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Prepositions used with "management"

of, in, for, to or by management?

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In Top 1000 words
In 49% of cases management of is used

Ease of Management Since an 802.

But there was a failure of management.

Which style of management refers to this? 3.

He joined the BBC's Board of Management in 1996 as Director, Regional Broadcasting.

However delivering leadership instead of management can be an issue in today's teams.

My own theory of why this is happening: It is an ego stroke on the part of management.

I think the contribution of management to the success of supertanker companies like Microsoft, is way overrated.

STABILITY OF TENURE OF PERSONNEL: Retaining productive employees should always be a high priority of management.

Strategic management is a strong candidate for the framework of management and it is widely used in Finnish HEIs.

Brand management activity covers sublimated style of management, realizing the social responsibility of business.

In 15% of cases management in is used

I am pursuing a double major in Management and Economics.

The Combined Jewish Philanthropies assists in management issues.

The TSC will support the NCA in management and dispute resolution.

I was able to seamlessly transfer all of these into my new career in management consulting.

The case studies are brilliant and it will be really useful for student in Management field.

Procrastination and inconsistency in management are common and this lowers long-term returns.

She updates her knowledge on the theories in management and leadership in order to become effective in her new role.

He is a Chartered Management Accountant and has a Masters Degree in Management and Business (University of Warwick).

Some 40 per cent of Irish Americans are either professionals or work in management, and 72 per cent are home owners.

His departure from Virgin soon after was inevitable due to changes in management leading further to shifts in focus.

In 8% of cases management for is used

For management occupations, the first two digits also convey meaning.

Creating one national standard for management systems is not integration.

Generate timely and accurate reports needed for management planning and decision making.

Here, Rolf Wstenhagen, Chair for Management of Renewable Energies at the University of St.

It has its own staff and an Executive Vice-President for management and day-to-day functions.

Some changes, such as the movement of native species, may require monitoring and new solutions for management.

It is vitally important for management decision-making, as it provides accurate and efficient data management.

The essential data for management are no longer acquired arduously from separate basic data sources or personal files.

The entire island however is considered to be one watershed, but for management purposes is divided into smaller units.

If it does (the ISP does this for management reasons) then you might glean a little more information about the location.

In 8% of cases management to is used

The commander appealed to management of.

The new portal is open to management and personnel of the HEI.

He is an investor in the firm, and acts as advisor to management.

Impression management training is provided to management students in grooming classes.

I ended up progressing to management so I'd not selling directly, and life is much better.

Shekhar Sanyal answers, Hi Nilesh, Looks like you want to make a switch to management domain.

The reasons for resignation is as follows: 1 Concerns were raised to management, but were never taken seriously.

John Oladapo Obafunwa, this development is due to management's efforts towards restructuring students ' unionism in the school.

Several training courses are run here which cover everything from boat work and small arms, to management and leadership skills.

In 5% of cases management by is used

Look for red flags and make sure they are addressed by management.

He was voted Most Admired CEO by Management Today from 1999 -- 2002.

They include quite proper checks by management that pilots are indeed fatigued.

Some get caught and fired by management that used to do it themselves 5 years ago.

Infocom games required personal passion, and that can't be manufactured or produced by management fiat.

If the project decisions are supported by management, they are more likely to benefit the whole organization.

In addition, employees have numerous safety concerns and are frequently treated disrespectfully by management higher ups.

Decision-making that affects the organization as a whole, or departments within organizations, is undertaken by management.

Wildlife advocates scrambled to find a sanctuary for the animal, but time ran out: in August, the bear was shot and killed by management.

It is well grounded in industrial economics and has benefited in its development from a multiplicity of contributions by management writers.

In 4% of cases management under is used

Trust sector assets under management have risen from 4.

The fund's average assets under management (AUM) stood at Rs 507.

The assets under management of OMAM's affiliated investment firms were $216.

Australian Securities Exchange figures show that funds under management in ETFs increased to $6.

It's the Carlyle Groups, Apollo, Texas Pacific Group, KKR; firms that have a 160 billion dollars under management.

Funds under management As a full financial services provider, the Group also offers investment products and superannuation.

Current global Islamic banking assets and assets under management have reached USD750 billion and is expected to hit USD1 trillion by 2010.

Global Islamic banking assets under management are currently estimated at just over $1 trillion and are expected to reach $4 trillion by 2020.

The telephone system in the city remained under management of Private Company till 1941 when all the shares of the Private company were purchased by a Public Enterprise.

Blackstone is one of the largest private equity funds, with about $24 billion under management in alternative assets including hedge, buyout and real estate investments.

In 4% of cases management with is used

Corvex pushes for that catalyst by engaging with management.

It also scores points with management and potential employers.

With management and oversight on additional Data center build outs in Egypt and India.

In the last 6 months I've frequently had to discuss performance measures with Management Teams.

In the end it takes human interaction coupled with management systems to unleash employee motivation.

All nodes are color coded and it is good for you to learn the code as it assists with management of the tree.

Pippa graduated in Zoology from Oxford University following which she spent nine years with management consultants, Bain &; Company.

It helps with management -- you can easily relay which Wild Dog you're talking about when relocating animals or managing dispersals.

I would not suggest just working to rule, as that would probably make you unpopular with management and would reduce chances of advancement.

It is not unreasonable to think that the Ross Sea could experience the same problems as a result of commercial activity, even with management.

In 3% of cases management into is used

You sound like someone who might want to go into management at some point.

In the long term it will be useless for promotion into senior jobs or into management.

The Spaniard declined, but Chelsea remain the bookies ' favourites to tempt Guardiola back into management.

In 1982, he went into management originally managing Marillion and then Howard Jones and later still The Fat Lady Sings.

The capitalist was clearly identifiable as a single individual and apart from foreman there was no path into management.

We also have administration staff that have been promoted into management roles to support the operations of the business.

I also think there needs to be decisions made about ex-dopers moving into management, as this is a much more influential position.

There are lots of employees at Microsoft that never liked that means of doing business, and as you can guess, most of us never made it into management.

So many developers my age have had plenty of chances to ditch coding and move into management, but we've stuck with coding because it's what we love to do.

In 2% of cases management from is used

If the Jays do not win the bidding for Darvish, I think we're due an apology from management.

If the HCPs are deviant from the normb overall, then under pressure from management the HCPs have to assess with that in mind.

It is because of this that you need to start treating everyone in your office, from management to the janitor, with more dignity and respect.

The second gap results from management's inability to formulate target levels of service quality to meet perceptions of customer expectations.

Ministers are determined that front line services should be protected and the savings needed can be found from management costs and efficiencies.

In 2% of cases management on is used

The presentations illustrated the dangers of using the wrong metrics on management's dashboard.

In one village women have gone on management course with more and in the other village women may be illiterate.

We MUST give them that opportunity, even when it makes it more difficult on management to carry out the required investigation.

They pride themselves as a group of Recruiters and Talent Sourcers who focus on Management, Professional, and Executive Search recruitment.

You can use the dissertation component to concentrate in-depth on management topics according to your own individual interests and career requirements.

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