Prepositions after "slip"

slip into, in, to, through or from?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 31% of cases slip into is used

Perhaps some Baileys and Kahlua to slip into it.

Every now and then however, you slip into modern language.

Slipping into the water made my whole body go ' ahhhh '.

It's not the only time that he'll slip into the past tense when describing his career.

It makes it very easy to slip into a new story without needing too much world-building.

I get itchy whenever I'd too accepted, or feel myself slipping into the mainstream.

The developers haven't invaded quite yet, but you'd better get in quick, before the good old days slip into the past.

There's something about smelling each other, about slipping into each other's heads, that makes everything worse.

It's easy to slip into a role where you do everything for a project, but then you also are responsible for everything.

In 11% of cases slip in is used

She had slipped in unnoticed with Charles.

You can not let things slip in the garden, he says.

I like the idea of slipping in some diminished passing chords.

The same principle applies to Cooper, whose form seems to have slipped in this campaign.

If they do n't, he has a crack and if they do, then he can slip in a forward in the vacant space.

I tried to mix up my pace and bowl a lot of slower balls and then slip in the quicker ball at pace.

When most presenters tow the corporate line, Moylesy slips in the occasional dig at how ridiculous the whole process is.

Square provides the hardware for free, and it's small enough to slip in your pocket, so you can tuck it away when it's not in use.

Allamargot let her concentration slip in the second game against Sandra Polak but was always in control, coming through in four games.

Five minutes before a client arrives your elderly neighbour phones you to say that they have slipped in the bath and they need your help.

In 8% of cases slip to is used

Haddin, whose batting average has slipped to 35.

By the second quarter of 2012 the headline growth rate had slipped to 7.

Confidence in the former has slipped to the lowest since April 2009 (+33.

Delhi's Rashid Khan, the overnight leader, slipped to tied position in round three.

Facing the ripple effects of global financial crisis, India's economic growth slipped to 6.

But if the cost is P2 million and the annual rental remains at P100,000, then the yearly yield slips to 5 percent.

The Paisley side have lost their last five matches in the Clydesdale Bank Premier League and have slipped to second bottom in the table as a result.

I have Arenas ranked 7th in the 2001 NBA Draft 2003 Carlos Boozer Cleveland Cavaliers 34 Boozer took a hit in the 2002 NBA Draft slipping to the second round.

This means that if everything goes perfectly, JJK have the potential to reach eight and, conversely, if things don't go according to plan, they might slip to eleventh.

The criminals after committing crimes in cities slip to B Areas, which are within grasping reach (half an hour to one hour distance ), where the police can not meddle.

In 8% of cases slip through is used

Beliefs keep slipping through the noose of predictability.

She should slip through the cracks like the slime that she is.

To say we slipped through the cracks was an understatement.

I think a lot of middle children can just slip through the net and do their own things.

I overpowered her and took it from her and it slipped through my finger and I stabbed her.

The moment the door was pushed open and Alice had slipped through James became aware of what was happening.

But when you've tried to take control over and over again the faster life slips through your fingers and leaves you helpless.

Saturday, September 15, 2012 Many times did I slip through a cave slot like a just-delivered baby lost my bearings in the old dryness.

How did this slip through quality control? Major disappointment in the maps app for me, but I'd guessing they'll correct that in the 6.

In a very short order I realized how incredible a sailboat is as we slipped through the water without a sound propelled by free energy.

In 8% of cases slip from is used

Gradually I slipped from the chair and lay on the floor.

Arsenal has slipped from a lofty pedestal with no recovery in sight.

Sleep eventually took him, all such dilemmas slipping from his mind.

Nandy decided to come for the ball and collected it well, but then let it slip from his grasp.

Most of this increase represented women slipping from formal employment into residual employment.

Over 103 years she had learned to celebrate love when you see it and never let it slip from your grasp.

And it is natural to slip from thinking this to thinking that it is Wilma's fault that Pebbles is blind rather than sighted.

Martinez sent on striker Franco di Santo for Maloney on the hour, but the game was rapidly slipping from his side's grasp.

You could see the clutch slipping from the start as the first series of questions directly accused Rudd of being more talk than action.

Soon after we had slipped from each other's lives, I found myself standing a few feet away from George himself, in the Apple boutique on London's Baker Street.

In 7% of cases slip out is used

Actors never slipped out of the lockjaw.

The PadFone is in no danger of accidentally slipping out of our palms.

The young man slipped out of his room in time to see God going down the stairs.

Then Melville slips out of sight, runs through the Vatican City and escapes onto the streets of Rome.

This is a tablet that's easy to use single-handedly without the risk of it slipping out of your hands.

It was quick in coming, as the Assistant Head demanded she drop her tights and get her skirt and slips out of the way.

This is because, hard as it is for them to watch the life slipping out of your fragile frame, they know you can get better.

The game was already slipping out of our grasp like so much sand that was the color of our old sand-colored jerseys by then.

One trainee lets the magazine slip out of his automatic rifle and onto the red earth, someone else about turns right instead of left.

