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Prepositions used with "text"

"of text", "to text" or "in text"?

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In Top 1000 words
In 45% of cases text of is used

A block of text is a stack of line boxes.

Each text page has 16 to 18 lines of text.

You get to put a small amount of text in your ad.

Mystical and mathematical decoding of texts, especially religious texts is nothing new.

The minimum embedding level of text is zero, and the maximum embedding level is level 61.

Various initiatives are emerging for the creation of text repositories, including the many legal and technical issues.

With most of the website I am attempting to have alt-text available for all graphics that have any type of text content.

The Unicode BIDI algorithm UNICODE UAX #9 defines a complex algorithm for determining the proper directionality of text.

They are just assumed to be paragraphs of text, and when converted to HTML, they will be wrapped with


In 12% of cases text to is used

Change Files of Type: to Text (*.

Give some weight value to texts over another.

Shortness of breath is not BACK TO TEXT Padula et al.

BACK TO TEXT Not always right where the pain was, but usually close -- within an inch or two.

There are more discrepancies from text to text in the New Testament than there are words in the New Testament.

I couldn't think of what spooked the deer, so I decided to text Joe and give him a heads up he may have company.

The problem is, the further along in the process the more stressed you get, the more you are likely to text them at 9pm.

To meet the challenges, it is important to keep as much of the data within the articles easily accessible to text miners.

Dreamweaver CS3 still has includes the automatic creation of CSS styles whenever the user applies font attributes to text.

In 11% of cases text in is used

Few questions which are not explained in text.

Files such as our History Reports are in text (.

Mathematical formulae can occur either embedded in text or else displayed between lines of text.

Foster dwells both in text and beyond the goal line, his end zone namaste a physical incarnation.

Basically, the stuff in text is sort -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A stranger.

Common Font Properties This set of properties controls the font selection on all formatting objects that can contain text.

That is, a reference is only recognized if it is properly terminated by a semicolon; otherwise it is treated as plain text.

LaTeX also allows you to use (and) to mark the beginning and the end respectively of a mathematical formula embedded in text.

Profile pages are also being expanded so individuals and companies can showcase more information about themselves in text, photos and video.

In 7% of cases text for is used

After all, people pay money for text messaging.

As for texts, let people believe what they want.

For text mode uses virtual QWERTY-keyboard format.

An important short-term application for text mining is automatic indexing of publications.

I've read that you cre-ated the theme for text but I would love to keep the 2 columns going.

For example, a glyph-area's glyph drawing comes beneath the marks generated for text-decoration.

For text without Pinyin, they would not be able to recognize the characters even though they may have learnt them by Pinyin.

Clearly, for text books that have to stay open on a desk, while the reader/user is busy at a keyboard, such a technique is useful.

Making text mining more relevant to content providers and end users will require a change in focus - a new paradigm for text mining.

While most universities have access to full text in the form of HTML and PDF files, these are less than optimal for text processing.

In 6% of cases text by is used

Taxes are raised by text messages.

Whether by text or phone, ask him out.

It says he voted by text -- you can't even vote by text.

They're arriving by text, twitter and emails in equal measure.

We are surrounded by text messages, e-mail, instant messaging.

Only 18 per cent of them said they had been dumped by text message.

The survey also asked if any of the respondents had ever been dumped by text message.

What really scared the government, however, was how viewers chose the winner by text message.

Starsky says ' Hutch will want to know about this ' and proceeds to inform him by text message.

Producing the data is not enough; good user interfaces are necessary for biologists to use the results produced by text mining.

In 6% of cases text with is used

Have practical knowledge of procedures for dealing with text bullying.

This is consistent with text and original meaning as well as precedent.

They had a mutual relationship, with texts, e-mails going in both directions, ' the lawyer said.

When you send ecards from Katies Cards you get the option to personalise them with text of your own.

Card View perfectly frames notes containing images, while also giving you a preview of notes with text.

Though with text, there is little you can do to prevent it from being copied, you can carefully track it.

Some people might put color with text properties and others might put line-height or white-space with layout.

Hence, the following rule? do not use pages with text larger than 100 KB if you want them to be indexed completely.

Mechanically or electronically reproduced images can be in many places simultaneously and can be combined or put with text.

It creates an uber cool slideshow with text snippets laying on top of images, in a variety of templates and combined effects.

In 4% of cases text from is used

This add-in gives SolidWorks the ability to import point coordinate data from text Point files.

This plug-in gives AutoCAD powered applications the ability to import point data from text files.

This plug-in gives IntelliCAD powered applications the ability to import point data from text files.

Online entries -- from text to video -- explore the latest news events and how they are shaping our world.

There are more discrepancies from text to text in the New Testament than there are words in the New Testament.

Integration will also require stable standards for exchange and integration of information derived from text mining.

The current debate 3, 4 thus far suggests that, for recovery of facts from texts, we are dealing with an either/or dilemma.

The current debate 3, 4 thus far suggests that, for recovery of facts from texts, we are dealing with an either/or dilemma.

This is not necessarily restricted to new articles, but can be used for each authors ' legacy publications as well, with the aim being to go ' from texts to facts '.

In 3% of cases text as is used

Also known as text messaging and texting.

These include graphics and images as well as text.

You can embed audio, video and pictures as well as text.

Transistions between pictures can be added as well as text and special effects.

You could use a Label to label another component (such as text field) or provide a text description.

Diagrams explicitly preserve information about geometry and topology, whereas text is only serial in nature.

Such types of information can easily be searched through and are easy to access, but converting physical records into digital contents such as text or MS Word can be tedious for you.

The lessons are designed to be integrated into the Social, Personal and Health Education Programme and deal with issues such as text bullying, cyberbullying and personal safety online.

In 3% of cases text on is used

Systems based on text mining that refer back to sentences in the original, such as iHOP, can be linked into this environment.

Her current research focuses on text mining for the biomedical domain, bioinformatics, and capture of metadata for genomics and metagenomics.

Customers can use these tools to focus on local areas, even neighborhoods; customize the visual style; and layer on text, real-time data, and live video reports from the field.

His current research focuses on text mining, integration of literature into the infrastructure of biomedical data resources, and the use of ontological resources for knowledge discovery.

Just say it out loud somet like (Hey I have known you for a while and I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me) Girls like brave boys DO NOT ask her out on text or email Or drop hints.

In 3% of cases text via is used

So after bidding my farewells via text, I turned out the lights, shaken but not afraid.

You don't deserve to go back and forth in these long exchanges via text messages or via Facebook.

On one occasion, reports surged in via text message about a disease affecting chickens in the area.

The defender was dropped via text message despite assurances that he will be part of the team for the 2012 season.

With preset numbers you can easily program via text, the GPS tracker holder can call out at the touch of a button.

I found out that he was going to move to Easton, PA and he have a new girlfriend via text message about a month and half before I gave birth.

Telling of how things are now between the Robert and Kristen, the source claims that the two have not spoken and only communicated via text message.

What I am debating is whether once the message has been devised (through iterative writing and reading ), delivering that concise message need always be done via text to be read.

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