upon an old man in the clachan of Dalry and demanded the payment of his fines. Lay Morals
  • In the 13th cent., however, this became the responsibility of each sheriff and two knights of the shire.
  • Declarer won in hand and saw no alternative for his 13th trick to the heart finesse. Times, Sunday Times
  • November 13th, 2009 at 5: 02 pm these kind of rabbis with the help of shaytan will produce and drag fellow jews into worshipping the beast in the future Joels Trumpet
  • Columbus is, not for the first observance of the existence of the declination, which is given, for example, upon the map of Andrew Bianca, in 1436, but for the remark which he made on the 13th of September, The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • November 13th, 2008 at 9:13 pm insurance in eldorado il illinois Matthew Yglesias » Articles
  • My point is simple: In the competitive world of dog-eat-dog (forgive the cliche) agentry, cyber trumps snail every day of the week and twice on Sunday (and Friday the 13th). Why Exclusives Stink -more
  • The Italian term macaroni first appeared in the 13th century and was applied to various shapes, from flat to lumpy. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Both Jensen AND Jared will still be participating in our scheduled panel that day, and Jared is still a part of the “Friday the 13th” panel. Supernatural Changes for Comic Con Attendees : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • Wendee, Reading your note for the 13th, I had to snicker about the fence 'thingie'... once I heard a comedian wonder the same thing, since the word fence sounds plural, he came up with the singular 'fent'. lol Not sure what other word there is, slat, perhaps? Hurricane anniversary, love, and disrespect
  • This is only the 13th time that I have footled about, gone for walks, tried to start other things, sketched hollow-sounding plans for the coming months, stared blackly at the ceiling and generally failed to avoid the constant, low-level nausea generated by waiting to hear. The Guardian World News
  • Finally there is raffish Uncle Roy of the 13th Hussars, with his moustaches, bow tie, and pumps, looking somehow prematurely older than he should. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I thought I was watching the last reel of a Halloween or Friday the 13th movie.
  • WACO, Texas - The Wichita State women's golf club is 13th after the opening day of the Baylor Spring Invitational, which began Monday at the Twin Rivers Golf Club in Waco, Texas. Wichita State Headline News
  • The best examples in the period after c. 730 of collections of scholia with introductions are probably the commentaries on Porphyry's and Aristotle™s logical works by Leo Magentenos (late 12th or early to mid-13th century). Byzantine Philosophy
  • October 13th, 2009 at 12: 15 am PDT you diddnt bitch nearly enough. call back. reply snuzzle T-Mobile Sidekick Disaster: Danger’s Servers Crashed, And They Don’t Have A Backup
  • I mucked up at the 13th hole and told myself that this was getting stupid.
  • The 11th, 12th, and 13th holes are collectively known as "Amen Corner," a moniker credited to golf writer Herbert Warren Wind. Matthew DeBord: Rules of Golf: What You Need to Know Before You Watch the Masters with the Golf Lover in Your Life
  • The 13th game again tripped up the Blue Devils, who suffered a memorable 77-76 loss to Florida State in their NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball - Duke vs. Maryland
  • After periods of training, the 12th brigaded with the 13th, 14th and 16th Regiments.
  • Would you mind telling me what you were doing on the afternoon of Friday the 13th of March?
  • He designed a series of bunkers, a 22-foot fill, and a lake to the right of the 13th green, which prevents cutting off the dogleg.
  • Each of us said jurors concurring in said verdict signs his or her name hereto at this 13th day of February, 2008, and there are 12 signatures beneath that statement. CNN Transcript Feb 15, 2008
  • By the 13th century most manorial lords had established two courts, leet and baron, which met at the same place and whose proceedings followed one another.
  • Ever since dried fruit first arrived here in the 13th century, the British have baked with it, first in fruit breads, such as bara brith or Lincolnshire plum loaf, and then in cakes which, until relatively recently, would still have been raised with yeast. How to cook perfect Christmas cake
  • August 13th, 2009 GERI HALLIWELL's jet-setting lifestyle has turn a new hobby - she is precision to turn a pilot. Hero pilot Sullenberger jokes about marital boost in NBC 'People ...
