Prepositions after "offer"

"offer by" or "offer to"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 29% of cases offer by is used

Accept only what is offered by sacred love.

Never take referrals offered by a stranger.


Perhaps the most hypocritical rationalization offered by friends of Israel is that U.

No tax credit certificates for IRS filings in the USA will be offered by the Ed-Fund.

Regis Singapore offered qualitatively similar services as those offered by Park Regis.

We also ask that fees be paid in $US at the exchange rate offered by TEFL International's local banking facilities.

In 2009 he accepted the amnesty offered by the Nigerian government and has since undergone training in non-violence.

The Fund will be financed from the cash contributions, of up to 110 million, offered by the religious congregations.

In open-ended explanations offered by the judges, they frequently said they were weighing these two opposing factors.

In 22% of cases offer to is used

He offered to help to her, but.

He offered to help but she refused.

Drinks are generally offered to guests.

If you are on a first date, and you don't offer to foot the bill, don't expect a second.

Animals are butchered and offered to the spirits believed to be the causes of ailments.

Orji Kalu, has offered to dialogue with Boko Haram on behalf of the Federal Government.

In early May, the Quebec government offered to phase in the tuition hike during a seven-year period, instead of five.

I like the idea of a journey, and refreshment and rest being offered to us on the way, through God's presence with us.

Its flesh instead of his flesh; its blood instead of his blood; its bones instead of his bones are all offered to You.

Its flesh instead of her flesh; its blood instead of her blood; its bones instead of her bones are all offered to You.

In 13% of cases offer in is used

Todd Gold Medal first offered in 1912.

Footwear is offered in a tremendous variety.

There was no free breakfast offered in those days.

TIGA believe these figures were due to the huge tax breaks offered in other countries.

Offering in addition to proper care on the subject of buckskin is reasonably primary.

Maps are only offered in high resolution to further improve their online mapping service.

A chunk of special hand soap is offered in the bathroom and a bottle of dish detergent is available in the kitchen.

The iPhone 5 offered in open market is considered to be shipped by the people who are traveling from USA to Pakistan.

One thing that isn't clear to me is the nature of favours owed, specifically what mortal mages are offering in trade.

This firm also enables the visitors to know about the services offered in the renowned hotels of South India with ease.

In 10% of cases offer for is used

One family room at Pilleiyan Rest was offered for Rs.

These Scriptures may not be sold or otherwise offered for sale.

However, to do this the entire property must be offered for sale.

This web site is offered for information only and is not claim-specific legal advice.

Some games you must pay to play and others are offered for free up to a certain level.

Be sure to inspect back typically to see what brand-new coupons are offered for your usage.

All us ushers were just amazed that the Carrot Top movie was the biggest thing Hollywood had to offer for that week.

Naturally I would be intrigued to know that there are other types of programs that can be offered for college credit.

There are hermes sac a briefcase also some that are offered for less because hermes so kelly black they are outdated.

In 6% of cases offer at is used

A repeat scoreline is offered at 17/2 (9.

Downloadable information is offered at Higgenbotham.

He very much enjoyed the simple lunch that is offered at Nilambe.

Cheaper: Online courses may be more affordable than those offered at colleges or trade schools.

You can often sell your car privately for more money than you would be offered at a dealership.

The main menu options are readily accessible between each game and are even offered at half time.

It may even be offered at a price attractive enough for the user to pay for out-of-pocket as a complementary device.

We hope you appreciate the value, service and experience we offer at Body Harmony and look forward to seeing you soon.

Sorghum prices in US seem to have increased slightly, but is still being offered at 95% of the corn value on FOB basis.

Secondly take a look at what existing seller has to offer at Buy it now price: Lowest price, Average Price, Highest Price.

In 5% of cases offer on is used

I think it should be offered on a no fee basis.

Some are actually offered on sale to attract more buyers.

Courses are offered on Chinese Language and Chinese Culture.

There are many games which are being offered on PS2, but this one is quite different.

Night game drives and bush dinners are offered on alternating nights at Kikoti Safari Camp.

So the special fares may only be offered on one or two trains per day on the selected routes.

Courses of lectures and seminars are offered on a very large range of topics, for both undergraduates and graduates.

This applies also to all products and services offered on the websites, including associated descriptions and prices.

Well, there are two types of disk storage offered on a Microsoft windows environment, which are Basic &; Dynamic Disks.

HI Andy -- BluRay is still in it's infancy as an AUDIO format, so for the surround options they had to offer on DVD as well.

