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Prepositions used with "payment"

"of payment" or "for payment"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 48% of cases payment of is used

Offer extended terms of payment.

Methods of Payment under Letters of Credit.

The council received 60 per cent of payments.

Regular failure to attend on the appointed signing day may result in loss of payment.

Order of payment of certain fees paid by complainant in non-cognizable cases 523 546A.

Countrywide/BOA took a year worth of payments from me (I have all the receipts also).

If it's a bona fide payment, you can do a lot about it through PayPal if you've made any sort of payment to anyone.

Currently a number of mortgage finance companies accept post dated cheques from their customers as a form of payment.

Drafts have been, in the case of payment for online media license is not required to submit the information ministry.

We will revert to a situation similar to the 70? s and 80? s where cash was the primary means of payment to avoid VAT.

In 20% of cases payment for is used

Please refer to Annex 5 for payment instructions.

Sometimes cases are withdrawn for payment of cash.

There are different case procedures for payments under I.

A computer firm has sued Swaggart for payment of more than $80,000 in software and services.

The only usual withdrawals were for payments to the care home and a small amount of shopping.

A clause providing for payment of a greater sum, on failure to pay a certain sum is a penalty.

When she asked for payment, Thomas told her Altera had used her commissions to cover operating expenses, the lawsuit said.

It is common for fraudsters to ask for contact via another email address and ask for payment for goods by non-traceable means.

The Facilitator should complete and sign form ESSF1 with client and course attendance details and forward to SFSS for payment.

In 7% of cases payment on is used

See more information on payments.

My ex has been delinquent on payments since 2005.

In January 1693 the French received a farman on payment of Rs.

D Duck, M Mouse or A N Other will no longer appear as signatures on payment receipts.

Speed on payment is murder on rubber tracks so we just keep our speed way down when moving.

They are free to sell goods in the domestic tariff area (DTA) on payment of applicable duties.

Re-export under entrepot trade is permitted only on payment terms of advanced payment, DP and letters of credit terms.

A moratorium on payment of the debt and an audit which will make it possible to denounce and abolish the illegitimate debt.

Qaza salat of a dead person can be offered by someone else on his behalf either on payment basis (ijara) or without payment.

In 6% of cases payment in is used

The main payment instruments are cash, paper (e.

You request a modification or start to fall behind in payments.

That would mark a turning point in payment method, much like credit and debit cards did so many years ago.

Both lessees were several months ' behind in payments and would not return calls or come in for meetings.

If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment.

Usually the change in payments is directly proportional to the percent change in the CPI index between two specified time periods.

If you have lots of margin in your finances and could tolerate this rise in payments, then a variable rate mortgage may be your best choice.

This provision applies to all BTEA relevant Social Welfare payments where there is an increase in respect of a Qualified Adult Dependent in payment.

The most preferred reason is in payment of high interest credit card debts, however the borrower can also consolidate medical bills and payday loans.

Dexter, a blacksmith at The-Head-of- The-Pond, did iron work for a farmer and received in payment two fat goats, two bushels of rye, corn and pine timber.

In 5% of cases payment down is used

Determine a down payment price that is comfortable with you.

The owner used a $201,974 first mortgage and a $ 5,036 down payment.

FHA-insured loans are available to borrowers who make down payments as low as 3.

My husband and I had about $15k worth of collectibles we were planning to sell for our down payment.

Jeffery Stambovsky agreed to buy the house for $650,000 making an immediate down payment of $32,500.

Avail of your car's trade-in value plus cash to pay for the 20% down payment that's normally required.

What happens when the market is sh-t? 2) A person who buys a $500,000 house with only 3 % down payment ($15,000).

Not only do they want the best ring, the wedding payment is sometimes more than their actual down payment on a house.

If you hold your mortgage in your RRSP however, you must purchase CMHC insurance even if your down payment is 20% or higher.

The Canadian government's Home Buyers ' Plan allows you to borrow from your RRSP up to $25,000 for a down payment, tax-free.

In 5% of cases payment to is used

Click the ' Continue to payment options ' button.

Select SUBMIT when you wish to proceed to payment.

Late deposits will be subject to payment of fine at rates given in paragraph 43 ibid.

Click on the ' Continue to payment summary ' button located at the bottom of the page.

As you probably know, the entire most recent issue of Health Affairs (September, 2012) is devoted to payment reform.

Cost me 1500 at dealer and Peugeot would not contribute to payment as car was just out of warranty with 60K on the clock.

In 3% of cases payment with is used

He used to take about a year to come up with payment.

If there are any problems with payment there may be a delay processing your order.

And so we have significant contracts in place and we have experienced with payment cycles.

Regulation 12 deals with investment of the fund where as regulation 13 deals with payment out of the fund.

In cases where students anticipate difficulties with payment, all possible information and guidance on sources of financial support will be offered.

Regulation 34 which also falls within chapter V deals with payment of pension/ family pension in respect of employees who retired or died between 1.

Once you have successfully secured a car loan, you can continue to improve your credit score by keeping up with payments and paying bills in full, on time.

Customer credit card information is used only in connection with payments, and is neither stored nor processed -- if it is gathered at all -- for other purposes.

In 2% of cases payment upon is used

If you pay with cash or the landlord has a bad reputation it is a good idea to demand a receipt upon payment.

But those motorcycles impounded, were they eventually released upon payment of certain amount of money? This placed us in a dilemma.

Typically, in a residential agreement for a two year term the tenant can terminate after 12-16 months by giving two or three months notice and sometimes upon payment of a penalty.

In 2% of cases payment without is used

They worked for their masters without payment of any kind.

Qaza salat of a dead person can be offered by someone else on his behalf either on payment basis (ijara) or without payment.

PROBLEM: - If the mother is unwilling to nourish the child without payment and the father is in a position to oblige her, then he should do so.

In 1% of cases payment including is used

It is expected that a number of key factors including payment security, evacuation and grid availability among others will.

You become an officially registered student of CASE only after completing the required steps in the registration process, including payment of fees.

On receipt of same the relevant Social Welfare Office makes the necessary payment arrangements, including payment of the Cost of Education Allowance.

The Authorised Dealer who has allowed the remittance shall be responsible for compliance with the above requirements including payment of penalty and interest.

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