  • Now, damage scaling is to the point where our 13th level 3. 5e fighters easily dump out 100 points of damage a round. Some Thoughts On 2e and 3e’s Legacy « Geek Related
  • LeFevour ranked 13th nationally in completions per game (22.8) and accounted for two or more touchdowns in nine games. Central Michigan's LeFevour rises in his coach's eyes
  • Z. September 13th, 2005 at 1: 03 pm meg_mac says: scary, scary, scary!! and to think this maniac is multiplied by the thousands if not millions. i sure wish john q public would start reading and not let the minister decide for them how to vote. Think Progress » Coburn’s Hypocrisy A Crying Shame
  • Trouble with a bunker at the short 12th pegged him back, but his response was to unleash another mighty drive at the 13th, clearing the turn in the fairway and opening up the green for a well-judged wedge. Masters 2011: Rory McIlroy says he learned hard lessons at St Andrews
  • Very thin waning crescent Moon above on the 13th. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the 13th century the pattern was beginning to unravel as more and more villeins obtained their freedom and became copyholders.
  • An emphatic victory lifted the Hammers up to the dizzy heights of 13th spot. The Sun
  • On the 13th an entertainment was pro - vided on board the Batchelor for the Spanifh centk - men, to which I was carried, being not wle to move myfelf, but was hoifted in a chair out of the ihip into the Batchelor -, where we agreed, that a de - putation fhould be fent from each fhip, to wait on the governor with a handfome prefent, in acknow - ledgement for his great civility, and the readineis he exprefled to fupply us. A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America
  • In the 13th century, Genghis Khan's son Tolui killed nearly every inhabitant of Merv in Turkmenistan, then the world's largest city. Testosterone Put to the Test
  • Anavian booth, a small lusterware fragment from the 12th or 13th century features a drawn noblewoman whose face shows Mongolian influences. NYT > Home Page
  • The Inuits living in Greenland today can be traced back to ancestors of the so-called Thule culture, who first arrived around the 13th century and for a time shared the island with the Norsemen, but contacts between the two communities are believed to have been rare or even hostile. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Stem cell" term gamecock September 13th, 2008 at 6: 35 p.m. THE IRATE NATION
  • I mucked up at the 13th hole and told myself that this was getting stupid.
  • The Muslim Cult of Assassins of the 12th and 13th centuries, like the Jewish Zealots of the 1st, have been enrolled for this genealogical purpose.
  • Many rabbis, including such luminaries as Rashi (11th-century France), and the halachist/mystic Eleazer of Worms (12th - to 13th-century Germany) rejected it, leaving room for others, most noticeably a radical shift that pictured the evil child as a universal type, not just a variant version of internal Jewish identity-formation. The Jewish Week (BETA)
  • The constitutional principality, which is roughly the size of New York City's Central Park is home to the world famous Monte Carlo Casino, 13th-century Prince's Palace, F1 Grand Prix and superb shops and dining. - Home Page
  • November 13th, 2009 4: 17 pm ET this clown is the lamest individual to hold public office ... seebofubar Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
  • In studying a 13th-century scroll where nine scaly dragons writhe through a sepia mist, Mr. Li focused on a spot near the center where the brume twists into a spiral. How to Talk Back to a Chinese Master
  • February 13th, 2009 at 6: 17 pm glenn beck is such a d-bag!! rec Says: Matthew Yglesias » RNC Chair Steele Says Republicans Are Untrustworthy
  • Gaede's Army Detachment pushed forward into the French lines near Obersept on the 13th of February.
  • Walters Art Museum/Owner of The Archimedes Palimpsest This 13th-century prayer book was made by scraping the original text off the parchment paper, removing the binding, rotating the pages 90 degrees and rebinding the pages in book form. Reading Beneath the Lines
  • Franchitti lapped the one-mile oval in 22.878 seconds, an average of 162.392 mph, to be an unlucky 13th quickest more than half-a-second off the pace of provisional pole-sitter, Brazilian Helio Castroneves.