In 3% of cases offer as is used

One of our twins can be offered as a family room for up to 4 people.

An FP package should be offered as part of a total MNCH package of services.

In order to make this offer as compelling as possible, emphasize exactly when it will expire.

Very few hot TLC's were left on the menu and are not offered as a choice on a regular basis.

Links from this blog to other websites or internet locations are offered as a convenience only.

English is offered as a first (L1) language only even to those who speak it as a second language.

It would be largely attributed to the fire offering as a layer protection for me against the predators, I hope.

Offer an answer to each question, and mention products you offer as a solution to the problem when it is appropriate.

And now that I have, I feel more confident about what I have to offer as a mother, friend, and future romantic partner.

When Blackout and All Clear were offered as a package, the bids went back and forth until one guy landed them for $100.

In 2% of cases offer through is used

It is initially offered through Android app s, with a version on iOs to follow.

I'd comfortable with the value I'd offering through this website, and I know it's worth the money.

Many courses offered through part-time studies have prerequisites that are listed in the course description.

Australia has much to offer through cooperation with other nations to support sustainable security in the region.

REVIEW PERFORMANCE Regularly look at how performance compares with other funds offered through your pension scheme.

Almost three years later and I have enough content from those columns to create gift books for the holidays that can be offered through my websites.

Economical information reports and on the net figure charts offer of assets are offered through binary options than through traditional options trading.

Payment for personal medical services is offered through a universal health care insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee.

In 2% of cases offer with is used

This lady has nothing to offer with just 5000 jobs.

This is an alternative that is not offered with tiles and adhesive.

You will need to offer with disease from each angles, not simply one.

It can be relatively traumatic to offer with the aftermath of a fire, to say the minimum.

Now I feel I have learned what my strengths are and how to focus what I have to offer with a brochure.

Rooms will be very huge and you will be offered with TV to watch the news, sports, music and so forth.

Soot, for illustration, can be enormously problematic to offer with as times pass by free of them being eradicated.

It is usually a milking buffalo which is offered with high quality green fodder and some supplemental grains on regular basis.

This is a huge chunk of pay suggested to be taken away from the players, and this will be counter offered with a much higher number than 46%.

Between the cheap food, gorgeous scenery, and crystal blue warm water, you can get everything the Caribbean has to offer with an even more exotic feel.

In 1% of cases offer during is used

This video gives only a brief taste of what the Two Ronnies had to offer during those years.

Food like roasted suckling pig, steamed chicken, fruit and wine are offered during the ceremony.

Why tempt fate? There are so many other treatments we can offer during summer that will have much more client satisfaction.

At the end of the first semester, final semester examinations are held only for course units offered during that semester.

I really want to understand why they were let to runaway free after all the lies and lack suport they offer during the investigation and.

It's as simple as that! Please Note Discounts can be offered during low season, up to $50 per person from April 1- May 30, as well select dates in November.

Though male therapists are not as common as female therapist, but they are highly professional and competent, and regarded very well of the strength they offer during massage.

The revelations of the intrusion attempts from China and Iran, however, would not be the only new, previously unreported bombshells Halderman offered during his Friday testimony.

In 1% of cases offer from is used

Offer from Kenanga and what ECM gives back to its shareholders.

Anything from 20 to 100 have been offered from several of you.

Magnificent views are offered from the lookout over the Irwin River.

Evidence was offered from traffic accident dispute resolution (Ramseyer, 1989).

We have outlined several day trips offered from our trusted local supplier ZanTours.

With a central program, all your heating demands are offered from one device, regardless of whether it is a boiler or a furnace.

I am sure you are all well aware of the free offerings made from Gap and the free gift certificates offered from Abercrombie and Fitch.

You can obtain information about the services and support offered from the International Social Service (ISS) website located under website links.

The massive number of people who arrived to protest in Vancouver, and the support offered from across Canada shows that many more Canadians agree with him.

Fabregas will not travel to Germany as talk of another measly offer from Barcelona abounds, while Nasri will take part despite the uncertainty over his future.

In 1% of cases offer under is used

This article is offered under Creative Commons license.

Following subject combinations will be offered under Physical and Biological Science streams (There should be a minimum number of 10 student enrollments to offer a combination).

Great customer service just like Digicel offered under your regime in Tonga? Someone like you should know better especially when you have come up from being a customer service person to GM.

Our wide range of packages are offered under the following themes: Fun and Games City Chic -- Stay at the heart of the action in downtown destinations such as Bangkok, Shanghai, Tokyo and more.

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