Prepositions after "put"

"put in" or "put on"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 39% of cases put in is used

He needs to be put into prison.

Put in pointers to your videos.

Put in fd as of now is the best.

I think you have put in more than perfect which is excellent translation of the material.

What would she put in the water for the baby's first bath? Answer: Rum and a silver coin.

Michael and Nico put in consistent performances, pulled off good overtaking moves and we delivered six clean pit stops.

You could certainly put in dampers, but if you add them in you need to be very careful to make sure they are air tight.

Its distinction is that it's designed to handle really large amounts of data with high throughput in a realtime manner.

Before I forked out a copper for playing staff, what the Americans call ' front office ' would have to be put in order.

In 26% of cases put on is used

I have nothing to put on my list.

We raced and put on riding schools.

I don't ' mis-wear ' what I put on.

I'd going to put on some concealer now, this is the line smoothing concealer by Clinique.

Nadhr means making a vow in the name of Allah that he will put on the ihram from place x.

Malinche Entertainment is putting on the Adventure Game Expo in Atlantic City on Aug.

For Followers of Seyyid Golpaygani, is it wajib for ladies to wear two unsewn clothes when putting on the Ihraam? A.

Every time these people remove the little cross we put on our son's grave, this just reinforces their disbelief with us.

Then to pull my soul together and try put it all out of my mind I put on some music to soothe my soul and began to bake.

A blogroll is usually put on the homepage - which means all the blogs you link to are getting the SEO benefits from you.

In 16% of cases put into is used

He needs to be put into prison.

Poverty can be put into categories.

The definition does not need to be put into the new statute, and probably could not be.

I really appreciate you putting into words the things I have thought about so much.

This surprised me at first because of the effort put into indoctrination at the school.

However, The reason I am put into university isn't because my mentor is putting me on some lifelong learning journey.

You could refer others to Stockgen and earn referral fees of up to 30% of the money your referrals put into Stockgen.

As well, you can feel free to use your work journal for items that wouldn't make sense to put into the clinic manual.

Others have shown that random numbers can be put into Mann's algorithm, and they always produce a hockey stick graph.

In 7% of cases put to is used

A gun was not put to their head.

Tonight we just got put to the sword.

AMQ9511 Messages can not be put to a queue.

In 1812, Mampitiya, the natural son of Kirtisri, was accused of treason and put to death.

Graphene - This is an allotropic form of carbon which can be put to a huge number of uses.

The available HR is required to be put to work and earn for their own and for the country.

He was afraid of his master coming to claim him, when, if given up, he would by Roman law be tortured and put to death.

We must learn how to confess our sins no matter what so that Satan will be put to shame and as well learn how to forgive.

I sometimes pretend the world is ending, or I'd being put to death by the state in the morning, and really just go to town.

Third, nobody should be reproached for his fault or mistake, that is, he should not be put to humiliation in public for it.

In 2% of cases put at is used

The living wage has been put at 7.

Here the odd that Chelsea will win is put at 1.

Those who have not yet been put at rest, I put at rest.

Bit nervous and again totally put at ease and the sedation (for those that have not had it) is just fab.

She is put at risk by practices that dissipate the security of relationship to her natural mother and father.

At $4 trillion and counting, their combined cost is approaching that of the Second World War, put at some $4.

The Celtel rebranding was alleged to have cost $30 million, while the cost of the Zain rebranding is put at $28 million.

Today 50 percent of Nigerians are said to be living condition below the poverty line and life expectancy put at 52 years.

With Jane's attention diverted and his concentration wavering, the current investigation and his CBI career are put at risk.

I would not want put at risk my clients and my colleagues by not being insured, and I would not want to give the ' flu to my.

In 1% of cases put before is used

Carts are being put before horses.

The blessings are here put before the curses.

The question about it was put before the military adviser on 5 November.

Following such approval, the scheme is again put before the Court for final sanction.

In an attempt to prevent her departure, a series of obstacles are put before the prince.

Note that although the AE and AAE sounds follow after the letter M, they are put before it.

She is represented in New Zealand by a Governor General, who ratifies all laws put before him or her by the elected parliament of New Zealand.

Note also that for the O and Au sounds to mark M there are two components of the vowel mark -one which is put before the letter and the other after.

In a business case soon to be put before Government, UC officials have requested $55-60 million to move the entire College of Ed from its Dovedale campus to Ilam campus.

The convict, Benjamin Sam, admitted to committing the crime by having sex with the boy through his anus, when he was put before the court presided over by Sedina Agbemava.

In 1% of cases put behind is used

England's run of failures were soon to be put behind them.

I cut out the girl from the left over Gingham paper and put behind the teacup.

Handmade is actually made by hand, and there is love a care put behind each item.

He who claims to be an inventor, should be put behind bars for bringing bad name to Pakistan.

I hope that the players put behind their differences and perform to the fullest in the event to bring.

He may be put behind the bars, but such sacrifice of personal freedom will deliver freedom to Ummah in the long term.

Even though it was my home race, quite early on it became one to put behind me and that was quite difficult I have to say.

Since the 1993 floods on the Upper Mississippi River, more than 72 square kilometres of floodplain lands have been put behind levees in the St.

When the roar kicks in at the beginning of Have A Blast I was convinced he was going to rupture something, such was the power he put behind the sound.

It won't be the first time I've said this but a presenter is only as good as the production put behind him or her and the production only as good as the presenter you put in front of it.

In 1% of cases put off is used

Even the wealthiest man can not put off death.

Hmmm you seem to have put off a lot of Indians.

Both are at risk if lawmakers put off this bill.

I'd be put off myself by something that claims to be a miracle--because they rarely are.

How often does that happen to men who keep putting off prostate operations, I wonder.

Fab! The one (and slight as such) issue was that I felt abut put off being a single diner.

If one delays the performing of sacrifice beyond Eid day due to incapacity, could he also put off doing Halq/Taqseer? A.

Firstly, a slow interface instantly puts off web visitors and individuals won't be interested in exploring your internet site.

EDSOURCE: Would you suggest slowing it down, putting off the implementation? BUCHANAN: Yes, slowing it down, or phasing it.

He then worried that his intelligible babble would put off the stunning blonde, and was surprised when she agreed to a second date.

In 1% of cases put through is used

If I had a family to support, put through school, etc.

And that most were put through it again at regular intervals.

My poor girlfriend's bladder was put through that ordeal for nothing.

They are always a victim of their work being put through the saturday morning machine.

He was beaten and put through a grueling interrogation on the details of Chen's escape.

How did this come to my attention, by a HDN failed to deliver note being put through my door.

The hot water is put through a heat exchanger and the heated second fluid used to drive a turbine to generate electricity.

To drive any vehicle on the ice you need to be put through training -- for the 4WD thats a cruise over to McMurdo and back.

The first few will start to be rejected that have been put through under financial requirement lets see what they do very soon.

In 1% of cases put under is used

Students like me are put under the gun.

Let us put under consideration some ways.

All High English Schools were also put under the board.

I must try and find some bricks or something, to put under the box to make it straight.

The little marks you put under a line when you intend to repeat it but can't be bothered.

There is a demographic limit to the number of people most nation-states can put under arms.

There is also a way a support can be put under the lower part of the crop, so that it is held up in a normal position.

I explained myself in a final meeting and was put under heavy pressure when 6 men harshly argued against our decission.

All of this resulted in Liverpool being stretched on both flanks and also being put under pressure in between the lines.

All the colleges of Dhaka city were converted into intermediate colleges and were put under the jurisdiction of the board.

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