  • As a centre of art, Naples has played a major role in Italy since the end of the 13th century.
  • I mucked up at the 13th hole and told myself that this was getting stupid.
  • Friday The 13th was the nail in the coffin - the movie was so eagre to both reinvent itself and cater to fans at the same time that it completely forgot to remind us why Jason is such a horror badass. Interview: Samuel Bayer, Director of A Nightmare on Elm Street | /Film
  • February 13th, 2009 at 11: 08 am Said: yeah democracy is like that day and night on tv interpelling their leaders. not five sleepness in seattle. United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal
  • May 13th, 2008 7: 38 pm ET obama, his supporters and the media has caused this problem so deal with it now McCain wont be as bad as bush and everyone knows this at least he will put all americans 1st Schneider: More sobering news - the value gap
  • September 13th, 2005 at 12:51 am actonel side effects says: Think Progress » The Skinny on Physical Exercise
  • superstitiously he refused to travel on Friday the 13th
  • Friday the 13th may have a bad reputation with some people, but in Ballarat it proved to be a lucky day for those wanting to hear the cream of the next generation of jazz musicians.
  • By the 13th century, he was hungrily eyeing all the land to the south of him.
  • The fetishistic medievalism—Breivik seems to have designed a military dress uniform, and wants to wear it to his trial—is significant: Like Osama bin Laden and his epigones, his worldview seems mainly defined by the politics of the 13th century. What Is Anders Breivik?
  • August 13th, 2004 at 5: 51 pm listen again dipshit. Blaster Master fire storm
  • Guerin netted No. 400 - his 13th of the season - early in the third period when he buried Chris Campoli's shot past Toskala at 3: 34.
  • In 1952, Gaj Singh was crowned as the 38th ruler of the Rathore dynasty founded in the 13th Century.
  • Very thin waning crescent Moon above on the 13th. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has a fine Norman nave and transepts with a 13th-century choir and chapter house, where the stonework with its distinctive Southwell foliage is unique.
  • During the course of two days, October 12th and 13th, Bonilla counted almost 450 objects, surrounded in what he described as a mist, passing across the face of the sun. News
  • It was first built back in the mid-13th century as a fortified castle.
  • August 13th, 2009 4: 44 pm ET is the travel issue a red herring since he wouldn't leave earlier? if he has nothing to hide then he should produce the evidence. First on the Ticker: GOP support for Sanford impeachment grows
  • Tattle: Imagine Latifah & Snooki whirling on 'Dancing' floor "DANCING with the Stars," perhaps in a bid to live up to its title yuk, yuk, will deal with a whole new caliber of celebrity for the 13th season. PhillyDeals
  • _Combat_, signed by the "adjoint" of the 13th arrondissement. Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris
  • From the 13th century onward, tournaments became progressively less dangerous and more ceremonious.
  • Many monastic buildings were brought down in the early 13th century merely by a high wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • 12th- and 13th-century churches in the diocese of Paris imitate many of the formal and morphological features of Notre-Dame.
  • As I get closer, there's a faint gleam behind the stained-glass windows of the 13th-century abbey.
  • DOB: 19th jan 1982, time: 1. 30am (IST), Place: kumta India, Female, married, I want to know howz my married life? born on 13th Nov 1980 around 4 am in Sylhet Bangladesh i want to know my kundali about marriage pls? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The summer of my 13th year I spent in a 'brasero' camp outside Salinas California picking strawberries and living in barracks. THE STEEL DEAL
  • Thomas Berrigan Junr. against whom a Warrant was issued on the 13th. day of June last, for an assault on John Wm. Saunders Esqr. of Renews was brought to the Court by Sullivan the Officer, and having entered into the required security to keep the peace for 12 Months was discharged. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Windy Gallagher is hooping while riding a mechanical bull at the 13th Annual Smoker Friendly Tobacco Festival in Boulder, Colorado. | Blog | Bull Riding Hooper
  • In the second of our club-by-club Premier League previews, Aston Villa step up to the oche, as superstitious Wolves and Wigan fans notice a pattern emerging and realise their turn is on Friday 13th. Want One
  • The 13th Century plot celebrates the liberation of the Czechs from the German army, a theme history proved rather persistent in the Czech national character. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • The lectern developed in the 13th century into its most distinctive form with the bookrest modelled as an eagle with outstretched wings.