In 6% of cases slip on is used

Jake slips on a disguise and frequents the adult book store.

So I slipped on my running shoes and announced that I was going for a walk.

She slipped on the pathway before me and went to the ground in slow motion.

Felt soles biggest advantage is that they just do not slip on wet, or slimy rocks and boulders.

For example: Water on a staircase is a hazard, because you could slip on it, fall and hurt yourself.

Before we slip on that plain gold band we are told, among other things that; - Marriage is hard work.

However, just before he kicked the ball, he slipped on the watery turf and saw his effort clip the outside of the post.

It can be like playing on bathroom tiles and even if you never slip on it, you'll always have it your head that you might.

But in my frenzy to get out the door after I dropped my toddler off with my parents, I'd slipped on my rough brown John Deere work jacket.

She dressed in a short jumper dress and high-top trainers to attend her ex's concert, slipping on a thick red jacket before leaving to help her keep warm.

In 5% of cases slip away is used

This debate has slipped away from him.

He was placed square on his feet and the arms slipped away from him.

So was I as I realised my dreams of eggs benedict were slipping away from me.

County are in danger of slipping away from the top six after a run of only one win in five.

He talked about being nervous and the game slipped away from him, but he had a fair performance.

When you feel your self respect slipping away from your hands, it is the first warning sign that you should move out of the relationship.

In some ways, it's an emotional spin cycle all too familiar to Canadian hockey fans, who remember a time when the game seemed to be slipping away from us.

His movement was a constant problem for the Chelsea defence, particularly for Luiz, who he gave the round-around and slipped away from to open the scoring.

Some soldiers slipped away from Yazid? s camp towards the Imam? s camp knowing fully well that if fighting started the next morning they would surely perish.

In 3% of cases slip past is used

He's slipped past a few, the slippery eel.

Jrod > He has slipped past a few questions easily has nt he.

He slipped past Reception without bothering to explain what had happened.

Inevitably some mistakes, errors and substandard articles slip past their critical eyes.

Under this guise, they hope that these measures will be quietly slipped past the mainstream media.

It slips past military security and it can also leak from WikiLeaks, which is how I came to obtain the data.

After nine months, on 15 August 1578 he escaped by unscrewing the lock on his door and slipping past the guard.

I guess I must have seemed a bit awkward but despite our efforts I could not slip past The Gates into the Sacred Chamber.

It even slipped past the embargoes of the Guardian and other media organisations involved in this story when a rogue copy of Der Spiegel accidentally went on sale in Basle, Switzerland, on Sunday.

In 2% of cases slip under is used

He slipped under the door as she watched him.

Although it's slipped under the radar, Australia is one of two countries short-listed as sites for the world's biggest radio telescope.

Nonetheless, just like BOLD did, Holdingford converted on fourth down, with Messman slipping under the BOLD defense and into the end zone to tie the score.

Photo: Australian Services Union, NSW &; ACT WITH attention focused elsewhere, summer is always a good time for politically important developments to slip under the radar.

In 2% of cases slip off is used

By the sounds of things it may have slipped off this.

His finger slipped off the middle bit and he lost votes there instead.

While this was going on, the missionary slipped off the ship, unnoticed.

I stopped driving the first time the neuropathy in my feet allowed my foot to unintentionally slip off of the brake pedal.

The problem would be, if the universe slipped off it's alignment just a little, and none of these pocket dimensions lined up where they should: instead of pulling cold air, you could tap anti-matter.

In 2% of cases slip by is used

I can't believe this almost slipped by me as it was released earlier.

He gets Kidd-GIlchrist in the air and slips by him, but then gets stuck doing nothing.

What kind of set up do you have? I'd like to try and duplicate it -- I'd hate for it be failing for visitors and have it slip by me.

Depending on your surface, you can maybe get a bit more speed before you slip by experimenting with different air pressures in your tires.

Republicans have absolutely NO TOLERANCE for a sitting Vice President smiling and refusing to let slide the lies that a junior senator wants to slip by us.

In 2% of cases slip between is used

Her account of Aboriginal singing slips between the two senses of this term.

Little slithers of stones had even been slipped between the main slabs to keep the facing perfect.

It was only a short hike, but if you got to the bottom of the mesa, you were able to slip between some rocks and climb up on top of the mesa.

In 1% of cases slip like is used

I was a bit embarrassed but really just couldn't believe I had slipped like that.

And the moment Office takes a signficiant risk with features(O12), it slips like mad as well.

In 1% of cases slip over is used

The cruise line says the man was working on the deck when he slipped over the railing.

Of course the practical reality for a long time was that you just slipped over the border into Laos or Cambodia or Malaysia and stayed there for a few days while your visa was renewed.

In 1% of cases slip for is used

Net length for gold slipped for the first in 7 weeks although price has set new record highs.

Silver Sales Up As Supply Slips For the first time in history, Silver Eagle &; Maple Leaf sales will surpass domestic silver production in the U.

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