Prepositions after "punishable"

"punishable by" or "punishable with"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 58% of cases punishable by is used

THAT should be punishable by law.

Everyone is punishable by the law.

Punishable by imprisonment to 20 years.

Any felony is punishable by over one year in prison, and this includes felony DUI.

Sodomy is illegal in mostly Muslim Malaysia and is punishable by a whipping and a maximum jail term of 20 years.

It is an offence, punishable by a fine up to $1,000, to tamper with, remove, or attempt to remove a wheel clamp.

Fact known no 14 days notice, not reporting for work, open assembly (this in itself is illegal punishable by law.

In 19% of cases punishable with is used

Offences not punishable with death 44 29C.

Offences not punishable with death 43 29C.

It is punishable with a fine and imprisonment.

Imprisonment for non-payment of fine, when offence punishable with fine only 67.

Killing dolphins is a crime punishable with imprisonment under the wildlife act.

Disobeying the law is punishable with a $100,000 fine or 12 months imprisonment.

Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night in order to commit offence punishable with imprisonment 457.

These offences are triable either way and punishable with a maximum of two years ' imprisonment on indictment.

IPC 451: House-trespass to commit any offence punishable with imprisonment -- imprisonment for 2 years and fine.

This hadees, therefore, does not in any manner lend support to the thesis that apostacy is punishable with death.

In 13% of cases punishable under is used

A is punishable under this section.

This by itself is an offence punishable under the Act.

This is a criminal offence punishable under the ICPC Act.

The company was charged under section 5(1), punishable under section 18 of the Act.

In 1972, attempted suicide became no longer punishable under the Criminal Code of Canada.

They ALL have become a bunch of criminal states punishable under International Conventions.

The offence under Section 361 of the Indian Penal Code is punishable under Section 363 of the Indian Penal Code.

The offence according to the charge sheet was contrary to Section 8(a) and punishable under Section 1 (3) of the.

Here D is punishable only under this section, but B and C are punishable under section 239 or 240, as the case may be.

According to Section 363 of the Penal Code of Sri Lanka, rape is a serious crime and punishable under the criminal law.

In 4% of cases punishable on is used

The offence is punishable on indictment by a fine or a term of imprisonment of up to five years.

Marginal indictable offence and or (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Every who is a member of an unlawful assembly is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note: Offence (contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note: Offence (5) Every person subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note: Punishment indictable offence and five years; or (b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Breach of section 19 may be a criminal offence and punishable on indictment by a maximum term of two years imprisonment and/or a fine.

Marginal note: Punishment (5) Every one who commits an indictable offence and or (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

A breach of an order is an offence punishable on summary conviction or, if dealt with as an indictable offence, by up to two years imprisonment.

Marginal note: Offence (4) Every one who buys, takes or receives a lot, in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

In 3% of cases punishable in is used

Both charges are punishable in law.

What acts are punishable in gambling.

Tax avoidance is not punishable in law.

Tax avoidance is not punishable in law and is permissible in almost all tax jurisdictions.

Inciting to Sedition and Rebellion through the medium of writing may be punishable in the U.

However, in general, sexual involvement outside of marriage is punishable in an Islamic state like many other crimes.

The enforcement of any disability arising out of ' Untouchability ' shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.

The war crimes will be punishable in the case of normal state's soldiers and so the same will apply to non-state combatants.

Demonstrations and unauthorised assembly, non-cooperation with revolutionary troops are punishable in grave manner up to death.

In 1% of cases punishable as is used

Secondly, killing is killing and is punishable as a crime.

Simulation is still punishable as a yellow card offence across the game.

Had it been punishable as an offence, the Holy Prophet would not have accepted this term of the treaty.

No doubt adultery is not OK but at the same time it should not be regarded as a crime and punishable as such.

This is extortion, and punishable as such: but it is not robbery, unless Z is put in fear of the instant death of his child.

But if there is incapacity, a defect of his understanding, as there can be no consent of the will, the act is not punishable as a crime.

Olson: And they are less of a threat of corruption because there is less -- there is no quid pro quo there, and if there is it would be punishable as a crime.

From there on, incitement to murder and extermination was considered a form of persecution on political and racial grounds, punishable as a crime against humanity.

In 1% of cases punishable for is used

The offence is punishable for a term not exceeding 10 years ' imprisonment and/or a fine (or both).

The question here is simply whether John ought to be liable or punishable for failing to rescue the child.

In the new state however they will only be punishable for the war crimes, not anymore for the warlike acts.

Soldiers of a state army, on whom always the prisoner of war status is granted, are also punishable for certain crimes.

In other times, this would have amounted to apostasy, which in turn is punishable for women by imprisonment or flogging.

It would surely be morally wrong to hold people responsible and punishable for vio-lating laws they could not be aware of.

Engaging in prohibited practices is a criminal offence punishable for a term not exceeding two years ' imprisonment and/or a fine (or both).

Pernicious actions are often punishable for no other reason than because they shew a want of sufficient attention to the happiness of our neighbour.

From the laws, also, we would gather that a Brehon remained punishable for his neglect, whether such neglect occurred through malice or inadvertence.

It has given police and prosecution another stick with which to beat the unwary -- and to punish them should they not be punishable for any other crime.

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