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Prepositions used with "leave"

on, for, of, to or without leave?

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In Top 1000 words
In 47% of cases leave on is used

Like eddie Haskel on Leave it to beaver.

I came home on leave: and then went west.

Jones ), who's home on leave from the Army.

The government is yet to make any specific statement on his staying on leave for one month.

HIROSHIMA We went on leave to Tokyo, stopping on the way at the site of the town of Hiroshima.

The government has so far also not refuted media reports that he was sent on leave only for a month.

I don't see why he has any business passing opinion about what she does while on leave or telling her to keep it secret.

Sunstein is currently Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where he is on leave while working in the Obama administration.

She then went on leave and came back the next Tuesday to be told Mr Taiapa had been off that day and the day before on sick leave.

On offer is a casual opportunity to provide support to the team for functions, as well as providing cover for when our staff are on leave.

In 15% of cases leave for is used

The first application is to apply for leave to apply for access.

I live for that 5 years in same house and for next year we (me and my girlfriend) have plan for leave Ireland.

An application was then made to Her Majesty in Council for leave to appeal, but that too was refused on April 21,1955.

The Supreme Court was considering whether to hear an appeal to hold a new trial, but the application for leave to appeal was dismissed.

An application for leave to go to the judicial review court to bar Pusey from continuing to try the case is set to be heard on November 24.

Can Access be granted to Grandparents? A grandparent can apply for leave to apply for access through the local District Court under the Children Act 1997.

In the UK Social Services prevent applications for leave of the court to appeal by placing the children with foster/adoptees or adoptive parents very quickly.

In 14% of cases leave of is used

Our hopes of leave were dashed when he said that we should now have to wait 12 weeks and then get 7 days.

Moulinkiwi98 He did get 3 days of leave but not the 5 he wanted Jimmie There are plenty like him in Gissie.

It is probable that Cook was then granted a short period of leave so that he could visit his family on the way north to Scotland.

If you only have two weeks of leave this December, renovating the whole bathroom, while an admirable pursuit, probably isn't the most practical.

Teachers benefit from an attractive salary and benefits package, plus a variety of leave types, including annual leave, maternity, paternity or adoption.

Sweden Parents receive over a year of leave and other benefits, and they can share the time off, with each parent taking half the time off to be with the child.

In terms of leave, your wife has 16 weeks of government-paid maternity leave to use for preparation before birth, recuperation after birth and the care for your newborn.

Shakhawat Hossain, managing director of the company, said they had announced a day of leave in fear of further trouble after the arrest of 26 workers by the law enforcers.

In 12% of cases leave to is used

I continued to look until I was the one to leave.

Wilt thou stay here, while I - yet no - that would be to leave thee to danger.

But do not be completely partial so as to leave a wife, as it were, suspended in mid air.

I can not speak about it now; but I have received a command from God to leave it in writing.

Why do people click on articles of people they clearly don't like, only to leave nasty comments? - emma.

When his household cares obliged the ministrant to leave her room, Nydia began to re-collect her thoughts.

Little traitress, my fingers itch at thee: and so to leave only a bowl of water, too! Had it been wine, it would have been some comfort.

Cautious Tour Germany's Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum was next to leave the course intact, but opted for a cautious tour with the lovely Bella Donna in 52.

But, by the gods! they were all grown so dear, and money was so scarce, that I was about to leave the place in despair, when a merchant plucked me by the robe.

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins.

In 4% of cases leave without is used

I was charged with being absent without leave.

Go AWOL - take leave without permission An acronym for absent without leave.

Absence from Duty: Types of Absence Absence from duty for a long time without leave or reasonable excuse.

In 3% of cases leave with is used

Cross-examination on character can only be with leave: s 112 Evidence Act.

The indictment can be amended at any time with leave of the court or the consent of the accused: s 20.

In 2% of cases leave by is used

A writ of sequestration may not be issued except by leave of the court: r 40.

The appeal process then being by leave of the court only from this point forward.

If speaking times are varied by leave, the clerks are instructed to set the timing clocks accordingly.

Following the winding-up order no action or proceeding shall be proceeded with or commenced against the company except by leave of the court.

In 1% of cases leave in is used

Royal Mail, try to deliver, if youre not in leave a card and you can collect from the local post office.

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