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Prepositions used with "contribution"

of, with, for, in or on contribution?

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In 50% of cases contribution of is used

Now to a different sort of contribution in a sense.

The type of class and rate of contribution you pay is determined by the nature of your work.

Every year, an actuary will have to determine the amount of contribution to the fund to achieve.

The second set of contributions will be posters designed to draw on the international scope of the Society.

Despite large number of contributions tape holds together as a coherent (incoherent, babbling) stream of data.

That fact in itself says a lot, but only scratches the surface of her level of contribution to the organisation.

Starting a project is free, but Kickstarter takes 5 percent of contributions if a project is funded, and Amazon.

Other forms of contribution are also possible -- depending on the professional background and interests of the scholar.

EPS withdrawal benefit Return of contribution on exit from the employment Year of service Proportion of wages at exit 1 1.

In this case, the amount of contribution will vary from year to year according to whether the ultimate benefit is achievable.

In 15% of cases contribution with is used

This compares with contribution rates of around 20pc in a final salary scheme.

Day Two promises to be special with contributions from diverse voices including.

But Sri Lanka also won with contributions from old and young as a new team took shape.

The industry is expected to grow by 15-20% annually, with contributions expected to reach USD7.

It's brought to you by lead writer Joe Palazzolo, with contributions from The Wall Street Journal staff.

Writes mostly on Premier League and A-League with contributions to other sites including TheFootballSack and InBedWithMaradona.

These lists were compiled a few years ago with contributions requested and received from many Queen's departments based on knowledge.

Aaron Bernstein at the Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard School of Public Health, was published with contributions from 100 leading scientists.

CBO was produced by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Secretariat of the CBD and ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability ), with contributions by more than 120 experts worldwide.

Refined over many years with contributions from other physicists, the concept is that the universe is permeated by a field, now called the Higgs Field, carried by specific particles -- Higgs Bosons.

In 8% of cases contribution for is used

Acknowledged for contributions in popular books by Doug Comer, John S.

The Chamber has been calling to local businesses in the main shopping areas of Bray asking for contributions.

Another fact that for contribution deducted from Feb month salary/remuneration, which has to be deposited in March, on that contribution no interest is being calculated.

The additional provision is for the payment of salary adjustments and bonus in line with the Federal Government decision; and for contribution to Development Fund Account.

Tax deductions are allowed only for contributions to a tier-I NPS account with a minimum annual investment of Rs 6,000 without any premature withdrawals until the age of 60.

When a person insured by a contract of marine insurance has a demand against others for contribution, he may claim the whole loss from the insurer, subrogating him to his own right to contribution.

In 6% of cases contribution in is used

That is unless they get those millions in contributions.

If you go through their financials, you see they received a little less than $8M in government grants out of $42M in contributions, grants, etc.

In 5% of cases contribution on is used

I have had time to reflect on contributions from members opposite to this particular bill and this debate.

In 5% of cases contribution to is used

When a person insured by a contract of marine insurance has a demand against others for contribution, he may claim the whole loss from the insurer, subrogating him to his own right to contribution.

In 3% of cases contribution by is used

It is lovingly nurtured by the Latin American left and refreshed from time to time by contributions to the literature and Mr.

Of course it takes money to run the arXiv and that money is at the moment paid by contributions from universities that use it extensively.

In 3% of cases contribution through is used

And again, the relatives and friends have to pay through contributions.

Undoubtedly the needs of the soul or spirit are met through contribution and growth.

In 2% of cases contribution about is used

But inclusive growth is about contribution, not just distribution.

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