  • The bells tolled as parishioners carrying candles filed out through the 13th-century doorway of St Ninian's church last night to reconsecrate the ground in which the unfortunate woman's remains once lay.
  • When Murray was bunkered at the short 13th and missed from 6ft, O'Hara was suddenly in command with a three-hole lead.
  • February 13th, 2009 at 7: 27 pm after the USS Liberty the others here immediately indefense of the Big I. Alex Jones' Prison
  • July 13th, 2009 12: 15 pm ET sniffit – Based on reading several of your posts, "yammering" is what you excel at. Hatch reminds committee of past Obama statements
  • As luck would have it, an ancient prophecy says that he will have the power to fulfil their wish when his 13th birthday comes around. The Sun
  • Saku Koivu recorded his 613th point with an assist on D'Agostini's goal to move ahead of Mats Naslund as the highest-scoring non-Canadian in team history, and into 11th place overall among the storied franchise's career leaders.
  • Very thin waning crescent Moon above on the 13th. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, he bogeyed the 12th and 13th before a double-bogey on the 15th and another bogey on the 16th completed a miserable day. Justin Rose moves four shots clear at the BMW Championship
  • June 13th, 2009 Filmmaker Sangeeth Sivan has found a new love - it's plogging. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The festival of hip-hop dance theatre is back for a 13th year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, delivered a statement at what is called the 'High Segment' beginning of the 13th session of the Human Rights Council (I prefer the word 'highfalutin' as it is taken up with speeches by ministers from different States, often repeating the same platitudes). Jihad Watch
  • This kind of assumptive thinking is what leads to a person getting their head punched off by Jason in “Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan.” 6 Business Lessons We Can All Learn From Horror Movies | Motivational Humor from the Motivational Smart Ass!
  • As the 13th melt was nearing completion, something in the pit exploded.
  • The film is set in 13th-century Scotland, when Wallace returns to his homeland to find it oppressed and taken over by the brutal, pagan king of England, Edward I.
  • Hughes Dubois Photographie/Collection of Tom Pritzker Tom Pritzker, chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corp., and his wife Margot have built one of the world's best private collections of ancient art from Tibet, including this 13th century Tibetan "thangka" painting of Marpa, an 11th century teacher credited with spreading Buddhism from India to Tibet. Inside Some of the World's Top Art Collections
  • January 13th, 2010 at 1: 31 pm just the bleepn facts says: bovine is always counting down, because she only knows how to count to 5 and it takes her an hour to figure out how to do it backwards! Think Progress » GOP Senate Candidate Marco Rubio Calls For Suspending Congress For Two Years To Fix The Economy
  • Since finishing eighth in his first NASCAR start (a Nationwide race in November 2004 that cinched a full-time ride at JGR), Hamlin has four wins and nine top-10s in 10 starts with a worst of 13th at Darlington. Denny Hamlin's mastery of Darlington bodes well for career
  • There was a wonderful but faded 13th-century tapestry on one wall, opposite a stunning contemporary painting. Times, Sunday Times
  • He copied this stone on 13th September 1855, noting in his diary that Henrietta sketched the church while he copied and translated the inscription which ran as follows -- _Thorleifr Nitki raised this Cross to Fiak, son of his brother's son_, the date being 1084 or 1194 A.D. CHAPTER XXVIII George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • Two successive wins have seen the team move out of the bottom three to 13th spot. The Sun
  • July 13th, 2009 10: 05 am ET the more levi can tell us about the "palin clan" the better. i only hope he is telling the truth. could you imagine a reality show about that family??? yeh, me neither. it's unfortunate but republican women for the most part will listen to ANYTHING she has to say. the sad thing is they will believe what she says too. Johnston says Palin lost his vote
  • This is a book in which a doppelganger of the old "Friday the 13th" villain Jason Vorhees, he of the hockey mask, appears again and again, like a totem, achieving a weirdly peaceful mythos by the end.
