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Prepositions used with "hardware"

of, in, on, for or with hardware?

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In 49% of cases hardware of is used

Keyboard: A piece of hardware connected.

That's a logical limitation, not of hardware.

Don't ever dream of hardware implementations then.

The new iPhone 5 is a lovely bit of hardware, but the app centric view feels old to me.

Each icon serves a different purpose, but each controls a piece of hardware or software.

Not only the iPhone 5, but your previous versions of hardware also now ready to be upgraded with iOS6.

We have hundreds of readers who had no experience and who built their first PC with the help of Hardware Revolution.

They are intended for different kinds of hardware and Microsoft marketing has not explained the difference very well.

For the purposes of this chapter, a platform can be considered to be a combination of hardware and operating system 6.

It would certainly take a lot for them to replicate Apple's business of hardware sales supported by software eco-system.

In 12% of cases hardware in is used

Yes, I do understand in hardware compatibility issue.

The charm of Lion Lake lies both in hardware and software.

It just happens that the GPU implements OpenGL ES and all it's shading magic in hardware.

Microsoft's booster Gavin Clarke does some PR for Microsoft's last attempt to seem legitimate as a player in hardware.

This study identified modern trends in hardware, material, and construction practices utilized in recent LEO missions.

I cleaned up most everything, only to find that the keyboard had a Code 41 (could no longer be found in hardware) in Device Manager.

Mobile One of the few bright spots in hardware sales this year was netbooks, as business users increasingly took to the road and the home.

These technologies compete not only for sustaining, but also increasing their market share through constant updates in hardware and software.

The recent acceleration in hardware encoding and decoding solutions is partially driven by the large data processing requirements of high-definition H.

A system described in language can be implemented in hardware allowing the use of FPGA in the field of your system, taking advantage of the code change at any time 7.

In 9% of cases hardware on is used

Yet, I always stress on hardware fundamental.

No worries, there are no stupid questions here on Hardware Revolution.

In the world of PCs, Microsoft always has been software, while the likes of Dell and HP focus on hardware.

Without that crucial content ecosystem to go with it in the UK, the Fire would be left trying to compete with the Nexus 7 on hardware specs and price alone -- and it can't win that battle either.

In 8% of cases hardware for is used

For hardware resale, the value in VAR seems to go the vendor and the VAR itself.

So what I want to add for hardware is a m-itx motherboard for Trinity, socket FM2.

Nokia retains its reputation for hardware quality and WP's interface, in certain ways, is slicker and more sophisticated than my Android 2.

Where we feel the need to take odds is with his comment about the need for hardware companies to become software companies to stay relevant.

These include requiring creators to provide information about their background and experience, a manufacturing plan (for hardware projects ), and a functional prototype.

It's not going to have an immediate impact on X acceleration, though as I say does make it possible to provide the necessary Wayland EGL support for hardware compositing.

In turn, they fast became the only viable option for hardware manufacturers looking to give their customers lighting fast data transfer speeds coupled with fantastic processing power.

In 6% of cases hardware with is used

No major backing with hardware manufacturers.

Populate your library with hardware templates, VHD's and machine templates.

Google's Internet-connected TV, Google TV, has struggled to sign on programming partners and rumbled with hardware makers, and has not caught on widely with TV viewers.

The Advertising For XPM doesnot mention the limitations of HARDWARE functionality and a some HOME business software directly interfaces with Hardware to do what it is intended to do.

In 3% of cases hardware about is used

We talk about hardware, circuit, programming, applications and news.

That's more than enough time for IT departments to make decisions about hardware platforms for end user devices.

Click on a section to jump to it: About Hardware Revolution? s High-End Gaming Computers: Extreme Performance and Reliability! 1.

Read their advice about about hardware options and software options Blind Cool Tech Blind Cool Tech is a podcast that brings some fun, education, and variety into your mp3 player.

In 3% of cases hardware by is used

To my mind, internet evolution is now being driven by hardware capacity for personalization and mobility and the API is a key to that growth.

This underlying allocation strategy, and its characteristics, can vary from one operating systems platform to another, and this level is the most likely to be affected by hardware considerations.

In 3% of cases hardware from is used

You can purchase these types of from hardware stores and drug stores.

Hardly any house burns it in it's original state anymore although you can buy the manufactured briqettes from hardware stores.

Amazon can still price below cost, of course, but under the new arrangements it can't expect to make up the resulting losses from hardware sales.

In 3% of cases hardware into is used

Developers can combine filters and animate changes between them, while tapping into hardware acceleration for fast, smooth rendering.

Software and web stuff are better at handling that because they have low overall costs, but if you're into hardware domains, the fixed costs can be a problem.

In 3% of cases hardware to is used

But the rivalry in this emerging platform is not confined to hardware.

Should any damage to hardware and/or software, or to other data contents, occur due to the use of the websites austria.

Essentially, this allows your hosts to offload certain virtual machine and storage management functions to hardware that supports VAAI.

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