perish in, from, with, on or as?
More people have perished in south and central Somalia. |
The Crusades were waged and millions of people perished in the wars. |
Nine poor fellows in all perished in their strenuous endeavour to save themselves. |
Even those who died in the faith, had perished in their sins, if Christ had not risen. |
Thus, many Northmen could have settled there (and perhaps perished in the Great Plague). |
An estimated 3 million Vietnamese and more than 58,000 Americans perished in the conflict. |
In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today. |
Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but have never been able to reach. |
For instance, the Cambodian special court was established after twenty-one percent of its population had perished in Genocide. |
This does not include those who perished in religious wars or those who were killed in more local or individual acts of murder. |
The prophet Hosea said, (Hosea 4: 6) My people perish from a lack of knowledge. |
Otherwise government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth '. |
The captives were harshly treated by their escort, and many of the children perished from the rigours of the journey. |
Sir Charles Cameron, the Medical Inspector for Dublin, said: ' It is certain that infants perish from want of sufficient food. |
In 1918, as many as 100 million people perished from the Spanish flu worldwide - making it the greatest natural disaster of modern times. |
It has been a time to remember the some 30 million who have perished from AIDS since the first reports of a rare form of pneumonia surfaced in 1981. |
Like his assistant minister and personal friend, Joshua Orwa Ojode, who perished with him in that accident, he left behind only one wife and one child-a boy. |
Whole layers of advanced workers, the bedrock of the revolution, had perished on the front lines during the civil war and in the famine conditions. |
Since the killing of John F Kennedy in 1963, more Americans have died by American gunfire than perished on foreign battlefields in the whole of the 20th century. |
He had fortunately declined a prior invitation to go there on board of a French bark which perished on the way over with all nine crewmembers (Casgrain 1897: 260-261). |
In a remarkable sequence composed of 18 different shots filmed at varying speeds -- both slow and natural -- from some 15 separate angles, Thompson will perish as the bomb is detonated remotely. |
Certain groups needed to eat meat or perish at crucial points in their history. |
Then came 1940 and we nearly perished for lack of a large, efficient army, which we could only have had if we had introduced conscription at least three years earlier. |
To be really frank I think it is cheap and cruel, while people both foreign and domestic by the millions are crushed and perish for others personal peace and comfort in delusions. |
Amidst all of this, Henry Davids was left stranded at the other end while he watched each of his partners perish to their own wrong doings. |
During the civil war nine million perished through famine, disease and freezing conditions. |
Over half of the Maasais and their animals perished during this period. |
God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life. |
Every day in Africa, Latin America and Asia, tens of thousands of people perish because of extreme poverty. |
The burial ground is now a memorial to those who perished under the Khmer Rouge. |
In September 2010 I was relieved that there was no loss of life, In February 2011 I grieved along with the nation as two people I knew perished amongst the 182 fatalities. |