Prepositions after "vigilant"

"vigilant in" or "vigilant about"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 26% of cases vigilant in is used

Be vigilant in obtaining your foods.

Be vigilant in watching for specials.

Let us remain vigilant in the future, as.

The key to social progress is the society's ability to stay vigilant in this regard.

We should be vigilant in ensuring that basic commodities are available in the market.

This year 2012 I will be vigilant in prayer and will soon be joining the prayer academy.

Zanzibar is guaranteed a sound future provided its people are vigilant in the defence of their fundamental rights.

I hope he is able to recover quickly, and I hope that both motorists and cyclists are more vigilant in the future.

New Zealanders are advised to be security conscious at all times and extra vigilant in crowded or landmark places.

All academic staff must be vigilant in detecting and responding to suspected cases of plagiarism by their students.

In 24% of cases vigilant about is used

Become vigilant about hand washing.

I still say be vigilant about this.

I am hyper vigilant about mortality.

Make sure you're vigilant about this, if you have a pretty big house (2500 sq ft.

Never eat gluten again, not even a crumb and be vigilant about cross contamination.

Get advice But be vigilant about the source and see it as input and not the answer.

Tavi, it's so wonderful to see someone be so vigilant about the freedom of their own mind, to be greedy for it.

But it does not stop there for I know I must remain vigilant about my tendency to turn away from my challenges.

Parents in the neighborhood are now on high alert, promising to be vigilant about watching for suspicious people.

She is now doing things to help the breast cancer cause and encourage women to be vigilant about tests and checks.

In 11% of cases vigilant against is used

Be vigilant against petty theft.

You need to be vigilant against any chances.

The whole party must be vigilant against them.

Gone were the archers in their towers, vigilant against a threat that never came.

Therefore set lookouts and watches, and be vigilant against suspicious characters.

We must all remain vigilant against such elements, while upholding our high values.

This followed many alerts from the Ugandan police force to the public to be vigilant against further attacks.

We must make unremitting efforts to combat corruption, promote integrity and stay vigilant against degeneration.

And going forward, we will remain vigilant against any threats to the United States, or our allies and partners.

Belgium Government said that it would continue to remain vigilant against any activities by the LTTE on its soil.

In 7% of cases vigilant for is used

I mean, I was hyper vigilant for hours.

Kenyans be vigilant for this kind of plan.

That's why we are are now vigilant for such antics.

Be vigilant for the devil, your adversary, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

Workers and supervisors need to remain vigilant for other signs of heat-related illness.

Two or three soldiers did bunker duties and often they had to be vigilant for long hours.

Rather, manage them and be vigilant for THE COMING OF THE LORD IS NEAR! The promise of the Lord is sure and firm.

Recommended Approach When creating patient testimonials be vigilant for statements that are outside of indication.

She is very knowledgeable of technology issues, is tough with system standards and also vigilant for privacy concerns.

I won't do that again! The other item that will help you stay in business for a long while is to be vigilant for fraud.

In 6% of cases vigilant of is used

Be vigilant of Victims and Villains.

Just be vigilant of your belongings though.

I must remain constantly vigilant of Mr Hyde.

In the debate on poverty, to my understanding, one should be vigilant of two fallacies.

The best thing people can do to avoid getting hit is to be vigilant of weather forecasts.

She's the true believer, the power behind the throne, ever vigilant of her husband's reputation.

So, pilgrims have to be vigilant of the enemies and devils since Satan also is a great strategist and protagonist.

We must be vigilant of our surroundings, and we must be role models to the youth because they're our next generation.

However, it is definitely something I have noted and it is something that I will be more vigilant of for the next week.

Investors should remain vigilant of the various policy prescriptions during this period to avoid potential speed bumps.

In 5% of cases vigilant with is used

She had to be vigilant with Ted.

We should be vigilant with this issue.

We were not vigilant with our republic.

It pays to be vigilant with any job offers and make sure everything is in writing.

The wood stove was a VC Vigilant with top loading so it all worked out quite nicely.

Each purchase is small but the total adds up unless you're vigilant with each expense.

Commodore Warren captured the Vigilant with her 64 guns, 500 man crew and provisions for the city thus sealing the city's fate.

In my head, I DO know cases like that fall in to a ' rare ' category, but I can't help but be vigilant with my own small people.

I think you just have to be extremely vigilant with hand washing, as well as, obviously if you can, wearing daily disposable ones.

In 4% of cases vigilant at is used

Be particularly vigilant at flowering.

When on campus be vigilant at all times.

You should remain vigilant at all times.

We ask Members to be vigilant at all times and not give out personal details too easily.

It is very important for the community to be vigilant at all times and report any suspi.

The best place to be actively vigilant at the moment is obviously in our own backyard i.

I don't see any particular risk to our facilities in Sri Lanka but nonetheless we must be vigilant at this particular time.

Remain extremely vigilant at all times in public places, particularly at transport hubs, and check this travel advice at regular intervals.

Yes, the hosts had to remain vigilant at the back, but they also had to be ruthless up the other end in a way they were not in the first leg.

Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.

In 4% of cases vigilant on is used

We should be 1000 times vigilant on EPS.

Have you been sent out as a vigilant on me.

We need to be constantly vigilant on this count.

Remain vigilant on long distance bus journeys and pay attention to you hand luggage.

