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Prepositions used with "reader"

of, to, For, from or by reader?

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In 31% of cases reader of is used

Our diverse audience of readers.

He has thousands of readers every month.

Dainik destiny has huge number of readers.

Further, the number of readers in rural India is now roughly equal to that in urban India.

Let's look at these three types of readers and how skimmable content is good for them each.

And if you remember, I asked the handful of readers here to drop in their questions as well.

We have hundreds of readers who had no experience and who built their first PC with the help of Hardware Revolution.

Marcela I recently visited your site, thanks to an article I found in the February issue of Reader's Digest Magazine.

One of reader has graciously sent this stunning and eye-opening story from the small town of Wah Cantt in North Punjab.

So join us for some sweets and fun as we introduce a whole new generation of readers to this timeless classic! Read more.

In 21% of cases reader to is used

Note to readers: This is a corrected version.

At least when it comes to reader comments on the website.

To readers who think Dave must be a loser, earning only $2.

But let's end on a note that will be of interest to readers of a hi-fi-oriented site.

It is a wake-up call to readers and publishers to practice more fairness in publishing.

But depending on your objective, what is objective to you may not be objective to readers.

The advantage is anyone can write and upload them easily, making it available to readers without pushing or thrusting them.

Note to readers The historical revision to the Canadian National Accounts is scheduled for release beginning in October 2012.

Nevertheless, to readers the paper is endorsing the sentiments - whatever it publishes it surely must believe is suitable fare.

In 17% of cases reader For is used

Note: this is for reader's reviews only.

As Matt Cutts and others say, write for readers not for the engines.

But fair or not, balanced or not is not for you to say but for readers to judge.

Essentially, it enhances the page for readers and doesn't get in the way of non-readers.

Web writing You might not think that the Internet is a market for readers, but you'd be wrong.

You could also announce any new changes you plan to make on the blog and ask for reader feedback.

Engage: A well-written blog with frequent updates having some intrinsic value for readers is the best way to engage.

For readers, what matters is the way in which a given letter has bearing on the work, or what kind of bearing it has.

Pardon me, I have this habit of trying to present the necessary context on which I talk, just for reader clarification.

By its very nature, this section is not in any way scientific; however, I hope it provides interesting insights for readers.

In 10% of cases reader from is used

We often get mail from readers.

Robert Wallace welcomes questions from readers.

Much of this came from reader's ideas and insight.

The best promotion is still word-of-mouth advertising from readers who love your book.

I offer these comments in response to some peculiar emails from readers after Saturday's update post.

We'd be interested in an article from readers from Ireland or Britain or comments by any international readers.

Surprisingly, I've also received quite a few letter from readers who had quite a bit to say on the pilot project.

Finally, when you finish your article, you can try to get response from reader by asking question at the end of your article.

Questions characteristically elicit propositional responses from readers and listeners, and those responses bear the values of truth or falsity.

Comments Disclaimer: Comments left on articles in The Enquirer are contributions from readers and do not reflect the views of the editorial team.

In 7% of cases reader by is used

In addition, I gave them a weekly column to address concerns raised by readers.

It is consistently given four or five star reviews by readers and the sales continue.

It is mostly used by readers, authors, Wiki administrators, and system administrators.

I felt betrayed by readers who bought used books, or who didn't buy books by writers of color at all.

Most of their blogs that carried the story of the President's death saw sharp rises in the number of comments left by readers on their blog.

Amazon has excellent lists by readers on any subject -- pick a list which caters to your interests, read a lot of reviews, and order a few books.

Your say -- The Telegraph on Sunday This week, the Telegraph publishes tips, recommendations and advice written submitted by readers about Provence.

Pete This week's Hot Topic The discussion point for this weekend's Inbox was suggested by reader iSickle, who asks what your dream video game movie would be.

Footer information IMPORTANT NOTE This website gives information of a general nature and is not intended to be relied on by readers as advice in any particular matter.

In 7% of cases reader with is used

And I have another reason: (v) Connecting with readers.

It is, sadly, that much poetry doesn't connect with readers.

Connecting with readers in a timely manner where they, when they are.

The blog is an interactive exploration of trends and ideas with readers and experts.

One amusing news I wish to share with readers here though it is not relevant to the topic.

You will gain credibility with readers if your writing is visually and factually appealing.

This is a fantastic method for sharing very targeted knowledge with readers and give them something to come back for.

Even though we're in the communication business, we sometimes forget to communicate with readers when we're having difficulty.

Other people will relate to your hopes and fears -- the key is to find your own voice, and your own way of communicating with readers.

I came across one of his articles which I would like to share with readers because his insightful perspective merits as much airing as possible.

In 3% of cases reader in is used

I recall reading the term in Readers Digest a few years ago in a doctor's surgery.

According to one blogger, he was surprised at the massive rise in reader comments on his blog.

And on top of that, there are the affirmative-action lawsuits upcoming (as reported in Reader Tips the other.

You can also zoom, send the article using Mail, and print from the heads-up display that appears in Reader when you hover over the bottom of an article.

In Reader, you can easily read a book in electronic format, though the books themselves need to be loaded only from the two pre-defined sites, where they can be in English only.

In 2% of cases reader on is used

No comments: Post a Comment A Message From Scriptonite This blog is brought to you without ads or sponsorship and relies on reader contributions to continue.

Over the years I've tweaked the list, rearranging it slightly and adding new entries based on reader feedback and ongoing research, but my top choices have remained pretty much the same.

In 1% of cases reader as is used

He also wrote for numerous other publications such as Reader's Digest.

In 1% of cases reader between is used

It strengthens that all important bond between reader and character.

Many newspapers are hiring a mediator or ethics and professional watchdog who also arbitrates in case of a disagreement between readers and editors.

And so the publishers were caught between readers who for three decades had been trained to expect ever-longer books, and a bookseller-imposed guillotine on prices.

We quickly approach an era when no one who really doesn't want to pay for a book will have to, and when the digital availability of the text alters the relationship between reader, writer, and book.

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