Prepositions after "sail"

sail from, in, for, to or through?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 17% of cases sail from is used

Ramanujan sailed from India on 17 March 1914.

Malaysia has six and people sail from one to another.

On 1 June 1835 he sailed from Panama with his family.

The three Canadian destroyers, earlier alerted, sailed from the west coast on 5 July.

We sailed from London to Melbourne via Drammen (Norway ), and arrived at Melbourne early in 1871.

It sails from the Ban Don ferry pier close to central Surat Thani at 23:00, and arrives Ko Samui 05:00.

We set sail from Esbjerg back to London, a place where, after being away for so long, the language sounded strange,.

Subject to these considerations Struble proposed to sail from Buckner on the 11th for operations on the 13th and 14th.

They did some damage, but the main part of the invasion fleet was actually sailing from Rabaul towards Port Moresby.

Instead of sailing from Southampton to New York the maiden voyage for this ship is going to be from New York to Southampton.

In 14% of cases sail in is used

I remember once sailing in Sweden, according to the Decca.

On August 2, 1492, Columbus set sail in search of the East Indies.

Umm Haram daughter of Milhan sailed in the aea in the time of Mu'awiya.

After that you are likely to be sailing in straight lines with very few passing lanes.

Most of us sail in the same boat as you I think -- not really knowing our purpose till later in life.

Consumer Goods, Tourism, Airlines, Hotels, Beauty, Healthcare etc, are all sailing in the same boat.

At Buckner Bay new orders were received, and on the 3rd Greenlet and her three charges sailed in company for Yokosuka.

Even when sailing in company, problems arose in communicating with units which could not be issued classified publications.

He was an Italian explorer from Genoa who set sail in 1492 to enrich the Spanish monarchs with gold and spices from the orient.

I spent two months sailing in the Baltic a couple of years ago, and I was struck by the virtually complete lack of sea life.

In 13% of cases sail for is used

Ships set sail for Antarctica from here.

A few days later, he set sail for Halifax from Liverpool.

Barca can't afford him now anyway, I think he knows that ship has sailed for now.

The men of Greece assembled at Aulis to sail for Troy, leaving their homes, families and country.

After emergency repairs at San Diego, she sailed for Alameda, where on the 8th she began to load.

She and Clara went ontake the steareer on the other hand ingsond sailed for America to nurse Susy.

After final sea trials this year, the scientists will set sail for the deep Pacific where the Earth's crust is thinnest.

That evening she sailed for Queenstown, Ireland, and at 1:30 PM on Thursday, April 11, she headed out into the Atlantic.

Segundo and Catfish took on full loads of torpedo warheads from Piedmont at Subic Bay on the 26th, and on the next day sailed for Sasebo.

Thom than he was seized by ten or twelve officers of the * Inquisition *, who placed him in a small armed frigate, which at once set sail for Goa.

In 11% of cases sail to is used

So it was with this they sailed to the new world.

We sailed to Samoa and we spent a whole day in PagoPago.

In January 1927, he sailed to Marseilles and then went to Paris.

Napoleon sailed to Malta and made anchor just outside the Grand Harbor in June of 1798.

At the time of the overboard last night, the Allure was sailing to Nassau after leaving Ft.

Then doubling the cape and sailing to the southward he landed on a small island about six miles southeast of Gay Head.

In 1939, Walter Nash sailed to motherland Britannia on a mission to get credit to tide us over a balance of payments crisis.

Being able to sail to new places and experience the cultures of all the different stopovers is an unbelievable opportunity as.

Culum has spent much of this year sailing to the UK from Turkey in an effort to track down the woman he claims he met in Cyprus.

In 9% of cases sail through is used

M in Indian political history who sailed through no-confidence motion.

Sailing through the sweltering tropics many soldiers also slept up on deck.

Why would anybody do it? We never choose to discard the life we may live, when sailing through unharmed.

After an extensive consultation the city settled on bike lanes, and the vote sailed through council by a large majority.

Imagine sailing through deep blue waters, the sun on your back as you wrestle a 30kg dorado or yellow fin tuna on board.

It has been 100% reliable in the 3 years I ’ ve owned her and has sailed through every MOT with no issues whatsoever.

By sailing through the strait that bears his name, Bering proved for the first time that Asia and North America were not joined.

But by golly, we discovered how those LA chaps keep their mojo, and we sailed through our morning meetings on a wave of endorphins.

Particularly delightful is the sequence showing Pierre going over the edge of the famed landmark and debonairly sailing through the sky.

In 9% of cases sail on is used

They were sailing on the surface of this green sea.

This is our last opportunity to sail on the course before then.

He also sailed on Marco Polo and then, for seven months, P &O's; Artemis.

Those videos might have helped in 2008, but the ship has sailed on that kind of thing at this point.

A few days later she sailed on the Punjab with her hand picked nurses, Sophia Jones and Emma Durham.

Then, you board a traditional ocean going dhow and set sail on the Indian Ocean in search of dolphins.

A Moment Watching the sun set over the sails of a yacht passing by, sailing on her side, she drifts up the harbour.