He asked the students to be vigilant on the Election Day to ensure that change comes.

Looking after each other and become more vigilant on the safety of respective properties.

Ceremonial watchmen stood vigilant on the remaining un-collapsed towers, ghost-like vestiges of days long vanished.

We need to be vigilant on the approach to the Doldrums, but there is no major strategic options to be seen there yet.

The community had been vigilant on its part never allowing hatred to fester even in the face of the bloodshed they saw.

Particularly with costs starting to creep up in even restructured sectors, companies must remain vigilant on all fronts.

In 3% of cases vigilant to is used

Physicians should be vigilant to this rare.

We must continue with the hard work and remain vigilant to the end.

As a father, I recognise the need to be vigilant to these predators.

Their reach is long and their eyes constantly vigilant to any threat to their power.

It needs to be ready and above all, it must be vigilant to the dangers of complacency.

This means you need to be vigilant to not to let five hindrances to get into your mind.

I worried about it all week but realized there was little I could do but be vigilant to them going en masse in a break.

It's a highly emotional time, so we need to be vigilant to our responses, probably not the best time to be making life changing decisions.

It is therefore a matter of necessity for him to be vigilant and to remain vigilant to a greater extent while away from his spiritual home.

Meanwhile, the floor bustles under the constant gaze of the waiting staff and the manager who remain ever vigilant to their customers needs.

In 2% of cases vigilant as is used

A devotee should always be vigilant as to how his own mind is working.

As a country, I hope that we have all become more vigilant as a result.

But security services are being especially vigilant as the games approach.

As the Prophet Jesus (sws) has said he is vigilant as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

When you are not vigilant as a Christian, the enemy would re-arrange problems in your life.

When you do opt for the use of supplements; just be vigilant as to the quality of the product.

Do it right the first time for a change, okay? Liberal bloggers will have to be vigilant as the freak show unfolds.

But we will have to remain ever vigilant as the security challenges too will have become more complex and daunting.

It is becoming increasingly important to constantly upgrade oneself and be vigilant as the changes occur in your industry.

Pretending to be vigilant as an eagle; or those who refer themselves as lion, pretending to be some sort of king in a jungle.

In 2% of cases vigilant over is used

There's a need to be vigilant over either option.

Investors must be vigilant over which funds they choose.

The authorities have called on Kenyans to be vigilant over terror attacks because.

You have been warned dear readers! Please always be extra vigilant over online transactions.

He was very upset that Herman didn't believe him, even though he had been vigilant over his goats.

This is why it is necessary to constantly follow up what one has memorised and to be vigilant over it.

She urged Malaysians to remain vigilant over government spending, and insist on having a say in how tax monies are spent.

The Environment Agency is warning residents to stay vigilant over the next few days as heavy rain falls and makes its way through the river systems.

It is vitally important for both countries to be vigilant over provocations and attempts to create incidents that could trigger a conflict over the Taiwan issue.

As Electronista points out, Wang has been vigilant over the years in stating his belief that Apple's success in tablets -- at the expense of dropping netbook sales.

In 1% of cases vigilant around is used

You should be vigilant around any large gatherings.

Pay close attention to hygiene and be very vigilant around traffic.

CARNEY: Well, as you know, we are very vigilant around anniversaries like 9/11.

Ms Millya remains vigilant around him, making sure that her sister does not suffer at his hands.

In 1% of cases vigilant by is used

It has made people more vigilant by fast information dissemination and validation.

Democrats must be vigilant by all means of voter fraud and purging of Democratic voters from the voter registration lists across the country by the Republican Party and their operatives.

In 1% of cases vigilant during is used

Mr Mac Manu asked party supporters to be vigilant during voting day.

He implored them to be vigilant during the election and ensure that they protected their votes.

Shinde said his Ministry has directed all concerned to be extra vigilant during the festival season.

Even her most hated classmate was rather smart about keeping vigilant during the 1986 Snap Elections.

Doctors warned that diabetics have to extra vigilant during pregnancy - and for the first time Jane took heed.

We have directed all concerned to be extra vigilant during the ongoing festive season to ensure peace and safety of citizens.

One should be more vigilant during this season because petty criminals are all around especially thiefs who pray on commuters.

Be very vigilant during the application procedure, and double-check the rate before moving cash in (maybe even give them a quick call).

The Home Minister said his Ministry has directed all concerned to be extra vigilant during the ongoing festival season and ensure peace.

She was so careful and vigilant during the process that my hair isn't damaged at all, and it's the perfect golden color I was looking for.

In 1% of cases vigilant regarding is used

Ever since then I have been vigilant regarding it.

It is usually, necessary to be vigilant regarding possible rip offs.

Parents or the guardians should be more vigilant regarding their children.

Those factors suggest that you stay vigilant regarding the day-to-day swings in mortgage rates.

Buyer Beware You can see from the above review that you have be vigilant regarding the supplements you may be considering.

You must produce to be able to symbolize absolutely cool coming from vigilant regarding the keep educate so when appear just what select regarding thought should go.

In 1% of cases vigilant towards is used

At the same time, schools must continue to be vigilant towards possible cases of bullying.

What can other people do to help disadvantaged women and girls? They should be vigilant towards the rights of disadvantaged women and girls.

Roach added that parents needed to be more vigilant towards their children, and he appealled to child victims to discard their fears and report abuses to the relevant authorities.

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