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Prepositions used with "transition"

"of transition", "in transition" or "to transition"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 37% of cases transition of is used

Latin America is in a period of transition.

Content of Transition At Stage 4, choice is personal and subjective.

We are about to meet singularity head on, this is time of transition.

When a group is withdrawn from a regular classroom issues of transition are very important.

Reluctantly referring to the cliche, this is very much a period of transition at Tottenham.

For the purpose of transition, the minimum interest the SMRA would earn was 4% for two years ending 31 December 2009.

The years that followed are a period of transition and re-arming, to make way for an era even greater than the Invincibles.

Mr McRae was one of a group of pilots who gained their licences in a period of transition between different licensing regimes.

It took three years of transition, where the euro was only used as electric money, until actual euro notes and coins were used.

In 27% of cases transition in is used

We are showing In Transition 2.

Our top 7 are actually in transition.

Cue headlines of ' Chelsea in transition '.

He has a good spin move in traffic but he is at his best in transition and in the open court.

The publishing industry is in transition, resources are scarce, and health budgets have been cut.

It still holds up after 33 years and, as Neil Simon in transition, is an assured theatrical treat.

And you continue to wave it away by suggesting that we're in transition, that things will change for the better etc.

Service Models in Transition Transitioning IT from a cost center to a value center will be challenging for many corporations.

I am a marketing professional who's currently in transition and over the past year, I've gotten my feet wet using social media tools.

It can be for individuals in transition, for those needing help with the job search or for people dissatisfied with their current role.

In 20% of cases transition to is used

We do need to transition to higher savings.

I had two additional years on active duty where I took my time and prepared myself to transition.

JEMillerEP said: Willem, Agreed, to transition from coal to natural gas and nuclear will be very expensive.

I know people who have no desire to transition sometimes crossdress, so I don't know if that means anything.

It's taken a while to transition the work which has fortunately given me time to plan and prepare for my exit.

But this time, writers have to have a pivot point to transition where they're leading to, and have a concluding remark.

They provide an essential bridge between the three behind the striker, and help to transition play between defence and attack.

Having realized her situation so young will make it easily to transition safely and with less chance of being outed later in life.

The cooperative movement in Ethiopia emerged in 1950s, during an effort to transition from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture.

It would seem that we could manage to transition smoothly enough to a green-energy/fossil mix just using the fuel sources currently in operation.

In 4% of cases transition for is used

As a result an interest in development leads one to a concern for transitions.

FASTA can also be used for DNA sequence comparisons, and matrices can be constructed that allow separate penalties for transitions and transversions.

Tips for Transition -- Suggestions for Post-Primary Schools Organise meetings and open days for parents, students and the staff of the feeder schools.

Beale wrote there that he was worried for the fate of smaller companies who were just recovering from the crisis, arguing that the time chosen for transition was not perfect.

In 2% of cases transition from is used

Here is the June roundup direct from Transition US.

Naresh Giangrande from Transition Network recently visited Switzerland and Sweden and gave talks in both.

In 2% of cases transition into is used

Cian, who swims with Splashword Sharks, was confident in the water and put himself into a strong position early in the race by being the 4th person out of the swim and into transition 1.

In 2% of cases transition on is used

Many Education Centres, in collaboration with SESS, schedule an after school seminar on Transition from Primary to Post-Primary for Pupils with Special Educational Needs.

In 2% of cases transition through is used

The effort was futile, as the leaders all came through transition together.

In 2% of cases transition with is used

Unite your topics and your speech with transition words.

Dealing with transition to recovery The transition to recovery from addiction is a complex process, where priorities and needs significantly change throughout.

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