  • My French oral is going to be on either the 12th or 13th of May.
  • April 13th, 2010 at 12: 03 am nfl jerseys china says: ys and we abiding the superior is actual well. Think Progress » Russian President says what distinguishes Obama ‘from many other people’ is that he is ‘a thinker.’
  • The town dates from the 13th century and is a historical highlight on the trip – though our bikes were far too modern for the stone streets as we juddered over them. Trans-Iberian: cycling Spain's ancient Via de la Plata
  • York marks the diminutive poacher's 13th club in a 13-year career that has taken him the length and breadth of England and Scotland.
  • Anyone who borrows a book on Friday the 13th will go into the lucky prize draw, featuring goodies donated by Casino businesses.
  • The JASDF pilots have executed the training well, said Maj. MarceloMorales, an instructor pilot with the 13th Air Force, Det. 1 fromYokota AB.
  • November 13th, 2008 at 8:50 pm ruhl insurance lancaster pa aquote insurance uk lakeport brewery bankruptcy darnell ingram state attorney hillsborough county fred rehmus menlo park attorney jameskuvam Says: Matthew Yglesias » Articles
  • Then, on the way up a winding staircase, on the 13th step from the bottom, my flashlight just conked out.
  • It mandates a form of involuntary servitude expressly prohibited by the 13th amendment to the US Constitution.
  • _baccalaureus_ first appears at the university of Paris in the 13th century in the system of degrees established under the auspices of Pope Gregory Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • A deplorable number of recent works habituate us to thinking about Afghanistan as what Liam Fox, Britain's defence secretary, called a "broken 13th-century country", defined solely by pathologically violent men and silently brutalised women. Burkas and bikinis
  • I dined off a maconochie, and was wondering whether I dare lie down to sleep, when I was called out to take a message to and remain at the 13th Adventures of a Despatch Rider
  • Though he biffed the ensuing putt, Mr. Mickelson's brazen, between-the-trees whack Sunday on the 13th will be replayed for eons as an example of playing to win versus playing not to lose. Phil Lifts Masters Out of the Woods
  • These churches are becoming civic in a way unimaginable since the 13th century and its cathedral towns.
  • he started his new job inauspiciously on Friday the 13th
  • The criterium was the final event of the 13th annual French Broad Cycling Classic, which started Friday with The Cane Creek Time Trial and continued Saturday with the Liberty Bicycles - News
  • The climbers are working on top of the three-tiered presbytery and transept, which were built in the 13th century.
  • Plainchant melodies, or sections of them, were taken as cantus firmi in the earliest forms of polyphony (e.g. organum, clausula) and in the 13th and 14th-century motet and some early mass movements.
  • An Iraqi judge from 13th-century CE described sharks in the Tigris River as having eyes "like fires of blood ... all other species run away from it" and the Mayans had an ominous, killer demon known as Ah Xoc, which some have argued gave us the word shark. The Seattle Times
  • September 13th, 2009 RANCHI - An elderly man was beaten to death by Maoist rebels on the outskirts of Ranchi early Sunday on suspicion that he was a police informer, police said. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The Sun is partially eclipsed by the Moon late on the afternoon of the 13th.
  • September 13th, 2008 1:44 am ET im not sure if anyone has heard but i just saw a brief report zip across the tv screen …….that a levee had failed in new orleans…..has anyone heard any news of new orleans ? Here we go!
  • In the early 13th cent. there was a French court, comprising six ecclesiastics and six laymen, known as ‘the Twelve Peers of France’; this court in 1202 declared King John deprived of his fiefs in France.
  • Their year is divided into 13 months, 12 of which have 30 days each; the 13th month has five days, or six if it is a leap year.
  • An interpretation might go like this: The a coo akab (mad one of the night, i.e. the screech owl) above the 13th heaven is perched upon the shoulders of Colel (another name for Ixchel). Mesoamerican Religion: Symbolism of the Gods Part One
  • The second-year midfielder recorded the lone goal, which came in the 13th minute for the Warriors.
