Prepositions after "stranded"

"stranded in" or "stranded on"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 42% of cases stranded in is used

In any case, I got stranded in Ikea.

More Stranded in 1955, Marty (Michael J.

Cows and goats get stranded in it and die.

And since I was already here, I've got stranded in my hotel room for these few days.

Instead, their proposals are turned down and the victims remain stranded in the city.

I ended up stranded in pole dance land with the short stride that high heels give you.

Hundreds of passengers were left stranded in northern Spain after their plane was diverted to a different airport.

I remember the boat incident where we got stranded in the middle of the sea because the motorboat ran out of fuel.

Whole communities, urban and rural, have been left stranded in distress and despair, through no fault of their own.

Now, I mentioned in my last post that the Stranded in Oz stall was totes my fave, and so is the yarn I bought there.

In 25% of cases stranded on is used

Got ta keep from gettin ' stranded on the flats.

No-Fly List, leaving him stranded on the island.

Any Vancouver residents were stranded on the island.

Almost 30 whales became stranded on the beaches near Anstruther and Pittenweem in Fife.

If you see these floating in the water or stranded on the beach it is wiser not to go in.

One girl was left stranded on a street corner, and no one seemed to be concerned about it.

You play as a young schoolboy who gets stranded on a remote old planet where a unique and eccentric journey begins.

Except, I'd stranded on an island and from the living room window there are absolutely no ferries coming and going.

The plot is simple, centralizing on how one girl survives being stranded on a deserted island with five celebrities.

But the library's been shut down and Israel ends up stranded on the North Antrim coast driving an old mobile library.

In 8% of cases stranded at is used

Pi and Richard Parker at stranded at sea for almost 8 months.

Austell bay, the other stranded at Boat Cove, Perranuthnoe, near St.

We got stranded at Nalian Bazar with a broken engine before it was noon.

Stranded at the water's edge, the mountain became known as Mauao (' caught at dawn ').

Every passing day, large number of commuters were seen stranded at different bus-stops in Lagos.

Otherwise in 2015 RSPO is going to be left stranded at the altar with nothing but a bouquet full of.

A juvenile loggerhead found stranded at low tide on the rocky side of Town Creek in Beaufort, North Carolina, USA.

Vehicles remained stranded at several points of the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway due to makeshift roadside cattle markets.

I wanted to find an answer for her and all the people like her who find themselves lost or stranded at cultural sites.

In 5% of cases stranded with is used

Meanwhile the Juke was left stranded with St.

He left me stranded with no money and I needed help.

Some small animals had gotten stranded with the seaweed too.

Getting stranded with wife &; kid(s) because racecar, won't go over well with them.

They don't give me any assistance yet they know that I am stranded with the children.

South Africa were left stranded with five seamers and not even a part-time spin bowler.

Well the car is bought I have had enough of your TURTLE transit that takes my money will leave me stranded with no refund.

I'd still healing from a terrible finger infection but a cold decides to strike so now I'd stranded with a really bad throat.

Then a cruise ship, stranded with six hundred people in the frozen wastes of the Antarctic, could be his chance to fight back.

Her husband leaves her stranded with three preschool kids, a broken van and her full time job to go off on a ' spirit quest '.

In 4% of cases stranded by is used

It is easy to get stranded by the tide.

Once again I have been left stranded by false information on television.

He said he was prepared to sleep at the coffee shop if he became stranded by the storm.

Rescuers used a bulldozer to retrieve five other people who became stranded by the creek.

Thus they will also gain the confidence that it will not break down very often and leave them stranded by the way side.

But migrant workers being left stranded by their employers or their governments are not a new phenomenon in the Arab world.

Rescuers in boats and trucks plucked a handful of people who became stranded by floodwaters in thinly populated areas of southeast Louisiana.

Many fellow students, along with me, were left stranded by the driver very far away from home (even though it was his duty to drop us at our homes).

While Hicks ' particular ordeal may seem unprecedented, it is not the first time that a law-abiding citizen has been left stranded by the no-fly list.

Ying-Shu Hsu claimed that Ms Deng would frequently lose her temper with staff and once threw a nanny out of her car, leaving her stranded by the roadside.

In 4% of cases stranded for is used

I'd going to be bored and stranded for a week.

In the Whirlpool, Soucek became stranded for three hours.

I have to catch the Suceava train at 1825 from Leorda station or I? m stranded for the night.

It's been long, far too long, but in my defense, Hurricane Sandy left me stranded for the past two weeks.

Rod, Andy and I are left stranded for another few hours strung out on guitar solos and alcohol withdrawal.

More than 10 points in transit to Macau back to Zhuhai, until around 18:00, stranded for eight hours in Macau.

Once in Norwegian I took harmful ferryboat and wound up stranded for the weekend relating to the small island of Fitjar.

The water-logging in the main thoroughfares disrupts normal life with vehicles and pedestrians getting stranded for hours.

Shipwrecked, and stranded for months, he began to study the Nupe language and surveyed openings to the Nupe and Hausa peoples.

I got stranded for 11 hours at Newark Airport a while back and the people at Continental / United were rude, abusive, and threatening.

In 2% of cases stranded without is used

The peace mission was left stranded without even their baggage.

The centre three battled well but were left stranded without flank support.

Stranded without papers, Nasseri was a stateless refugee from Iran, unwanted by any nation.

Leaving me stranded without water was like leaving me on a lone deserted island on the Caribbean.

The terrain of Demaraland is beautiful but it is definitely not a place you would want to get stranded without supplies.

Train services stopped at Kilinochchi and passengers were stranded without a bus service to complete the rest of the journey.

In at least eight such cases, journalists remain stranded without legal recognition in several countries in South and South East Asia.

Moreover, the powerful 8,200 mAh battery ensures you won't be left stranded without power in the middle of your commute, work or lecture.

So, here's a student who wanted to become a medical doctor and is often left stranded without a backup career in mind-didn't think he needed one.

In 1% of cases stranded after is used

You may stranded after loosing your wallet or purse, especially in a foreign city.

One of the kid showing off his masterpiece =D Some of the Piggy banks made by the kids! Cow left stranded after the kids left.

Newly-engaged couple Brad and Janet get stranded after the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and end up at the residence of Dr.

As the working week draws to a close, Penn is buzzing with passengers from all over America and beyond, some of whom were left stranded after Sandy hit.

In 1% of cases stranded as is used

Thousands of Kenyans who depend on public transport were Monday morning left stranded as the strike by Matatu operators entered the fifth day.

In 1% of cases stranded between is used

At times, it feels stranded between both.

Stranded between two worlds in which acceptance was off-limits, she was forced to learn what loneliness meant.

Meanwhile, Malaysia remains stranded between two worlds: between the old dying world and the new one waiting impatiently to be born.

As a result Malaysia now stood, and still stands, stranded between the collapse of the second and the fervently awaited arrival, the effective production, of the third.

Unfortunately the third-placed Porsche 911 of Steven Funk passed the first river crossing only to find a flash flood in a second river, leaving them stranded between the two until the water subsided.

In 1% of cases stranded during is used

Double-stranded DNA normally becomes temporarily single stranded during DNA replication and RNA synthesis.

In 1% of cases stranded like is used

Hence, your de facto stranded like everybody else.

All she wants is not to be left stranded like single like a pale ghost while the Ferris wheel of life spins furiously.

In 1% of cases stranded of is used

So now Im a bit stranded of how to overcome that, as I do nt really know what the first European border Im crossing want me to have.

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