Little did I know that she was sailing on this very boat! But just nordstrom bikini now she came to me as I writhed on deck.

The last 65 Australian Army nurses stationed in Singapore were ordered to board the Vyner Brooke, which sailed on 12 February.

While we only look at the supply side, as Jeffrey Wilson has done in this article, it may appear that we are sailing on calm waters.

In 3% of cases sail into is used

And best of luck as you sail into private life.

Trincomalee? s long military began in 1617 when five Danish ships sailed into Koddiyar Bay under a commander named Ove Giedde.

And soon, after scoring hit songs despite their anarchistic messages, the Pistols were crossing the ocean to America, sailing into a maelstrom of expectation and loathing.

Having abandoned the plan to send Irish children to England, Larkin called on English unions to ' black ' ships sailing into Dublin Port and to prevent English dockers from working in Ireland.

In 3% of cases sail with is used

Singing paeans to late YSR is seen as his plan to sail with his son Jagan.

When it was all done he invited me to sail with him 100 miles to his summer mooring.

Bless you, Grace, and all who sail with you: please, get a life! Brilliant Grace-and scary.

He would certainly have had trouble convincing others to sail with him or to fund his first voyage.

It sailed with 14 crew, including John Guy, and was accompanied by a smaller shallop carrying five colonists.

So we sailed with a small crew and let our guests do all the work! Our focus has now shifted to Saturday, which sees the start of the first big ocean leg to Cape Town.

In 3% of cases sail across is used

The building was designed to look like a great ocean liner sailing across the airwaves.

The group had sailed across the Arabian Sea from Karachi for days, hijacking an Indian trawler on their way and killing its crew.

My husband had just sailed across the Atlantic (Project Song of the Whale) and we were making the most of our boat being over there.

Rural scenes are also very popular, such as waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, chickens, cows, ducks, palm trees, water lilies and boats sailing across rivers and lakes.

In 2% of cases sail past is used

M/S as one sails past the camera showing its great length.

Hexes and curses sailed past him; he had only used his wand to erect a protection charm.

Now, however, the HTC One X+ sails past midday and on towards early evening, even on busy days.

If that shark hadn't nudged me awake the crew of the boat might have thought I wasn't in trouble and might have carried on sailing past me.

In 2% of cases sail at is used

He lowered sail at once and returned to shore.

That said we did manage a few good bits of sailing at 5-6 kts.

But the fowls were shy that day, bless their wild hearts! They came in so slowly that he decided to sail at 11 a.

Bluebridge terminals Wellington and Picton There is space to park up and wait for your ferry sailing at both terminals.

In 2% of cases sail around is used

Most of their silver sailed around the world paying for wars, encouraging trade, changing the fates of empires.

What fun it would be sailing around the ice in that huge place! To our sorrow we found there were limitations which interfered with our free-style enjoyment of the sport.

In 1% of cases sail down is used

No doubt on a fine, clear day, you could sail down that road at 60MPH (apart from the bends!) and be totally safe.

In 1% of cases sail by is used

Arautauta was sailed by Tarawa -- accompanied by two taniwha (sea creatures) -- and landed at Wai? tahe Beach, between? p? tiki-mai-tawhiti and? hiwa Harbour.

In 1% of cases sail between is used

Metro News (UK) reports a 50-year-old woman went overboard from the balcony of her cabin while the ship was sailing between Curaao and Grand Turk islands.

He was born in Australia in 1963 and he spent his childhood between England and Australia, traveling as a small boy with his family on the last P &O; liners to sail between the two countries.

In 1% of cases sail away is used

Sail away from the safe harbor.

In 1% of cases sail out is used

Lauderdale, Florida is the main cruise port for cruise ships sailing out of this area, and is also an enormous sea port for various commercial interests.

In 1% of cases sail over is used

It was the 18 th over of the innings and the first four balls went sailing over the rope.

Accidently spraying them with water was quite effective, as was putting a knife into any ball that sailed over the wall.

In 1% of cases sail since is used

Some terminology for kite buggying can be borrowed from sailing since the dynamics are similar enough.

He has been sailing since the age of four, and is a two-time Optimist UK national champion who aims to be entered into the 2013 ISAF (International Sailing Association &; Federation) Open.

In 1% of cases sail towards is used

Though he had been unwell for some time, we thought him indestructible as he sailed towards his 10th decade.

Elrond Peredhil received shed this spark with his or her little brown eyes along with the purity on the intrinsic flame as soon as Celebran sailed towards western world.

In 1% of cases sail under is used

It was its first sail under its own power since turning 200 in 1997.

In 1% of cases sail up is used

He then sailed up the river in a small yacht.

The only trees on your mind will be the ones you see appear over horizon as you sail up to a new location.

In 1% of cases sail along is used

Various shots of battleships in the fleet sailing along with the crew working onboard.

Various shots of the ships in the fleet and a big battleship in the sunset, more shots of different ships sailing along.

The time was not yet even half ten when we were sailing along the river and had a look at the most interesting face of Iquitos.

For the People of Norway, by Michael Morpurgo Only last Summer I was sailing along the coast of Norway, in and out of the fjords.

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