  • The manuscript was likely written by one monk from the Benedictine monastery in Podlazice located some 65 miles east of Prague sometime at the beginning of the 13th century, said Zdenek Uhlir, a specialist on medieval manuscripts at the National Library. Return Of Devil’s Bible To Prague Draws Crowds | Impact Lab
  • June 13th, 2008 11: 51 am ET one p [erson one vote that is what was asked in mich and florida even a revote paid entirely by outside sources was offered but refused by your barry fair play o bama. how do you figure NOW I CALL THAT REAL CHANGE ...... An early Fathers Day gift for John McCain
  • March 13th, 2010 at 11: 51 am dbadass says: the crab is in the freezer but I do have a bunch of defrosted lobster tails. Think Progress » Church Uses Marquee To Speak Out Against Beck: ‘Sorry Mr Beck, Jesus Preached Social Justice’
  • September 13th, 2009 7: 26 pm ET did they check with rush limbag or dicky trick cheney. they all need to go away. .or back under the rock that cheney built his lies on ass wipes Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
  • Crom's sample-heavy metal assault is scheduled for a live WFMU "sesh" before skipping around the east coast and finally to Rockstar Bar in Brooklyn on Sept 13th Brooklynvegan
  • The Steelmen's most reliable poacher coolly slotted into an empty net from an acute angle to claim his 13th strike of the campaign.
  • This fatidic day, September 13th, 1759, had its sequel, eight months later, on St. Foye's slopy grounds. Quebec Old and New
  • But, while they both parred the 200-yard 13th, Westwood was bunkered once more.
  • Reshteh, as Perry points out, was ‘the only word for noodle known in the several 13th century Arabic cookery books and in the poems of the 14th century Persian rhymester Bushaq’.
  • The 13th CGPM (1967) adopted the name kelvin (symbol K) instead of "degree Kelvin" (symbol °K) and defined the unit of thermodynamic temperature as follows: Kelvin
  • And the crazy family stuff, complete with a motherly white-haired and gowned Sherri Moon, seems to be an amalgamation of queues from FRIDAY THE 13TH, THE CHAIN SAW MASSACRE, and PSYCHO.! » This Week@The Movies: HALLOWEEN II, BIG FAN, & More! A Quick Look At This Weekend’s Cinematic Offerings!
  • The film is set in 13th-century Scotland, when Wallace returns to his homeland to find it oppressed and taken over by the brutal, pagan king of England, Edward I.
  • There have been at least three churches on the site since the one built by Eadwine counting his timber church and its stone replacement as one: a larger ‘Anglo-Saxon’ church built in the 8th century and sometimes called the Anglian Minster; a Norman Minster built in the Romanesque style in the 11th century; and the present Minster built in the Gothic style between the 13th and 15th centuries. Archive 2010-01-01
  • The brain that first conceived the thought must burst in anguish, the heart that pulsated with hellish joy must cease to beat, the hand that pulled the first laniard must be palsied, before the wicked act begun in Charleston on the 13th of April, 1861, is avenged. Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 2 November 1863-June 1865
  • February 13th, 2007 at 5:09 am videora ipod converter does a good job on small to medium files, but seems to spack out on big ones. DVD To iPod Video Converter For XP? « open thinking
  • The win fueled their drive for the franchise's first ever postseason berth - they began the day sixth in the super-tight Western Conference - and made Hitchcock just the 13th NHL coach to hit the 500-win plateau.
  • January 13th, 2010 - 11:28:26 AM lol you like diplo Hipster Goddess MIA Reveals Song-Writing Process | Manolith
  • An alley runs from 12th Street behind the entire strip, and it ends before reaching 13th in a concrete wall.
  • June 13th, 2010 at 1: 10 am for a 18yr old his bod is amazing. .and for once “edward” doesnt look CGI’d (or whatever) to hell. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Watch: 1 Minute Of ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’
  • September 13th, 2008 at 11: 01 pm fifth monarchy man: Would a Spartan warrior feel slighted if he were to be killed for the good of the community? fifth monarchy man: Do you know of anyone who would seriously claim a zygote is not alive? 14 Important Science Questions

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